Guess what guys! Im gonna be a big sister! :)

Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 12:19 pm
chai2 wrote:

GracieGirl wrote:

Oh please! No its not! Rolling Eyes
I dont live in a home with both parents and I'm okay. As long as my baby sister (or brother) knows that her mom and my dad love her (or him) she'll be just fine.
You know that. Razz

Sorry, I don't agree.

If the 2 parents don't get along, or one treats the child badly, that's different.

But, if the parents are good to each other, and the child(ren), it's best they all live as a unit.

Even in the interests of logistics, can you imagine how hard it would be to have a child, yet raise it from a day to day standpoint as a single parent?

paying for 2 housing costs, not having someone immediately available to help out, etc. etc.

Not saying married, but it's better all around, in general, for the child and the parents to be together.

Well, I guess your right...
But Katie wont be a single parent really if she doesnt move in. She can come over all the time but just sleep at her own house. My dads still gonna help with the baby even if they dont live together. And it could be just like it is now. My dad and all of us can still help out and stuff.
Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 12:47 pm
that's really unfair to katie, in my opinion...

if your dad loves her she may be part of your life for a very long time.
Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 12:59 pm
GracieGirl wrote:
And it could be just like it is now.

that boat has sailed.

Your father is going to be the parent of a new baby. He's going to want to a big part of the baby's life (we know that because he stuck with you kids).

You're going to be leaving home soon enough, and his life is changing in a lot of ways. The rest of you get to help him with that by making it easy for him.
Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 01:17 pm
Stuff always changes. That's just the way it is. What about when you decide stuff should change, like you meet someone you love? Should your dad expect you to just stay at home with him, and not join together with someone else?
Gracie, I hate to use your own oft said words against you, but...That's Really Not Fair.

Me moving out and meeting someone else and stuff is totally different chai. I just kinda liked everything how it was before Katie and my dad got serious and I dont want her to mess stuff up. We were just fine before she came along and now everythings complicated. I guess that sounds kinda mean but I dont mean it that way. Everythings just weird. I dont think you get it.

Maybe it's not so much she's changing him, but he's getting to finally express a big part of who he is, which he couldn't when when it was "just the 4 of you" He's not just a father, but a man also.

Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 01:20 pm
Yeah, I guess so.
Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 01:22 pm
that's one of the secrets of life.

nothing ever stays the same...
Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 01:25 pm
Yeah, your right. Him and Katie are worried and stuff but I think he's really happy about the baby.
Me and my brother and my sister are gonna help. Its gonna be fun being a big sister! Smile
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 01:26 pm
I know, and it sucks.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 01:30 pm
GracieGirl wrote:

But Katie wont be a single parent really if she doesnt move in. She can come over all the time but just sleep at her own house. My dads still gonna help with the baby even if they dont live together. And it could be just like it is now. My dad and all of us can still help out and stuff.

Gracie darling...

I realise this must be quite tough for you, the thought of having to share your life with a baby, and it will - the baby will place demands on your family as it is now - but ...

believing that "everything could be just like it is now" is very naive.

Life will change and everyone will have to adjust to this little life coming into the world. Katie and your Dad, if they wish and choose to, could be together, and they need to make this decision. In my opinion, when two people love one another and make a decision to have a baby together, then it is far better for the baby to have 2 parents in the same house and sharing the responsibility for raising the child. Katie should not have to raise the baby on her own if your Dad and her wish to be together.

It is very hard being a single parent, especially with a newborn baby. There are sleepless nights, endless feeds and massive responsibility.

If your Dad & Katie choose not to be together, then that has to be their choice.

You are but a child yourself Gracie. Your Dad would probably no more want to leave you for the night than he would baby-to-be.

I know this will sound harsh or even mean, and I don't wish it to. Even for adults, a baby coming along requires a huge adjustment and this is still all so new for you.

I don't know if the pregnancy was planned ... but it really makes little difference now - your Dad and Katie need to make the decision that is best for them.

Whichever way, this little baby is going to take some of your Dad's time and energy. Life will not be the same and your insecurities here are perfectly understandable.

She can come over all the time but just sleep at her own house.

When you say that, do you realise what that means.

