Yes, it is possible for a woman to love her child that was conceived during a rape. I knew once such woman, really just a girl -- she was only 16. She loved her kid but she didn't have a hard time admitting that every day she was reminded of the most brutal day of her life.
She had a great family that stood by her through everything.
A lot of girls/women don't have that support and on the street they're just "another shitty slut who can't keep her legs closed and expects the government to help her out".
That's what people said about my friend. At first she tried to defend herself but it was awful for her to have to detail her horrible day for the benefit of unkind strangers. She eventually became immune to it.
So maybe we need to change that kind of thinking before we start insisting that every woman who gets pregnant from rape has to keep her baby.
Another woman I know was raped and became pregnant and placed the baby for adoption so she was kind of double slapped by the nightmare.
And some rape is incest and that can't be a good situation for any of the people involved, including the baby.
I'm a long way from being "pro-abortion" but really, it's none of my damn business what any woman decides is best for her.