Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Tue 1 Jan, 2013 09:36 am
One wonder how must harm is being done to those children by them blaming themselves for a few seconds of horseplay that open this silly can of worms.

The children didn't photograph themselves.

This man wouldn't be a very good parent if he allowed his children to blame themselves for any of this, and you have no reason to assume he is allowing them to blame themselves.
Tue 1 Jan, 2013 10:09 am
I expect that next up will be the criminalization of all porn that violates the feminists definition of rape...for instance women being fucked and fondled as they seem to be asleep, drunk sex or apparent drunk sex, and sex that takes place ofter a vocal or physical act indicating non consent....

The next broad category of sex to be banned will be muslim sex (offensive to muslims like Bork Obunga). An example (and don't let anybody catch you reading this...):

The Three Billygoats Gruff

Many years ago, in the Khwarism kingdom, the empire centered
around the cities of Samarkand, Bukhara, and Gurgange in the territory
now called Uzbekistan, there was a bridge across a narrow section of
the Syr Daria river and this bridge was guarded by a troll, named Ali
Mohammed Qa-eelbasi. This was before the padishah Mohammed of the Khwarism
empire burned the beards off of four of the infidel dog Chengis Khan's
ambassadors and Chengis Khan reduced that entire territory to a smoking
ruin (may he who cannot take a joke endure Allah's curse).

Now, this Ali Mohammed Qa-eelbasi was quite wealthy by inheritance and by
dint of clever investment strategies and stock trading and, having no need
of money or wealth beyond his possessions, and being an islamic troll,
rather than demanding money from travellers seeking to cross his bridge,
was in the habit of demanding various other favors from them.

One morning while Ali Mohammed was guarding his bridge and attempting to
catch fish in the Syr Daria, he heard the light clatter of little hooves
on the wooden planks of his bridge and looked up to see a little billygoat
traipsing across the bridge, trippity, clippity, clippity, trippity, and
this little goat (Allah be praised!!) had glossy white fur and flowers in his
mane, and was wearing a silk petticoat with what appeared to be lace panties
underneath, Ali Mohammed could not be quite certain, and a little training
bra from Bloomingdales', and had a coy smile upon his face.

"ALLAH BE PRAISED"!! shouted Ali Mohammed! Surely the faithful shall prosper,
this must be my lucky day!!!!

And, the little goat looked at Ali Mohammed, the coy smile still on his
lips, and said:


"Verily, I should be happy for you to have your way with
me and ravish me to your heart's content but, were you to do
that, you would then be too exhausted to appreciate my brother
when he passes this way. He is only a short distance behind me
and he is a larger, finer and more lovely goat than I; he buys ALL
of his clothing from Victoria's Secret."

Now, when Ali Mohammed heard this, he was overcome with passion and desire,
and could scarcely restrain himself; nonetheless, he replied: "Go then,
with Allah's blessing", and allowed the little goat to cross the bridge
unmolested. "I shall (eagerly) await your brother!"

Ali Mohammed went back to his efforts to catch fish and, about a half hour
later, he heard a somewhat heavier fall of hooves across the wooden planks
of his bridge: clippity cloppity clop, clippity cloppity clop, and Ali
Mohammed looked up to a sight which aroused within him a veritable paroxism
of passion. This was a larger goat with a gossamer veil over his face, red
roses braided into his glossy white silky fur all around, a golden necklace
and the thinnest sort of a purple gossamer bodice of finest khitan silk,
and dark, brown bedroom eyes.

"ALLAH BE PRAISED!!!" shouted Ali Mohammed, "Verily, this must be the luckiest
day of my life, for surely no troll has ever beheld so lovely, and desirable,
and alluring a goat as thee!"

"Patience!" replied the goat. "Surely you might have me if you wish, but
then you would be too exhausted to appreciate my eldest brother, who travels
only a short distance behind me. He is the sexiest and most voluptuous and
alluring goat in all the world, and he buys ALL of his clothing at Sexy Sadies
Midnight Boutique. Verily, were he standing here beside me, you would not
notice me at all!"

