Another major school shooting today ... Newtown, Conn

Frank Apisa
Wed 19 Dec, 2012 07:19 am
Your cartoon left out any picture of the anti-gun nuts.

I gotta go on record as saying you are correct here, David. There are anti-gun nuts who are every bit as unrealistic as the gun-nuts.

Laws are never going to solve the problem we are dealing with in this thread. But suggesting that laws cannot be passed which will reasonably limit access to guns and ammunition is equally unrealistic.

The Second Amendment ought to be repealed...and a new set of legislation enacted that is more realistic for today's reality. Relying on what worked in the 18th Century in these matters is absurd.
Wed 19 Dec, 2012 07:27 am
murdering 30 students and teachers and wounding several others before committing suicide. He had spent the interval fedexing a press kit to NBC News.

One wonder how many copycats killers are going to be set in motion by all the over the top news coverage of the Newtown shootings.
Wed 19 Dec, 2012 07:32 am

The press is doing an excellent job of egging potential copy cats on
0 Replies
Wed 19 Dec, 2012 07:34 am
The irrational anti-gun nuts usually have armed security guards
0 Replies
Wed 19 Dec, 2012 07:35 am
BillRM wrote:

Once more arm security not bans on one type of weapons seems to be the solution.

As far as my memory go no attempt to do mass killings in the US had target any location where there had been arm security on site.

Second, in any locations where you have defenseless children gather together by state power such as primary schools or locations where you had ban adults to be arm for self defense such as on college campuses the society have a duty to provide such arm security.

This is intriguing and by that I mean oddly unexpected. Paranoid libertarians calling for greater government intervention in our schools.

I can imagine if the US federal government followed through with this plan, you'd be wailing on about the ever increasing police state Bill. You're suggestion seems really disingenuous. I suspect you want to the status quo to remain exactly the way it is.

Or do you expect cash strapped local and state school divisions to pick up the massive burden for full time security force for each and every school under their administration? Or do you think these jobs could be handled by the corrupt for-profit private security agencies like Blackwater? Or that schools could be safe with armed security by minimum wage drones if saving the tax payer is your top agenda?
Wed 19 Dec, 2012 07:36 am
No 'clips' were used.
0 Replies
Wed 19 Dec, 2012 07:37 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
Nah, Oralloy...you stopped with the truth when

You have a big mouth, but you can't back it up by showing a single untrue statement on my part.

Frank Apisa wrote:
when you started with the distortions and hyperbole...and you started the distortions and hyperbole almost immediately.

Nope. Your dislike of the truth does not make the truth transform into either distortion or hyperbole.

The truth remains the truth no matter how much you don't like it.

You can whine at the truth, squeal at the truth, and jump up and down and make silly faces at the truth, but no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, the truth is still going to remain the truth.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Look, don't get me wrong. I am not trying to shut you up...in fact, quite the opposite. You are providing a much needed function here. It is best to establish that some of the people arguing your position are so far out...and are so willing to distort reality

If you want to establish that I am distorting reality, you are going to have to prove it.

You can't prove it (because it isn't true), so all you can do is make baseless claims with nothing to back them up.

Frank Apisa wrote:
...that their opinions should be discounted out of hand.

You do seem unusually eager to discount the Constitution out of hand.

You don't seem to possess a lot of foresight however, because the Supreme Court is not going to dismiss the Constitution out of hand.

And neither are the voters of the NRA.

Frank Apisa wrote:
I want to see you continue doing it...because it discredits the arguments more than can be done without help from people like you.

Your empty charges falsely claiming hyperbole do nothing to discredit the truth.

Frank Apisa wrote:
I especially like the notion that you tell nothing but the truth. That has a special note of hilarity to it.

I am not claiming infallibility. I do make the odd error from time to time.

I am just refusing your request that I stop telling the truth.
Wed 19 Dec, 2012 07:39 am
@Frank Apisa,
The Second Amendment ought to be repealed...and a new set of legislation enacted that is more realistic for today's reality. Relying on what worked in the 18th Century in these matters is absurd.

Not going to happen as there are too many of us who think of the second amendment as a barrier to the government becoming a tyranny.
0 Replies
Wed 19 Dec, 2012 07:49 am
FireFly, can you spot the 'assault rifle' in this picture?

0 Replies
Wed 19 Dec, 2012 07:51 am
You can have two security guards for the price of one teacher and if we do not care enough for the safety of our children to that point that said something about the real reasons for all this concern.

An assault ban however is not going to save one life as everyday modern handguns can and have done mass killings.
Wed 19 Dec, 2012 07:53 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
But suggesting that laws cannot be passed which will reasonably limit access to guns and ammunition is equally unrealistic.

The Second Amendment ought to be repealed...

Speaking of unrealistic.... Good luck with that.

Frank Apisa wrote:
and a new set of legislation enacted that is more realistic for today's reality. Relying on what worked in the 18th Century in these matters is absurd.

Freedom is not an obsolete concept that was good for our ancestors, but now we in the present should give up.

