Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Sun 4 Mar, 2012 08:58 pm
When you can write something that makes sense then you can criticise other's level of understanding.

I don't think we should hold our breath waiting for that. Laughing

And, if he thinks that his level of thought reflects complexity, it's no wonder that the simplest concepts befuddle him. He's as concrete as a rock.
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 11:04 pm
I found out what is wrong with you Firefly you are androphobia how about that!

Lovely word that sum up your fear and terror of males that you are of the opinion that only laws are keeping us barely in check.

The more men you can have lock up the safer you will be and of course any male that try to find homes for kittens by sitting openly in the middle of a park surround by hundreds of people for example must be a pedophile that should come clean over the fact that it was not love of cats and concern in finding homes for kittens but a love for young children instead that motivate him that day.

And it is not bigotry for people to just assume a pedophile is out and about without even coming over and talking to the person just as it is not bigotry to think that a black person behind you at night is a likely mugger at best.

Love it that you claimed I should feel like I did something wrong in trying to find homes that day for kittens in a very public manner just because I am a male and therefore people are right to assume a male doing so is a danger to children.

Of course a woman like my wife would be free to do so and even my evil male self would likely had been accepted if I had my wife along just as a black person would be less fear if he had a white person along with him.


Androphobia: The only respectable bigotry
The mythology of male brutishness
by Robert Anton Wilson

Did you know that over 98 per cent of the men in the United States today have never been convicted of any violent crime or served time in prison? That, even though the U.S. imprisons a higher percentage of its citizens than any other nation, over 98 per cent of our men have never been convicted of rape, child molestation, assault, battery, breaking and entering, or any kind of violence? And almost half of the men who do land in prison are convicted of non-violent crimes (usually drug possession)? These basic statistical facts about male nonviolence have been hidden from us by an ideology/mythology which I call androphobia -- fear and hatred of the male. Androphobia has also hidden such facts as these:

Despite the androphobic mythology/ideology, at no time in history except the present was maleness considered a shame, a disgrace, or a sign of inferiority.

All of this sounds strange, bizarre, almost unbelievable, I know. We have all had so much brainwashing by the androphobic meme that we scarcely can believe males have ever done anything but shoot one another, rape women, and blow people up. Androphobia is the one respectable bigotry -- the only form of group-libel that is "politically correct" and goes unchallenged almost everywhere. Male achievements, thus, have been systematically excluded from "the universe of discourse" -- i.e. what "nice" people talk about.

Let us clarify the ideology of androphobia. I think androphobia can be defined as the transfer to all males of the negative stereotypes that the Ku Klux Klan and other neanderthal types assign only to black males -- mental inferiority, of course; emotional childishness, or "inability to think rationally;" brutality -- i.e. sub-human status, criminality, sexual violence, etc. (You see? All the old racist clichés except "a great sense of rhythm.") I thus regard androphobia as merely a transmutation from racism to sexism, an "advance" that is not an advance at all.

Let me make this very clear. I do not oppose Feminism; on the contrary, I reject all forms of group stereotyping and dehumanization. Androphobia (or male-bashing) has no intrinsic or necessary link with Feminism, and many Feminists utterly reject androphobia. To use an analogy, Marx said that "anti-Semitism is the socialism of fools." Similarly, I regard androphobia as the Feminism of imbeciles.

I oppose androphobia as psychological gendercide. I believe it underlies the wide spread male depression (which psychotherapists recognize as "epidemic") and also explains much of the soaring suicide rate among boys and young males.

The suicide rate among boys aged 16 to 19 is four times that of females, and the suicide rate of men between 20 and 24 soars to six times that of females (according to the U.S. Department of Health Statistics.) This self-destructiveness has increased steadily, among males, for 30 years -- since the rise of the androphobic ideology. Few want to grow up male in a society where maleness is defined as a sign of incurable inferiority or criminality.

Androphobia has created the kind of tension that psychologists call a "double-bind." A classic double-bind, as Gregory Bateson defined it in his pioneering work on the subject, involves (a) an impossible situation one cannot escape, and, (b) just as crucial, a social rule that forbids verbal comment on the impossibility of the situation. Gays, blacks, Hispanics, and all other minorities retain the freedom to comment on their situation -- even to comment angrily or to protest in the streets.

However, one cannot comment on androphobia these days. It is not only "politically incorrect" but virtually unthinkable. To talk about the subject at all remains under a very big taboo -- while millions of boys and men stagger from depression to suicide annually.

