Is this a specious argument for pro-abortion?

Sat 1 Sep, 2012 05:22 pm
ehBeth wrote:

You can think about it in whatever you want.

However, I don't think it is any of your business what anyone else decides to do.

Well, since I have one vote, I can vote for a candidate that is pro-life (aka, anti-abortion). So, the government, being a democracy, does allow me to have an opinion that can be exercised as a vote.

I understand that many women are emphatic about their rights to do with their bodies as they choose; however, mother nature gave women a body that can bring forth new life, and abortions, in my opinion, is treating that gift from mother nature flippantly to say the least.
Sat 1 Sep, 2012 05:28 pm
ehBeth wrote:

Foofie wrote:
However, conservatism does want to conserve the past, as an earlier consituency knew it.

in that case, abortion shouldn't be illegal in the U.S., as abortion wasn't outlawed until 1821 - and that was only in Connecticut

chronology U.S.

or do you want to pick a different earlier constituency - one you like better?

I'm not sure what your point might be? But, if you mean would I prefer no abortions, yes, I would prefer no abortions, and good orphanages for mothers that want to give up the baby. And, when I say "good orphanages" I mean orphanages run by nuns in full habit. Nothing like an old fashioned nun to teach a child the difference of right from wrong, in my opinion.
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Sat 1 Sep, 2012 05:41 pm
Mother nature also gives us cancer.
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Sat 1 Sep, 2012 05:50 pm
Worst conceivable/possible case if a total right winger/right2lifer were ever to be elected president, and Mitt Romney assuredly does not qualify for this one: some chick living in South Dakota who had to take a bus to NY for abortions more than once might decide she'd be better off staying in NY and not go back.

Worst case and in fact most likely case if Bork Obunga were to be re-elected: we all starve and die and a new dark age ensues. No energy, no economy, no small businesses, no investment by large businesses, gasoline at $6-$8/gallon if you can find any, no happiness anywhere in the picture at all.

Except for the snail darters, delta smelts, and Gaea of course, they'll all be happy...

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Sat 1 Sep, 2012 06:56 pm
I understand that many women are emphatic about their rights to do with their bodies as they choose; however, mother nature gave women a body that can bring forth new life, and abortions, in my opinion, is treating that gift from mother nature flippantly to say the least..

Are you opposed to a woman's use of contraception as well? Since contraception interferes with the ability to "bring forth new life", would a woman who uses contraception be "treating that gift from mother nature flippantly to say the least"?

I can vote for a candidate that is pro-life (aka, anti-abortion)
I object to the use of the term "pro-life", because it seems to disregard the life, and the quality of life, and the physical and emotional health and life of the woman--a woman with an unwanted pregnancy. And it further suggests that if such a woman chooses to terminate a pregnancy that she is somehow "anti-life" which is not true of any woman I have ever known who made such a choice--and some of them were married women who already had children they very much loved.
More accurately, you are not "pro-life", you are "pro-fetus". And you are are simply, and arbitrarily, choosing to give that fetus greater status, and more legal power, than the fully developed, already living human being, who does not want to carry it to term, when you deny that woman access to the choice of abortion.

I also object to your use of the term "pro-abortion", which suggests an advocacy for abortion that most people do not espouse. The more accurate term, for the attitudes of most of people you are alluding to, would be "pro-choice".

So, personally, I prefer to see the abortion debate re-framed as between those who are "pro-choice" and those who are "anti-choice"--in terms of a woman's right to exercise control over her own body.

Sat 1 Sep, 2012 08:53 pm
Hear, hear!!

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Sun 2 Sep, 2012 08:28 am
firefly wrote:

I understand that many women are emphatic about their rights to do with their bodies as they choose; however, mother nature gave women a body that can bring forth new life, and abortions, in my opinion, is treating that gift from mother nature flippantly to say the least..

Are you opposed to a woman's use of contraception as well? Since contraception interferes with the ability to "bring forth new life", would a woman who uses contraception be "treating that gift from mother nature flippantly to say the least"?

I can vote for a candidate that is pro-life (aka, anti-abortion)
I object to the use of the term "pro-life", because it seems to disregard the life, and the quality of life, and the physical and emotional health and life of the woman--a woman with an unwanted pregnancy. And it further suggests that if such a woman chooses to terminate a pregnancy that she is somehow "anti-life" which is not true of any woman I have ever known who made such a choice--and some of them were married women who already had children they very much loved.
More accurately, you are not "pro-life", you are "pro-fetus". And you are are simply, and arbitrarily, choosing to give that fetus greater status, and more legal power, than the fully developed, already living human being, who does not want to carry it to term, when you deny that woman access to the choice of abortion.

