Another major school shooting today ... Newtown, Conn

Tue 18 Dec, 2012 06:34 am
Religion Makes Countries More Violent?
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 06:37 am
moving along the frozen thread
0 Replies
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 06:49 am
This rips my heart out... Sad

Posting this along the lines of how religion makes countries more violent.

Rest in peace little angel who only wanted a papi... (tears)

See what I mean, we learn of the ugly and hateful world soon enough...
0 Replies
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 07:10 am
only one in ten persons who are shot happen to be kill and that seems kind of low.

The ratio of shootings to deaths in Chicago last weekend was in line with that Bill if CBS News is to be believed. I think I recall 30 odd shootings and 4 deaths.

There were none in the UK during the same period.
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 07:25 am
My sneaky down-thumber should know that Mr Larkin was closer to the harsh realities of life than any of the molly-coddling nuisance parents will ever be.

All the latter lot give me the impression that they use their kids as a sort of mirror to reflect the superiority of their own genetic material which, given the proper definitions, has an IQ of 100 exactly.

The philosophy of the real left is to separate parents from children at birth.

I was told that on returning from my first day at school at 5 I was asked what I thought of it. It seems I said it was alright but I didn't think I would go back tomorrow.

Of course, I didn't know that if I didn't go back some ******* adults would come and round me up.
0 Replies
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 07:37 am
There were none in the UK during the same period.

Kniving numbers for the UK during that same period of time in fact let have the numbers of UK murders as it does not realty matter the tools used to kill you now does it?
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 07:44 am

President Obama: "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”

Makes you wonder just how many violent attacks and crimes against humanity never happen as
planned by the criminals just because a law abiding citizen was armed with a gun. Don't be a victim.
0 Replies
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 07:58 am
I haven't heard of any knife incidents either recently.

What I have heard is that a "not for profit" bunch of nannies is agitating to replace glasses in pubs with unbreakable plastic beakers because there was a bloke in a pub about 30 years ago who broke a glass and attacked somebody with it in one of the 50 or so pubs in some nondescript dump I had never heard of. It hasn't even got a football team. The victim has what is very like a duelling scar.

So you can see how much effort goes into seeing that we are all safe. And a bloody good thing too imo.

Did you know that people who get their living by talking, or having a usufruct on the underlying population which does the doing, live considerable longer than average when the average is worked out including the underlying population.

Tue 18 Dec, 2012 08:11 am
Oh.. I see. You are just going to ignore the banning of things you can't defend while pretending that anyone that wants to ban such things are freedom haters.

Meanwhile you resort to your pistol grip strawman.
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 08:14 am
So you can see how much effort goes into seeing that we are all safe. And a bloody good thing too imo.

I am still laughing over the idea that the poor UK Olympics pistols team needed to leave the country in order to practice.

An the one attempt by one of your medical associations to ban large kitchen knives.

Let see what else oh the ban on importing swords and the limit on the power of air guns and....................

Oh yes if you are carrying a screw driver you better be able to point to a few screws you are going to be using it on,,,,,LOL

This is a nation that was at one time world famous for it fine handguns that collectors around the world still love to buy that is except for the English collectors.

Tue 18 Dec, 2012 08:27 am

I am still laughing over the idea that the poor UK Olympics pistols team needed to leave the country in order to practice.

You've been laughing for 6 years?
Maybe you should get up to date on the UK Olympics team and their practicing since 2008.
Frank Apisa
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 08:34 am
No such rights.

So, you think the Constitution did not confer the right to own slaves...and the right for men to choose our leaders!


Because they don't.

And you are going to insist those rights are not conferred...while insisting the document confers the right to own weapons that had not even been dreamed of yet.

I say again: WOW!

There is nothing hyperbolic about pointing out the fact that the Democrats are plotting a massive violation of our Constitutional rights.

Actually Oralloy (I like the sound of that!) that IS hyperbole. It probably is difficult for you to see that it is because of your addiction.

That is exactly what the Democrats ARE doing.

Actually, most of them are lobbying for stricter gun controls…which is not an attempt to violate your constitutional rights. It is an attempt to change things…something that has been done many times over the years.

And what, are you suggesting that I only should have said that they hate our freedom "just as much" as Osama bin Laden? Or 90% as much? 78.9265% as much?

The point is not the exact magnitude of their comparative hate. The point is that BOTH of them hate our freedom.