Purely on a financial outlook and the practicalities:

Cot (plus mattress, sheets and blankets)
Car seat
Pram/buggy/travel system*
Six sleepsuits/ long sleeved suits
Six vests/ short sleeved suits
Two cardigans/ jackets
Shawl or snow suit
Hat, mittens and bootees
Changing mat
Bottles/teats/bottle brush (only needed if not breastfeeding)
Loads of bibs
Plenty of towels/ flannels/ muslin squares (for bathing and dribbles!)
Moses basket/ crib (plus mattress, sheets and blankets)
Baby bath
Baby box or bag
Bouncy chair
Baby monitor
Changing bag
Steam steriliser
Baby lotion
Baby wipes
Bath thermometer

Now double it.

Purely on an emotional basis: this is a baby coming into the world... this baby isn't part-time - it's real and full-time.

As I say, if your Dad and Katie choose for Katie and baby not to move in - that's a choice they make.

For two people who love each other and have made this baby, I cannot imagine that they would not wish to be together to raise the baby together. Of course, I would have no idea whether that would be the case... I just know if it were me and I were to be having a baby with the man I love, I would wish to be with him and raising the baby together.

Please, think about it and allow yourself time to adjust. Please try and be happy/supportive for your Dad that he has found someone and trusts them enough to have a baby with and to be part of your lives.

You won't lose your Dad. You'll gain Katie and a baby in your life.

We were just fine before she came along and now everythings complicated.

No no Gracie, your lives may have been fine and un-complicated, but your Dad is not just a Dad, he is a man and he chose to allow someone in his life and fell in love. He has that right to be with someone and to be in love and all those things... and yes, that complicates it for you and your siblings and for everyone concerned... but it will only be as complicated as you make it now.

It doesn't have "to suck" - it could, and hopefully will, be the most amazing and wonderful thing that happens for your Dad and your family.


Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 04:23 pm
GracieGirl wrote:

Stuff always changes. That's just the way it is. What about when you decide stuff should change, like you meet someone you love? Should your dad expect you to just stay at home with him, and not join together with someone else?
Gracie, I hate to use your own oft said words against you, but...That's Really Not Fair.

Me moving out and meeting someone else and stuff is totally different chai. I just kinda liked everything how it was before Katie and my dad got serious and I dont want her to mess stuff up. We were just fine before she came along and now everythings complicated. I guess that sounds kinda mean but I dont mean it that way. Everythings just weird. I dont think you get it.

Maybe it's not so much she's changing him, but he's getting to finally express a big part of who he is, which he couldn't when when it was "just the 4 of you" He's not just a father, but a man also.


Life is complicated sweetie (and I mean sweetie in a good way) It's not totally different, you want it to be.
Let's say you go to move out and dad says "but that will mess things up. everything was fine until you decided you wanted to grow up/get a boyfriend, everything was fine, and you're making it complicated"

No it doesn't sound mean, you're just expressing what you want.

PS. there's no maybe about him being able to express things from a different part of himself with Katie, than with his kids.
His coversations with her are different..
He also, as gross as it sounds to you, does things like trying to make babies with her.
He loves his kids the same way. He gets to have a completely different kind of love with Katie. A love he has been very much missing.
He wants her near to share that love. Near meaning in the same house.
I think it would be very very mean and very very unfair to deny the man who has given up so much for you that bit of happiness.

Maybe saying that feels like a slap in the face Gracie, but you seriously have to wake up to the fact that you can either accept this really nice person into your home, having it become her home too, or make it difficult on yourself, Katie and ESPECIALLY your dad by trying to keep him and the woman he loves apart, when they want to be together.

Honey, really, don't come between them, let you dad have this without making it hard on him.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 04:29 pm
Not to mention double house and/or rent payments.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2012 03:15 am
good for you! Smile
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2012 04:41 pm
Izzie wrote:

GracieGirl wrote:

But Katie wont be a single parent really if she doesnt move in. She can come over all the time but just sleep at her own house. My dads still gonna help with the baby even if they dont live together. And it could be just like it is now. My dad and all of us can still help out and stuff.

Gracie darling...

I realise this must be quite tough for you, the thought of having to share your life with a baby, and it will - the baby will place demands on your family as it is now - but ...

believing that "everything could be just like it is now" is very naive.

Life will change and everyone will have to adjust to this little life coming into the world. Katie and your Dad, if they wish and choose to, could be together, and they need to make this decision. In my opinion, when two people love one another and make a decision to have a baby together, then it is far better for the baby to have 2 parents in the same house and sharing the responsibility for raising the child. Katie should not have to raise the baby on her own if your Dad and her wish to be together.

It is very hard being a single parent, especially with a newborn baby. There are sleepless nights, endless feeds and massive responsibility.

If your Dad & Katie choose not to be together, then that has to be their choice.

