Breuss Cancer Cure

eileen given
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 03:04 am
Getting back onto 'normal' diet after Breuss Fast
What sort of food did you begin with after finishing the Breuss Diet and how long did it take before you were able to stomach a 'full' meal?
I am on day 24 and have stuck rigidly to diet but I am ravenous all the time and can't wait to eat something solid.
As the principle of the fast is to starve the cancer of protein, did you have to stick to a low protein diet even after the 42 days of fast?
Do hope you have continued good health.

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Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 06:55 am
Our first meal was a stir fry with organic vegetables using filtered water only (no oils). Then we strained off the vegetables and only drank the broth. The next day we had the same thing except we added a few of the softened vegetables and made sure that we chewed everything well. We kept that up for five days. We still continued the sage tea and drank the Breuss juice as a side drink. I love the Breuss juice cold in a wine glass with lemon. Mmmmmm! The next week we added some stewed prunes in the morning and moved up to include some grains such as millet and quinoa. We didn't introduce kamut or sphelt until the third week. We still do not eat wheat products. Our vegetables were still steamed and soft. No raw veggies yet. The third week we added some baby food fruit. Organic baby food was great as it was already prepared with no preservatives or extra sugar. Finally, at the end of our 3rd week after the fast, we added some fresh fruit. We have now opted for a vegan diet after doing all of this work to detox our bodies and have never felt so good. We completely revamped the kitchen and threw out the old supplies, then stocked everything that we would need for vegan cooking. All new spices, grains, nuts and beans. It was quite the transformation but we have never looked back. We also pulled lots and lots of great recipes from vegan websites. There are tons of them. Garam masala is my favorite spice. We make lots of wonderful soups in the crock pot and find organic cooking is addictive. We don't miss the way we used to eat. So the bottom line is that we started very slowly introducing solids back into our diet. You MUST be very careful and not deviate from this as you can do harm to your system. It is well worth it though and your tastebuds get excited about all of the new foods! I drank oodles of the sage tea when on the fast. It seemed to satisfy me if I was feeling compromised in any way. I usually drank about a litre when I woke in the morning. I had energy but couldn't do anything strenuous. Just pace yourself. I also had the onion broth, (strained twice to remove any solids) at noon. This also helped me immensely. Other than that I did not feel hungry at all. Just longed for food and found myself fantasizing in the last 2 weeks about what we would eat at the end. So we do not eat alot of protein now. Very often our meals are vegetables only. The protein we do eat is beans, nuts and sometimes soy beans, but not very often. You must also be diligent about varying your vegan diet to ensure that you get enough vitamins and minerals. I supplement with a B complex and eat alot of sesame seeds and dark greens to ensure that I get enough calcium. I love to stir fry collards or kale with garlic. I must say that I was glad when day 42 came as I don't think that I could have done one more day. I looked like a scarecrow but didn't miss all the aches and pains that I had had. Do make sure that you have a health professional advise you as well for the end of the fast. She gave us the diet.
Best of luck to you!

