Another major school shooting today ... Newtown, Conn

Fri 21 Dec, 2012 12:20 pm
@Region Philbis,

The democrats have blood on their hands and you want the feds to raid my house?

What moronic logic you must have to come up with the illegal action you wish for.
Fri 21 Dec, 2012 12:20 pm
So... Bill needs a gun because he fears the government
And he believes his political power comes from a gun just like Mao.

You might want to reconsider your quotes Bill.
Fri 21 Dec, 2012 12:21 pm
The overwhelming portion of Americans do not agree with selling assault rifles as easily as they are today. When are we going to stop these few nuts from making our laws?

Will there be a 'National Nuclear Weapons' association some day? Proposing that everyone needs one of those?

For the one hundred and one time how in the hell are rifles label assault rifles anymore deadly then similar rifles without that label????!!!!!?????
Fri 21 Dec, 2012 12:21 pm

Yep, only liberal democrats of Obama's ilk can quote Mao
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Fri 21 Dec, 2012 12:23 pm

They aren't and they can't be.
One would have to be saddled with the mind of a moron to think otherwise.
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Val Killmore
Fri 21 Dec, 2012 12:23 pm
edgarblythe wrote:

Until we learn to make better people we have to deal with the ones that are already here. In large numbers people wish to shoot people. Those of us who do not approve the wholesale slaughter of innocents do not want those people to get their hands on these weapons of mass destruction. Most are willing to let there be passed laws to that effect.

Don’t be delusional. Guns are not weapons of mass destruction, since WMD’s are a particular class of armaments that cause large-scale damage from a SINGLE trigger. The core of the issue with a WMD is not 'destruction', rather the 'scale of destruction.'
As Gallup explained in a report last November, that support has declined gradually over the last two decades to the point that a "record low 44%" now support stricter gun laws, while a majority prefer laws that are kept as they are currently (42%) or made less strict (12%). Since when is 42% a majority?
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Val Killmore
Fri 21 Dec, 2012 12:23 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

And when do you suppose our government is going to subjugate our citizens as they do in North Korea?

This year? Next Year? When?

Taking away people’s rights is a dangerous slope. When rights are taken away, yes it is a matter of “when” rather than “if.” We need more freedom than our freedoms taken away. We need more freedom from religion, freedom from militarism, more laissez-faire economics and less racial trends and scapegoating. Safety is not guaranteed in our Constitution, however, freedom is. Our founders sacrificed their safety to secure freedom, not the other way around.
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Val Killmore
Fri 21 Dec, 2012 12:24 pm
farmerman wrote:

Do you think the world was less violent before guns were invented?

SOunds like youre tiring of making a real debate out of this, this sounds like youre attempting to justify the kids actions based upon archeological evidence that cavemen were violent beings.

You really have gotta do better than that, and you know it.

Ill make believe you didnt post that and you get a freebie.

Straw man fallacy! I’m not justifying crime, nor looking at just the Connecticut incidence. I’m suggesting banning guns won’t solve the problem. Before guns, crime existed, it’s not like crime just came about by the invention of guns. The term gun homicide is misleading . Murder is murder irrespective of the means used. An end to all gun murders is no accomplishment if they are replaced with other types of killing. You’re too gullible to take advise of these anti-gun “progressive" liberals to think a nationwide ban of all semi automatics will solve the pertinent issue at hand. The time you’re wasting in fighting against those who want to keep their rights can be put to better use by focusing on bettering healthcare laws to get nut-jobs out of the streets, and better the security measures, such as tactical counter-violence and defensive programs in hospitals, elderly homes, and schools.
Fri 21 Dec, 2012 12:24 pm
Then let the American people decide. I don't think your prediction will hold up. Most Americans are fed up with this nonsense.

Sorry a constitution right is not open to a public vote even if you are able to sell this nonsense to 51 percents of the people.
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Val Killmore
Fri 21 Dec, 2012 12:24 pm
firefly wrote:

Aren't you worried that disarmament will lead to subsequent further loss of liberties. You give them an inch, they take it a mile.
You're not worried about dictatorship?

No, I don't worry about those things at all.

I'm more worried about living in a country where everyone walks around armed and ready to take the law into their own hands.

