Nobody is offended.
Sand - You're in a macrocosm of a competitive world right now. You probably know just where you're at on the Bell Curve and it is a constant battle to keep your place, to "earn" your GPA. If you don't do well, you're out on your ear, your parents will be pissed, you'll never have a job, nobody will ever love you, etc.
Not only that, your school is right in the middle of the incredibly competitive world which is (sadly) ours. You should be (what's wrong with you???) as attractive as an air-brushed model, as clever as a stand-up comedian, as happy as a sit-com, right?
Well, nobody is like that.
Everybody has warts. Everybody has things that go terribly wrong. Everybody makes mistakes. You can either give up... which won't get you anywhere *or* you try to learn from these... try to look beyond appearances.... try to fix things when they go wrong. That's the way of the world.
Take baseball. It's an almost perfect metaphor for life. The greatest baseball player on the field would be happy with a 300 average, right? A 400 average is just not going to happen. So what does that 300 average mean? It means that guy fails seven out of every ten times he goes up to bat.
Life, real life, is imperfect. It's messy and not always that pretty. In real life your hair gets dirty, clothes get smudged, you forget to do things you should, the floor needs cleaning. Amazingly, that's not the end of the world. The end of the world is when you quit trying.
Okay. I have two interesting exercises for you...
One is to write down maximum and minimum goals for yourself. Look ahead... what do you want to accomplish? What's the best, what's the least you want to do? Give yourself some leeway here... you're looking at your potential: the preferred & the probable.
Write it down for tomorrow.
Same for what you can do by Friday.
Another for the weekend.
Another for next week.
Another for the end of the quarter.
Another for the end of the summer.
Another for the end of the year.
Another for five years from now.
And finally for 2025.
Make sure that the things you're doing now are what you will get you closer to the future goals.
The second is to analyze your friendships. (I know there is an expanded version of this, but I can't remember it.
![Very Happy](
Make a grid on a piece of paper, three across, two down. Label the three TALK, FUN, HELP. Now write down the names of people (friends, family, repeating is OK), that you know you can talk to, know you can have fun with, know you can call on if you need help.
Look at them and thank your lucky stars you've got some. Remind yourself to get in contact with them within the next two weeks, just to see what they're doing, how they're feeling.
Now, take that last row... you thought I forgot?... and write down who you fulfill those roles for. Who can count on you for soul-searching talks? Who can count on you to have some fun? Who can count on you to pick them up at the airport?
Look it over. If you have gaps, and I assume you do, then think about... even write down the names... of people who you might be able to move into those empty or weak positions. Try to work towards making them better friends. Try to be a better friend.
About this...."I'm in school because my parents want me here."
I kind of buy that, but not really. In the end, you are you. You could be in a much worse situation than you find yourself now. Imagine, just for a moment, that you are living in Iraq. Your dad is gone, your home has been bombed, you don't know where your mom and little brother are and there is no money and no school and no job. OK?
Let's have a wake-up call, here. You are healthy, in school and with parents who are trying to do the best they can for you. It isn't their fault if you don't know what you want to do. Doesn't your school have some kind of academic counseling? Can't you take tests to find out where your interests lie? Too many people go through life not having what they want. Sometimes they don't even know what they want.
Here's another exercise... write down three things you definitely want to do that you haven't done yet. Then tell us what they are and why you haven't done them.
I can wait. I'll be here tomorrow to see what you've got.