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eileen given
Reply Sat 22 Oct, 2005 03:39 am
What to do after finishing Breuss Diet
Sandy, thank you very much for your prompt and very informative reply.
Have to admit that here in Scotland some of the products you mention are 'alien' to me but I have time and will search them out. I have to admit although I do take all the teas recommended, I find the sage one the least palatable and don't take it in as much quantity as you managed.I am anxious to know whether maintaining your present diet has kept the cancer ' at bay' and your CA125 relatively low as I have come across nothing but negativity from my doctors/nurses, more so since I started on this fast.
Good wishes, Eileen
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Reply Mon 24 Oct, 2005 09:57 am
I am 4 years since they diagnosed me. I still have a lump in my breast but it isn't doing anything. I've never felt better in my life. A positive outlook is crucial to your recovery and doctors and nurses don't always give you positive feedback. I avoid them like the plague. There are great books on the power of positive thinking and how it can program your cells. It's called the placebo effect and it works. That is only one part of it, of course. I am diligent about my diet as my medicine is the food that I put in my mouth so I have become addicted to quality food as well as eliminating any negative aspects in my life. Friends or bosses that were bringing me down are gone! I also don't utter negative thoughts. It's hard at first but then it is uplifting to actually stop yourself when you think or say something negative. I continue accupuncture that maintains a clean liver and keeps me balanced. I also exercise and practise reflexology when I can't do accupuncture. Both are great immune boosters. I see a naturopath that I trust, on a regular basis who is extremely supportive and actually excited about the state of my health. A far cry from the dialogue you get from conventional doctors. Daily I take a probiotic, alfalfa, B-complex and Vit C along with about 2 litres of clean, clean water. I drink ionized water from a company in Winnipeg, Canada. This unit actually alkalizes the water as well as purify it. Their web site is www.ionhealth.ca and the owner Dwayne is a sweetie as well as giving us incredible customer service. I don't drink any other water than this. I also have my green tea and Essiac tea (which is a mixture of 4 herbs) and is reputed to be very effective for cancer patients as well as a wonderful blood purifier for overall health for anybody. You can get the recipe on the internet or look on the internet for the book on Essiac. We still do epsom salt baths and castor oil packs. Sounds like alot of work but we feel great and that is the payoff. We're busy but healthy and live life to its fullest every day. I am glad to share any info.
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tony b
Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2006 04:48 pm
Breuss Cancer Cure - instructions

In short, I am 34, I had seminoma on the place where I hurt myself in childhood, removed right testicle, CT showed one 1.2cm lymph node (cysterna chili). RT of 5 days was suggested, but I postponed it, by having another CT in 7 weeks (January 18th 2006) and in the meantime I am on Breuss diet and I am certain that I will not have need to go to RT. I will update you with my progress before end of January !

Two major suspects, besides of my childhood injury are:
- microvawes and phtalates from plastics.
In short: Throw microvawes from your lives !!!
- Ochratoxin A - OTA - Toxins found in bacon, cereal grains and coffee.
When OTA given to mouse, it develps cancers. Research this on your own.

Why Breuss? - I researched a lot, read official medicine books and alternative. I can say that both sides are boosting and right in many ways, but official medicine is more professional still. Be careful with alternatives, but you can have lots of benefit with alternative. The bad thing about alternative medicines is that these waters are not official and much more uncharted. Breuss diet stands out. Currently I have ~2Gb of mixed books on my computer and reading further. The best would be to marry both alternative and official medicine, but that process will take decades. Until then, we have to be healers for ourselves by reading and understanding both sides.

I went through this discussion thread and there are two main shortcommings:
1.) lack of enough cured examples - only few. What is going on, since I know that this diet is very effective?
2.) lack of "free for the people" real recepie for Breuss cancer treatment. I will fix this prpblem in my post now.

Here in Canada the best is to buy printed Breuss book ~15$Cdn, as I did, but if somebody needs it without book, here is the recepie, since Dr. Breuss did not keep his knowledge as a tabu and he was a great talented healer and extraordinary person. In this book there are other tea treatments for other diseases.

- 42 days is the length of this treatment by consuming only the following and nothing else ! 21 day version is used for prevention and weight control every year. Continue normal life and take a light exercise and fresh air! Drink water as you feel needing.
My comment: Regarding the length, some people tried even longer up to 47 days. So, there is the logic that the organism will start eating up cancerous cells when it eats up all fatty tissue. Basically, cancerous cells are "anaerobic cells" - without the wall. Cell wall is made up of the lipids - usefull cholesterols. That is why we do not melt on the rain, since lipids repel moisture. If we cut supply of proteins, carbs and oils, then healthy cells can survive much longer than cancer. Also, after 42 days it is recomended to continue vegetarian diet and cut all hydrogenized oils from the food completely!, Since, hydrogenized oils might fool the organism to use them to build walls of the cells, which then colapse and cancer occurs. Off course, this is one factor, but there are other factors, like toxins, viruses etc, so it is usefull to research and apply wholistic combination of continued program.

- It is very important to drink the following juice and teas by keeping every sip for some time in the mouth so the digestion starts in the mouth. Feel the taste for longer.

- Through out each day drink 250-500ml of juice. Closer to 250ml range is better, but do not exceed 500ml a day. Pick good botles for these juices and two thermos botles to carry teas.

