Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Sun 4 Mar, 2012 04:41 pm
izzythepush wrote:
Isn't the protection of children more important that the perverted desires of paedophiles?
Protection from fotografy??
Lemme refer back to my (theoretical) example of my freedom to choose,
when I was a kid, to sell pictures of myself making love,
for my personal profit. It seems to me that in a free country
no one shud interfere with my private business, but under the extant statute,
I 'd be in severe danger from my OWN government.

Perhaps more to the point:
we have many teenagers of both genders
who have sent pictures of themselves (taken by the cameras
in their fones) to their friends. How many years in prison
shud be inflicted upon them??? Shud thay be excluded
from getting professional licenses in the future
because of conviction of felony ???

As I understand the extant federal law,
if children go skinny dipping together, or choose to "play doctor"
that is perfectly legal, but if any of them takes a picture thereof,
then that is good for a few decades in prison.
( My memory is unclear qua length of applicable sentence. )

If there is a question of CRIMINAL VIOLENCE against any citizen
of any age that shud be addressed by counter-violence by government.

I think that your question calls forth an examination
of what power we wish to grant to government
and what power has already been granted to it.
The result shud be a dispassionate good faith analysis.

Will u agree with that ?

Sun 4 Mar, 2012 04:54 pm
As I understand the extant federal law,
if children go skinny dipping together, or choose to "play doctor"
that is perfectly legal, but if any of them takes a picture thereof,
then that is good for a few decades in prison.

Go back and read the law again, I don't think you understand it.
Perhaps more to the point:
we have many teenagers of both genders
who have sent pictures of themselves taken by the cameras
in their fones to their friends. How many years in prison
shud be inflicted upon them???

How would the government even know this is taking place if it's a private cell phone communication?
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 04:56 pm
They are being photographed as they are being abused. They wouldn't be being photographed were it not for the abuse and they wouldn't be being abused were it not for the photographing.
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 05:00 pm
David another interest aspect of protecting the children or more likely the former children now adults of having the pictures spread around the net by harsh punishment of collectors is that at least some fraction of CP collectors/pedophiles was abuse victims themselves.

Those who wish to make this whole sad subject a simple matter of evil perverts being punished so why should we care is taking a fairly simple approach to a complex matter.

Not to mention that the harsh punishments does not seem to be working to any degree.

There is no indication that I had come across that there is less trading in the US then in the UK for example.
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 05:21 pm
Those who wish to make this whole sad subject a simple matter of evil perverts being punished so why should we care is taking a fairly simple approach to a complex matter.

Is that sentence supposed to make sense? Rolling Eyes

or this one...
David another interest aspect of protecting the children or more likely the former children now adults of having the pictures spread around the net by harsh punishment of collectors is that at least some fraction of CP collectors/pedophiles was abuse victims themselves
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 05:31 pm
izzythepush wrote:
They are being photographed as they are being abused.
They wouldn't be being photographed were it not for the abuse
and they wouldn't be being abused were it not for the photographing.
That seems very circular, Izzy.
I dunno if its true,
but its very circular.

I still believe that in a free country,
government has no jurisdiction to interfere with children
sending nude pictures of themselves to their friends, as thay have done.

0 Replies
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 05:38 pm
DAVID wrote:
As I understand the extant federal law,
if children go skinny dipping together, or choose to "play doctor"
that is perfectly legal, but if any of them takes a picture thereof,
then that is good for a few decades in prison.
firefly wrote:
Go back and read the law again,
I don't think you understand it.
I 'll be grateful,
if u 'll point out my error of understanding,
but if not then, I 'll take the time to read the whole statute again.
It has been quite a while.

DAVID wrote:
Perhaps more to the point:
we have many teenagers of both genders
who have sent pictures of themselves taken by the cameras
in their fones to their friends. How many years in prison
shud be inflicted upon them???
firefly wrote:
How would the government even know
this is taking place if it's a private cell phone communication?
That sort of private thing coming out
has happened A LOT concerning many different things,
e.g., friends getting mad at each other
or maybe a parent or sibling discovering them and getting mad, etc.

It has already happened quite a few times
that these private cell phone communications have come to the attention of government.

