Another major school shooting today ... Newtown, Conn

Fri 31 May, 2013 04:41 pm
komr98 wrote:

I don't think I should have to!!! That's such an easy inference to make!! A screwdriver can't fire bullets! Let alone fire hundreds in minutes! All you can do is beat someone with a screwdriver,
According to u, no one can use a screwdriver
to open anyone 's carotid artery,
nor to plunge it into his kidney or his heart ??

U don't have much imagination.
Fri 31 May, 2013 04:44 pm

komr98 wrote:
I don't think I should have to!!! That's such an easy inference to make!! A screwdriver can't fire bullets! Let alone fire hundreds in minutes! All you can do is beat someone with a screwdriver, but you can instantly kill someone with a gun. I can't even believe I have to explain this...
izzythepush wrote:

Actually David's screwdriver is also a gun, as is his umbrella, egg whisk, coffee machine and g string.
It saddens me, that we will never meet.
I 'd buy u a good drink n a Beef Wellington, roasted to your taste.

Fri 31 May, 2013 05:06 pm
I just heard on Fox News that membership of the NRA is $550 per annum.

Is that correct?
Fri 31 May, 2013 05:56 pm
But I don't want ANY people killed
reasoning logic
Fri 31 May, 2013 07:03 pm
But I don't want ANY people killed

Then how can you be a modern day Christian?
Fri 31 May, 2013 09:54 pm
spendius wrote:
I just heard on Fox News that membership of the NRA is $550 per annum.

Is that correct?
I dunno. I became a Life Member
for $1OO about 5O years ago. Since then, I 've added donations.

0 Replies
Fri 31 May, 2013 10:05 pm
@Joe Nation,
Joe Nation wrote:

It has ALREADY been pointed out in this thread
that no one has a Constitutional Right to work for the NRA.

And it has already been pointed out in this thread
that no one has an unlimited Constitutional Right to anything.

Joe(you know that's true, you just won't admit it)Nation
No; I deny it.
For instance, I have an unlimited Constitutional Right to read the Wall St. Journal
as ofen as I wanna, or to buy as many handguns as I wanna
because government has NO jurisdiction in that area of human experience.
That authority was WITHHELD by the Founders,
as a condition of the existence of this Republic.

Sat 1 Jun, 2013 07:49 am
For instance, I have an unlimited Constitutional Right to read the Wall St. Journal
as ofen as I wanna, or to buy as many handguns as I wanna
because government has NO jurisdiction in that area of human experience.

No, you don't have either.
Sat 1 Jun, 2013 08:06 am
No, you don't have either.

It people like you that are the reason that the safe guard of having a heavily armed population is important in cased the government ever started to declared that you can not read the wall street journal or anything else that expressed opinions that the government does not care for and begin to try to turn the American public into serfs and slaves to the ruling class.

Once more..........

That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. -
Sat 1 Jun, 2013 08:12 am
Not having unlimited access does not mean you have NO access.

Do you have any other idiot arguments you want to make?
0 Replies
Sat 1 Jun, 2013 08:15 am
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

So.. your argument is that we can change government when something upsets us EXCEPT when it is gun ownership? I think you fail to see the gaping holes in your arguments Bill.
Sat 1 Jun, 2013 08:31 am
So.. your argument is that we can change government when something upsets us EXCEPT when it is gun ownership? I think you fail to see the gaping holes in your arguments Bill.

Upsets?..........Far more then upsetting would be needed.

Except gun ownership?......... why except gun ownership? as all our freedoms including gun ownership of the population is important and the attempts to disarmed the public would be a first step to making more possible the setting up of a government dictatorship by and for the ruling class.

No holes what so ever and the founding fathers did not trust the actions of the men who would control out future government anymore then I trust them and put into placed all manners of safe guards such as having an armed population.

No one should try to change the government by force even when freedoms are being taken one by one away except after all other means to reversed that path had been try but when that point is reached it is not only a right but it is a duty to change the government to one that will look after
the people future and the people freedoms in a better manner.

Oh it is an amusing fact that the billionaire mayor of New York city who is trying to used unelected government boards to imposed his will of what the public can even eat and drink is also a big big supporter of disarming the American people.

It is all the same kind of mindset in my opinion. The ruling class should have completed control of the underclasses in all aspects no matter how small or big.

As we know better what is best for them then they do and should have the freedom to imposed our opinions on them under the color of government.

Sat 1 Jun, 2013 08:38 am
You are only digging your gaping hole deeper Bill.

Tyranny is in the eye of the beholder. When the government supports something that the majority disagrees with that can be defined as tyranny. When the government supports gun owner rights over other rights that is certainly tyranny and the people would be within their rights to overturn a government that continues to do so if we accept that people have the right to overturn tyrannical governments.
Sat 1 Jun, 2013 08:56 am
You are only digging your gaping hole deeper Bill.

In no manner or in no way as I and the founding fathers had already stated that the forced change of government is the last resort not the first or the second or the third and so on and concern major issues not small ones.

The New York Mayor trying to control the diet of adult new yorkers is a minor event as annoying as it is and surely do not call for the armed overthrow of the government even if it did stand which it did not as a matter of fact.

The disarming of the American people is being fought with great success within the current framework of the government so while such a disarming would be a major event it is not happening at this time.
Sat 1 Jun, 2013 09:04 am
In no manner or in no way as I and the founding fathers had already stated that the forced change of government is the last resort not the first or the second or the third and so on and concern major issues not small ones.

So you are arguing that gun ownership is not a major issue and it won't matter if we restrict it? That seems completely opposite of the argument you have been making.
Sat 1 Jun, 2013 09:11 am
So you are arguing that gun ownership is not a major issue and it won't matter if we restrict it? That seems completely opposite of the argument you have been making.

So you can not read?

The disarming of the American people is being fought with great success within the current framework of the government so while such a disarming would be a major event it is not happening at this time.
Sat 1 Jun, 2013 03:12 pm
BillRM wrote:

So you are arguing that gun ownership is not a major issue and it won't matter if we restrict it? That seems completely opposite of the argument you have been making.

So you can not read?

The disarming of the American people is being fought with great success within the current framework of the government so while such a disarming would be a major event it is not happening at this time.

Yes, I can read BillRM.
BillRM wrote:
all our freedoms including gun ownership of the population is important and the attempts to disarmed the public would be a first step to making more possible the setting up of a government dictatorship
Sat 1 Jun, 2013 04:03 pm
Yes, I can read BillRM.
BillRM wrote:

all our freedoms including gun ownership of the population is important and the attempts to disarmed the public would be a first step to making more possible the setting up of a government dictatorship

So how does or would an attempt to start the disarming of the American public that is being stop within the system call for an armed rebellion? Of course at this point I am coming the the conclusion that you are trying in a pitiful manner to place words into my mouth and to claimed I am taking a position I had never taken.

In any case, an armed overthrow of a government is the very last resort not the very first resort.

Once more see the Declaration of Independence for the US founding fathers position on the subject that I happen to agree with.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Sat 1 Jun, 2013 04:05 pm
Since when does "throwing off a government" always equate to "armed rebellion?"
Sat 1 Jun, 2013 04:10 pm
You are continuing to dig your gaping hole by defining things only according to your beliefs.

Armed rebellion is not the only way to overthrow a government.
If one side of an issue results in major tyranny then in most cases the other side of an issue can also result in major tyranny.
One right doesn't trump other rights absolutely.

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