My main worry isn’t government dictatorship when guns are banned, as it is more of a long term thing, as in a couple of centuries.
My main worry is protection of my loved ones and self defense. I purchased my house in a rural area. In the ten square mile radius, there is only one house, and two sheds, and usually two people in the vicinity. The next neighbor is a 20 minute drive, when following the speed limit. I trust the coppers within my county in case of emergency; it’s just that it takes at least 30-35 minutes for them to reach my house.
I am very concerned that in searching for a quick solution to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future we will lose sight of some basic truths.
1. For a law to be effective a vast majority, well over 95 percent, of individuals affected by the law, in this case legal gun owners, have to voluntarily comply with the law.
2. Any federal law must seem “fair and reasonable” to this 95 percent of gun owners. What may seem fair and reasonable to a legal gun owner living in the Washington DC, or New York City area, may not be viewed as “fair and reasonable” to a gun owner living in Texas, Iowa, Montana or Alaska.
3. Virtually all the recent tragedies involving the use of guns have been carried out by individuals who could not legally possess a firearm due to age or mental condition.
4. The guns used have been obtained by illegal means such as; providing false information at time of their purchase, or by theft from a friend or family member.
5. Virtually all gun control legislation I have seen, almost all of which is authored by non-gun owners, proposes to impose restrictions on all legal gun owners in order to hopefully make it more difficult for a tiny fraction of individuals, far less than 1/10 of one percent, to obtain guns.
6. When a similar restriction, presentation of valid government identification in order to vote, was proposed by several state governments, which again would have inconvenienced a tiny fraction of voters, less than 1/10 of one percent, but would have hopefully cut down on fraud, all types of civil rights activists were immediately up in arms, claiming the voting rights of this small group were being infringed. These same civil rights also apply to law abiding gun owners and they have an equal right to have their civil rights protected. These rights, under our constitution, include the right to own firearms. Perhaps these anti gun activists need to consider protecting the rights of gun owners.

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Val Killmore
Fri 21 Dec, 2012 12:24 pm
farmerman wrote:

Can you please tell me what a "semi-automtic" gun is? Because that is what Edgar suggested to ban entirely

semi-auto means one trigger pull = one shot. ALL assault weapons sold to the public are semi auto. There are a few semi auto sport rifles but these arent of the "Assault style" . They dont carry a mega clip. SPorting guns are limited to 3 or 5 cartridges in the gun and one in the breech.

The distinction isnt worth a debate. Ill concede that there exist a few makes of semi auto sport guns, but you admit that all assault guns under this discussion are semi auto (some, like the Bushmaster 223 can be converted to full auto as I said before, that turns em into a class that the Canadians call PROHIBITED and we call "dangerous weapons" (which are prohibited without special assignment type licenses and are only useable as assigned protection by such folks as explosives carriers and Brinks (or such) transporters of precious metals, and , of course para=military (police) and DOE nuke rods, weapons, triggers , yellow and redcake, UF6, and nuke power plant guards.

A more effective solution would start by analyzing ways to stop people from WANTING to murder than preventing the ways one may commit them. A meaningful discussion would be about gun access not gun control. Just like everyone shouldn't have a driver’s license, not everyone should be able to own a firearm.
Do you favor gun laws that ignore the fact that criminals will have guns anyway but citizens don’t as they are totally disarmed by the government? Look at the piece by Times on crime in Australia after stricter gun laws, even though its society is different from America. Not much of a difference. Crime still pretty much averages out to be the same as before the ban.
And on the subject of automatic guns, they are heavily restricted. And there have been only two murders since 1934 National Fire Arms act, by legally registered fully automatic weapon. Banning automatic weapons in order to stop gun crime is like banning quaaludes at the Olympics in order to stop dopers.
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Val Killmore
Fri 21 Dec, 2012 12:25 pm
farmerman wrote:

There was an "assault weapon ban" that was useless and only banned "military looking" weapons and did nothing to decrease crime, it was completely useless peice of legislation.
It was designed as "Useless" It , for the most part, was an idea that wasnt even tried properly. AS I SAID before, assault weapons were "GRANDFATHERED" as long as they were already in someones ownership or inventory. SO, if the weapon already existed at the effective date of the assault weapon ban, IT WAS LEGAL. Thats total politically motivated dickless BULLSHIT. So please dont say it was useless, cause the concept wasnt even tried.

Its like banning guns in New York City so you then go out to Peekskill to buy your Bushmaster, and then go down to Harrisburg to buy te sear pin, and then over to Richmond to buy the connectors, and tadaa, youve got a full auto .223 Bushmasetr, on the way back home, you stop in West Virginia and buy a banana clip.. Youre being purpoely blind to a condition that goes on in our country every fuckin day. Its a goddam shootinggallery out there and I know for a fact that the NRA "Sporting members" are in themajority, all for meaningful control, and banning of these people killer guns. Its just that the NRA, as it is now constitutd, is a lobby for the gun manufacturers, not the sportsmen. The politicians that are in favor of lax gun laws are in the pockets of the NRA and its ability for political largesse

First of all, any law, no matter what its purpose, should only be adopted if its intent is clear and unambigous . What is the proposal with respect to "assault weapons"? Glock pistols are absolutely no different in form or function than 50 other brands/types of semi-automatic handgun that I can name. They are not "assault weapons" in any sense of the word. Even rifles typically labeled "assault weapons" are not assault weapons in the military sense of the word. They are semiautomatic rifles (one pull of trigger = one round fired) with cosmetic features that make them look like military rifles, no different in function than many hunting rifles, and really no more or less lethal than cowboy style lever rifles or pump action shotguns. So what do you want to ban? All automatic pistols which auto load? All semi-auto handguns? Military style semi-auto rifles? Lever action rifles? Pump shotguns? All of the above? Is the plan to go out an confiscate the tens of millions of these guns in circulation? If not, what will the law accomplish?
My opinion: None of the above will happen. This is just a side-show, and it's being conducted with people who don't know the terminology.
Now what I’m disappointed to see is that you think banning semi automatic guns will make the “shooting gallery” which you claim to be prevalent throughout America, to just disappear. Chicago banned hand guns for many years in Chicago and it didn't stop the bad guys from getting armed. Homicides were insane. Most of the inner city gun related crimes are committed by hand guns not assault rifles.
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Val Killmore
Fri 21 Dec, 2012 12:25 pm
ehBeth wrote:

Val Killmore wrote:
Are you serious?

