Another major school shooting today ... Newtown, Conn

Thu 3 Jan, 2013 01:55 pm
How about posting pictures of the victims. We know their dead from gunshots. I dont need crime scene pictures of the victims too feel sad about about this horrible crime.
0 Replies
Thu 3 Jan, 2013 02:55 pm
They are pretty close to being the same, given Obama's great desire to violate the Second Amendment

Obama had not as yet place heavy pressure of his office to get the ban back on and then .................................................

It is my understanding the both GW Bush and Reagan had been willing to sign off on an assault weapon ban and Reagen even lobby congress for the ban.


WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration is bucking the National Rifle Association and supporting a renewal of the assault weapons ban, set to expire just before the presidential election.

"The president supports the current law, and he supports reauthorization of the current law," White House spokesman Scott McClellan said.

Tossing out the ban on semiautomatic weapons is a top priority for the NRA. President Bush said during his presidential campaign that he supported the current ban, but it was less clear whether he would support an extension.

The White House comment comes just before the NRA's annual convention and as the gun debate overall shows signs of fresh life after several years of near hibernation.

Republicans now control the House and the Senate and are using their newfound power to breathe life into the stalled pro-gun rights agenda. This week, they pushed through a bill in the House to give gunmakers and dealers sweeping immunity from lawsuits.


The assault weapons ban is considered a crown jewel by the gun-control movement, and even though its expiration is more than a year away it is already being watched closely.

As the assault weapon ban vote neared, Reagan — who as president had signed 1986 legislation loosening restrictions on guns — wrote a letter with former Presidents Ford and Carter to the House of Representatives urging them to vote in favor of the ban.

“We are writing to urge your support for a ban on the domestic manufacture of military-style assault weapons. This is a matter of vital importance to the public safety,” the letter said.

“While we recognize that assault weapon legislation will not stop all assault weapon crime, statistics prove that we can dry up the supply of these guns, making them less accessible to criminals. We urge you to listen to the American public and to the law enforcement community and support a ban on the further manufacture of these weapons,” the letter said concluding.

More substantially, though, Reagan apparently persuaded at least two Republican Members of Congress to change their vote:

Congressman Scott Klug, a Republican from Wisconsin was an opponent of the assault weapon ban and the day before the vote stated his opposition to the ban. Klug only changed his voted after “a last minute plea from President Reagan” in the form of a handwritten note.

”Dear Scott: As a longtime gun owner and supporter of the right to bear arms, I, too, have carefully thought about this issue. I am convinced that the limitations imposed in this bill are absolutely necessary,” Reagan wrote Klug. “I know there is heavy pressure on you to go the other way, but I strongly urge you to join me in supporting this bill. It must be passed. Sincerely, Ronald Reagan.”

”I can think of no one who has been a stronger supporter of law and order and a stronger supporter of the Second Amendment,” Klug said in a statement regarding Reagan’s note announcing his support for the ban.

Another former Congressman, New Hampshire Democrat Dick Swett, also credited the former President with influencing his voting. Swett was unsure of how to vote on the ban, but made up his made after direct lobbying from Reagan.

The bill ended up passing the House by two votes, 216-214.

This wasn’t the first time that Reagan had come out against the Republican position on gun rights. In 1991, he authored a New York Times Op-Ed in which he called for passage of The Brady Bill:

Named for Jim Brady, this legislation would establish a national seven-day waiting period before a handgun purchaser could take delivery. It would allow local law enforcement officials to do background checks for criminal records or known histories of mental disturbances. Those with such records would be prohibited from buying the handguns.

While there has been a Federal law on the books for more than 20 years that prohibits the sale of firearms to felons, fugitives, drug addicts and the mentally ill, it has no enforcement mechanism and basically works on the honor system, with the purchaser filling out a statement that the gun dealer sticks in a drawer.

The Brady bill would require the handgun dealer to provide a copy of the prospective purchaser’s sworn statement to local law enforcement authorities so that background checks could be made. Based upon the evidence in states that already have handgun purchase waiting periods, this bill — on a nationwide scale — can’t help but stop thousands of illegal handgun purchases.

And, since many handguns are acquired in the heat of passion (to settle a quarrel, for example) or at times of depression brought on by potential suicide, the Brady bill would provide a cooling-off period that would certainly have the effect of reducing the number of handgun deaths.