Freedom is something that is going to remain part of American society until the end of time.
Frank Apisa
Wed 19 Dec, 2012 07:54 am
Re: Frank Apisa (Post 5199828)
Frank Apisa wrote:
Nah, Oralloy...you stopped with the truth when

You have a big mouth, but you can't back it up by showing a single untrue statement on my part.

I have cited several untrue statements you have made...and all you do is to say they are true without any proof.

We all see that...and I hope most are enjoying it as much as I.

Frank Apisa wrote:
when you started with the distortions and hyperbole...and you started the distortions and hyperbole almost immediately.

Nope. Your dislike of the truth does not make the truth transform into either distortion or hyperbole.

The truth remains the truth no matter how much you don't like it.

You can whine at the truth, squeal at the truth, and jump up and down and make silly faces at the truth, but no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, the truth is still going to remain the truth.

I do not dislike the truth...and I see very little truth coming from you because of your habit of using hyperbole so much.

You are correct, however, that the truth remains the truth...and the truth is that you do not stick to the truth very much.


Frank Apisa wrote:
Look, don't get me wrong. I am not trying to shut you up...in fact, quite the opposite. You are providing a much needed function here. It is best to establish that some of the people arguing your position are so far out...and are so willing to distort reality

If you want to establish that I am distorting reality, you are going to have to prove it.

You can't prove it (because it isn't true), so all you can do is make baseless claims with nothing to back them up.

I can point out the untruths...and you can counter that by actually proving that the statement is true.

But you don't. When I cite an untruth...all you do is to insist it is true.

Entertaining...but not particularly intellectual.

Frank Apisa wrote:
...that their opinions should be discounted out of hand.

You do seem unusually eager to discount the Constitution out of hand.

You don't seem to possess a lot of foresight however, because the Supreme Court is not going to dismiss the Constitution out of hand.

And neither are the voters of the NRA.

I have absolutely no desire to discount the Constitution...that is another of your distortions. I, like many people, feel it is a useful document, but that it can be changed when change is warranted. In fact, the Constitution itself suggests it can be changed when change is warranted. If you are going to insist it cannot be...then perhaps you are being dismissive of the Constitution.

Frank Apisa wrote:
I want to see you continue doing it...because it discredits the arguments more than can be done without help from people like you.

Your empty charges falsely claiming hyperbole do nothing to discredit the truth.

Nope...but the nonsense you are spewing DOES!

Frank Apisa wrote:
I especially like the notion that you tell nothing but the truth. That has a special note of hilarity to it.

I am not claiming infallibility. I do make the odd error from time to time.

I am just refusing your request that I stop telling the truth.

Tsk, tsk...you did say you ALWAYS stick to the truth. But you do not.

And to suggest that I am requesting that you stop telling the truth is another distortion.

You really gotta get a handle on that, Oralloy.
Wed 19 Dec, 2012 07:56 am
@Frank Apisa,

This person understands.

Re: H2O MAN (Post 5198881)
I want to start by offering my profound condolences and sympathies to the families of the victims of this bitter incident. Losing a family member the hardest thing someone could go through. My thoughts and prayers are truly with you at this time.
My comments on the Connecticut shooting:
This is NOT a gun problem issues. It’s not.
This guy had a MENTAL PROBLEM!
THAT IS THE TRUE ISSUE. The government should worry about helping mental kids. Sorry to say it like that. but its the truth. This mental kid had his mind set to do what he did. Come on, a person that kill his own mom! What guy with his right mind does that? Sorry but the guy had mental issues. And to top it off the family knew their son had issues.(Read online).

So it’s not the Gun issue. He was going to do what he did not matter what, am sure he would have done it with anything he had available. He could have used a baseball bat. Now would the president ban baseball bats?
guns and baseball bat are both sports, hobbies, and weapons depending how you use them.
Clear example: Friday morning, a man walked through the entrance of an elementary school in China and, without warning, began ruthlessly cutting down children at the school. Attacking children with a knife, and began ruthlessly cutting down children at the school. Before he was subdued, nearly two dozen were hit. China -- which has strict gun control laws –
I am also sorry for all does families from china as well!

Bottom line /my 2cents:
President is wrong in trying to enforce some kind of ban on gun sales, rifle sales or ammo sales.
This is not the way to go.
He will only weaken the good law-abiding people.
The people that have guns to defend their families.
The people that have earned the right to own and carry a gun.( keeping a clean record )
People that one day might one day stop a idiot from doing harm to people at a mall etc...
I don’t know about Connecticut but here in Texas we have the right to legally own guns (as long as you’re approved by Gov. clean record etc. etc...) Then we have the RIGHT to obtain a permit to conceal your hand gun.
I obtained my permit because a have 3 beautiful babies and a beautiful wife, that I have to take care of.
As a father I am going to protect my children and wife at all cost. Like every father will do.
So I got my permit. Its legal, I have earned by being a law-abiding citizen.
This at least balances the odds against the bad guy with a gun.
(You cannot protect your family by throwing rocks at a guy that is shooting at you or your family.)
That’s what the president is trying to do! By banning and restricting guns/rifles/ammo.
I am a big pusher of Campus carry and believe that if a teacher or several teachers had a gun at that time of the shooting. The outcome would have been much different.
Wed 19 Dec, 2012 07:58 am
tsarstepan wrote:
Or do you expect cash strapped local and state school divisions to pick up the massive burden for full time security force for each and every school under their administration? Or do you think these jobs could be handled by the corrupt for-profit private security agencies like Blackwater? Or that schools could be safe with armed security by minimum wage drones if saving the tax payer is your top agenda?

