Breuss Cancer Cure

Reply Wed 17 Jun, 2009 08:27 pm
Hi Deb,
I have recommended this Breuss Cancer Cure to many friends, some for detox and some for cancer cure. It works, and reduce tumours even if it does not get rid of tumours completely. One theory is that our body will suck the protein from the cancerous tumours to survive during the fast, that may be the reason why some people are not so weak during the healing period. You can read my earlier postings.

So far this is the only cure that has a time limit for the cure, many other natural cures just get you to go on treatment for ever. I'm referring to the treatment period, of course I believe that your lifestyle has to change to a healthy one forever.

But you must really know what the docs are talking about. I have a friend whose dad completed the fast for prostate, but PSA did not go down, and docs told them must operate. However high PSA does not mean that the prostate is cancerous, the doc did not do a biopsy to confirm if the cancer still exist, instead push for operation. The weird thing is that his father feels so much better, clearer skin, reduced inconstinence, reduced frequency to urinate, but still the PSA is high. It may be just slight BPH (prostate enlargement), so I suspect this PSA is not very accurate.

Another thing is not to keep believing those cancer markers until you have completed the fast. Cancer marker is just another indicator where the docs need to do further tests to confirm the result of cancer marker. Cancer marker by itself does not mean you have cancer.

So I suggest that you do not see any doctors DURING the fast, because the docs will only instil fear and pressure for you to do their chemo or surgery. So many of my friends faced this, and some decided to listen to the docs, quit the fast and did not survive. Of course this requires faith. Don't do this fast for fun, be committed to finish it once you start then you will see results. See the doc AFTER completing the fast.

You may throw up initially (some said it was the juice, some the tea) but it is ok, a sign to body getting rid of toxins. Just continue and the vomitting will stop after a day or two.
Reply Wed 1 Jul, 2009 02:58 pm
HI steve, I just got the cancer diagnosis and would be very interested in finding out what was the outcome of your treatment. Did the fast help? did the tumor shrank? Are you going to go for surgery? did you use other alternative methodes to support and compliment the fast?
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Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 02:36 pm
I was diagnosed with Nasopharynx cancer in 2006 April though i started having headache on one side of my head and a lymph node swelling inDecember 2005.I had radiation and chemo but decided to do the Breuss fast when i started feeling ill again in November 2007 with blood coming out from my nose.After the fast,i felt healthy and good again and all the recurrent cancer symptoms disappeard.Now am feeling sick and funny again.fatigued,Nausea and generally unwell.Maybe because i went back to eating a lot of rice,meat etc.i think cancer is a lifelong struggle and besides i think it maybe cavitatons that caused my cancer as i just read about cavitations and i realized that my cancer started a few years after i pulled a tooth on the same left side
Reply Wed 7 Oct, 2009 08:21 pm
Is anyone able to tell me whether or not they experienced any significant side effects from the fasting diet?

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Reply Mon 9 Nov, 2009 07:54 pm
Hi guys, im Juraimi from Singapore. Im currently doing Breuss Liquid fasting for Detox and health purpose. This is my 2nd time doing this. Today is my first day. Im doing the 21 days fast. Please come to my facebook website to follow my progress. I look forward to share knowledge and also learn from the experts here.