Ali Mohammed somehow or other managed to restrain his lust and passion and allowed
this goat to pass as well and, after ten or twelve minutes when he collected
his wits and got his pulse and breath back under control, returned to his fishing

Now when the eldest brother amongst the three goats came up to the bridge over
the Syr Daria river and walked upon its wooden planks, Ali Mohammed did not notice
at first, because this goat's hooves, for some reason, made no noise. Ali
Mohammed was in fact taken by complete surprise as this third goat walked up to
within five feet before the troll ever saw him at all. This goat had a silken
veil as did the second goat, and gossamer clothing but, underneath the gossamer,
appeared to be a very strange goat indeed, yellowish with black stripes, a long
tail, fearsome claws, and huge, very non-goatlike teeth. This third goat spoke
these words:


Bless, O Lord, this food to my use and me to thy service, and make me ever
mindful of the needs of others through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

and, with that, seized the unlucky troll in his mighty jaws, chewed him into
bitesized pieces, and wolfed him down.

0 Replies
Tue 1 Jan, 2013 10:19 am
The children didn't photograph themselves.

This man wouldn't be a very good parent if he allowed his children to blame themselves for any of this, and you have no reason to assume he is allowing them to blame themselves.

But they did however ask their father to film the horseplay and I am sure he and his wife are doing their best to reduce the harm that had been done by the craziness people like you are promoting.

It a damn shame that parents now have to fear filming anything that the most sick minded amount us could think could be CP.

CP is sick and harm children but so does this kind of overreacting witch hunting nonsense.
0 Replies
Tue 1 Jan, 2013 10:23 am
39.205 Penalties relating to reporting of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect.—(1) A person who is required to report known or suspected child abuse, abandonment, or neglect and who knowingly and willfully fails to do so, or who knowingly and willfully prevents another person from doing so, commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. A judge subject to discipline pursuant to s. 12, Art. V of the Florida Constitution shall not be subject to criminal prosecution when the information was received in the course of official duties.
(2) Unless the court finds that the person is a victim of domestic violence or that other mitigating circumstances exist, a person who is 18 years of age or older and lives in the same house or living unit as a child who is known or suspected to be a victim of child abuse, neglect of a child, or aggravated child abuse, and knowingly and willfully fails to report the child abuse commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
(3) Any Florida College System institution, state university, or nonpublic college, university, or school, as defined in s. 1000.21 or s. 1005.02, whose administrators knowingly and willfully, upon receiving information from faculty, staff, or other institution employees, fail to report known or suspected child abuse, abandonment, or neglect committed on the property of the university, college, or school, or during an event or function sponsored by the university, college, or school, or who knowingly and willfully prevent another person from doing so, shall be subject to fines of $1 million for each such failure.

Abuse or abandonment maybe, but "neglect"?? That could easily have included every kid at some of the schools I've attended at one time or another...

0 Replies
Thu 28 Mar, 2013 09:40 am


MP turns herself in for child porn offence
Published: 28 Mar 13 08:34 CET | Print version
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A Swedish parliamentarian has reported herself to the police for possessing child pornography, in a bid to get Swedes to question the current laws.
'Sweden's manga-child porn case is reminiscent of the Eastern bloc' (2 Jul 12)
Manga images 'not child porn': Supreme Court (15 Jun 12)
Mother arrested for filming her kids in the tub (4 Mar 11)

Moderate Party MP Maria Abrahamsson chose on Wednesday to tell Swedish police that she may have child pornography at home. She told them that she had a copy of the Dagens Nyheter (DN) newspaper, which last weekend contained an illustration showing a child surrounded by half-naked men.

Abrahamsson is a known critic of the current Swedish law, which makes no distinction between photographs depicting sexual violation or assault of a child or children and illustrations showing similar scenarios.

According to the Svenska Dagbladet (SVD) newspaper, Abrahamsson petitioned parliament last autumn to amend the text of the law. She argued it should distinguish between photography and non-photographic art.

Her latest attempt to raise awareness on the issue follows DN's publication on Saturday of a reproduction of a painting by US artist Tala Madanis, whose work is currently on display at an exhibition in Malmö. The artwork shows a child in a crib surrounded by men with their genitals pointing at the child.

The newspaper's editor Peter Wolodarski defended the decision to publish the reproduction.

"I agree that Swedish law is unclear and problematic," he was quoted as saying.

"But the picture in question has nothing to do with child pornography crimes. We wouldn't have published it if we thought it broke the law."

Abrahamsson, meanwhile, wants Swedish police and prosecutors to investigate whether she has broken the law by having a copy of the paper at home.

SvD reported on Wednesday that the police had opened an investigation into the case.

Abrahamsson originally got involved in the debate when Swedish manga translator Simon Lundström was convicted of child pornography crimes because of images in his cartoon library at home.

Lundström was eventually acquitted when Sweden's Supreme Court (Högsta domstolen) looked at the case in June 2012, but the ruling still stated that illustrations can be considered in breach of child pornography laws.

