EVERYONE has their own problems. Every single one of us. That doesn't mean we won't take time out to help. I am certain your room-mate is same way.
As I suggested before, you should stop imposing your mindset onto other people. Don't assume they will react one way or another. You can never fully know how someone will respond in a given situation. Take my Mom for instance. You would think I could predict how someone I've known all my life would react. But no, she surprises me at times.
You want to talk about this, you want to change your life, you want someone to help you. Your posts tell us this. The hardest part is that you will have to be the one to start the process of getting help, of turning your life into a happy life that you enjoy.
sand5699 wrote:This is what i do, i always find a negative solution for anything i find positive.
Knowing this, you can now stop yourself when you become negative and think to yourself "no I won't be negative". I know reaching out is tough. As you said, you don't want to be hurt, but TRUST me when I say it's worse to continue as you are than to try to reach out to someone and ask for help.
The school counsellor is the best bet.
Can you tell us all here you will try? If I was a betting person, I'd bet that you will feel empowered after making your appointment. Because you're scared to do it, once you actually do it, that will be one fear you have overcome. Does that make sense?