Another major school shooting today ... Newtown, Conn

Tue 18 Dec, 2012 09:16 am

"The National Rifle Association took down its Facebook page, went silent on Twitter, and told CBS News that "Until the facts are thoroughly known NRA will not have any comment" on the mass shooting. The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) called the shooting a "horrible tragedy". And all 31 pro-gun members of the U.S. Senate turned down invitations to defend their points of view on "Meet the Press" on Sunday."

Seems to me that gun enthusiasts as well as the US legislators are re-thinking their approach.
Frank Apisa
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 09:16 am
Let's take this one item at a time:

It was just a straightforward statement of facts. The Constitution never conferred any "right" to own slaves. And it never conferred on men any "right" to be the gender that chose the government.

Why then do you suppose the constitution had to be amended in order for women to participate in the vote...and for an Emancipation Declaration to be issue to free some of the slaves?

Why are you sticking to this, Oralloy?
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 09:18 am
There is simply NO EXCUSE for any government
interfering with the self defense of victims of violence

0 Replies
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 09:19 am
parados wrote:
I am curious oralloy as to when I called for a ban on harmless cosmetic features.

You do so every time you support a ban on assault weapons.

parados wrote:
Is this just your latest strawman because you can't argue the issue of high capacity magazines?

I do not engage in straw man tactics. I prefer to just stick to defending the truth.

And again, the fact that you have eliminated any need to address the issue of high capacity magazines, does not mean that I am unable to defend them.

parados wrote:
By the way. Unless you can find an instance of me calling for banning pistol grips, your claiming I said so is the basis of your strawman.

Every time you support a ban on assault weapons, you are calling for a ban on pistol grips.
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 09:26 am
gun control is a half-assed bandage attempt which is often used as a means to ignore the major underlying problem. major reform of our mental health system would be much more productive than are these constant useless arguments about gun access...

The arguments about gun access are useless only when they are not followed by some action to remedy the problem. The underlying problem with gun violence is the unfettered access to, and easy availability of, guns in our country. And most gun homicides are not being committed by the mentally ill. Reforming the mental health system, would not affect the gun violence in our country in any significant way.
Alcohol and drug abuse are far more likely to result in violent behavior than mental illness by itself. In the National Institute of Mental Health’s E.C.A. study, for example, people with no mental disorder who abused alcohol or drugs were nearly seven times as likely as those without substance abuse to commit violent acts.

It’s possible that preventing people with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other serious mental illnesses from getting guns might decrease the risk of mass killings. Even the Supreme Court, which in 2008 strongly affirmed a broad right to bear arms, at the same time endorsed prohibitions on gun ownership “by felons and the mentally ill.”

But mass killings are very rare events, and because people with mentally illness contribute so little to overall violence, these measures would have little impact on everyday firearm-related killings. Consider that between 2001 and 2010, there were nearly 120,000 gun-related homicides, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Few were perpetrated by people with mental illness.

Perhaps more significant, we are not very good at predicting who is likely to be dangerous in the future. According to Dr. Michael Stone, professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia and an expert on mass murderers, “Most of these killers are young men who are not floridly psychotic. They tend to be paranoid loners who hold a grudge and are full of rage.”

Even though we know from large-scale epidemiologic studies like the E.C.A. study that a young psychotic male who is intoxicated with alcohol and has a history of involuntary commitment is at a high risk of violence, most individuals who fit this profile are harmless.

Jeffery Swanson, a professor of psychiatry at Duke University and a leading expert in the epidemiology of violence, said in an e-mail, “Can we reliably predict violence? ‘No’ is the short answer. Psychiatrists, using clinical judgment, are not much better than chance at predicting which individual patients will do something violent and which will not.”

It would be even harder to predict a mass shooting, Dr. Swanson said, “You can profile the perpetrators after the fact and you’ll get a description of troubled young men, which also matches the description of thousands of other troubled young men who would never do something like this.”

Even if clinicians could predict violence perfectly, keeping guns from people with mental illness is easier said than done. Nearly five years after Congress enacted the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, only about half of the states have submitted more than a tiny proportion of their mental health records.

