MontereyJack wrote:It would help a lot if you actually knew what you were talking about, oralloy.
I do. That's why you'll never be able to show a single fact that I am wrong about.
MontereyJack wrote:It did however ban around a dozen specific makes and models of actually produced weapons.
That was also unconstitutional, because even though they were banned by name, they were still banned only for their harmless cosmetic features.
MontereyJack wrote:Since gun manufacturers made and make minor tweaks to products and rename the minimally modified models to get around any prohibitions,
Oh nonsense. When you pass an unconstitutional ban on cosmetic features, and manufacturers create different cosmetic features to comply with the ban, that is hardly "getting around" the prohibition.
MontereyJack wrote:a weapon to be banned had to have at least TWO of those four or five features to be banned, so having just one wouldn't get it banned.
It doesn't matter. Aside from the large capacity magazines (which I'm unsure of), banning ANY combination of the remaining features would violate Rational Basis Review (to say nothing of the even sterner standards of scrutiny that the courts might apply).
MontereyJack wrote:Considering the ban has elapsed, your belaboring the point is even sillier.
Considering that people are calling to reimpose the unconstitutional monstrosity, not really.
MontereyJack wrote:I expect the next time around they'll rewrite the definition of banned weapons to be considerably more inclusive.
And when the Supreme Court strikes it down (if you even get it passed), it might just take the high capacity magazine ban with it.
(Make sure you keep the two issues tightly intertwined so there is zero possibility of severability. Thanks in advance.)
MontereyJack wrote:I believe you characterized the drafters as "dickless" for grandfathering in pre-existent weapons.
No. Never said anything like that.
MontereyJack wrote:Your side emasculated the bill,
No, you guys did that. When you make a bill that is devoted almost entirely to harmless cosmetic features, by definition it is not going to do anything much.
MontereyJack wrote:and a lot more innocent people died as a result.
Nope. Harmless cosmetic features do not cause anyone to die.
MontereyJack wrote:We're not freedom-haters,
Sure you are. You are deliberately calling for a blatant violation of the Constitution, and given the fact that harmless cosmetic features cause no harm, you don't even have a good reason for violating the Constitution. You're just violating the Constitution for the sake of violating the Constitution.
And those people whose rights you're violating for the fun of it, they like to vote. Say hi to the NRA on election day.
MontereyJack wrote:you're child killers.
Nope. As already noted, harmless cosmetic features kill no one.
And when the Supreme Court strikes down your unconstitutional ban (assuming you even get it past the NRA), if the high capacity magazine ban is also struck down as collateral damage,
you are going to be the only one to blame for it. Because
you are going to be the one who welded it to something blatantly unconstitutional that you didn't even need.
MontereyJack wrote:And you'd better check out what Scalia has been saying lately, because it looks like you guys are gonna be cruising for a fall if you think your version of what's constitutional is gonna fly with SCOTUS. Hint: you're wrong.
Oh? Has Justice Scalia been saying that the Supreme Court has decided to abandon Rational Basis Review and the other standards of scrutiny?
Got a cite of him saying anything like that?