For instance, in 1979, psychologist Roy Schenk attempted to give a workshop on men's oppression at the annual conference of the Association for Humanistic Psychology. He announced in advance that the seminar would investigate what it does to the psyche of boys and men to grow up "being perceived as morally inferior to women." The AHP would not allow the workshop. This year, I tried again, offering a similar workshop at a New Age conference that had had me as workshop leader several times in the past. They also would not allow this subject to be discussed at all.

Consider the "logic" of androphobia, and how it deliberately contradicts known facts. Remember: 98% of the men in this country have never been in prison or committed a violent crime, but the androphobe insists that all men are "violent." Some of the most tender, beautiful music in the world was written by men such as Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven, but the androphobe insists all men are "insensitive." To repeat: all the major religions based on justice and love were founded by men (Asiatic men, in fact) -- but the androphobe insists all men are "greedy" and "competitive." This kind of "logic," based on totally ignoring all inconvenient facts, is common to all forms of racism, xenophobia and bigotry.

In fact, if you listen to the rantings of any leading androphobe (such as Andrea Dworkin, Carol Hemingway, or Robin Morgan) and mentally change the word "male" to "Jew" every time it appears, the result would be totally indistinguishable from the rantings of Hitler, because the "logic" of bigotry is the same in all cases. It is the "logic" of ascribing one essence to a miscellaneous group, which is only possible when all real-world daily facts are replaced by generalized abstractions. but this flight into abstraction is "politically correct" and virtually nobody dares to challenge it.

Thus, the "evil" of maleness in our society today, like the "evil" of witchcraft in medieval days, is beyond debate or discussion. The "no comment" taboo applies, leading directly to the double-bind that triggers mental breakdowns. Males, thus, have become the only minority that can be slandered and demeaned with any and all group stereotypes, in "respectable" media, and with no rebuttal allowed. All other minorities can "fight back" against group libel, but men who try to fight back against stereotypes and group libel are regarded as crazy, or "in denial," or beyond the bounds of reasonable discourse.

Fortunately, this is beginning to change -- a little. We look forward to a day when sanity and common sense triumph over bias, and all men and women, all people of all races, are judged one at a time and not condemned by group stereotypes. Meanwhile, anti-Semites (and most other bigots) can only circulate their lunatic rantings through badly printed journals with tiny circulations, while the androphobes still have free access to all major media and can endlessly spout the most idiotic forms of sexism while claiming to oppose sexism.

As Shakespeare said (with a few minor revisions and updates):

"I am a man. Hath not a man eyes? Hath not a man hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed, and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a woman is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die?"

Sun 4 Mar, 2012 11:51 pm
You know I had gone through all of my life up to the point I had walk over to the park one day never knowing what it is like to be a target of bigotry.

After all I am white not black and middle class not poor and even not Muslim or Jewish and the fact that I am an atheist is not normally appearance.

I can take walks in the early morning hours around close shopping centers and never be question by the police going by or private security patrols as after all I am white and from the looks middle class and now even old so I do not fit the profile of a robber.

However I am a male and add kittens along up for adoption and I must be a pedophile.

My god there is a male a male siting in the middle of the damn park as large as life with kittens he must be a pedophile even those he is being very open about the matter and telling any children that come over that they need to have their parents over to approve any adoption he still a male and therefore must be a pedophile.

Can not be just a fool that love cats not children after all.

0 Replies
Mon 5 Mar, 2012 12:14 am

I 'm pretty sure that no one on either side
of this dispute will change his nor her mind
because of personal denunciation.

I 'm glad that the thread is being kept alive
because its subject matter is INTERESTING,
but look at how many of these posts amount
to reciprocally saying (in general effect):
u r bad (or stupid). NO, it is U who r bad!

Y not turn our attention more particularly
to the subject matter, rather than trying
to make one another unhappy by redundant
ad hominem invective ?

0 Replies
Mon 5 Mar, 2012 01:29 am
Suspected child molester may have more victims
Judge sets bail at $1.53 million at first appearance
By Austin L. Miller
Staff writer
February 22, 2012

The man arrested Tuesday for allegedly molesting a boy he met through Boy Scouts has told investigators that he victimized three other boys as well.

George Robert Fout, 25, reportedly told detectives that he watched child pornography on his computer as a way to control his urge to molest youngsters. But he did molest children, he told them, including one Boy Scout he met eight years ago and three others.

It was the child pornography that brought investigators to Fout's home in Silver Springs Shores on Tuesday.

While investigating cases of child pornography in late January, Marion County Sheriff's Detective Michael Dodd found files of children engaging in sex being downloaded to a computer in the Shores. He obtained a search warrant and went to the residence at 542 Silver Course Loop.