What I am suggesting you should have said, Oralloy, is that you were using hyperbole when you said “The left hates America’s freedom even more than Osama bin Laden did…” In fact, I have made that suggestion several times now…but it seems you do not have the character to simply acknowledge that it is hyperbole.

Sorry that is the case.
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 08:40 am
parados wrote:
Oh.. I see. You are just going to ignore the banning of things you can't defend

I wouldn't go so far as to say I couldn't defend high capacity magazines.

It is more that there is no need for me to do so, given the fact that you are dead set on sabotaging your own proposal by tying it to blatantly unconstitutional measures.

When your opponent insists on self destructing, the best thing you can do is get out of the way and let them get on with it.

parados wrote:
while pretending that anyone that wants to ban such things are freedom haters.

There is no pretending. Your call to ban harmless cosmetic features like pistol grips is an outrageous violation of the US Constitution.

parados wrote:
Meanwhile you resort to your pistol grip strawman.

That your call to ban harmless cosmetic features like pistol grips is an outrageous violation of the US Constitution, is not a straw man.
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 08:44 am
I am still laughing as here how your government try to help the poor pistol team with a **** ass mock-pistol training device instead of just allowing them to practice with real guns in their own country.

I am still trying to figure out why you would need to have an act of parliament to import such a non-firearm training device.

When did you guys turn over your nation to the little old women?


UK Olympic Pistol Shooters Allowed to Practice with Mock Pistols
Because of draconian restrictions on handguns in the United Kingdom, Olympic smallbore pistol shooters from the UK have been forced to conduct their training in neighboring countries, such as Belgium and France. Obviously, the need to travel overseas to practice their sport has been a major handicap for UK shooters who will compete with Team GB* at the upcoming London Olympics. Said one smallbore pistol shooter: “Our goal is to win a medal for mother England, the 2012 host nation. But it is hard to compete on a world-class level when we can’t even train at home. Going overseas every time we need to practice wastes precious time and money. Other Olympic shooters don’t face these kind of obstacles.”

With the 2012 London Olympics soon approaching, UK Olympic officials have been looking at ways that Team GB pistol shooters can avoid the need to travel abroad just to practice shooting. Now, through a special act of Parliament, it appears that UK Olympic pistol shooters may finally be able to hone their marksmanship skills at home. A new law will allow qualified Olympic-level pistol shooters on Team Great Britain to import a new, non-lethal training device recently introduced in the United States. With the aid of the American-made Trigger Trainer, UK Olympic shooters can now practice their trigger-pulling skills without risking a trip to prison. The Trigger-Trainer is a plastic device with a pistol grip, and spring-loaded “trigger”. However, it is incapable of firing a projectile because it lacks a barrel, magazine, firing pin, and sights.

Some of Team GB’s shooters have expressed doubts about the usefulness of the rather primitive Trigger Trainer. (As it lacks front and rear sights, the Trigger Trainer is difficult to align precisely on the target). But top British Olympic decision-makers believe that the shooters’ complaints are unjustified. British Olympic Association official Nigel Wensleydale observed: “Complaints? That’s just idle whinging if you ask me… nothing’s perfect you know. Perhaps the Trigger Trainers do leave something to be desired as they come out of the box. But our Olympic shooters are clever lads. I think, with a little imagination and some sticky tape, these Trigger Trainers will be tip-top. Goodness, you could simply tape a drinking straw on top and sight through that. I mean how much precision do these chaps really need — the target’s only 10m away for goodness sake.”

0 Replies
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 08:58 am
China was hit by a spate of knife and cleaver attacks that targeted school children in 2010

While that was clearly tragic, 18 children died in four separate attacks. (Looked it up on google) Had the attacker been wielding a gun capable of killing people very quickly, the number of fatal casualties would have been much higher, which is the main point of the gun control advocates. Just simple common sense gun control and gun law enforcement.

One thing the tragic China knife rampages have in common with US fatal shootings (just a way to word it) is usually those who commit these incomprehensible crimes seem to have underlying emotional conditions or problems.
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 09:03 am
I am curious oralloy as to when I called for a ban on harmless cosmetic features. Is this just your latest strawman because you can't argue the issue of high capacity magazines?

By the way. Unless you can find an instance of me calling for banning pistol grips, your claiming I said so is the basis of your strawman.
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 09:06 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
oralloy wrote:
No such rights.

So, you think the Constitution did not confer the right to own slaves...and the right for men to choose our leaders!