- To make juice use good quality juicer with, if possible with organic ingredients, but don't worry if these roots are not organic:
55% or ~3/5 beets, 20% or ~1/5 carrot, 20% or ~1/5 celery root, 2% or ~1/50 black radish.
(For liver cancer add 1 potato size of a small egg or 3%.)
Strain all hard particles from the juice through dense cloth.

- Drink the following teas without shugar or any additives.

- Optional is to flush bowels daily in the morning: 1 head tablespoon of epsom salts & 1 pinch of vitamin C powder in a warm cup of water, or use the breuss BLT mix herbal tea, which is a natural laxative.

- Tea1: Sage tea - drink as much as you want during the day even 3 liters is ok. Place one to most two teaspoons of Seage (Salvia officinalis) in 500ml (2 cups) of boiling water, then boil for 3 minutes. Then in the sage tea put one teaspoon of each St John's Worth (Hypericium perforatum), Pepermint and Balm (Melissa officinalis, eng. Lime Balm). Then let everything steep for 10 minutes.
Drink this tea through out the day whole treatment.
Some drink two glases per day and some up to 3 liters, it is up to you.

- Tea 2: "Kidney tea" - mixture for first 3 weeks only:
15g Horsetail (Equisetum arvense),
10g Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica),
8g Knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare),
6g St John's Worth (Hypericium perforatum).
If finely cut, place half of tablespoon of this mixture into half cup of hot water, let steep for 10 minutes, then strain the tea aside and put another cup and boil for 10 minutes.
Take cold 1/3 of this early on empty stomach, then 1/3 before lunch time, then 1/3 before going to bed.

- Tea 3: Cranesbill tea through out all treatment:
Put half of tablespoon of herb Robert (Geranium robertianum, red cranesbill) into one half cup of hot water for 10 minutes to steep. Drink half cup cold every day. This tea has small amount of radium and it is known anticancerogen herb.

- If feeling hunger, you can chop one onion and cook it in 500ml of water for 20 minutes and strain. Use only little bit of salt to get taste ok. Most likely this soup is not needed, but only in a case of hunger.

My experiences and additions:

- In a case of flu or cold there is no need to , use more sage tea and you can add some lemon juice to the roots juice. I personally used lots of pure vitamin C and from time to time I took some Zinc with coper, selenium and B-complex. I was doing this so only during cold/flu days, the rest of the days I was on a strict regime. I also recovered from the flu very fast, which was surprising to me.

- Be careful with high doses of vitamin C (2-5g/day). If you notice hemorhoids, since Vitamin C can cause them to appear in anybody. If so, quit vitamin C and as a cure use regular strength aspirin 2 x day. This will not interfere with Breuss diet (in my opinion).

- Enema or rectal syringe intestine washing is very advisable, since organism can be drawing toxins from the intestines for long time, which could make Breuss treatment futile. There are numerous ways of prepared mixtures. I'll mention two.
One full tablespoon of epsum salt in one liter of body warm water.
Or Wormwood tea prepared in half-liter of water.
Use any of these two liquids for your enema.
Note: I did not practice enemas from the beginning, but started in the last two and half weeks.

- If not doing enemas expect to have maybe 1-3 stools for 42 days. This is from particles from the juice, so strain it through dense cotton cloth. Some people flush their bowel every day with chamomile or epsum salts or wormwood tea.

- Do every day schedule - life as usual including, work, walking and etc. :-) Add some stretching and light exercise when feeling so.

- Do not expect to have energy for longer running like before, but you can expect to have the same the same energy level for short runs. Lots of people report having higher overal energy level, but it can not be except placebo effect - be realistic. Walking is the best and walk whenever you have chance.

- Avoid stress and it is very helpfull if you have support from closeones. Also, it is individual decision to be telling this to many contacts, since you shluld be prepared for many wauuu's and lot's of explanation. At least my approach is to tell the minimum during the diet, and keep the rest after the end. So, bee cool !

- If your job is stressful, try to find a way around it, or otherwise take leave of absence. Also, if you do business travel, try to arange so you do not travel during this diet. It is best to work.

