tsarstepan wrote:
I can now picture you with an oversized salt shaker and a 50 gallon barrel of liquid transfat. You walking around your local restaurant district voluntarily shaking salt and pouring a cup of transfats onto everyone's meals as you wail out, "Dang malicious government's trying to take salt and transfats from your diet. I'm here to save you all from the monstrous evils of big government intervention." And if someone protests they don't want that added onto their food, you scream back how you're here to save everyone from the tyranny of healthmongers!
Your figurative insult comedy to BillRM is kinda vague isn't it?
Are you suggesting that one should not heed any attention government control, and just accept it as a gullible child should accept cany from a stranger?
Are you hinting that "salt" and "transfats" to be concealed weapons and pose danger to a human in the long term? Not carrying a gun is healthier, somehow?
I don't know your context because I'm not you, so I did the gracious thing and thought that the whole vague rejoinder to BillRM was relative to the "we need more gun control" that was discussed.
On that thought, I think if you were clearer as you've done as below, I wouldn't have responded initially.
tsarstepan wrote:This critique of BillRM and his progun agenda is for his usual all government regulations are the essence of dictatorship yet he proposes an entirely new armed security force for the nation's school system. Oddly conflicting viewpoints. Fair enough that you don't know these details but clearly you are also not to bright as to read all of that crap in your response as being at all relevant to what I believe in here and stated thusly in this and other threads at a2k.
And I don't see a conflicting viewpoint. More government regulation to you is setting up armed guards in the school premises? In today's public high school, it's not unusual to have three of four cops assigned to each high school in the disctrict. In no way do I see it as "more" government regulation, as it does not infringe on any citizens rights, nor do I see it as a government regulation that resembles a dictatorship.
Quote:How is any of this relevant to anything I've said here or elsewhere in a2k? It isn't as you're just throwing out a random piss poor argument at a random thread post thinking its going to stick. Aim your attacks at people who are making arguments that conflict against what you're saying.
I took you to be an antigun liberal, so just wanted to point out that more government control is not the fix all end all solution... ban on assault rifles won't be that affective being that assault rifles are defined by its cosmetic features...in the right hands, a handgun can be just as dangerous as a semiautomatic rifle...and this whole "more gov. regulation schtick" is quite silly.
On that note, I'll aim my attacks however I want, to whomever I want, and whenever I want.