You are but a child yourself Gracie. Your Dad would probably no more want to leave you for the night than he would baby-to-be.

I know this will sound harsh or even mean, and I don't wish it to. Even for adults, a baby coming along requires a huge adjustment and this is still all so new for you.

I don't know if the pregnancy was planned ... but it really makes little difference now - your Dad and Katie need to make the decision that is best for them.

Whichever way, this little baby is going to take some of your Dad's time and energy. Life will not be the same and your insecurities here are perfectly understandable.

Okay. I get what your saying Izzie. And your right. I guess I was being naive. I know having a baby and being a parent must be hard and everythings complicated. So yeah, maybe all of us living together is better for my dad and Katie. But I still dont think it would be all that bad if we didn't live together.
And I dont think its fair that you think Katie and my dad need to make the decision thats just best for them. I mean, its their fault that everythings complicated. Its Katies fault for not being careful and getting pregnant and its my dads fault for being stupid. And guess who's life is getting all messed up because of it? Mine. Now that the baby's coming and Katie's moved in, my dad wants to move to a new bigger house and that means I have to go to a different school and we might even move to a different town. Do you know how much that sucks for me? I've lived here almost my whole life, since I was like 5 or 6. Now I have to leave all my friends and everyone I know just because my dad decided to have another baby and change everything. Izzie its just not fair. I mean, I know I totally sound like a brat but thats only because grown ups always see stuff from other grown ups perspectives. I dont think anyone really notices how much stuff sucks for kids.

Dad's girlfriend moved in, he's having a new baby, we're moving into a new house, new neighborhood, maybe even a new town, and I have to go to a new school and make new friends. Dads doing whats best for him but he sure doesnt care about whats best for us anymore. And whose fault is that?? Katies.


Izzie Wrote:

GracieGirl (Me): She can come over all the time but just sleep at her own house.

When you say that, do you realise what that means.

Purely on a financial outlook and the practicalities:

Cot (plus mattress, sheets and blankets)
Car seat
Pram/buggy/travel system*
Six sleepsuits/ long sleeved suits
Six vests/ short sleeved suits
Two cardigans/ jackets
Shawl or snow suit
Hat, mittens and bootees
Changing mat
Bottles/teats/bottle brush (only needed if not breastfeeding)
Loads of bibs
Plenty of towels/ flannels/ muslin squares (for bathing and dribbles!)
Moses basket/ crib (plus mattress, sheets and blankets)
Baby bath
Baby box or bag
Bouncy chair
Baby monitor
Changing bag
Steam steriliser
Baby lotion
Baby wipes
Bath thermometer

Now double it.

Purely on an emotional basis: this is a baby coming into the world... this baby isn't part-time - it's real and full-time.

As I say, if your Dad and Katie choose for Katie and baby not to move in - that's a choice they make.

For two people who love each other and have made this baby, I cannot imagine that they would not wish to be together to raise the baby together. Of course, I would have no idea whether that would be the case... I just know if it were me and I were to be having a baby with the man I love, I would wish to be with him and raising the baby together.

Please, think about it and allow yourself time to adjust. Please try and be happy/supportive for your Dad that he has found someone and trusts them enough to have a baby with and to be part of your lives.

You won't lose your Dad. You'll gain Katie and a baby in your life.

GG:We were just fine before she came along and now everythings complicated.

No no Gracie, your lives may have been fine and un-complicated, but your Dad is not just a Dad, he is a man and he chose to allow someone in his life and fell in love. He has that right to be with someone and to be in love and all those things... and yes, that complicates it for you and your siblings and for everyone concerned... but it will only be as complicated as you make it now.

It doesn't have "to suck" - it could, and hopefully will, be the most amazing and wonderful thing that happens for your Dad and your family.


I know Katie and my dad love each other. I can tell and I am happy for him and I am trying to be supportive. Im glad he's happy and Im not trying to ruin it for him or anything. I love my dad and I love the baby too even though it isnt born yet. But I dont like how different everythings gonna be because of the baby. Everythings just really confusing and I dont even know how to really explain it.
Like, Im glad my dad's happy but everything that makes him happy is making me miserable. Him and his girlfriend are ruining my whole life and he acts like he doesnt even notice or care. So, Im happy he's happy, but Im mad and annoyed at the same time. Do you get what I mean?
And then there's Katie. This is all her fault and sometimes I hate her but she's really really nice and cool sometimes and she loves my dad alot so I feel bad about being mean and bratty with her.
Then theres the baby. Im excited about being a big sister.Im the youngest in my family and I kinda like it so I've never really wanted to be a big sister but I've wondered what it would be like sometimes. It might be fun. But the babys the reason (or part of the reason) why everything's soo messed up. And its just a baby so I cant be mad at it. Its not its fault. So I dont really know how Im supposed to feel about it.
Everythings just soo mixed up and confusing and I feel alot of different ways all at once. It sucks Izzie.