Aren't you worried that disarmament will lead to subsequent further loss of liberties. You give them an inch, they take it a mile.

You're not worried about dictatorship?


. However, in the last two decades of the century, following several high profile multiple murders and a media campaign, the Australian government co-ordinated more restrictive firearms legislation with all state governments. Australia today has arguably some of the most restrictive firearms legislation in the world.

Currently, about 5.2% of Australian adults (765,000 people)[1] own and use firearms for purposes such as hunting, controlling feral animals, collecting, and target shooting.

Current Australian firearm laws

State laws govern the possession and use of firearms in Australia. These laws were largely aligned under the 1996 National Agreement on Firearms.

Anyone wishing to possess or use a firearm must have a Firearms Licence and, with some exceptions, be over the age of 18. Owners must have secure storage for their firearms.

Before someone can buy a firearm, he or she must obtain a Permit To Acquire. The first permit has a mandatory 28-day delay before it is first issued. In some states (e.g., Queensland, Victoria, and New South Wales), this is waived for second and subsequent firearms of the same class.

For each firearm a "Genuine Reason" must be given, relating to pest control, hunting, target shooting, or collecting. Self-defence is not accepted as a reason for issuing a license, even though it may be legal under certain circumstances to use a legally held firearm for self-defence.[2]

Each firearm in Australia must be registered to the owner by serial number. Some states allow an owner to store or borrow another person's registered firearm of the same category.


Registration of firearms in Canada has been an issue since the 1930s when the registration of handguns became mandatory. Over the past few decades, legislation had become increasingly restrictive for firearm owners and from 1995 until 2012, all firearms were required to be registered. As of April 6, 2012, the registration of non-restricted firearms is no longer required in any province or territory, except for Quebec, pending litigation. Systematic auditing of firearm owners and sports is implemented and enforced in most of Central Canada,[1][2] and to a lesser extent, in Western Canada (in most cases firearm ownership regulations vary slightly in different provinces and territories, where some provinces have decided to mandate their own laws, such as the Quebec Bill 9 course, which is mandatory for all owners of restricted firearms).[3]


It is effectively illegal to carry concealed handguns in Canada. There is a permit[7] that allows people to carry if they can prove they need to protect their lives under specific circumstances, but the permit is very rarely issued to civilians.[

Both Canada and Australia have conducted gun buybacks over the past couple of decades.

No dictatorships in sight.

That’s great ehbeth, thanks for sharing wiki articles which I’m familiar with. In Canada with an RPAL you can get anything as long as it doesn’t fall into the prohibited category. And handguns are legal in Canada, and let me see, yup, modern handguns are semi automatic.
Are all semi automatics banned in Canada? Nope
Australia with America, you can not compare them side by side, because first of all Australian citizens do not (and never did) have a constitutional right to own firearms. With this context in mind, any claims based on statistics (even accurate ones) which posit a cause-and-effect relationship between the gun buyback program and increased or decreased crime rates because “criminals are guaranteed that getting weapons to commit crimes becomes harder” or "criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed" are automatically suspect, since the average Australian citizen didn't own firearms even before the buyback. And no matter what the outcome of the analysis with your wiki articles and some charts and number, the results aren't necessarily applicable to the USA, where laws regarding gun ownership are (and always have been) much different than those in Australia. Australia had roughly 750K firearms in private hands when the ban was enacted...the US has 200-250 million in private hands. Different society....
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Fri 21 Dec, 2012 12:27 pm
The dumbmasses that voted for Obama are very different.

Watch that as I voted for him two times as the GOP is more anti-freedom then the Democrats except on the gun laws issue.
Fri 21 Dec, 2012 12:30 pm

When it comes to gun rights, you have excluded yourself from the ranks of 'the dumbmasses' with honors.
0 Replies
Fri 21 Dec, 2012 12:31 pm
Fri 21 Dec, 2012 12:32 pm
the GOP is more anti-freedom then the Democrats except on the gun laws issue.

You've just put H2oguy into shutdown mode. He'll have to be sent to GOP headquarters for reprogramming.

more anti-freedom

There's more of that American propaganda. Y'all can't even open your mouths without the propaganda spilling out.
0 Replies
Fri 21 Dec, 2012 12:34 pm

The NRA is not advocating for a police state as Obama is.

The NRA is offering up a possible solution where Obama has offered up none.
Fri 21 Dec, 2012 12:35 pm
Poor delusional JTT, she's incapable of processing logic.
0 Replies
Region Philbis
Fri 21 Dec, 2012 12:37 pm

the gov't is coming for your killing machines.

you best hide 'em good...

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