How effective are laws that prohibit people with mental illness from obtaining guns? According to Dr. Swanson’s recent research, these measures may prevent some violent crime. But, he added, “there are a lot of people who are undeterred by these laws.”

Adam Lanza was prohibited from purchasing a gun, because he was too young. Yet he managed to get his hands on guns — his mother’s — anyway. If we really want to stop young men like him from becoming mass murderers, and prevent the small amount of violence attributable to mental illness, we should invest our resources in better screening for, and treatment of, psychiatric illness in young people.

All the focus on the small number of people with mental illness who are violent serves to make us feel safer by displacing and limiting the threat of violence to a small, well-defined group. But the sad and frightening truth is that the vast majority of homicides are carried out by outwardly normal people in the grip of all too ordinary human aggression to whom we provide nearly unfettered access to deadly force.
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 09:37 am
McTag wrote:
However figures I saw on TV last night show that Britain has 1/300 th of the gun crime of America. A figure I thought would be lower. But we're working on it.

Are the murder victims "less dead" due to being killed with some other weapon?
0 Replies
Joe Nation
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 09:37 am
Just to repeat:
the sad and frightening truth is that the vast majority of homicides are carried out by outwardly normal people in the grip of all too ordinary human aggression to whom we provide nearly unfettered access to deadly

Improve mental health but the most dangerous people I have ever known have just been assholes with bad attitudes.

Joe(and nearly always over the years, they have guns of many kinds.)Nation

0 Replies
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 09:37 am
parados wrote:
Sorry, but when you confuse your opinion with truth you really do tread heavily on the hyperbole side.

I do not confuse my opinion with the truth. Nor do I engage in hyperbole.
0 Replies
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 09:38 am
Ragman wrote:
Seems to me that gun enthusiasts as well as the US legislators are re-thinking their approach.

No. We are all set to pounce all over the Democrats when they make their big push to violate the Constitution.
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 09:40 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
Let's take this one item at a time:

oralloy wrote:
It was just a straightforward statement of facts. The Constitution never conferred any "right" to own slaves. And it never conferred on men any "right" to be the gender that chose the government.

Why then do you suppose the constitution had to be amended in order for women to participate in the vote

It didn't. It could have been done by having the states change their laws.

The amendment was required to overrule the states who were refusing to change their laws.

Frank Apisa wrote:
...and for an Emancipation Declaration to be issue to free some of the slaves?

Because the South were certainly not going to free them on their own.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Why are you sticking to this, Oralloy?

Because it's the truth.

I have this thing about always sticking to the truth.
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 09:41 am

You do so every time you support a ban on assault weapons.

When did I do that? Oh.. wait.. that's your strawman showing up again. You seem to leave straw everywhere you go oralloy.
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 09:41 am
Consider gun duels were once a common way of settling disputes and now outlawed. Gun rights have been modified several times to allow for ethical civilized justice and social order. I see this current issue of banning automatic weapons as a logical progression. The same legislation that banned duels should give the courts precedence to also ban assault weapons where citizens are once again taking the law into their own hands...
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 09:45 am
Bill O'Reilly didn't seem to think that last night oralloy.
Frank Apisa
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 10:14 am

Frank Apisa wrote:
Let's take this one item at a time:
oralloy wrote:
It was just a straightforward statement of facts. The Constitution never conferred any "right" to own slaves. And it never conferred on men any "right" to be the gender that chose the government.

Why then do you suppose the constitution had to be amended in order for women to participate in the vote

It didn't. It could have been done by having the states change their laws.

The amendment was required to overrule the states who were refusing to change their laws.

But as you acknowledge, without the amendment, the individual states could deny the right of women to vote. (Only a few states granted women that right.) So...an amendment to the Constitution was necessary to insure they had the right to vote. By omission, the Constitution denied women the right to vote. Without that amendment…and absent the willingness of men in individual states to vote to give them the right…women WERE denied the right to vote. People considered this wrong...and actively worked and agitated to demand change in the document to insure the right of women to vote.

With that in mind, let’s go back to my original question:

At one point in our history, people “plotted” to give women the right to vote. (You certainly are free to consider that “to insure women had the right to vote.”)