I also object to your use of the term "pro-abortion", which suggests an advocacy for abortion that most people do not espouse. The more accurate term, for the attitudes of most of people you are alluding to, would be "pro-choice".

So, personally, I prefer to see the abortion debate re-framed as between those who are "pro-choice" and those who are "anti-choice"--in terms of a woman's right to exercise control over her own body.

The argument about contraception is specious, in my opinion, since it can be extrapolated to include every time a woman decides to masturbate, rather than have a man send some sperm in search of her egg.

And, playing with words, like "choice," be it pro, anti, or "her own personal choice," is just rhetoric that hides the reality that a fetus is a life, and an abortion is ending a life, not just in my opinion.

The best way to prevent the need for abortions is for women to stay home and knit in the evening when they are single, and when married, they can take measures to prevent pregnancies that would be a financial, or any other type of burden. So, since women do not stay home and knit in the evenings, when single, getting pregnant with an unwanted child does not give a woman, in my opinion, the right to end a life (aka, fetus), in my opinion.

Smart drivers do preventive maintenance on their cars. It prevents accidents.
Sun 2 Sep, 2012 11:04 am
I think it's interesting that soooo many conservatives care so much about itty bitty fetuses, but have zero issue with starting wars of "terrorism" in far off lands that result in thousands of civilian deaths. Or have no problem pouring billions into a "War on Drugs" that has only increased violence and drug availability.

The one thing I never seem to hear from the pro-life movement is an active plan for a realistic and pragmatic approach to sex education. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who sees the irony in holding a pro-life stance, yet ignoring the fates of the half million children that enter the foster system every year.

On rape and abortion, you cannot seriously be suggesting that a woman should consider keeping the child of a sexual interaction she did not consent, and most likely resisted against. The immorality of rape is based on non-consent, so why would we force a woman to take care of a child she had absolutely no say in having?

If Americans are so concerned about the children, why are we using this planet in a way that our children won't be able to live on it?
Sun 2 Sep, 2012 11:05 am
The argument about contraception is specious, in my opinion, since it can be extrapolated to include every time a woman decides to masturbate, rather than have a man send some sperm in search of her egg.

If you cannot distinguish between masturbation, which is totally unrelated to conception, and the use of contraception to prevent pregnancy, you shouldn't participate in a discussion of this topic until you have learned some basic biology.

My question about your views regarding contraception was directly related to your views on abortion--and, if you are logically consistent, you should oppose contraception use by women as well--and probably oppose its use by men also.
The best way to prevent the need for abortions is for women to stay home and knit in the evening when they are single, and when married, they can take measures to prevent pregnancies that would be a financial, or any other type of burden. So, since women do not stay home and knit in the evenings, when single, getting pregnant with an unwanted child does not give a woman, in my opinion, the right to end a life (aka, fetus), in my opinion.

So you are simply opposed to women being sexually active prior to marriage--they should all remain virgins until marriage. You certainly do want to control women's lives and bodies, don't you? You'd rather not even see them as having the choice to be sexually active.
And I don't think many single men would support that idea either since they enjoy their sexual relations with women.

You seem to leave the male partner, who impregnated the woman, totally out of your thinking. Why aren't you demanding that men act responsibly, and use contraception, each and every time they have intercourse, if they don't want a pregnancy to occur? And, if they can't do that, surely you would want men to "stay home and knit in the evenings" wouldn't you? Since when did pregnancy prevention become only the woman's problem? Why does the male partner bear no responsibility for his behavior?

You also do not live in the 21st century, in the reality of today's world. People are sexually active prior to marriage now, and your wishful thinking that it were otherwise won't change that, and the failure of the programs that promote abstinence only attest to that. You are not addressing a very serious topic--that of unwanted pregnancies and abortion--in anything approximating a serious, well thought out, realistic way.

All you are offering are your own rather narrow-minded and rigidly moralistic views regarding sexuality, particularly female sexuality. And they all boil down to your attitude that, if women weren't such sexual sluts, abortion wouldn't be a problem. And if those sluts do become pregnant, they should be forced to live with their mistakes and carry those pregnancies to term. And, if they don't want those children after they are born, they should put them in orphanages run by nuns (who are, of course, not sexually active women), because those are the best people to teach them right from wrong, and, presumably, keep them from making the immoral mistakes their slutty mothers made.

