how do we protect kids right now (today) in a way that works
-gun free school zones..... aren't - politicians advertise that kids aren't safe
-we protect all our important things with armed security... .why not our kids? we leave them defenseless every day - this is known and exploited
-some asshole with a NRA kills kids banner protesting....dumbass
-we have an unknown number of genuine monsters in our society
-how many copy cats are waiting while we have a media that glorifies them in the ways they want
-our country refuses to make a database of the mentally ill - which doesn't even touch on the criminals in our society, whom we refuse to process correctly in the cj system
-speaking of violent video games
-violent movies and music videos
-media perpetuates these violent images in a "race to the bottom"
-another banner protester........ they're out in force today
-media demonizes gun owners rather than face their own faults, hold back meaningful changes
-media perpetuates lies regarding guns and that new laws will protect us
-the teachers and police couldn't stop the killing - the only way to stop a monster is a plan of absolute action.
-the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun - is a good guy with a gun
-heading off the press headlines tomorrow
-when did "gun" become a bad word - secret service, military and police all have "good" guns - so why are they bad when it's used to protect our kids in our schools
-it's not just our duty to protect them - it's our right to protect them
-NRA said we should put armed security in schools after VT shooting - media called NRA crazy - what if we had done that
-is the press and politicians so blinded by their hate of the NRA and gun owners that they will allow people to remain in danger
-can't we afford to put a police officer in every school
-and even if we did that - congress has no right to restrict our own ability to protect ourselves
-we have a trained core of individuals who can go NOW and make our schools safe (police, military etc)
-calls on congress to act immediately to put armed police/guards in every school - BEFORE kids go back to school in January
-every school in america needs a protection program - which means armed security
-we need a cordon of protection around our kids and every school will have its own specific need
-NRA has 11000 police training instructors who are ready, willing and able to help immediately - it was done in WWII, it's done with kids (eddie the eagle), and they'll do it again today
-NRA will bring all its resources to develop a model program for every school that wants it - multi-faceted security program
-budget will be provided by the NRA for whatever scope is required for this
-if we cherish our children more than sports stadiums, money, etc - the only way to do it is with properly trained, armed, good guys
-NRA will make the program available free of charge to every school that wants it - and will also push the program world wide to any school
-calling for us to come together, not divide over this issue
-nothing more critical than our children's well being
-parents need to have confidence in their safety
-most up to date template for every school to tweak and tailor
-armed security will be A component - but not the only
-decisions on armed security made at the local level
-does not require any large outlays of money from state/local/federal