Critics claim that “waiting period” legislation in the states that have it doesn’t work, that criminals just go to nearby states that lack such laws to buy their weapons. True enough, and all the more reason to have a Federal law that fills the gaps. While the Brady bill would not apply to states that already have waiting periods of at least seven days or that already require background checks, it would automatically cover the states that don’t. The effect would be a uniform standard across the country.

Today, nobody seriously challenges the idea of pre-purchase background checks. Indeed, thanks to computer systems, they are largely instantaneous in most cases (unless the computer system itself happens to be down). What we’ve learned in recent years, though, is that the background check system is incomplete. For example, it doesn’t necessarily catch people who have been adjudicated mentally ill or other problem areas. When the the Brady bill was first proposed, though, opponents characterized it as one step on the road to tyranny. I’d argue that they were wrong. The Gipper certainly thought so.
331 points on reddit FILED UNDER: Doug Mataconis, Guns, Quick Picks, US Politics
Related Posts:
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Doug is an attorney in private practice in Northern Virginia. He holds a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May, 2010 and also writes at Below The Beltway. Follow Doug on Twitter | Facebook
EddieInCA says:
Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at 15:00
I’ve said it multiple times in multiple threads…

The real Reagan couldn’t/wouldn’t be nominated in today’s GOP.
A. He signed an Amenesty Law.
B. He raised taxes… MULTIPLE times.
C. He favored gun control.
D. He was from Hollywood.
E. He was the president of a Labor Union.
F. He had gay friends and co-workers.
G. He was divorced.
H. After the Marine Barracks attack, he had the military flee, rather than fight.

The Ronald Reagan of myth doesn’t quite match up the Ronald Reagan of reality.

Highly-rated. Helpful or Unhelpful: 29 2

JKB says:
Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at 15:33
Quick question:

What happened in November 1994?

Like or Dislike: 0 12

george says:
Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at 16:04

The Ronald Reagan of myth doesn’t quite match up the Ronald Reagan of reality

And oddly enough, the reality makes for a better President than the myth would have been.

Like or Dislike: 10 0

Anderson says:
Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at 16:12
Hush up, Doug, you with your reality-based Reagan!

Like or Dislike: 3 0

stonetools says:
Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at 16:21

Quick question:

What happened in November 1994?

And since that time , Congress has been cowering like whipped dogs before the NRA, instead of doing what’s right. It has taken the slaughter of 26 innocents to begin to break the spell-to the everlasting shame of the world’s greatest deliberative body.

Like or Dislike: 6 7

anjin-san says:
Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at 17:17
Reagan was a fairly complex man, a far cry from the cartoon character that today’s conservatives worship.

Like or Dislike: 9 0

JKB says:
Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at 17:38

Not the NRA. They’ve been logically acting in response to voter’s indicated preferences. See most voters don’t dwell in the ignorance of the gun banners. They know the “sensible” restrictions would have not stopped such attack nor are the restrictions the end. Voters know that lawful gun possession and carry is the most effective deterrent to such attacks.

Now before everyone makes the claim, perhaps the voters’ opinions have changed. Many of the current politicians are betting their careers on it.

Like or Dislike: 5 7

anjin-san says:
Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at 17:46

Not the NRA. They’ve been logically

The NRA pulled down their FB page after the Sandy Hook tragedy. Just a few days earlier they had been crowing about reaching 1.7 million FB fans.

They seem to lack the courage of their convictions.

Like or Dislike: 5 3

EddieInCA says:
Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at 18:06
The NRA have been F**KING cowards.

No Twitter. No Facebook. No Comment.

Cowards. Effing Cowards.

Like or Dislike: 8 6

john personna says:
Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at 18:41
Interesting statistics here:

Study: Allowing The Assault Rifle Ban To Expire Led To Hundreds Of Mexican Deaths As Well

Hmm. When you think about it, the converse of Fast and Furious is an assault rifle ban.

