@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:Nah, Oralloy...you stopped with the truth when
You have a big mouth, but you can't back it up by showing a single untrue statement on my part.
Frank Apisa wrote:when you started with the distortions and hyperbole...and you started the distortions and hyperbole almost immediately.
Nope. Your dislike of the truth does not make the truth transform into either distortion or hyperbole.
The truth remains the truth no matter how much you don't like it.
You can whine at the truth, squeal at the truth, and jump up and down and make silly faces at the truth, but no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, the truth is still going to remain the truth.
Frank Apisa wrote:Look, don't get me wrong. I am not trying to shut you up...in fact, quite the opposite. You are providing a much needed function here. It is best to establish that some of the people arguing your position are so far out...and are so willing to distort reality
If you want to establish that I am distorting reality, you are going to have to prove it.
You can't prove it (because it isn't true), so all you can do is make baseless claims with nothing to back them up.
Frank Apisa wrote:...that their opinions should be discounted out of hand.
You do seem unusually eager to discount the Constitution out of hand.
You don't seem to possess a lot of foresight however, because the Supreme Court is
not going to dismiss the Constitution out of hand.
And neither are the voters of the NRA.
Frank Apisa wrote:I want to see you continue doing it...because it discredits the arguments more than can be done without help from people like you.
Your empty charges falsely claiming hyperbole do nothing to discredit the truth.
Frank Apisa wrote:I especially like the notion that you tell nothing but the truth. That has a special note of hilarity to it.
I am not claiming infallibility. I do make the odd error from time to time.
I am just refusing your request that I stop telling the truth.