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Reply Fri 27 Nov, 2009 11:58 pm
HELP. this is Mark from Malaysia. I've started the Bruess fast about 6 days now. i find it very difficult to consume the recommended 250ml juice a day. (Some take 500ml - how do u sip 500ml of juice in the limited hours?) The book's instructions seem unclear. According to my understanding - I'm supposed to start sipping 1 spoon of juice every 15 mins, half an hour after the 2nd tea in the morn. Presumably, I've to stop juice half an hour before the next tea, and resume the schedule only half an hour after each tea. Is this correct? Sipping juice every 15 mins throughout the day seems somewhat cumbersome. I can't even take an hour to sleep. Am I interpreting the instructions wrongly? Pls advise. TQ. Mark
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Reply Sat 16 Jan, 2010 08:27 pm
This method is well known in Hungary, I know people cured with it. The herbs you can buy in Romania, too. You don't need the book, everything is on the net.
Good luck!
( I am on my 10th day, it's not hard, no hunger, if there is, I just drink some more juice, that's it. I am in the US, and got my herbs from Australia and Hungary. When I was looking for herb Roberts, they gave me Romanian websites to get it from!)
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Reply Wed 3 Feb, 2010 03:25 am
im 42 years old man with a brain tumor WHO III anaplasic astositoma i hat an operation in 2007 cimo and radiotherapy
and then dendritic cell therapy‏ in Germany .
my tumor came back and now i do the bruess juice therapy.
i m on the 23rd day and i fill good and not relay hungry
my side effects are minimize now
Reply Thu 18 Feb, 2010 06:40 am
Hi i would like to know more information on clinic in Germany ...My mum got Liver cancer and she is on her 4th day of fasting witch is 42 days ...so i would like her to go there and do some treatments there ...please if any one know where to get a contact for that clinic get in touch with me on my email [email protected] thanks we live in UK
Reply Thu 25 Feb, 2010 11:27 am
Hi I just finish the 42 days breuss fasting and I’m filing very good I lost 22 kg I was 105 kg now I’m 83 kg. the worst was the first 2 weeks after the stomach it gets smaller and the hugger is less and less. During the time of the fasting I was out every day with the dog and I was doing the garden works like cutting the crass and trimming the trees. 
I will have an MRI tomorrow .finger gross
I was going to Germany to do it there but the plaice is closed. I went there and sow it myself 6 months ago.
Reply Wed 3 Mar, 2010 05:07 pm
Hi there
Im interested in how you got on with your MRI? The Breuss treatment seems to work really well for some people.
Reply Wed 3 Mar, 2010 05:08 pm
Go and have a look at the website www.givemelife.co.nz they are helping people with cancer who want to do the Breuss treatment. My uncle has a testimony on their website as he just completed the Breuss treatment with them. He has had fantastic results.
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Reply Sun 14 Mar, 2010 08:18 am
@christian s,
look at: http://www.relfe.com/books.html
THE BREUSS CANCER CURE by Rudolf Breuss, $ 11,--
and THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS by Dr. Hulda Clark PhD., ND. (I have not read this one!)
check out: http://www.krebsforum-lazarus.ch. (Lots of information, click on to "english language")