Fout was asleep when Dodd and deputies arrived at the home he shares with his parents. Fout's mother told Dodd that she only plays games on the computer and that her husband rarely uses it. She said her son is the only one who knows about computers.

Detective Clinton Smith said Fout awoke and at first denied knowing anything about child porn. But then he opened up and showed investigators graphic images and videos on his computer and explained that he had molested four boys.

"He was open about everything. He wanted to tell us everything," Smith said.

Fout, 25, has been charged with 28 counts of possession of child pornography. He also has been charged with one count of capital sexual battery, two counts of lewd and lascivious molestation and two counts of sexual battery, all related to one victim.

Detectives believe they know the identity of the other victims but are trying to confirm the assaults and have not charged Fout with those crimes yet.

Smith said that during the interview Fout hung his head and declared, "I'm a bad person." He went on to call himself a "monster" and said "it was a mistake I was born."

Smith said Fout talked about having dreams of being in front of a judge, admitting what he did to children, and how he would spend the rest of his life in jail.

The detective said it appeared Fout's secret was weighing on him and that "he wanted to tell someone."

Fout told Smith he met one boy eight years ago when the youngster was a Boy Scout. The molestation began then and continued to the present. The boy is now 16. Fout reportedly described himself as a friend and mentor to the victim.

Smith spoke with the victim, who reportedly confirmed that the abuse began when he spent the night at Fout's home. He told the detective about other occasions and said that each time, Fout would tell him not to tell anyone.

Fout's online LinkedIn page lists him as owner of Byte-by-Byte Computers and as an Eagle Scout. The company website also lists him as an assistant scout master.

"Our family is actively involved in the local Boy Scout program, where we have taught the Computer Merit Badge," the website states.

Fout also was listed as a contact on the Facebook page of a local Scout troop.

But Jack Sears, chief executive officer of the North Florida Council, Boys Scout of America, said Fout was in a Boy Scout troop and Cubs Scouts, but as a volunteer, not as a scout leader.

"The health and safety of all scouting participants are our top priority. Our hearts and prayers go out to any victims of child abuse," said Sears. "The Boy Scouts of America immediately removed Mr. Fout when informed by the Marion County Sheriff's Office of the allegations. We're currently in cooperation with the Sheriff's Office."

Fout's father, who reportedly is a scout leader, declined to comment.

On Wednesday morning, Fout appeared before Judge Sarah Ritterhoff Williams via video link from the Marion County Jail to the judicial center downtown.

Dressed in brown pants, signifying that he is on suicide watch at the jail, and a red and white top and flip-flops, Fout told the judge he wanted a public defender.

He said he lives with his parents and was starting an online business but did odd jobs around the community, usually making $100.

After he told the judge he had $7,000 to $8,000 in savings, she denied him a public defender.

An assistant state attorney requested that the judge deny bail "due to the nature of these cases."

But the judge rejected that request, setting bond at $10,000 each for the 28 counts of possession of child pornography and $250,000 each for the other five charges, for a total of $1,530,000.

The judge ordered Fout to stay away from computers and avoid contact with any children.

"No contact means no contact," the judge said firmly.

Fout declined an interview request following the hearing.

Anyone with any information about inappropriate contact with Fout can call Detective Clint Smith at 369-6789, Crime Stoppers at 368-STOP, or visit www.ocalacrimestoppers.com.
Mon 5 Mar, 2012 01:38 am
Another pedophile into both child pornography and actual child molestation.
Windsor Township molester gets federal jail time on child porn charges
Adam J. Windon's 10-year federal sentence will start after his state sentence ends.
Daily Record/Sunday News

York, PA - A Windsor Township man already serving five to 10 years in state prison for molesting nine children will serve an additional 10 years in federal prison time for possession of child pornography.
York Area Regional Police arrested Adam James Windon, 36, in September 2008 after investigating him on the child abuse allegations. Windon posted bail and, according to court documents, hid a computer, a hard drive, thumb drives and memory cards.

A family member retrieved that property and turned it over to police. Investigators discovered 165 movies and 1,134 images of child pornography.

Windon pleaded no contest in December 2009 to two counts of aggravated indecent assault on a child under age 13, and seven counts of indecent assault on a child under age 13. He was sentenced in May 2010.

The molestations of nine children, all under age 11, took place between Sept. 1, 2006, and Sept. 20, 2008, according to police.

A federal grand jury indicted Windon on one count of possession of child pornography in March 2011. He pleaded guilty to the charge in September. His sentence will run consecutive to his time in state prison, followed by 12 years of supervision.

Windon is serving his 10-year sentence in the state prison in Camp Hill.
Mon 5 Mar, 2012 01:49 am
The man arrested Tuesday for allegedly molesting a boy he met through Boy Scouts has told investigators that he victimized three other boys as well.

