So if you got your wish and somehow interfere with the ability to used firearms to do mass killings the result would be that these sick people would turn to far more deadly means of doing mass killings the means of doing so can be found in any drug store and pool supply store with step by step details on the internet.
Somehow I do not see the gain with a side note of by just interfering with so call assault rifles and therefore getting the use of pump shotguns and high power hunting rifles up in such killings would mean more not less deaths as both pump/semi auto shotguns and high power hunting rifles are far more deadly then so call assault rifles in doing the kind of mass killings that happen at Newtown.
The problem is not firearms or a type of rifle label an assault rifle but the mentally ill being encourage by the media to get their 15 minutes of fame by doing mass killings.
If you care about the welfare of school children from this danger we need armed security on site nothing less will have any effect on the problem.
Of course Firefly I do not see you as likely caring about solving this problem but are just using it and the dead children as a mean/excuse to take more freedoms from the people.