firefly wrote:oralloy, whether you like it or not, a serious discussion about guns is about to take place in this country because this latest slaughter of children, by gun violence, is more than most people are willing to tolerate or ignore.
Talk away. You still don't get to violate the Constitution.
firefly wrote:You apparently think that waving the 2nd Amendment ends the discussion,
Well, when "the discussion" is your desire to violate the Constitution, it does in fact end it.
firefly wrote:that it guarantees you some sort of inviolate right to obtain and possess any and all types of firearms and ammunition you want, and no one, including Supreme Court Justices, has the authority to tell you otherwise, or to limit your alleged "freedom" of gun ownership in any way.
Nonsense. I've never said anything like that.
firefly wrote:You are seriously deluding yourself by ignoring the comments by Justice Scalia that I have posted
I didn't ignore them. I addressed them each time you posted them.
firefly wrote:he is telling you otherwise
No he isn't.
firefly wrote:Continuing to chant the same manta, over, and over, and over, and simply dismissing contradictory views, or other people's legitimate concerns with the problem of gun violence in our society, displays an inability on your part to even discuss the problem--
There is nothing to discuss. You don't get to violate the Constitution.
firefly wrote:--in fact, you seem to mainly deny the problem and just revert to babbling endlessly about your highly questionable alleged "rights" and "freedom"
Your dislike of our Constitution and our freedom does not make them "highly questionable".
firefly wrote:It is impossible to leave those types of weapons, and how easily they can be obtained, out of any rational discussion of the problem because those are the weapons being used in these mass killings.
Once rational discussion has pointed out that these weapons are no more powerful than the same gun without a pistol grip, and that the Constitution guarantees the right to have them, there isn't much more to discuss about them.
firefly wrote:But, as far as I can tell, you're not even recognizing the problem, or acknowledging it, and you certainly aren't discussing it.
That is because having a pistol grip on a gun ISN'T a problem.
firefly wrote:Other than promoting your own self-interest, and your own rather limited views of the 2nd Amendment, you're not saying much of anything.
Your dislike of civil rights does not make my views limited.
firefly wrote:And you seem to view other gun owners or gun enthusiasts as some kind of mindless mob who will irrationally defeat any politician who dare utter anything to do with gun control, and I think you are sadly mistaken
No. I don't view "them" as mindless or irrational.
But any politician in a rural district who dares to violate our Constitutional rights *is* going to be out of a job come election time.
firefly wrote:--even most members of the NRA think the problem must be addressed. Most responsible gun owners don't want to see guns used for the killing of innocent people and they do favor instituting some sensible controls, but you're obviously not among that group.
Nope. Hardly any members of the NRA share your desire to violate the Constitution.