You are all about punishing, and demeaning, and controlling women. Preventing access to abortion is just another way of doing that.
And, playing with words, like "choice," be it pro, anti, or "her own personal choice," is just rhetoric that hides the reality that a fetus is a life

Whether or not a fetus "is a life", it is not a fully developed or viable human being outside of utero--it has the potential to become that, but "potential" is not the same as actual. The woman carrying that fetus is an actual, living human being--and her legal status, and legal rights, cannot, and should not, be reduced to, or put on a par with, that of a fetus that is not yet an independent part of her body so that both are regarded as equals, or, even worse, as you suggest, so that the fetus would have "rights" that trump her choices about controlling her own body.
Smart drivers do preventive maintenance on their cars. It prevents accidents.

What "preventive maintainance" should have been done by the approximately 32,000 women who become pregnant as the result of rape every year? And, unless you are very naive, you ought to realize that some of those rapes are marital rapes or incest.
Still, of the 6.7 million pregnancies in the United States every year, about half are unintended, according to the Guttmacher Institute.

The chance of getting pregnant from one event of unprotected sexual intercourse is 5 percent on average, according to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN).

And according to research by Holmes and her colleagues published in 1996 in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, that same rate applies to rape victims, though it's tricky to compare these different populations.

"Rape-related pregnancy occurs with significant frequency," the study researchers wrote in their journal article. "It is a cause of many unwanted pregnancies, and is closely linked with family and domestic violence."

In the study, Holmes and her colleagues, followed more than 4,000 American adults over a three-year period. Nationally, they found rape-related pregnancy rate was 5 percent among women of reproductive age, 12 to 45, meaning about 32,000 pregnancies result from rape each year, they concluded. Among 34 cases of rape-related pregnancy that they looked at closely, 32 percent of women maintained the pregnancy and kept the infant, 50 percent underwent an abortion, nearly 6 percent placed the baby up for adoption and nearly 12 percent had a miscarriage

You aren't "pro-life", you are "anti-choice"--and it's all about your own moralistic and judgmental views regarding female sexuality.

Sun 2 Sep, 2012 11:21 am
This is the Nun's message that has been floating around facebook.

I think it's a valid point.
The very people who make or take the pro-life stance are usually the same people who are against big government but insist on more regulation. Who are against paying taxes for daycares, education, libraries, welfare, pensions and health care. And yet support prisons, the death penalty, guns and wars.
Why is that?
Sun 2 Sep, 2012 01:29 pm
Because they tend to think that women belong barefoot, pregnant, behind the stove, tending to the children, and knitting their sweaters, socks and hats while the he-man slays the mighty beast and brings home the bacon. You know.... the good old days!
Sun 2 Sep, 2012 02:00 pm
ecause they tend to think that women belong barefoot, pregnant, behind the stove, tending to the children, and knitting their sweaters, socks and hats while the he-man slays the mighty beast and brings home the bacon. You know.... the good old days!

I don't think that all people who are "pro-life" think like that--but Foofie definitely does.

Some people are also "pro-life" in terms of themselves--they would not choose abortion for themselves, based on their own personal morality or religious beliefs, but they would still allow others the right of choice in the matter. These people aren't "anti-choice", as is someone like Foofie, and many others, who are all about imposing their own rigid moral beliefs on the choices they'll allow others to make regarding their own bodies.
Mon 3 Sep, 2012 11:37 am
All of you that believe a woman has the right to do what she wants, does that mean you all favor incest?

If all parties are willing and over the age of consent?
Mon 3 Sep, 2012 11:54 am
mysteryman wrote:

All of you that believe a woman has the right to do what she wants, does that mean you all favor incest?

If all parties are willing and over the age of consent?

What do you think should be done about it?

'Favour' is a deliberately leading word to use. I doubt many who are pro-choice actually 'favour' abortion. I understand your religious Republicans aren't too fond of contraception either.
Mon 3 Sep, 2012 02:43 pm
Your right, "favor" was the wrong word to use.
I suppose the better question should have been do you object to incest or think it should be illegal?
Assuming that all of the participants are over the age of consent and willing participants.
Mon 3 Sep, 2012 02:45 pm
ElJesus wrote:

On rape and abortion, you cannot seriously be suggesting that a woman should consider keeping the child of a sexual interaction she did not consent, and most likely resisted against. The immorality of rape is based on non-consent, so why would we force a woman to take care of a child she had absolutely no say in having?