Sun 4 Mar, 2012 05:41 pm
Sorry you can not read complex sentences or for that matter deal with complex ideas. Wink
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 05:43 pm
That sort of private thing coming out
has happened A LOT concerning many different things,
e.g., friends getting mad at each other
or maybe a parent or sibling discovering them and getting mad, etc.

That's good reason for minors not to send such images of themselves--to use better judgment.
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 05:43 pm
firefly wrote:
How would the government even know
this is taking place if it's a private cell phone communication?

Amazing bullshit as cell phones get lost or parents or even friends get ahold of them or............
0 Replies
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 05:46 pm
Sorry you can not read complex sentences or for that matter deal with complex ideas.

I can, but only when they are written in coherent English, with some attempt at appropriate punctuation.

Otherwise, like yours, they are simply gibberish.
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 05:48 pm
That's good reason for minors not to send such images of themselves--to use better judgment.

An it they do not and act as young people had always acts with not the best judgments in the world at times then we should used the law sold to the public as a means to protect our young people as a means to ruin their lives instead.

But then you have never met a law you have any question about in your life now have you!!!!!!!!!
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 05:51 pm
You could not hold a complex idea in your head in any case.

Not even simple concepts such as a person can disagree with some aspects of the DUI laws without being a drunk driver or the CP laws without being a CP trader.
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 05:56 pm
BillRM wrote:

That's good reason for minors not to send such images of themselves--to use better judgment.

An it they do not and act as young people had always acts with not the best judgments in the world at times then we should used the law sold to the public as a means to protect our young people as a means to ruin their lives instead.

But then you have never met a law you have any question about in your life now have you!!!!!!!!!

I bet Firefly was the self appointed playground and recess boss as a kid, she sure loves rules and telling the rest of us what to do.....She sure knows the ins and outs of trying to cut down and marginalize those who dont agree with her plan, no doubt a skill learned from lots of practice over the years. It just kills her that she cant figure out how to get over on me.

Firefly is a garden variety bully, not that she will ever be able to see this.
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 06:08 pm
When you can write something that makes sense then you can criticise other's level of understanding.
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 07:39 pm
DAVID wrote:
That sort of private thing coming out
has happened A LOT concerning many different things,
e.g., friends getting mad at each other
or maybe a parent or sibling discovering them and getting mad, etc.
firefly wrote:
That's good reason for minors not to send such images of themselves--to use better judgment.
I ' m trying to bring out the point that we citizens shud bring government to heel, like a dog.
The government that WE created, that WE nourish financially,
shud NOT be terrorizing the citizens (the gods of its very existence), at any age.
Government shud conform itself to OUR wishes, not the other way around.

The operative criteria r the Constitution, especially its Bill of Rights.

Sovereignty is NOT in any government in America, not federal, not state, not municipal.
When we threw out the King of England, we took sovereignty for OURSELVES.
Let 's remember that and remind political candidates of that.
Sovereignty is in the gods of government 's creation: the CITIZENS.

0 Replies
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 07:53 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
Firefly is a garden variety bully, not that she will ever be able to see this.
I dunno about that, Hawkeye.
I don' t feel bullied.

0 Replies
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 08:37 pm
Firefly is a garden variety bully, not that she will ever be able to see this.

There is something beyond that in my opinion Hawkeye as she seems to looks upon laws as a good Catholic look on church dogma or when the pope speaks ex cathedra on an issue.

Her defensing the idea that the CP laws should be used against young people who share sexual pictures between lovers is an example of her thinkings in that regards.

In fact anyone who question the wisdom of any part of any of the laws we had been discussing must be part of the dark forces of evil. Question any part of the DUI laws then you are a drunken driver or question any part of the current CP laws and you are a pedophile and a CP trader and so on.

She surely does not view the system of laws as just part of the current social contract that we are all free to questions the parts we do not agree with and as the founding fathers had stated abolished in whole or in parts if the contract get so far out of line it no longer serve the public good as a whole.

But I do agree she is also a would be bully.

Sun 4 Mar, 2012 08:52 pm
0 Replies
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 08:53 pm
ROFL Laughing
0 Replies

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