I know that it needs to end. For the record, I dont believe this is infatuation, I am almost 40 years old, I had enough relationships before I was married to know the difference.
Since he decided to end it, neither one of us wants to let go, but I know that one of us will have to at some point.
I know that there are very strong feelings with regards to this and I fully understand, but having been on both sides of an affair, I also fully understand that it is not as straightforward as being able to 'do the right thing' or 'move on' its great to get opinions from people, but it is very hurtful to hear that some are pleased I am hurting :-(
My husband had several affairs and I found out years later that he fell in love with someone just before we had our first child. Knowing what I know now, I wish he had left to be with her, I dont think he ever really got over it and it would have given us both a chance of happiness years ago, rather than (me) imagining that everything was perfect.
It makes me incredibly sad that someone would stay in an unhappy marriage just for the children. You only live one life and in my opinion you should be as happy as you possibly can be.
Hurting yourself so as not to hurt others is very noble, but is it really the right thing to do?