Read a little history. Many peoples have physical traits that reflect the physical traits of the once invading army, or the group that dominated the land.

For example, Jews are Semitic; however, many Jews have blue eyes, some have blond hair. Supposedly, that was mostly from rapes from the Czar's Cossacks. That did not mean the child wasn't loved by the Jewish mother.

Also, closer to home. Where do you think light complected African-Americans came from initially?

In effect, from the beginning of time, mothers have loved children from unwanted conceptions. And now women should not be asked to love their child, if it did not come from an act of love? Should we include bad marriages as a cause for not raising a child?
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Mon 3 Sep, 2012 02:56 pm
firefly wrote:

Whether or not a fetus "is a life", it is not a fully developed or viable human being outside of utero--it has the potential to become that, but "potential" is not the same as actual. The woman carrying that fetus is an actual, living human being--and her legal status, and legal rights, cannot, and should not, be reduced to, or put on a par with, that of a fetus that is not yet an independent part of her body so that both are regarded as equals, or, even worse, as you suggest, so that the fetus would have "rights" that trump her choices about controlling her own body.
Smart drivers do preventive maintenance on their cars. It prevents accidents.

You may not like my paradigm to take care of unwanted pregnancies, nor may you like my paradigm to prevent them; however, I believe the value of the life of a fetus is not trumped by the "preferences" of a women to keep her life unhindered with an unwanted child. In effect, the legal rights that you refer to, of a woman to control her own body, can be legal rights, but my argument is that she does not have an ethical right to control her body if it trumps the value of the life of a fetus. Simply put, a woman's desire to not muss up her life with an unwanted child does not give her the right to end the life of a fetus, in my ethical beliefs. There is no reason to reply to this posting; I have my beliefs, and you have yours. I am not arguing rights, legal or otherwise; I am explaining my concept of ethical thinking.
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Mon 3 Sep, 2012 03:00 pm
Ceili wrote:

The very people who make or take the pro-life stance are usually the same people who are against big government but insist on more regulation. Who are against paying taxes for daycares, education, libraries, welfare, pensions and health care. And yet support prisons, the death penalty, guns and wars.
Why is that?

I would offer the thought that the newborn baby, and fetus that he/she was, was innocent and helpless. The pregant woman was not innocent, and not helpless.

And let's be honest, how many unwanted pregnancies are by young ladies that are trying to "catch" a specific guy? Should we address the ethics of using a fetus as husband bait?
Mon 3 Sep, 2012 03:08 pm
JPB wrote:

Because they tend to think that women belong barefoot, pregnant, behind the stove, tending to the children, and knitting their sweaters, socks and hats while the he-man slays the mighty beast and brings home the bacon. You know.... the good old days!

O.K. Women do not live like great-grandmothers lived; however, have you noticed men do not usually think of themselves as gentlemen, yet many women do want to be thought of as "ladies"? In other words, as the saying goes, one cannot have one's cake and eat it to.

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Mon 3 Sep, 2012 03:14 pm
firefly wrote:

ecause they tend to think that women belong barefoot, pregnant, behind the stove, tending to the children, and knitting their sweaters, socks and hats while the he-man slays the mighty beast and brings home the bacon. You know.... the good old days!

I don't think that all people who are "pro-life" think like that--but Foofie definitely does.

Some people are also "pro-life" in terms of themselves--they would not choose abortion for themselves, based on their own personal morality or religious beliefs, but they would still allow others the right of choice in the matter. These people aren't "anti-choice", as is someone like Foofie, and many others, who are all about imposing their own rigid moral beliefs on the choices they'll allow others to make regarding their own bodies.

Unfortunately perhaps, mother nature made women's bodies the flowerpot, so to speak, for a man's sperm, and a woman's egg to start a new life. So, maybe women should not treat their bodies as though it just houses their own conscious existence? Women, might just be bigger than themselves, and their little existences.

You are aware that when wars arrived, from the beginning of society, it was men that had little control of their bodies, since their bodies were marched off to war. In other words, society might not have allowed both genders to be as free with their bodies as one might choose. No one is picking on women, since men have their commitments to society too. It is called living in society.

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