Like or Dislike: 0 1

bill says:
Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at 19:09
@EddieInCA: he also broke up a union and shelled beiruit into rubble as we left. and he was a democrat before seeing the light! probably our last great speaker too, some people need to have **** sold to them with charisma.
you guys wish you could have a Reagan-esque leader

Like or Dislike: 2 5

EddieInCA says:
Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at 19:31


You missed the entire point. The Reagan in your head isn’t the Reagan that actually.. you know… existed.

you guys wish you could have a Reagan-esque leader

No. Not as much as you do. I like our leader very much, thank you. It’s your side that keeps nominating guys like McCain and Romney. It’s YOU who wishes you could have a Reagan-esque leader. In fact, right now, I think most in your party would even prefer the last GOP President… oh, wait….

Like or Dislike: 5 1

clif says:
Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at 21:33
You mean he who wasn’t mentioned in the 2 long years the insane clown posse ran for the job of losing the presidency to Barack Obama?

Like or Dislike: 2 0

The Q says:
Thursday, December 20, 2012 at 16:33
JKB, the death penalty didn’t stop JFK or RFK or MLK or 26 innocents from being murdered either right? So, if we follow your logic, lets get rid of it since it didn’t deter the above crimes.

But it may have stopped many crimes from being committed because the potential criminal thought about the penalties if they carried out their criminal intentions, therefore it should stand as a deterrent. At least that’s what all you wingnuts keep telling the “libtards” who want to abolish capital punishment

The assault ban may have stopped many massacres that never happened because it made it harder to access these weapons.

And of course, its impossible to track something which never happened.

Like or Dislike: 2 1

matt says:
Thursday, December 20, 2012 at 16:50
@john personna: Once again assault rifles have been banned for many decades.

Like or Dislike: 2 0

matt says:
Thursday, December 20, 2012 at 16:56
Okay so the edit feature didn’t work right for me…

@john personna: Once again assault rifles for most people have been banned for many decades.

The only way to get a real legal assault rifle is to pass extensive background checks and to get the permission of your local state and federal authorities to own one. You then have to pay a large tax and other associated fees. Also you and the weapon will be registered with the government. There’s a reason why legal assault rifles aren’t used for shootings. It’s because they are extremely rare and expensive.

Like or Dislike: 2 1

James Williams says:
Thursday, December 20, 2012 at 17:58
The Assault Weapons Ban expired in 2004.http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5946127/ns/politics/t/congress-lets-assault-weapons-ban-expire/#.UNOVSOQSeSo

Like or Dislike: 1 1

James Williams says:
Thursday, December 20, 2012 at 18:04

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Mitchell Young says:
Thursday, December 20, 2012 at 19:28

My main issue is immigration. Reagan signed an amnesty, it is true. That amnesty also had measures to control immigration that have been ignored, when not actually interfered with by the liberal and racialist (i.e. La Raza) side. The result of the amnesty — an illegal alien population four times bigger that it was pre-1986 amnesty.

I’m pretty sure that as a lover of folksy wisdom, this time around Reagan would say “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me”.

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matt says:
Thursday, December 20, 2012 at 19:46
@James Williams: The term “assault weapon” was made up in the late 80s early 90s in an effort to gin up fear against modified guns. Assault rifles are something completely different. Do try to learn a little about the subject at hand before commenting.

The assault weapon ban was better known as the scary gun ban in the gun owner circuit. It didn’t ban a single assault rifle and it actually banned some hunting shotguns and such accidentally. Funny thing is that during that ban you could buy an authentic AK-47 from Romania called a SAR-1 that was used in training (it was always semi-auto) for 350 bucks max. All they had to do was saw off the bayonet lug to make it legal for importation.

@James Williams:
That is not an assault rifle. That is a 223/5.56 hunting rifle tacticooled out to look like an assault rifle. There are substantial differences between a bushmaster ar15 and a m16 or m4. Mechanically and in function they are different.

An assault rifle is a select-fire (either fully automatic or burst capable) rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine. It is not to be confused with assault weapons.[1] Assault rifles are the standard service rifles in most modern armies. Assault rifles are categorized in between light machine guns, which are intended more for sustained automatic fire in a light support role, and submachine guns, which fire a pistol cartridge rather than a rifle cartridge.

Like or Dislike: 1 0

matt says:
Thursday, December 20, 2012 at 19:48
Here’s an informative video to help you out.


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JKB says:
Thursday, December 20, 2012 at 21:06
Now this is good. A real history of gun control in the US. Oh, guess what, it is generally all based on racist fears to keep guns out of the hands of blacks and other minorities. The bill Reagan signed was prompted by lawful open carry by the Black Panthers.