But thanks for talking with me about this . I dont really agree with everything you said but I know you're mostly right.


chai2 wrote:

GracieGirl wrote:

Stuff always changes. That's just the way it is. What about when you decide stuff should change, like you meet someone you love? Should your dad expect you to just stay at home with him, and not join together with someone else?
Gracie, I hate to use your own oft said words against you, but...That's Really Not Fair.

Me moving out and meeting someone else and stuff is totally different chai. I just kinda liked everything how it was before Katie and my dad got serious and I dont want her to mess stuff up. We were just fine before she came along and now everythings complicated. I guess that sounds kinda mean but I dont mean it that way. Everythings just weird. I dont think you get it.

Maybe it's not so much she's changing him, but he's getting to finally express a big part of who he is, which he couldn't when when it was "just the 4 of you" He's not just a father, but a man also.


Life is complicated sweetie (and I mean sweetie in a good way) It's not totally different, you want it to be.
Let's say you go to move out and dad says "but that will mess things up. everything was fine until you decided you wanted to grow up/get a boyfriend, everything was fine, and you're making it complicated"

No it doesn't sound mean, you're just expressing what you want.

PS. there's no maybe about him being able to express things from a different part of himself with Katie, than with his kids.
His coversations with her are different..
He also, as gross as it sounds to you, does things like trying to make babies with her.
He loves his kids the same way. He gets to have a completely different kind of love with Katie. A love he has been very much missing.
He wants her near to share that love. Near meaning in the same house.
I think it would be very very mean and very very unfair to deny the man who has given up so much for you that bit of happiness.

Maybe saying that feels like a slap in the face Gracie, but you seriously have to wake up to the fact that you can either accept this really nice person into your home, having it become her home too, or make it difficult on yourself, Katie and ESPECIALLY your dad by trying to keep him and the woman he loves apart, when they want to be together.

Honey, really, don't come between them, let you dad have this without making it hard on him.

I guess it is mean and unfair for me to do that to Dad. I've never really thought about how hard its been for him being a single parent all this time. I mean, I knew it was hard but I never really thought about how hard it was before I started talking to you guys. So, I guess you and Izzie are right. My dad is really awesome and Katies okay too and I want them to be together and happy and everything. Instead of being mean and bratty about it I guess I could try to make it easier for them and my new brother/sister. Lots of stuff is gonna be different now and I hate it and I still dont think its fair but it might not be all that bad. We'll see I guess.

Anyway, I really like talking to you about stuff Chai. You always help me out alot. Thanks. Smile

Oh! And awesome signature! Wink Mr. Green

0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2012 04:41 pm
Thank you! Smile
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2012 04:45 pm
Hey - have you escaped from Toronto yet?
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2012 04:58 pm
GRACIE!!! You're back!!!

<insert dancing emoticon here>
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2012 04:59 pm
Oh! And sorry for responding soo late on this thread. When Katie went to her appointment last May (a little while before my birthday) she was like 8 or 10 weeks pregnant and her doctor said that the baby was smaller than it should be and that it had a slow heartbeat. The doctor told her to come back in a week to see if the baby would still be okay. We were worried that Katies baby might die and her and my dad were really upset. I kinda was too so I avoided this thread. I didnt want to talk about it. But now Katie's almost 4 months pregnant and the babys fine and the doctor said everythings okay. No need to worry. Smile

Katie and her kids moved in a couple weeks after my birthday. Its different and its weird having her there and we havent really been getting along. Its kinda my fault. She tries too hard to make us like her and I was still kinda mad at her for messing everything up so I was really mean to her. I feel bad about it cause she's really nice and atleast she's trying, you know? Her being here just annoys me sometimes.
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2012 05:01 pm
YUP!! Last week! Mr. Green
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2012 05:02 pm
I'm so sorry you can't have a better time when you're here. It's an awesome city, with so many fun things to see and do.

Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2012 05:03 pm
Haha!! Duhh!

You guys cant get rid of me. Razz

I missed you Eva! (((Hugs)))

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