Are you saying it is reasonable to characterize those people as “hating our freedom and plotting to assault the Constitution?”

The motivation for my question was your assertion that people championing change in the original document in the interests of gun legislation are people who hate our freedom and are “plotting to assault the Constitution.
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 10:15 am
parados wrote:
You do so every time you support a ban on assault weapons.

When did I do that? Oh.. wait.. that's your strawman showing up again. You seem to leave straw everywhere you go oralloy.

You cannot show a single instance of me ever using straw man tactics.

So, do you deny that you are calling for a ban on assault weapons?
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 10:16 am
I want to start by offering my profound condolences and sympathies to the families of the victims of this bitter incident. Losing a family member the hardest thing someone could go through. My thoughts and prayers are truly with you at this time.
My comments on the Connecticut shooting:
Please don’t make this a gun problem issues. It’s not. This guy had a MENTAL PROBLEM!
THAT IS THE ISSUE. The government should worry about helping people like these. This guy had his mind set to do what he did. Come on, a person that kill his own mom! What guy with his right mind does that? Sorry but the guy had mental issues. And to top it off the family knew their son had issues.(Read online). So it’s not the Guns Fault. He was going to do what he did and am sure he would have done it with anything he would have available. He could have used a baseball bat. Would the president band baseball bats?
Clear example: Friday morning, a man walked through the entrance of an elementary school in China and, without warning, began ruthlessly cutting down children at the school. Attacking children with a knife, and began ruthlessly cutting down children at the school. Before he was subdued, nearly two dozen were hit.
China -- which has strict gun control laws –
I am also sorry for all does families as well!

Bottom line /my 2cents:
President is wrong in trying to enforce some kind of ban on gun sales, rifle sales or ammo sales. This is not the problem.
He will only weaken all the good law-abiding people that own guns for defends.
The people that have guns to defend their families.
The people that have earned the right to own and carry a gun.( by keeping a clean record ). being law-abiding citizens.
People that one day might stop a idiot from doing harm to people at a mall, school etc..etc...
I don’t know about Connecticut but here in Texas we have the right to legally own guns (as long as you’re approved by Gov. clean record etc. etc...) Then we have the RIGHT to obtain a permit to conceal your hand gun.
I obtained my permit because a have 3 beautiful babies and a beautiful wife, And my dutie as a father and husband to to protect my family at all cost. Like every father will do. So I got my permit. Its legal in my good old TEXAS, I have earned the right to barearms by being a law-abiding citizen.
The permit at least balances the odds against the bad guy with a gun.

(You cannot protect your family by throwing rocks at a guy that is shooting at you or your family.) That’s what the president is trying to do! By banning and restricting guns/rifles/ammo.
I am a big pusher of Campus carry and believe that if a teacher or parent had a gun at that time of the shooting. ( campus carry allowed)
The outcome would have been much different.
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 10:16 am
RexRed wrote:
Gun rights have been modified several times to allow for ethical civilized justice and social order.

No they haven't.

RexRed wrote:
I see this current issue of banning automatic weapons as a logical progression.

No one is talking about banning automatic weapons.

The matter under proposal is an unconstitutional ban on harmless cosmetic features like pistol grips.

RexRed wrote:
The same legislation that banned duels should give the courts precedence to also ban assault weapons

It doesn't.

RexRed wrote:
where citizens are once again taking the law into their own hands...

Where are citizens taking the law into their own hands?
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 10:18 am
spendius wrote:
Bill O'Reilly didn't seem to think that last night oralloy.

I'm not familiar with whatever argument he made, but we are not about to give up our freedom just because the Democrats hate the Constitution.
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 10:28 am

Dick's Sporting Goods says they have "suspended the sale of modern sporting rifles in all of our stores chainwide."

Welcome to the parent lobby.
Tue 18 Dec, 2012 10:39 am
oralloy wrote:

Ragman wrote:
Seems to me that gun enthusiasts as well as the US legislators are re-thinking their approach.

No. We are all set to pounce all over the Democrats

that's an interesting approach when you consider that a lot of the "re-thinking" is coming from the Republican/conservative side

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