Another major school shooting today ... Newtown, Conn

Sat 20 Apr, 2013 05:17 pm
Straw man. Change the subject when confronted by facts. I think you jerks think the insults fool people as to your real motives.
reasoning logic
Sat 20 Apr, 2013 06:06 pm


Have you ever met a person who qualified to have a view on such a matter. I haven't.

Are you being serious? I thought that you learned all that you learned from your teacher Dawkins.

0 Replies
Sat 20 Apr, 2013 06:15 pm
So you believe the NRA threatened colleges with force to get them to stop the studies?
That sounds like paranoia on your part.
Sat 20 Apr, 2013 06:19 pm
So no answer. Just accuse me of being insane. Oh well, usual conservative answer. Which was none at all.
Sat 20 Apr, 2013 06:39 pm
No answer? You didnt ask me a question to answer.
Here is what you said...
The same way they bribed congress to kill gun laws. It dosent always take money. As you well know as an ex military man.

So since there was no question there, I couldnt answer you.
And I didnt accuse you of being insane at all.
Paranoia is not an indication of insanity, sometimes its a healthy thing.
Sat 20 Apr, 2013 11:24 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:
Where have I accused you of anything as such?

In your last several posts.

reasoning logic wrote:
Lets just take a moment and say that I did.

Easy enough, since that's actually the truth.

reasoning logic wrote:
Could you provide evidence too how you can always be truthful but yet you think that everyone else lies at times?

No idea. Can't see why I'd even want to try.

reasoning logic wrote:
or do you think that there are people on this planet who have never told a lie in their life? Shocked

No idea. Does it matter? You still falsely accused me of not being intellectually honest, and I still called you on it.
0 Replies
Sat 20 Apr, 2013 11:24 pm
RABEL222 wrote:
Straw man.


RABEL222 wrote:
Change the subject when confronted by facts.

I was not confronted with any facts, and I didn't change the subject.

RABEL222 wrote:
I think you jerks think the insults fool people as to your real motives.

You are not qualified to reach conclusions.
0 Replies
Sun 21 Apr, 2013 04:02 am
The NRA threatened the president with guns, college principals don't have as many bodyguards.
0 Replies
Sun 21 Apr, 2013 06:47 am
o you believe the NRA threatened colleges with force to get them to stop the studies?
That sounds like paranoia on your part.

I think all the "evil" NRA did was to blocked our taxpayers funding to go for such so call studies.

Colleges are free to spend their own funds for such "research" just not the general population.
0 Replies
Sun 21 Apr, 2013 09:19 am
You meant it as a complement! Oh forgive me. I thought you were trying to insult me by claiming I wasent rational. That was what you meant wasent it? So along with everything else you lie.
Sun 21 Apr, 2013 10:15 am
How does not being rational equate to being insane?
Every one of us has things we aren't rational about, but you said I claimed you were insane.
Those two things are not the same. And you still haven't answered my question about the NRA.
Sun 21 Apr, 2013 06:45 pm
The NRA has jerks like you and all the legislators who have been bought by people like you to front for them. Studys take money, Bush cut scads of money from the government programs which crippled collages ability to do these studies. I am absolutely sure this will go over your head like a shot. If you were really interested you would do your own search to prove me wrong but being a lazy bastard it easier to try to force me to do something impossible. I could post 40 pages of proof and your answer would be but that information came from a liberal source. All the proof in the world wont change your mind.
Mon 22 Apr, 2013 12:14 am
Studys take money, Bush cut scads of money from the government programs which crippled collages ability to do these studies.

Any numbers of the major universities have so must funds in their endowments that they could stop taking the forty or fifty thousands a year in tuitions from each students so the idea that most universities are short of funding is amusing.

Some public universities are but it is not the common situation but once more facts are not the strong point of the anti-gun crowd.
Joe Nation
Mon 22 Apr, 2013 03:35 am
It is the oddest part of the debates about gun violence : neither side has any comprehensive data. By comprehensive, I mean on the scale in which the CDC studies car crashes. They use, according to what I've read, more than 100 data points per incident. Why do they do that? Car crashes are public health issue and that's what the CDC studies.

The CDC was effectively banned by Congress from studying gun violence and deaths in 1995/96 after an intense campaign by the NRA to get people like BillRM to mouth the words "so-called studies."

It's as if the National Football League got Congress to force the CDC to stop asking about head trauma and helmets because it might affect the game in ways that would reduce viewership.

Or the States of Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts and Connecticut may them stop recording data about Lyme Disease because it was bad for tourism.

Americans murder each other with guns at a rate 20 times that of other industrialized nations (we think it's 20 times, because the aforementioned lack of comprehensive study, we can only compare raw guns-per-person numbers, it might actually be higher.) . There's no comparable health or safety issue, if, for instance, the rate of rate of death due to car crashes was 20 times higher than other nations, one would think the public would demand study into the matter.

Oh, wait. That's what happened. And the rates of automobile related deaths has dropped 80% sine the 1950's due to increased safety measures. The murder rate during the same period hasn't budged.

The President signed an executive order back in January, after the December Newtown Shootings, that re-opens funding for the CDC and the National Institutes for Health to study guns and gun violence.

Joe(It's about time we knew what is really out there.)Nation
Mon 22 Apr, 2013 07:53 am
@Joe Nation,
Americans murder each other with guns at a rate 20 times that of other industrialized nations (we think it's 20 times, because the aforementioned lack of comprehensive study, we can only compare raw guns-per-person

We are now at a 50 years low on our murder rate and the rate of suicide for the US is down the list of nations with such countries as France and Canada with a higher rates.

Yes indeed in the US guns being used as a tool for murder/suicide is far more common then in countries with few guns but dead is dead no matter what the tools happen to be.
Mon 22 Apr, 2013 07:56 am
Mon 22 Apr, 2013 07:59 am

Too bad you can not proof the facts with the same ease is in not?

I almost feel sorry for you but that is almost.
0 Replies
Mon 22 Apr, 2013 01:36 pm
The US is hardly well down the list of developed nations when it comes to suicide. While France has a higher suicide rate, it appears Canada doesn't.

Mon 22 Apr, 2013 02:05 pm
The US is 34th on the list and Canada is 40th on the list? That makes .5 more per 100,000.
0 Replies
Mon 22 Apr, 2013 02:11 pm
I already gave a link to a Washington post article on this thread that contain a table where the Canadian suicide rate was a listed as .1 over the US so it is about the same with one hell of a lot more guns in the US then in Canada.


Proving along with a whole long list of other first world nations with a higher rate of suicide in spite of one hell of a lot more guns so suicide rates seems not to have a tied in with how many guns are available or not available..

In gun free Japan they had almost double the US suicide rate and Finland and Denmark and on and on the rate is higher then in the US.

Of the 25 nations listed 16 have a higher rate of suicide if I counted correctly.

Footnote the table is listed as from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development for the year 2005.

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