@Joe Nation,
Joe Nation wrote:
And ,,,,,you have to remember that there are assholes in the black community who ask shitty questions like "Is he black enough"?.
Racists , mostly like yourself, I am sorry to say, the same ones who ask top students "Are you trying to be white?" and tell people in the neighborhoods if they talk to a cop, any cop, they'll be marked as snitches.
I do not undrstand your definition of a non-racist. Are you correlating non-racist to the universal (Catholic with a small "c") concern for mankind?
Are you giving credence to the the fact that the points you make above do not make a racist. They just reflect a viewpoint that is corroborated in the gerrymandered neighborhoods that allow different ethnicities to exert some political influence in City Hall. Are you saying that in the non-racist world view a non-Jew should be voted into the city council to represent an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood? Do you think a gay person has a better chance at a politcal career representing a constituency below 14th Street in Manhattan?
I have this feeling that the moniker of racist comes from a certain demographic that is quite comfortable with thought control. You do know that in the Jewish faith, only an action represents a sin. Not a thought. So, in my opinion, having been candid with my thinking, I am told I am a racist by some people. In my world I am as good as the people who live under the hegemony of thought police. I do not act out any antipathy towards any group. The law (in a Protestant country) only requires me to be civil to those I do not care to know. Would you like to know the time, Sir?
What I do do is make generalizations about many demographics. I am the recipient of many generalizations. So, that seems to be the natural mode of thinking. That is not racist; however, if one doesn't care for my generalizations, it could be the impetus for a retort that I am a racist, since it is not really pejorative to say I am a generalizationer (if there is such a word). But, not knowing your ethnicity, I do not have the pleasure to generalize about you that much. I can only generalize about your feelings as a Catholic. Just to be candid (not racist), I do find you typical of a certain archetype of educated Catholic. Actually, this forum is crawling with educated Catholics that feel they have a Catholic view that would "fix" the world, if only the world wasn't so reprobate. But, that's the two-thousand year old rub, so to speak. The world is reprobate. That's why there is genocide, murder, etc., etc. In my opinion, only certain genomes can advance beyond atavistic thinking. I guess that makes me racist? O.K. However, I do not think that early brain washing can overcome reprobate, atavistic behavior. I do think it is genetic to a greater degree than many would like to admit.
You see, in my opinion, while the missionaries could get the head hunters to give up head hunting, those ex-head hunters have a long time to become caring for those that are not ex-head hunters. Just my opinion.