Dear Steve
My 61 year old husband has advanced metastatic (bones and lympy)prostate cancer and I am deperate to help him. How did your Breuss fast go Steve, I would really apprecciate if you could let me know. We are doing many things as an adjunct to hormone therapy,just started last month. He has had 2 weeks of casodex tablets followed by a zoladex pellet injection. Since February my husband suffered severe pain and other symptoms of advanced cancer,such as loss of weight, night sweats, weakness,very pale and pallor of an unwell person and dizziness.
We have followed many protocols with herbs to detoxify,kill cancer cells,and raise my husbands oxygen levels and give him very good nutrition and vitamin and mineral tonics. These had really helped him so much so the pain had gone and he was gaining weight and strength and his colour had come back before we started the hormone treatment under his urologist.
I believe we are somehow only seeing a slowing down or remission of some king and I want to do more to help get rid of this cancer. I pray a lot and so do many of our friends for Roy and also for myself so that I can keep strong and be guided to the right things for my husband. I read recently that there are 30 different types of prostate cancer and maybe there are even more as I don't know how old that piece of research was. I am sure there are cures for all diseases and each person requires their own healing and cures to suit their particular physical,spiritual and emotional situation.
Please reply. I hope you are well Steve.
Yours sincerely