How about teachers with CCW permits?
Wed 19 Dec, 2012 07:59 am
How about teachers with CCW permits?

I've proposed this solution for years.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Wed 19 Dec, 2012 07:59 am
Re: Frank Apisa (Post 5199830)
Frank Apisa wrote:
But suggesting that laws cannot be passed which will reasonably limit access to guns and ammunition is equally unrealistic.

The Second Amendment ought to be repealed...

Speaking of unrealistic.... Good luck with that.

Finally...we agree on something. I think repeal of the Second Amendment is extremely unrealistic...and highly unlikely. But it ought to be repealed...which is what I actually said.

Frank Apisa wrote:
and a new set of legislation enacted that is more realistic for today's reality. Relying on what worked in the 18th Century in these matters is absurd.

Freedom is not an obsolete concept that was good for our ancestors, but now we in the present should give up.

Freedom is something that is going to remain part of American society until the end of time.

Right. Tell that to people who would still be slaves if we had not changed things from 19th century thinking.

C'mon, Oralloy. Things change...and laws change.

We most likely are not going to do it with regard to guns (sometimes a gun is just a gun, but sometimes it ain't!), but that does not make it unreasonable to want to see it.

Frank Apisa
Wed 19 Dec, 2012 08:01 am
Re: Frank Apisa (Post 5199859)

This person understands.

Re: H2O MAN (Post 5198881)
I want to start by offering my profound condolences and sympathies to the families of the victims of this bitter incident. Losing a family member the hardest thing someone could go through. My thoughts and prayers are truly with you at this time.
My comments on the Connecticut shooting:
This is NOT a gun problem issues. It’s not.
This guy had a MENTAL PROBLEM!
THAT IS THE TRUE ISSUE. The government should worry about helping mental kids. Sorry to say it like that. but its the truth. This mental kid had his mind set to do what he did. Come on, a person that kill his own mom! What guy with his right mind does that? Sorry but the guy had mental issues. And to top it off the family knew their son had issues.(Read online).

So it’s not the Gun issue. He was going to do what he did not matter what, am sure he would have done it with anything he had available. He could have used a baseball bat. Now would the president ban baseball bats?
guns and baseball bat are both sports, hobbies, and weapons depending how you use them.
Clear example: Friday morning, a man walked through the entrance of an elementary school in China and, without warning, began ruthlessly cutting down children at the school. Attacking children with a knife, and began ruthlessly cutting down children at the school. Before he was subdued, nearly two dozen were hit. China -- which has strict gun control laws –
I am also sorry for all does families from china as well!

Bottom line /my 2cents:
President is wrong in trying to enforce some kind of ban on gun sales, rifle sales or ammo sales.
This is not the way to go.
He will only weaken the good law-abiding people.
The people that have guns to defend their families.
The people that have earned the right to own and carry a gun.( keeping a clean record )
People that one day might one day stop a idiot from doing harm to people at a mall etc...
I don’t know about Connecticut but here in Texas we have the right to legally own guns (as long as you’re approved by Gov. clean record etc. etc...) Then we have the RIGHT to obtain a permit to conceal your hand gun.
I obtained my permit because a have 3 beautiful babies and a beautiful wife, that I have to take care of.
As a father I am going to protect my children and wife at all cost. Like every father will do.
So I got my permit. Its legal, I have earned by being a law-abiding citizen.
This at least balances the odds against the bad guy with a gun.
(You cannot protect your family by throwing rocks at a guy that is shooting at you or your family.)
That’s what the president is trying to do! By banning and restricting guns/rifles/ammo.
I am a big pusher of Campus carry and believe that if a teacher or several teachers had a gun at that time of the shooting. The outcome would have been much different.

Sure he does!

The solution to this problem will be found in MORE GUNS!

Christ, you gotta wonder what is in the water these days!
Wed 19 Dec, 2012 08:02 am
You really missed the entire point of my post didn't ya Bill?! You don't really care about the safety of the country's children. You don't expect two security guards for each and every school in the entire nation. You only express that kind of wishy-washy political day dreaming because you know its a policy that will never come to fruition.
Wed 19 Dec, 2012 08:03 am
Don't expect to have a logical discussion with Frank Ap because it's not going to happen.

Just announcing that all government schools will now have an unspecified number of armed adults that are trained to eliminate evil threats to the students will decrease this kind of senseless attack on the once unarmed and unprotected schools
Wed 19 Dec, 2012 08:06 am
You don't expect two security guards for each and every school in the entire nation

Why not if the children are important to us as a society as it would be a fraction of the labor costs of running the average school with the cost being about the same as adding one teacher to every school.

Second unlike the feel good ban on assault rifles it would do a great deal of good.

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