Sturgis wrote:
So are people truly ready to take this to a level of serious discussion and even more than that take action?
Sadly, this assessment is quite accurate. Once again. After Columbine, we had that same "We're going to have a great national discussion on guns...." After Virginia Tech, we had that same "We're going to have a great national discussion on guns...." After the Aurora movie theater shooting, we once again had that same "We're going to have a great national discussion on guns...." You can fill in this timeline with hundreds of smaller school and public shootings that too evoked that same sentiment which a national discussion never really happened.
We can blame the H20's, the Oralllllo's, the BillRM's, etc... of the US and their slavish devotion to the NRA which results in this indirect national censorship on this loaded topic and against our much needed national discussion on the topic. Their explicit stubborness for compromise which isn't for the greater good of the country but a reactionary symptom fed by their hideous selfishness and outright paranoia based delusions.
After every major incident, there is a clamor for gun REFORM not outright banning of all guns. These conservative gun nuts twist that call for reform and claim its an outright call for a ban. No national discussion can come from this when the progun advocates refuse to acknowledge any concept of compromise.