- It is the best to prepare fresh juices every morning. If not in such situation, you can buy juice from health stores under name Biotta Vegatable Breuss Juice (In Toronto Biotta is in all of the health stores).

- Do blood and urine check once or two times during this diet if you choose 42 days.
Note: My blood check after three weeks was excellent.

- It is good to have holistic doctor to monitor you as well as official medicine doctor in conjunction, but do not let them alter this diet !

- It is easiest to have this diet during warm weater - climate, but do not be discuraged with it, since I did it during Canadian winter. (at the time of writing this I am in my 33rd day).

- Be prepared to stay with this diet even if problems like flu, cold, etc show up. Only if some serious problems appear that with consultation with your doctors you should stop. Have in mind that your imune system is on the same or higher level of alertness than usually during this diet.

- Do not do this diet if you do not feel overal well physically and psychically ! For me I did not have feeling of hunger nor I had any crysis, but I can imagine that lots of the people would brake diet easily on social events and through out every day temptations. I did have much stronger smell for food, but was not tempted with it at all. People say that, basically, strong will is needed and I think that cancer situation can revive strong will in most of us if not all.

- It is very important to continue intelligent vegetarian diet after breuss diet combined with exercises. You can take antioxidant vitamines and imune boosters additionaly.

- Plan to have detoxification continued after this diet and to repeat this diet later. Detoxification should be in few steps, planned with your wholistic doctor, or if you prefer educate your self, as I am, and plan it yourselves.

- This diet is for wide variety of cancers and there is no guarantee. According to book it is reported that Dr Breuss cured over 40.000 documented cases using this diet, so feel free to add yourself here, as I will after January 20-th 2006 :-)
Reply Sat 6 May, 2006 09:55 am
breuss soup
Exclamation Breuss soup from his book:

cook 1 medium sized onion in 1 litre of water, for 5 minutes. If desired, add some vegetal spices before serving.
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Survivor 17
Reply Sat 7 Oct, 2006 10:08 pm
Rather Discouraged After Reading all Breuss Diet Messages
I agree with the last poster, who said there are not enough testimonies of cure, or even results as to what happened to the cancer during or after finishing the Breuss Cancer Cure Diet.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH, previous poster, for taking the time to post the ENTIRE diet here! Bless you!

If I went through the Breuss Diet and just "felt great" after finishing it, I would be very dissatisfied, as I already feel fine, and would be doing the diet to CURE cancer. There are other, FAR LESS RIGOROUS ways to feel great. Also, I should think there would be others who would not feel so great after having drank only juices for nearly 6 weeks.

I think most of us are here looking for the kind of HIGHLY POSITIVE results the 45,000 or so people are reported to experience. After all, the book is not called "The Breuss Feel Great Diet;" it is called "The Breuss CANCER CURE."

I have a low-grade lymphoma on my jaw/neck that is the size of a large orange, and it is still growing. I do not wish to embark on an extremely high deprivation diet, such that I will look like a skeleton when it's over, and not show any tumor shrinkage.

Sure, I know there are no guaranteed cures of any kind. But it is very disconcerting to come here and see so many people chatting back and forth while mentioning everything BUT real, curative results.

I hope perhaps some of those who have posted messages saying they have finished the fast---and BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU for accomplishing such a feat!---and also those who are in the midst of the fast---will do their very best to report to the rest of us their RESULTS.

One other thing: I find it extremely confusing that most people say cancer loves sugar, so that people with cancer should eat protein and not sugar, while Breuss said cancer loves protein, so drink juice, which has a good deal of sugar in it---beets and carrots especially. That has really turned me on my ear.

Thank you for any replies.
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Reply Tue 21 Nov, 2006 03:05 am
The Breuss Cancer cure

Hi, I am cancer survive , I was diagnosed 2001 with very rare , unknown, very aggresive and incurable tipe of cancer and Dr give me 6 month to live.Diagnose was B-PLL . they give me 6 circle of chemo and antibody tretment cancer gone from my body 95% and I was 15 months ok, 16 months cancer wake up and again Dr give me 6 months to live and chemo, I accept only 4 chemo and they want me give stem cells self transplant and I refuse . Chemo and alternative medicine help me and cancer was gone from my body. From that time I am know 3 years ok, withoudt chemo or any medication, but old the time I am using few different herbs. I heard about this book and I read story from the people, I'd like to know if somebody can tell me is this diet save for people like me, because I am 3 years in remission and I'd like to try but I don't want make any problem to my body, I mean I don't want the cancer come back.