So now, the Left is asking the first Black President to push for laws historically designed to keep blacks unarmed and helpless before those who would harm them. Interesting.

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Bill23 says:
Friday, December 21, 2012 at 01:03
I wish Fox News would tell their sheep the actual facts about Reagan, not the myth that they created.

Like or Dislike: 0 1

Chuck U Farley says:
Sunday, December 23, 2012 at 19:36

Yet, the Statists still hate Reagan.

Oh yeah….something about helping the fall of Communist Russia…

Like or Dislike: 1 0

Veritas says:
Sunday, December 23, 2012 at 22:29
So Reagan’s nomination of Kennedy and his amnesty were also wise decisions?

Reagan would never have allowed American citizens to be disarmed and this is what we are seeing today. Only the truly stupid accept the Left’s propoganda. But we have seen Obama elected twice so we know at least 51% of the population has a really low IQ.

Thu 3 Jan, 2013 03:00 pm
If you want to discuss gun control--rather than the topic of this particular mass shooting--try this thread


or this one...

Thu 3 Jan, 2013 03:03 pm
Good grief, can't you learn how to edit a post? Too difficult a task for you to master?

If you want to discuss gun control--rather than the topic of this particular mass shooting--try this thread


or this one...

Thu 3 Jan, 2013 03:06 pm
In one case you can be killed from 20 feet away. In the other case, if you are 20 feet away, nothing will happen to you.

Is that simple enough for you Bill?

You mean it is a big deal that a killer need to walk over to you to killed with a knife?

The thing about guns is they seem to make their owners brain dead, unlike knives, cars, and gasoline.

Oh and then knives and swords and other edge weapons do not appeal to humans hunters/warrior DNA in the same manner as guns?

One thing that seems to be true that for some strange and illogical reason guns cause fear amount some people such as yourself and Firefly that is not there for other means of killings that is totally irrational

Thu 3 Jan, 2013 03:13 pm
Good grief, can't you learn how to edit a post? Too difficult a task for you to master?

If you want to discuss gun control--rather than the topic of this particular mass shooting--try this thread

My my you have never make an error in postings on this website and did not removed extra material off the end of a post!!!!!

Second as far as gun control on this thread you had been cheerfully using the poor dead children to promote gun control on this thread now have you not!!!!!!!!!
0 Replies
Thu 3 Jan, 2013 03:25 pm
You mean it is a big deal that a killer need to walk over to you to killed with a knife?

Yup, it's a really big deal that you have to get next to your victim with a knife--it makes it much harder to kill 12 and wound 58 in a movie theater.
One thing that seems to be true that for some strange and illogical reason guns cause fear amount some people such as yourself and Firefly that is not there for other means of killings that is totally irrational

No, what's really strange and irrational is that you can't deal with the fact that those 26 people massacred in that school--the topic of this thread--were all killed by multiple gunshots.

This is a thread about a mass shooting.

One of many mass shootings which occurred last year.

It's hard to discuss our problem with gun violence, including the massacre in Connecticut, without acknowledging that guns are the weapons involved.

Do you have any interest in decreasing the gun violence in this country? Or do you just enjoy talking about various ways of killing people?

Thu 3 Jan, 2013 03:40 pm
Yup, it's a really big deal that you have to get next to your victim with a knife--it makes it much harder to kill 12 and wound 58 in a movie theater

So knives are not in the same class, as far as mass killings, as gun, gasoline that one gentleman manger to killed 97 men and women in a night club, or explosives where far more then 20 children had been killed in a school building?

Sorry Firefly there are all kinds of means of killing people one at a time or 97 at a times that have zero to do with firearms so why the irrational fear of firearms instead of a few dollars worth of gasoline that have killed 97 men and women not that long ago in New York?

Footnote Ted Bundy not a big man used a damn tree limb and his bare hands to killed three student nurses in Florida and harm one other in a building full of other people.

0 Replies
Thu 3 Jan, 2013 03:53 pm
Do you have any interest in decreasing the gun violence in this country? Or do you just enjoy talking about various ways of killing people?