TT/The Local/at
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0 Replies
Wed 19 Jun, 2013 10:33 pm
The case that started this thread outcome.



Grant Smith Sentenced For Watching Child Porn On Plane
04/04/13 06:24 PM ET EDT

BOSTON -- A Utah man charged with viewing child pornography on a Boston-bound commercial flight won't have to serve his jail sentence if he sticks to the terms of his probation.

Prosecutors say 50-year-old Salt Lake City resident Grant Smith pleaded guilty Thursday to possessing child pornography.

A Boston judge suspended Smith's 2 1/2-year sentence and placed him on five years' probation.

Smith must continue sex offender treatment, comply with Utah sex offender registry requirements and follow restrictions on contact with children and Internet use.

Prosecutors say a fellow first-class passenger saw Smith viewing pornographic computer images of young girls during a November 2011 flight. The passenger took a cellphone photo of the images and alerted a flight attendant.

Smith was arrested in Boston and initially pleaded not guilty. He resigned his job as a University of Utah engineering professor.

Wed 19 Jun, 2013 10:42 pm
kinda makes you wonder just what it was that these people called child porn dont it.....for damn sure they did not find any hot stuff on his computers at home or find out that he actually touched a kid.
Wed 19 Jun, 2013 10:47 pm
Yes Hawkeye I am amazed at the light sentence and my guess is that there was something legally wrong with the case of some nature.

Have not found any back story on this sentencing.
Wed 19 Jun, 2013 10:51 pm
Oh the innocent football coach who took pictures of his children at play never got his job back but was fired instead.

Of course he and his union is fighting the matter the last I hear.
NSFW (view)
Thu 20 Jun, 2013 08:40 am
Hell Hawkeye CP can legally be some young lady that is one day from her 18 birthday a fully developed or even married woman.

Love the idea that in many states a young couple below 18 can have sex legally but if one of them give a nude picture to the other both can be charge under the CP laws and such cases at least the threats to do so had occur.

There is one case, I had read about of people being charge with producing CP where an expert took the strand and told the jury that one actress could not be of legal age by looking at how developed or not developed her body happen to had been.

The case came apart when the young lady came into the court room with her birth certificate and passport showing she was indeed over 18 at the time of the filming.
0 Replies
Sat 12 Apr, 2014 09:59 pm


MANKATO, Minn. — An emotional saga that began with a child pornography accusation 18 months ago ended in final victory Thursday for the ex-football coach of Minnesota State University-Mankato who was fired even though the charges against him were found groundless and dismissed.

A state arbitrator ruled the university wrongfully terminated football coach Todd Hoffner last May for videos found on his school-issued cellphone of his nude and partially clothed young children acting playful after bathing at home.

The arbitrator ordered Hoffner’s reinstatement to his four-year contract along with back pay for lost earnings from his six-figure salary.

Hoffner was suspended in August 2012 when a school technician noticed the videos on his phone while repairing it. He was arrested four days later on child pornography charges, but three months later a judge threw out the charges, ruling the videos did not meet the legal definition of child pornography.

“The videos under consideration here contain nude images of defendant's minor children dancing and acting playful after a bath,” said Judge Krista Jass. “That is all they contain."

But Hoffner never regained his coaching job. Upon dismissal of the charges he was assigned to administrative duties in the athletic department, and then fired six months later. He was hired by Minot, N.D., State University as head football coach in January.

Hoffner insisted all along there was nothing inappropriate in the videos. He said his children – then ages 9, 8 and 5 – were simply acting silly. He said he was an innocent victim of authorities acting overzealously in the wake of the Jerry Sandusky sex abuse scandal at Penn State University.

Christopher Madel, Hoffner’s arbitration attorney, told the Minneapolis Star Tribune the overseers of the Mankato university should now “clean house” and remove those officials who pursued the pornography charges and then fired Hoffner.

Arbitrator Gerald Wallin, who gathered evidence and heard several witnesses from July to November of last year, agreed the videos were not child porn. He said the decision to fire Hoffner was made by university president Richard Davenport without just cause.

Jan Fleming, Hoffner’s attorney for the criminal case, said the family has not decided yet whether to return to Minnesota or stay at Minot State. If he stays put, the Minnesota university will have to pay any difference in his salary under the arbitrator’s ruling.

“This period from losing his job up until the point of this arbitration has been particularly grueling,” said Fleming. “There was a time that Todd was working as a farmhand.”

Details for this story were reported by the Mankato Free Press.