Boy scouts as in a scout leader not a stranger but someone who work to get into a position of trust for years with children how interesting that is?

Second no one have a problem on this thread with locking up and throwing away the keys of anyone who abuse children sexually with or without producing CP in so doing.

The only repeat the only issue and disagreement is how harsh the punishments should be for only repeat only having CP not producing and not directly abusing a child sexually.

Oh and whether having pictures of 16 or 17 years olds who are willingly taking part in sexual actives on film should call for the same punishment as materials showing the abuse of young children or even infants.

Along with the idea that young men and women who share sexual materials with each other of themselves should come under the CP laws.
0 Replies
Mon 5 Mar, 2012 02:00 am
A Windsor Township man already serving five to 10 years in state prison for molesting nine children will serve an additional 10 years in federal prison time for possession of child pornography.

Amazing only repeat only five to ten years for molesting nine children but ten years for the possession of CP showing kids being molested.

Seem kind of ass backward as in it is far better to be found out to be a child molester even of nine kids then to have pictures of kids being molested.

Thank Firefly for helping prove the point that the CP laws and the laws dealing with child molesters are insanely backward in the amount of punishment for each type of crime.

Oh to cover your comment ahead of time in the vast majority of CP cases direct child molesting is not part of the picture so the two crimes are not one and same.

Seem in a sane society twenty to thirty years would be call for molesting so many children not 5 to 10 years with a year or two thrown in for the CP not ten.

Mon 5 Mar, 2012 02:22 am
Oh I forgot you support fake CP being punish as it if was real CP so in other word someone who directly molested real children will get less punishment for so doing then someone with materials showing non real children being harm.

The word insane keep coming to mind over and over.
0 Replies
Mon 5 Mar, 2012 02:42 am
I found out what's wrong with you Bill, you're a muddle-headed, inarticulate bully who likes to get roaring drunk and load up the car with kittens so you can lure innocents away to your photo sessions.
0 Replies
Mon 5 Mar, 2012 05:06 am
Good morning izzy I wonder what pearls of wisdoms you might be adding to this thread from across the pond however not enough to read your posting so early in the morning here in the Eastern US time zone.

Judging from your past postings I do not think it will be highly relevant to the tropic at hand in any case even those I am sure it as charming as only English gentleman could produce.

Now I am off to get some coffee into my system not tea.

Mon 5 Mar, 2012 05:14 am
Your use of hackneyed cliches says a lot about you.
Mon 5 Mar, 2012 11:38 am
Oh and whether having pictures of 16 or 17 years olds who are willingly taking part in sexual actives on film should call for the same punishment as materials showing the abuse of young children or even infants.

The punishment is not the same for those offenses.

No matter how many times this is pointed out to you, you fail to comprehend it. Your inability to learn new material, leaves you wallowing in ignorance, and your continuing to post inaccurate statements makes you sound like a dimwit. You are ignorant of how the law is being applied.

Sort of like your inability to understand why they didn't want you hanging around the children in the park.
Mon 5 Mar, 2012 12:00 pm
No matter how many times this is pointed out to you, you fail to comprehend it.

The guideline is five years minimum and if they used a p2p network to download files because of the very nature of p2p networks they will get hit with a distribution charge and only some of the distract courts allowed trials judges to depart from those minimums guidelines.
Sort of like your inability to understand why they didn't want you hanging around the children in the park.

Yes indeed I understand why I am not suppose to used a public park that my tax money pay for it for the same reason that some stores do not wish blacks to hang around in them and place store security on high alert if they do.

Mon 5 Mar, 2012 12:10 pm
BillRM is getting more and more bizarre.

He accuses you of not sticking to the topic when he's been rambling, for pages, mostly in defense of his poor judgment in the park and his allegedly wounded ego about being "discriminated against" because he's male. No awareness, at all, of why he was regarded with suspicion by other adults in the park, given how he was behaving, nor can he appreciate that the other adults acted appropriately and responsibly given that his interactions with the children made them uncomfortable.

And his obsession with me is downright sick. He weaves these elaborate fantasies about me, what I'm like, what I think, the opinions I have, which are totally disconnected from any reality. While Hawkeye does much the same thing, Hawkeye does it because he needs to construct a mythical strawman to argue against, because that is the only way he can deliver his self-serving monologues (what he considers his "position"). What BillRM does is much sicker--he's really obsessed with me, or his delusions of me. What a sad pathetic creature he is. He's so desperate for a relationship he constructs one in his mind. And that he even entertains sexual fantasies about me, tells you just what a sicko he is.