There is nothing at all special about gun violence over all the other manner of violences that mankind employ and if possible moving so call gun violences to other means of killing or harming people would not be useful.

It the will and wish to do murder or mass murderers of innocents that is the issue and the problem not how the sick people who feel that wish go about that goal. Be their means a tree limb, a knife, edge weapons,guns, gasoline , homemake explosives or mass poisoning as in Jones Town.

Thu 3 Jan, 2013 04:49 pm
There is nothing at all special about gun violence over all the other manner of violences that mankind employ

Except that, in our country, guns are the main weapon used when one person kills other people.

And this thread is about a mass shooting.
Thu 3 Jan, 2013 04:50 pm
BillRM... king of the false equivalency.
0 Replies
Thu 3 Jan, 2013 04:56 pm
Then of course. there is this "logic" from a person that claims there is to much violence in our culture...


• Repeal the Second Amendment, the part about guns anyway. It’s badly written, confusing and more trouble than it’s worth. It offers an absolute right to gun ownership, but it puts it in the context of the need for a “well-regulated militia.” We don’t make our militia bring their own guns to battles. And surely the Founders couldn’t have envisioned weapons like those used in the Newtown shooting when they guaranteed gun rights. Owning a gun should be a privilege, not a right.

• Declare the NRA a terrorist organization and make membership illegal. Hey! We did it to the Communist Party, and the NRA has led to the deaths of more of us than American Commies ever did. (I would also raze the organization’s headquarters, clear the rubble and salt the earth, but that’s optional.) Make ownership of unlicensed assault rifles a felony. If some people refused to give up their guns, that “prying the guns from their cold, dead hands” thing works for me.

• Then I would tie Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, our esteemed Republican leaders, to the back of a Chevy pickup truck and drag them around a parking lot until they saw the light on gun control.

This from a man that is complaining about violence.
And I dont remember the American communist party ever being declared illegal, at least not in my 51 years on earth.
Thu 3 Jan, 2013 05:09 pm
Not commenting on your central point, but this:
And I dont remember the American communist party ever being declared illegal, at least not in my 51 years on earth.

No - not illegal - but you could be persecuted for affiliation

I've got one year less than you on this planet, and I'm not from your country, but I know about the McCarthy purges.

Those who forget history....
Thu 3 Jan, 2013 05:13 pm
People, including children, are even getting hit by stray bullets when guns are fired into the air in a celebratory way...
Stray bullet finds woman watching fireworks display from yacht club
By Andrew Meacham, Times Staff Writer
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

ST. PETERSBURG — A woman watching fireworks from a second-floor balcony of the St. Petersburg Yacht Club was hit by a falling bullet shortly after midnight Tuesday.

Laurie Eberhardt, 67, was taken to Bayfront Medical Center, where doctors removed what St. Petersburg police are calling a "large-caliber" bullet from her right wrist. They think the bullet came from a rifle that someone fired in the air to celebrate the New Year.

"I was extremely lucky that the bullet, which fell from the sky as downtown St. Petersburg's celebration took place, did not cause a more serious injury or even my death," Eberhardt said in a statement.

Both Eberhardt and her husband, Henry, are retirees who moved to St. Petersburg from the Holyoke, Mass., area a year ago. They were watching the fireworks with others on the balcony when Laurie Eberhardt felt something strike her about 12:03 a.m., her husband said.

"She looked down and saw the entry hole and the bleeding and said, 'I've been shot,' " said Henry Eberhardt, 73. For a second, her companions tried to understand what she had just said.

"It's not something you're going to hear people say all the time," Henry Eberhardt said.

Then the couple with them, a retired physician and his wife, took action as several people called 911, he said. The friends got Laurie Eberhardt seated and applied ice and pressure to the wound. Rescue crews arrived and took her to Bayfront.

Eberhardt was released about three hours later. She was still feeling pain Tuesday, her husband said.

"This has been one of the most horrifying experiences of my life," Laurie Eberhardt said in her statement.

An investigation is ongoing, said police spokesman Mike Puetz.

The shooting comes a year after a similar injury to Diego Duran, then 12, who was struck in the head by a bullet while watching New Year's fireworks outside his family's Ruskin home.

Diego and his family formed the nonprofit group Bullet Free Sky to raise awareness of the dangers of celebratory gunfire.

