There was an ana analogy which I heard today that compared the lowering of the speed limit on US highways from 70 to 55 mph. Doing so saved a surprising amount of lives.
So if we assume that statistic is relevant and accuate parallel to this somewhat recent high-tech assault rifle proliferation issue: why is it so hard for some people to understand that it would save a few lives if you have a ban on guns who now can spray a maximum amount of bullets/per minute, that it's worthwhile?
Statistics are showing there's a correlation between the increase in sales of such guns as this Bushmaster model and such tragedies. Coincidence? I, for one, think not!
Lower the speed limit, in a manner of speaking with availability of such guns unless you have a need as a police force, bank security, or a military need.
These multi-shot capacity guns (and the banana clip ammo) are not needed for hunters, target shooters or varmint killers and are basically designed for max people kills ...eee Brinks security...military security ONLY.