And then he wonders why people--both on the internet, and in real life situations--regard him as a creep and a perv? Rolling Eyes He has the insight of a fruit-fly.

Mon 5 Mar, 2012 12:21 pm
Yes indeed I understand why I am not suppose to used a public park that my tax money pay for it for the same reason that some stores do not wish blacks to hang around in them and place store security on high alert if they do.

Stop comparing yourself to people who are unfairly discriminated against on the basis of skin color--your comparisons are getting offensive.
You were interacting with children in a manner which is a known lure of children by pedophiles and child abductors. It was your specific behavior that people responded to.
Animal Lure: It's inevitable that if someone shows up with a puppy or kitten, kids will gather. Many abductors use animals to lure kids to them or their cars. Remind your kids never to go with any stranger either on foot or in a car, no matter how much they want to pet the animal!

If parks have rules, like certain areas are restricted only to children, or only to adults with children, you follow those rules--they were made by other taxpayers who want to keep children safe. Grow up.

You still are ignorant of the sentencing enhancements used in child pornography cases, and you continue to repeat the same inaccurate statements. Sentences are determined by the type of images in the child porn, and the ages of the children, as well as the number of images. You must enjoy parading your ignorance--you do it over, and over, and over.
Mon 5 Mar, 2012 01:06 pm
No awareness, at all, of why he was regarded with suspicion by other adults in the park, given how he was behaving, nor can he appreciate that the other adults acted appropriately and responsibly given that his interactions with the children made them uncomfortable.

Sorry dear a man sitting in plain sight of hundreds of people with a large red cat carrier is not acting suspicionly and the poor worry adults could and should had come over with their children or without them for that matter

In fact given that I would not just hand out kittens to children I was disappointed that the adults did not bother to come over.

The only reason that there was a problem was that I am a male and by the way I did google searches to find cases of evil pedophiles in parks in real life luring children with animals and could not find any. I am sure it must had happen somewhere and at sometime but if so it seems a rare event.

You know it is very unlikely I will ever need to find homes for kittens once more however it that should happen as a matter of principle I will go to an animal park where the excuse that no animals are allow would not work and have someone film the results of a male daring to used a public park to find homes for kittens.

As I would have no problem IDing myself to any worry parent, worry park employee or police officer it would be interesting to see if they could come up with some excuse to ban the black no sorry the adult male from the such a park.

Of course as males we all need to be aware that we are the new blacks and in fact when I was using the public library not that long ago the only electric outlet that happen to be free for powering my netbook was in the child section and I remember feelings uncomfortable in such an area!!!!!!!!!

Hell when in a hotel room without my wife with me since the DSK event I am uncomfortable when a maid knock on the door.

As men we need to fight the attempted to make us act as if we are in agreements with the likes of the Fireflies of the world that males should be view as a danger to children or even hotel maids.
Mon 5 Mar, 2012 01:11 pm
If parks have rules, like certain areas are restricted only to children, or only to adults with children, you follow those rules--they were made by other taxpayers who want to keep children safe. Grow up.

Sorry they had not gotten that insane in the county I live in yet and if I hear they are thinking of doing so I will be damn sure my voice is hear in the public meetings on the issue.

It may come a time however when males will have to hold sits in at public places like blacks citizens did at lunch counters in the south and for the same damn reason.
Mon 5 Mar, 2012 01:22 pm
firefly wrote:
And his obsession with me is downright sick. And then he wonders why people--both on the internet, and in real life situations--regard him as a creep and a perv? Rolling Eyes He has the insight of a fruit-fly.

Bill is a sick pervert, nobody's disputing that, the only thing Bill is arguing about is how much of a sick pervert he is. He's already admitted to acting like a paedophile, just not to being a paedophile.

And you're right, he is obsessed with you.
0 Replies
Mon 5 Mar, 2012 01:22 pm
It may come a time however when males will have to hold sits in at public places like blacks citizens did at lunch counters in the south and for the same damn reason.

Aw, poor baby.

How about the times women couldn't even apply for certain jobs, solely because of their gender. Or when women couldn't even vote. Or the fact that, even now, females, of all ages, are overwhelmingly the victims of sexual assaults. And you're whining because you behaved in a way that's a classic "animal lure" used by pedophiles and child abductors, and other adults saw you and wanted you away from the children. Why do you keep relating their actions solely to your gender? Did you expose your penis too?

It's not about "men"--it's about the way you, in particular, interacted with the children in that park. I'll bet that no other man in that park was regarded with suspicion that day....

Keep talking about it, it helps to remind people that you are regarded as a creep and a perv in real life, as well as at A2K.


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