farmerman wrote:BILL _JEEZUS CHRIST I aid it and Monterey Jack said it. IT WAS A BAN that tried to list and tie up SEVERAL FEATURES that collectively made a gun an assauklt weapon.
cosmetic features, that the Constitution forbids you to ban.
farmerman wrote:The BUSHAMASTER 223 , which came out POST BAN DATE,
Were time machines involved?
What were they doing selling them in the early 1980s?
farmerman wrote:and they did away with the other unlethal features.
You're slipping up. You're trying to pretend that those other features are
not merely harmless and cosmetic, remember?
farmerman wrote:If we ban these guns again, along with a removal of grandfather status (for real), we will have a beginning.
No, banning harmless cosmetic features will not achieve anything. It'll just get the ban struck down by the courts.
But be real sure to tie the large capacity magazine ban to the ban on harmless cosmetic features. The last thing we want is severability.
farmerman wrote:If you wish this meaningless slaughter to continue then you and several on here are going about it correctly by just trying to assert that these existing design features of a gun arent at least partly responsible for the killings.
Pointing out that harmless cosmetic features have nothing to do with the killing is just plain telling the truth.
The person here doing the most to help the slaughter continue is
you, because your headlong rush to ban harmless features has a very real chance of getting any ban on high capacity magazines thrown out of court.
You might just get a medal from the NRA at the end of all this.
farmerman wrote:4have meaningful gun control to remove such easy acces and lethal designs of guns that have no use anywhere in the sporting world
That's nice and vague, but it is safe to assume you mean to include harmless cosmetic features, and there is nothing meaningful about banning them.
If you also mean high capacity magazines, the fact that they have no sporting use would come as a great surprise to all the varmint hunters who use them. (They also have a legitimate civilian use outside sport: self defense.)