All the best everyone .................Pamaki
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Reply Thu 22 Feb, 2007 10:56 am
Contact message
Hello Sandy

As far as I can see you have logged in a long time ago. My wife is with brust cancer, and this is my only chance to get contact with you. If you read this please write me back, we would have a several question concerning the Breuss-cure.

Thanx_Robert from Hungary

collings wrote:
I am 4 years since they diagnosed me. I still have a lump in my breast but it isn't doing anything. I've never felt better in my life. A positive outlook is crucial to your recovery and doctors and nurses don't always give you positive feedback. I avoid them like the plague. There are great books on the power of positive thinking and how it can program your cells. It's called the placebo effect and it works. That is only one part of it, of course. I am diligent about my diet as my medicine is the food that I put in my mouth so I have become addicted to quality food as well as eliminating any negative aspects in my life. Friends or bosses that were bringing me down are gone! I also don't utter negative thoughts. It's hard at first but then it is uplifting to actually stop yourself when you think or say something negative. I continue accupuncture that maintains a clean liver and keeps me balanced. I also exercise and practise reflexology when I can't do accupuncture. Both are great immune boosters. I see a naturopath that I trust, on a regular basis who is extremely supportive and actually excited about the state of my health. A far cry from the dialogue you get from conventional doctors. Daily I take a probiotic, alfalfa, B-complex and Vit C along with about 2 litres of clean, clean water. I drink ionized water from a company in Winnipeg, Canada. This unit actually alkalizes the water as well as purify it. Their web site is www.ionhealth.ca and the owner Dwayne is a sweetie as well as giving us incredible customer service. I don't drink any other water than this. I also have my green tea and Essiac tea (which is a mixture of 4 herbs) and is reputed to be very effective for cancer patients as well as a wonderful blood purifier for overall health for anybody. You can get the recipe on the internet or look on the internet for the book on Essiac. We still do epsom salt baths and castor oil packs. Sounds like alot of work but we feel great and that is the payoff. We're busy but healthy and live life to its fullest every day. I am glad to share any info.
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Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2007 02:29 pm
Hello All,
I have a glomus benign tumor in my inner ear and I decided before I go for radiation or surgery to cure myself with the Breuss fasting diet Smile
I will start with it on next Mo and for now I'm preparing for it.
We have ordered a cold press juicer (it is very important what kind of juicer you have) and all everything else what we need is in place.
Now, we were advice that I take IP-6 caps during the diet - but since those are not liquid I'm a bit hesitant. What do you think about it ?
I will also add an additional cleansing tea which I think will not be a problem.

By the way I'm from Ontario Canada.
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Reply Wed 14 Nov, 2007 09:11 pm
Breuss Cancer Cure REALLY works
I know and have recommended this to anyone who dares to believe that cancer is a treatable disease and not terminal, even if you are Stage 4. The most critical factor is WILLPOWER.

100% WILLPOWER + 100% FAITH that it works.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT visit the conventional oncologist during this 42 days, as the "specialist" will do everything to put fear in you and shake you up.

A church friend who had tongue cancer was told he had to cut off his tongue decided to do the 42 day Breuss fast. The cancer was gone after that and the doctor suggested perhaps his first X-ray was wrong (instead of admitting that it works).

Another lady friend with skin cancer - healed!

Friend's mom with breast cancer - also cured!

Friend's mom (80yo) had Stage 4 lung cancer. Fasted for 10 days and the tumour shrank, been 3 years now and the tumour did not grow because she ate organic food and consume optimum dose of antioxidants.

So far all those who had went through the entire 42 days have won over cancer. 100% success rate.

All of us totally stopped even taking supplements, and followed the Breuss fast strictly. And we never caught any flu or cold. Amazing!

A friend's 14yo daughter with leukemia, fasted for 3 weeks but because the parents kept going back to the oncologist, in the end she underwent bone marrow operation. She died a year later.

