parados wrote:
I love that concept. It's libel if someone is accused of being you.
While I find it humorous, I doubt any court would find it a legal basis for libel. Just because you make up **** doesn't make it a valid legal argument. It would still require harm be shown. That would be damn near impossible. Just because you misread something in the newspaper doesn't make it an argument that anyone else will except.
I did not say anything was libel from a legal perspective for a court case. I said it was libelous. Meaning that it goes against the right of a person to enjoy a good reputation. One cannot enjoy a good reputation if that person is thought to be me, as an alter ego on the forum (something colloquial called a "sock-puppet").
Every state in the US has their own defamation laws. And, over time courts have new precedents. Plus, there are situations where people can say things about some people, who are in the public arena, that allows for criticism within certain limits, especially if it is considered one person's "opinion." Regardless, claiming that someone is me is not a benign accusation, since I have worked so hard at enjoying my freedom of speech regarding religions, countries, etc. And anyone with such vitriolic opinions might not be considered a good employee, whether or not the organization is team oriented.
Also, to think we are all anonymous can always be a false belief, since we all have the right to tell friends, associates, etc. our screen names. My point being, that while one can make an argument for it not necessarily wise to use one's legal name, as a screen name, I believe it is acceptable to the rules of the forum, and we should at least not think that we will be accused (falsely) of being someone else also, in my opinion.
Since a defamatory statement might not damage a person's reputation in the present, and could damage a person's reputation in the future (at a new employer), the concept of defamation might not have the same time constraints as say the crash of an automobile?
You seem to appreciate the fact that being accused of being Foofie is a pejorative adhominem (talking in the third person is just one of my idiosyncracies). I think it would be less of a potential libelous accusation if "Foofie" was just used as a pejorative adhominem, rather than accusing someone of being me. It would warm the cockles of my heart to read postings where one poster was so irate with another poster that he/she would reply in the next post, "You are just a Foofie!" The use of the article "a" makes all the difference.