Quote:a bdsm bogger that i follow who is autistic and who has an autistic chemically imbalanced son says that a major problem hits at 18yo. parents at that point lose the ability to force treatment, and the courts are very loath to do so, so these young people drop out till they hurt someone. i would not be surprised if it turns out here that the mom was trying to pressure the kid to go back to treatment but he was refusing.
Autism isn't a mental illness--it's a neurodevelopmental disorder.
And, at 18, Adam Lanza was taking part-time classes at a college.
He had no tendencies toward aggression or violence that anyone who was in school with him had ever noticed.
There is no major problem that occurs in Autistic individuals at age 18, in fact, symptoms of autism spectrum disorders, like Asperger's, often diminish over time. But, that doesn't mean that an individual with Asperger's couldn't also suffer from other psychiatric problems. It's simply that, if he did have a condition, like Asperger's, that alone would not likely have led him to go on a shooting rampage.
Quote:Individuals with autism spectrum disorders, who are often bullied in school and in the workplace, frequently do suffer from depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. A divorce mediator who met with the parents of Adam Lanza, the gunman, during their divorce told The Associated Press that the couple had said that their son’s condition had been diagnosed as Asperger syndrome.
But experts say there is no evidence that they are more likely than any other group to commit violent crimes.
“Aggression in autism spectrum disorders is almost never directed to people outside the family or immediate caregivers, is almost never planned, and almost never involves weapons,” said Dr. Catherine Lord, director of the Center for Autism and the Developing Brain at NewYork-Presbyterian hospital. “Each of these aspects of the current case is more common in other populations than autism.”
Quote:It's important for the public to know that the gunman's actions can't be linked with autism spectrum disorders, said Dr. Max Wiznitzer, a pediatric neurologist and autism expert at Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital in Cleveland.
"Aggression and violence in the ASD population is reactive, not preplanned and deliberate," he said...
"When you talk about autism or anything on the autism spectrum, you're talking about a neural disorder," said CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta. "I think the terms do matter here. Second of all, just this whole idea that it's linked with violence in some way and specifically pre-planned violence, I think we can dispense with that."
Quote: i would not be surprised if it turns out here that the mom was trying to pressure the kid to go back to treatment but he was refusing...
If he was displaying some significant psychiatric problems (in addition to Asperger's), particularly problems relating to aggression or violence, why would his mother have been purchasing high power handguns, and a military type assault rifle, and taking her son to shooting ranges so he could practice with them? And, if he was so disturbed, that she had been trying to force him into some sort of treatment, why would she have left all those weapons--a mini-arsenol-- unsecured and available to him? That doesn't make sense.
Quote:she agrees with me that bad gun control is not the problem, that it is a bad mental health system.
In this case, bad gun control was the problem--the mother left the weapons where they were available for her son's use.
It may have been the mother who also needed some mental heath treatment. We have no idea what was going on in that home, particularly after the parents divorced. Adam and his mother seem to have been alone together all of the time, she didn't work, and she didn't seem to socialize all that much, so they were both relatively isolated together. Who knows what was going on between them? The first person he killed was his mother--shooting her multiple times in the head. We don't know what their relationship was ever like, but we do know how it ended.