I do not recommend it to those who has not read the Breuss Cancer Cure, and those who wanted to "try" it out. Only for those who are committed.

Side effects for those who did the 21-day Breuss fast to detox:
Tiny blisters appearing on the hand.
Throwing up immediately after drinking the vege juice or tea. This person continued drinking the tea/juice and she stopped throwing up after 3rd day.
Some totally detested the taste of tea, and some the juice. Personally my husband and I couldn't stand the juice after 1 week.
High BP became normal.
Low BP became normal.
Bleeding gums (lack vit C) which stopped after adding some lemon juice to the vege juice.
Very alert, need little sleep but my mind was crystal clear. Body feels very "clean"
During the 21 days, we still go to work, take the commuter train, shopping, eat out with friends (but we drank our tea only) etc; just bring along 2 flasks of juice/tea.

Do not fear cancer, fight it and you shall surely win.

Contact me if you need any support.
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Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 01:47 pm
Although I do agree with your claim on the importance of faith and will power, your claim that Breuss has a 100% success rate is definitely not correct. I speak from personal experience and the many posts on this board, during 2004 when it was active, and while I was doing my own Breuss fast to treat prostate cancer. Yes I did the full 42 days "by the book" and lost a lot of weight (from 155 lbs down to 126 lbs on a 5'10" frame). I certainly experienced some very positive benefits from the fast - PSA drop from 12 to 6, overall well-bieng and excellent health for the next year, ...but it did not cure me! My PSA gradually rose over the next few years and and PCa symptoms evolved. I eventually topped out at a PSA of 26.5 this past summer, when I began a protocol of supplements based upon Lysine, Proline, IP-6, MSM and mega doses of pure Vitamin C,- the theories of David Gregg and Matthias Rath, along with other immune system boosters. It was a lot of pills every day, but after a few months I had lowered my PSA to 0.87.
Effectively the PCa is dormant. I did have an unshakeable belief that cancer can be cured, and I only went to urologists who were supportive and did not pressure me to have surgery or radiation - hard to find. It took me 7 years to find a treatment that worked for me -- but I found it!
Breuss is the most difficult thing I've ever done, and I have tried it again twice since 2004, and could not complete it either time.
There are many people for whom Breuss will be the answer, but others for whom it will not.
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 07:12 pm
Breuss Cancer Cure
Thanks stevecj. I do agree with you that Breuss is difficult to do, so it helps when my husband and I did it together. My friend fasted together with her mom (breast cancer 3rd stage), she did 21 days then her sister did the next 21-days with their mom. Then I have another friend (liver cancer) currently on Breuss fast, who broke the fast twice, because (1st time) husband said she must attend family wedding banquet & (2nd time) threw up. She wants very eager and determined in the beginning... so I agree that the fast has different effects on diff people.

I believe there are other natural cure out there which works however many do not have a time limit like Breuss. So thank you for sharing the other herbs, phytonutrients and antioxidants that worked for prostate cancer. I am reading this book "Cancer Cured Naturally" by Betty Lau ([email protected]), a collection of natural cures tried and tested by actual cancer patients. Many survivors have changed their lifestyles for the healthier.

If someone has not read Breuss book and fully understands the principle, they may want to "try" it out, I will ask them to seek other doctors. Many go to China doctors (who use chemo and herbs) and I think also do not work. Why inject poison then try to "neutralise" it with herbs?

I also believe in future the phytonutrients in organic herbs and natural foods will be recognised as more powerful antioxidants than the normal A,C,E. I am open to any treatment that does not mutilate the body.
In Malaysia, a doctor (Dr Mohd Ishak) who is setting up a hospital for natural therapies is given the mafia treatment eg cannot even purchase a blood pressure monitor, while you and I can just get one at the pharmacy. So much for freedom. Thank God for internet and forums like this that save many cancer patients. And I applaude you for taking responsibility for your own health and do your own research. I urge everyone to do the same.
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Reply Thu 20 Dec, 2007 11:11 am
Glad to hear you had strong support, Misfit. I was well supported by my wife, but she did not do the fast with me, thank goodness. She is 1m70, or 5'6" tall and weighs 110 lbs or 50 kilos - not much to lose!

