getting rid of many weapons and controlling the ownrship and sale nd design of others is a GOAL Bill. Its going to take a few geberations an will probably come about as a result of more ND MORE OF THESE sensless slayings.
wHILE GUYS LIKE YOU TWIDDLE THUMBS AND COMPALIN THAT NOTHING WILL WORK, i SAY THAT WE MUST SEEK TO INTERDICT THE INSne nd the criminals, also we must make our public places safe, as far as schools, besides new dsigns for safety, we DO need to have armed gurds (At least for the foreseeable future)
Im like many of the gun totin liberals who arent blinded by a political credo that believes that gun"freeness" will work. Im not so naive but I feel that we ultimately will need, coupled with the three other points I believe need be to be accomplished, rationale nw gun designs and control as I stated above. Its a multiple of things that we will need and one item will help rinforce the others.
Ive seen guns made that (for police use) have little elctronic gizmos that can read the fingerprints and palm prints of the user and only one set will let the gun respond by firing.
Assault type weapons need design controls and AND, we need a grandfather clause that affects all th assult waepons that hve been sold. We need to control FULL-AUTO eapons.
We need better taggant id on explosive grade and fertilizer grade nitrates (and, including even these bags of"Blue Ice"-cause I could make a bomb with **** from your kitchen).
Gun sales need controls too. Its possible to purchase hundreds of weapons a month (or any unit of time) at gun shows.
So, in my way of thinking, we need to do it all and Im sure it will dawn on the gun nutz that the 2nd amendment will ultimately need changing or repeal. We repealed prohibition so, in another century we may grow up and get past all these chest thumpings and "big dick" contests and we will realize that guns need to be re;egated to their use as tools and defense.
being singularly anti-gun is just as silly and emotionally driven as is the "Arm everybody cause its our constitutional right" theory. Theyre both unsustainable