Sat 12 Apr, 2014 10:05 pm

Where have you been?
Sun 13 Apr, 2014 04:37 pm
Hello Hawkeye

Decided to cut back on all the free materials I been giving Robert website after his followers mark a thread of mine with the not safe for work label due to the word bullshit being in the title of a thread of mine and dealing with the mistreatment of the Amish by the Discovery channel.

As I pointed out to them, major newspapers had used the word bullshit as an stand in for the word nonsense as I had done in both articles and and even in the title of articles.

Strange as a thread with the word farting and dealing with the subject of farting and created at roughly the same time was not so mark.

If Robert is going to grant such powers to people that seems more then willing to misused those powers dues to personal feelings toward the poster then he is going to need to depend more on them to supply his website with content.

0 Replies
Fri 18 Apr, 2014 10:40 am
Yes Hawkeye I am amazed at the light sentence and my guess is that there was something legally wrong with the case of some nature.

What light sentence? He was sentenced to 2 1/2 years, but the sentence was suspended as long as he complies with probation for the next 5 years. And his probation includes this:
Smith must continue sex offender treatment, comply with Utah sex offender registry requirements and follow restrictions on contact with children and Internet use.

That's not my idea of a "light sentence". It just doesn't support the myth you've been trying to promote that all those convicted of possession of child pornography receive draconian punishments.

The case against him was legally solid in terms of the supporting evidence.

The punishment seems quite appropriate--it includes treatment, registration as a sex offender, and restrictions on his contacts with children and his ability to use the internet to obtain more child poronography. So the community will be reasonably adequately protected against any harm he might pose. And, if he violates his probation, he will have to serve 2 1/2 years in jail. It all seems more than reasonable, but hardly "light".
0 Replies
Fri 18 Apr, 2014 10:56 am
What you said in your opening post in this thread has all proved to be wrong.
Trust me, this is going to be yet another case of a man being ruined because he had pics of his kids on his computer that the state does not approve of, or near that. In this case it was a video however.

A very successful guy is going to be watching real child porn on the airplane??!! Highly. Highly. Unlikely.

Yes, a professionally "successful guy" was indeed watching real child pornography on his laptop while he was a passenger in a plane.

The pictures he was viewing were not of "his kids"--they were of young naked children, ages 10 or younger, engaged in sexual acts with adults, that he obtained from a paid child pornography Web site. And he did plead guilty to possession of such materials.

So much for trusting your predictions.

Don't you ever get tired of being wrong? Laughing
bobsal u1553115
Sun 29 Mar, 2015 05:21 pm
Funny isn't it? They believe a gazzillion Democrats were involved with the Hollywood pederastcase with no evidence, but refuse to believe that a guy on a commercial flight was perusing child porn with witnesses, a computer with child porn on it and a successful prosecution in Utah, a Republican state. Go figure!
Sun 29 Mar, 2015 05:25 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

Funny isn't it? They believe a gazzillion Democrats were involved with the Hollywood pederastcase with no evidence, but refuse to believe that a guy on a commercial flight was perusing child porn with witnesses, a computer with child porn on it and a successful prosecution in Utah, a Republican state. Go figure!
Only a person who is actively trying to blow up their life would do such a thing, so sure, the presumption has to be that the claim is an exaggeration. In this case the guy was blowing up his life. There is not connection here to politics so far as I know.
0 Replies
Tue 28 Apr, 2015 08:05 am
Haedly the first case reported of a wife/girlfriend trying to frame a man for having CP.

This time the wife was a computer expert so she have the ability to frame him to the point it went to trial.



Former Delaware politician Richard J. Korn, acquitted last year of possessing child porn, is suing his ex-wife for defamation and malicious prosecution, claiming only she ever saw a child sex image on the portable hard drive she stole during their contentious divorce.

The Superior Court lawsuit charges that Magda Korn knew her ex-husband never "knowingly possessed" child porn, but took steps that led police and prosecutors to charge him with felonies that have ruined him financially and politically, and jeopardized his ability to spend time with their two young daughters.

Richard Korn's lawsuit alleged that Magda "knew that she was the only person who had viewed any such images on that hard drive in her computer."

Magda Korn, 43, a computer specialist and a painter, has denied the allegations in court papers. She and her attorney, David L. Baumberger, could not be reached Monday. Deputy Attorney General Abigail Layton, who unsuccessfully prosecuted Richard Korn, would not comment
Tue 28 Apr, 2015 09:03 am
How do you know the allegations in his civil lawsuit are true? Do you think men never make false allegations?


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