A very good source of information is at http://www.beating-cancer-gently.com. It is Bill Henderson, and he has a book he sells on that site called Cancer Free. It is a description of most successful alternative treatments with info on the supplements and where to order them on line. He describes his recommended 8 week protocol, which he suggests as the most effective way. But he believes in vegan diet, which I feel is overkill. Still, I liked his book a lot, as compared to many others I've read. Good health and happy holiday season.
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Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2008 04:59 am
This is more a message for "msfit" but could be a message for everyone on this topic. I am Irina from Romania; my husband has metastatic cancer localised on the neck, near the inferior part of the ear; 4 years ago he was diagnosed and he had 42 radio-therapy sessions for a completeley removed tumour that was, more or less, in the nose. Now it's back, localized near the ear and I don't want to let him suffer again during the treatments like chemo or radio-therapy thar are very agressive; can anyone that succeeded in Breuss diet give me informations (practical informations) about the diet? I don;t know if we have the book in Romania and frankly I don't have anyone to talk about it. Thank you all so much.

Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2008 01:09 pm
Information on Breuss protocol
You can get information on not only the Breuss program but many other cancer treatments at: http://www.curezone.com/diseases/cancer/breuss.asp
There are also other books about natural treatments for cancer, almost all of which include a vegan diet at least for 6-8 weeks. That is obviously irrelevant if you're fasting, but there are many ways to treat cancer alternatively, Breuss is but one.
Check out www.beatingcancergently.com
also, http://www.beating-cancer-gently.com. They are two different sites
also, "Foods that Fight Cancer" by Richard Beliveau
also, The PH Miracle by Robert Young
Believing it can be cured is VERY important as is having someone like you to help and provide support.
Good luck and I hope this has been of at least some help.

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Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2008 09:55 am
Real life?
Hi there,

my mum have brain tumor. Doctors give her just few months. She is now 10th day on Breuss diet. I Am trying to find some patients who adopted this diet too. I need to know results from real live. But except 2-3 occurence somewhere deep in disscusisons and forums, there aren`t some usable informations over Internet.

What i can find are just lots of opposing suggestions.

I Am surprised with it. If this diet is so helpfull, and my mom will get well, i will propagate this diet anywhere on Internet with direct contact to me, and maybe also with mom`s complete diagnose and examinations (CT, MR, oncologist exam, etc...) for prevent speculations.

Thank you very mutch for you suggestions or links to usefull pages.

If you have any suggestions around you. Please post them here, or to my e-mail: [email protected].

Thank you a lot!

PS: sorry for my english - I Am not native speaker
Reply Thu 14 Aug, 2008 03:19 pm
Hi stevecj, I was also recently diagnosed with Prostate cancer. That is fantastic that you have got yours under control. I am on the 10th day of a juice fast. Not exactly Breuss as I have added some other vegetables and some supplements that Bill Henderson recommends. (I found Bill Henderson's book from your post). Do you have some more details on what worked for you. Can you point to references for the protocol. Thanks
Reply Thu 4 Sep, 2008 01:40 pm
Further to my post on Aug 14. I completed a 23 day juice fast last Wednesday. I only intended to do 3 weeks because I am planning surgery on Oct 1st. Anyway, tested PSA two days after completing fast and it has dropped to 2.48 from 4.9 in June. This is the level it was two years ago when cancer was not suspected. So I take that as a positive outcome to my fast. Also lost 20 pounds which is positive also.
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2008 01:36 pm
Hi rich080603,
Sorry I didn't respond as I never recieved any alerts of your postings. Sounds like you are on the right track but the PCa doesn't sound all that aggressive with the PSA numbers you have. I did do another protocol based on research from the Matthias Rath institute and got my PSA down to zero (from 25). If you want more info on that email me at [email protected] and I'll gladly share it with you as Gerry Nall did with me. His PSA went from 270 to zero and bone metastises disappeared on this protocol. You may not even want to cut out your prostate if it is healthy by Oct. Have you had a biopsy done to confirm PCa? Generally PSA scores up to 4.0 are considered normal. Do you have a Gleason rating?

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