Hello Christian,
I used the "Breuss" Cancer cure 15 years ago. I went to Germany, because there are more possibilities over there. But it can also be done at home.
I discovered that Breuss was a wise practitioner who understood the real reasons for cancer. And this man did not make lots of money. He just had a calling to help people.
The problem with cancer is, that we mostly do not know, what caused it. And the doctors do not know much about alternative treatments. I started off seeing oncologists, and I do not want to knock anybody.I just wish that our doctors would try to learn more about the harmless, gentle alternatives, sometimes in combination with other therapies. But that will only happen, when the big industries can produce something and make a lot of money out of it.
Rudolf Breuss had really good results, but that was a long time ago, and since then our environment, the food we buy, even organic stuff, is not what it should be. We now all are much more at risk of cancer.
There are very few doctors, who step and do what they feel they should, how are they going to pay their mortgage, if the medical profession will turn on them? Doctors sometime struck me as the new "high priests". How dare we question them at all?The industries surrounding medicine are multinational and very powerful. If we all were to use cheap home made juices and diets, the shareholders would be fuming, to say the least.
Doctors are only human, and they die of cancer too. They can not afford to admit to patients, that they are not really sure. That would be so depressing for them as well, because they also want to help.
It is vital, that cancer patients remain positive, without putting the head in the sand.. If you trust your doctors, that could save your life. If you find a doctor, who is honest and admits he does not really know everything, and survival can be just fate, at least you know the stakes, and he/she might be willing to go on a journey with you, advise you and even learn something new.
And then you hopefully empower yourself!!! Knowing that there are many people out there, who live to tell their story.
I trusted my doctors, because they respected my need for honesty and information on all fronts, and the really good doctors had already worked with quite a few alternative possibilities, to strengthen the patient. However, in England you will find that more difficult. In Germany I could pick up the phone, and the receptionist would be able to tell me of the natural treatment the doctor is using. ( In England I was asked to wait for 3 months,!!! before I could see the doctor at The Royal Hospital of Homoeopathy) The receptionists were not able to mention, if they used ISCADOR .
I strengthened my immune system before the operation. My blood was tested for all sort of things, and I received whatever was helping to improve my condition. A natural therapist and Nutritionalist helped me to plan through a year of cancer diet before going abroad. Doctors are not dieticans .
The needed alternative medications I took for a long time were things like Mistletoe injection, specific for Breast Cancer (Other cancers respond to different types of Mistletoe) .
Mistletoe as a healing remedy was discovered and used by Dr. Rudolf Steiner, for many different kind of cancers.
Get as much information as possible, to find the right angle for your cure. Maybe you can find out, what caused the cancer. Be realistic, and know, that even hopeless cases have survived, either with the Breuss Cure, but also with other treatments.
My doctors told me, that it is fate, if I live or die. But only after they realised that I want the facts, and I will decide what I want, not they. I do not believe it is fate, we also have an opportunity to learn something about ourselves. Nobody can promise we will survive the treatment. And let us face it, removing some ones boob, leg, kidney or whatever, can not really be called a cure!!! What we all need, is a kind of "wake up call".
I have been lucky. I found, just before I knew I had cancer, a book called 'HOW WE DIE'. Do not be afraid, this was written by a (retired, of course) doctor in the States. A very easy read, that was honest, because this man felt moved to tell the truth, as how he experienced being a doctor. (maybe still available in e-bay?) After that, I knew for sure, doctors are not God. They, at least at the beginning are idealists, wanting to make a difference. Many get caught up in the rat race, like everybody else. So they become too frightened or selfish to oppose the system even if they know, not all is right.
The second book, that fell into my hands, was WOMANS CANCER, about 10 ladies who wrote about their survival skills.
And all of them used things like ISCADOR mistletoe, injections,or Thymus-gland injections. etc.
The third book was THE CANCER BATTLE PLAN by Anne Frahm. There are references in the internet I believe. This lady has saved my live.
Although many years later the constant struggle against Cancer did kill her. People in the internet made condescending remarks about her book. She tried everything the doctors recommended, eventually she was sent home to die, within 6 months at the most. (She asked for that information)
That lady had guts and faith, and believed that doctors do not determine how long she lives, God does!
With the help of a Nutritionalist she embarked on the battle plan, which is similar to Breuss. A complete detox and strengthening of her immune system. And after 6 weeks, she went back to the hospital, and they could find no trace of the previous cancer.
I believed, if she managed that, after all possible therapies, radiation, chemo and bone marrow transplant etc., (which are toxic for you, when you are well) then my chances, not having had any therapies to weaken my immune system, must be AT LEAST JUST AS GOOD.
The good thing about Mistletoe is, that it helps to increase your temperature. and it also makes you emotionally stronger. Many people with cancer feel and are cold. My temperature never rose above 35 C. That changed with the injections, and also, it improved my emotional condition, I did not feel a victim or have fear. There must be so many sufferers who die of fear, because they gave up hope and felt helpless.
I have run out of space, Christian! Good luck in your search, and remember, there is a lot out there to help us!
Very warm regards,

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Reply Sun 14 Mar, 2010 08:36 am
I am appalled at the lack of serious herbs on the English high street. Lots of fashionable stuff in tea bags.
Try www.ng-versand.com in Germany. They could refer you, I am sure, if the teas are not available through them.
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Reply Mon 22 Mar, 2010 09:40 am
hi olmstead4 i had the MRI and nothing changed so my doctor set me for a new MRI in 3 months so finger gross
Reply Fri 14 May, 2010 04:29 am
fantastic,what were your results after the 42 days.
Reply Fri 14 May, 2010 04:33 am
yes i will cross my fingers for you, always stay possitive, and never give up.
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Reply Fri 14 May, 2010 04:55 am
i think you really have to have faith, and believe in what you are doing, for it to work.
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Reply Fri 14 May, 2010 05:07 am
@roy koh,
hi there how did you go with your results from the doctor.
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Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 10:47 pm
Hi, can anyone tell me if the 'bottled' Biotta BREUSS juice is as effective ? Thanks.

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