During a Fourth of July fireworks display in Safety Harbor last year, a 74-year-old Clearwater man was struck by a stray 9mm bullet that entered his nose and went out his chin before ricochetting off a metal dog tag around his neck.

"I was extremely lucky the bullet came down the way it did," Richard Smeraldo said last week at a news conference held with Diego to urge people to celebrate the New Year without gunfire.

While police do not know where the bullet that struck Eberhardt came from, they could match it to the gun that fired it if evidence led them to that weapon, Puetz said.

In recent years, police have noted more injuries caused by gunshots into the air. In Jacksonville on Monday, an 8-year-old boy was hit in the foot with a bullet from celebratory gunfire just before midnight. A man in Miami also was grazed by a bullet.

"There appear to be more and more stories of this nature," Puetz said. "It's obviously in the public mind now about this type of issue. But we still run into the situation where, unfortunately, some members of the public are not getting the message."

Is it really necessary to celebrate by firing a gun? Particularly when there is any danger it could hit someone? This really is senseless gun violence.
Thu 3 Jan, 2013 05:14 pm
I didnt forget McCarthy, but thats not what the author of the article said.
He said the communist party was declared illegal, and it wasnt.
Thu 3 Jan, 2013 05:39 pm
You have to admire the efforts they've made to help these children transition to a new school, yet try to make it have familiar elements.

Continuing to deal with the effects of trauma, for both the parents and the children, is likely to go on for some time.
Sandy Hook students 'happy to see their friends,' police say
By Andrew Khouri
January 3, 2013, 1:23 p.m.

As Sandy Hook Elementary students walked off the bus to start classes for the first time since a gunman stormed their school, police in Monroe, Conn., said the youngsters seemed excited to start classes and to see their new school building -- located in a different town and refurbished to make them feel at home.

“A lot of them were happy to see their friends they hadn’t seen in a while," Monroe police Lt. Keith White told reporters Thursday afternoon. "They were excited about the new school.”

White said attendance on the first day back was “very good” and most kids arrived by bus. “Most of the buses were full and a lot of the classes were full," he said.

Police and school officials addressed questions from concerned parents at a packed meeting in the school's lecture hall, White said. He said he believed parents were satisfied with the answers they got, but White would not comment on the specific concerns raised.

Parents were also allowed to stay with their children for a "short time" if they wished, he said.

Three weeks after gunman Adam Lanza killed 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., this was a day for students to return to normality -- at least as much as was possible.

The former Chalk Hill School in Monroe -- about seven miles away from where the shooting took place -- was renamed Sandy Hook Elementary. Many students returned to their old desks and classroom decorations. Students were also able to retrieve backpacks and other personal items left behind during the Dec. 14 massacre.

"All of our desks are there," 9-year-old Ben Paley told CNN.

Despite the efforts to make the new school comfortable, signs of the tragedy were unavoidable. Therapy dogs were on campus and counselors were on hand for staff, parents and students.

“A lot of the kids have sat down and enjoyed a few moments with the dogs,” White said.

News reports said a large number of police greeted the students and teachers, while several officers guarded the school's entrance, checking IDs of parents who came to drop off their children. Echoing his comments from Wednesday, White said police are trying to strike a balance for the children and likely will reevaluate their staffing on a “week-to-week basis.”

“We don’t want them to think this is a police state,” he said. “We want them to know that this is a school and a school first. And that it is a place they are to come to learn, enjoy their friends and grow up."


Finn dAbuzz
Thu 3 Jan, 2013 05:47 pm
It's not about facts MM.

Haven't you figured that out by now?
0 Replies
Thu 3 Jan, 2013 05:47 pm

There is nothing at all special about gun violence over all the other manner of violences that mankind employ

Yes of course there is. Guns are designed to kill, and do it very efficiently, and have no other design use. If you buy and keep a gun, you are part of the problem.
Thu 3 Jan, 2013 05:55 pm
What part of

hinge wrote:
Not commenting on your central point, but this:

Did you not understand?
0 Replies
Thu 3 Jan, 2013 06:09 pm
You have to admire the efforts they've made to help these children transition to a new school, yet try to make it have familiar elements.

I hope they do the same for kids in Pakistan who have survived their hovels and primitive schools being blasted by drones.
0 Replies

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