It was just a straightforward statement of facts. The Constitution never conferred any "right" to own slaves. And it never conferred on men any "right" to be the gender that chose the government.

Frank Apisa wrote:
oralloy wrote:
Because they don't.

And you are going to insist those rights are not conferred...while insisting the document confers the right to own weapons that had not even been dreamed of yet.

I say again: WOW!

It sounds like you know very little about the US government. That the Constitution applies to modern technology is a pretty basic fact.

Frank Apisa wrote:
oralloy wrote:
There is nothing hyperbolic about pointing out the fact that the Democrats are plotting a massive violation of our Constitutional rights.

Actually Oralloy (I like the sound of that!) that IS hyperbole.

No it isn't. The news the past few days have been full of Democrats explicitly stating their intention to pass legislation that would grievously violate America's Constitutional rights.

Frank Apisa wrote:
It probably is difficult for you to see that it is because of your addiction.

I have no addiction. Your hyperbole allegation is difficult for me to see because you are trying to pretend that the truth is hyperbole.

Frank Apisa wrote:
oralloy wrote:
That is exactly what the Democrats ARE doing.

Actually, most of them are lobbying for stricter gun controls…which is not an attempt to violate your constitutional rights.

Wrong. The measure they are lobbying for IS a grievous violation of my Constitutional rights.

And when people try to do something that violates someone's rights, it is proper English to refer to it as an attempt to violate their rights.

Frank Apisa wrote:
It is an attempt to change things…something that has been done many times over the years.

The fact that the Democrats' blatant attempt to violate the Constitution is a "change", does not in any way remove the fact that the Democrats are plotting a blatant attempt to violate the Constitution.

Frank Apisa wrote:
oralloy wrote:
And what, are you suggesting that I only should have said that they hate our freedom "just as much" as Osama bin Laden? Or 90% as much? 78.9265% as much?

The point is not the exact magnitude of their comparative hate. The point is that BOTH of them hate our freedom.

What I am suggesting you should have said, Oralloy, is that you were using hyperbole when you said “The left hates America’s freedom even more than Osama bin Laden did…”

Since it was not hyperbole, and I was merely telling the truth, it would be dishonest of me to say such a thing.

I'm not going to lie for you no matter how nicely you ask me.

Frank Apisa wrote:
In fact, I have made that suggestion several times now…

I'm also not going to lie for you no matter how many times you ask me.

Frank Apisa wrote:
but it seems you do not have the character to simply acknowledge that it is hyperbole.

Just the opposite. Were I to lie, as you are asking me to do, THAT would be a lack of character.

My strength of character is what drives me to continue to tell the truth no matter how hard you urge me to lie.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Sorry that is the case.

It isn't the case. Note my refusal to lie for you.
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 09:08 am
RexRed wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

RexRed wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

RexRed wrote:
I believe sheltering children from the harsh realities of life is among a parent's top duties.
Children will learn of the ugliness of the world soon enough...
I remember relaxing in bed at age 3, lusting for revolvers
that I 'd seen strapped to the hips of police,
viewing them in my mind, yearning & craving.
I had to wait until age 8.

RexRed: Let's hope your dreams of guns have made you a happy person with a fulfilling life.
I would not trade you even if you are not being serious.

RexRed wrote:
Sure, don't talk to strangers is a good one to teach early but guns, serial killers and school shootings?
No... I say give them at least an idyllic childhood


RexRed: Sheltering i.e. distracting them from negativity and leading them toward a path of self improvement and mutual consideration for as long as you can.
I did not tell my parents what I craved n longed for, in bed.


Well you told us David and we are still reeling from the disdain...
Good thing you sheltered your parents from your own err, fetishes.
My father liked guns, tho not as much as I do.
I dont care about your "disdain"; like water off a duck.

It will be funny if u will NEED a gun
and don t have one.

0 Replies
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 09:11 am

I am still laughing over the idea that the poor UK Olympics pistols team needed to leave the country in order to practice.

That is amusing, and incomprehensible to anyone with your conditioning.

However figures I saw on TV last night show that Britain has 1/300 th of the gun crime of America. A figure I thought would be lower. But we're working on it.
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 09:12 am
Since it was not hyperbole, and I was merely telling the truth, it would be dishonest of me to say such a thing.

Sorry, but when you confuse your opinion with truth you really do tread heavily on the hyperbole side.

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