Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Sat 3 Mar, 2012 03:42 pm
Oh well, studies and reports mean nothing compared to the lowgeak of Bill.
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Sat 3 Mar, 2012 03:44 pm
I however do not share such an opinion and all the studies seems to all back up the fact that the risk of a stranger harming a child in a park is a very very tiny percent of all children who are harm in that manner.

It is far more likely that the child will be hit by lighting while in the park then taken by a stranger.

A parent need to worry far more about family and family friends and children care givers then strangers in the park.

If there are 100 people around? The percentage would be minute, why? Because 1 against 100 is one hell of an odd to get away with something. Doesn't mean the person in the park, doesn't be-friend parents, or that the 100 one day turn to 10 and they have their back to him...

And, having said that:-

A parent needs to worry full stop.. Shopping malls are full of people are they not? Lost in the crowd. Easy... very easy... So again, volume doesn't stop a pedophile.
Sat 3 Mar, 2012 03:57 pm
A parent need to worry far more about family and family friends and children care givers then strangers in the park.

That doesn't mean they shouldn't worry about the old guy in the park with kittens who is engaging with children.

You sound like an idiot talking about what they need to "worry more" about--parents are concerned about anything that could potentially harm their children--including a stranger pedophile who might try to lure the child from a public area to a private location.

The other people in the park were right to be suspicious and concerned about you and the way you were interacting with children in the park. Kittens and puppies are common lures used by pedophiles and abductors to get children to accompany them.

You have yet to realize that those people in the park reacted responsibly to what they saw you doing--they saw you doing something that made them feel uncomfortable, that sent up red flags for up them, and they took appropriate action to protect the children.

You are as thick as a brick.

Sat 3 Mar, 2012 04:07 pm
Risk is always part of life but it does no one any service to look on all adults males strangers as likely pedophiles and spending your care and resources in guarding against that very very very unlikely event of running into a real pedophile that would take the risk of going after a strange child instead of taking the far more common and safer road of grooming a child or children that there is a relationship with of some kind.

Let give the number of one percent of all adult males would abuse a child if given the chance so out of 10,000 men you will have a hundred pedophiles however by the studies I had read only 7 percents of that group is willing to run the risk of dealing with a strange child.

So out of ten thousand men we had seven that if given the chance might decide to go after your child.

So the danger is not zero for any given child put it is damn small indeed somewhere near the danger of the child being hit by a lighting bolt at the park.

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Sat 3 Mar, 2012 04:14 pm
The other people in the park were right to be suspicious and concerned about you and the way you were interacting with children in the park. Kittens and puppies are common lures used by pedophiles and abductors to get children to accompany them.

WRONG as if anyone had ask any of the children they would had informed the worry adults that I had said over and over that if they wish to adopt a kitten they would need to bring one of their parents over.

In fact at the time I was very surprise that the adults did not come over with the children at least to see what was going on.

In a sane society the adults would had check the situation out and I would have been delighted for them to do so as I
Sat 3 Mar, 2012 04:39 pm
A parent needs to worry full stop.. Shopping malls are full of people are they not? Lost in the crowd. Easy... very easy...

That's what happened to Adam Walsh, John Walsh's son. He suddenly vanished from a department store in a mall. All they ever found of the child was his head. Walsh has since devoted his life to fighting this sort of crime.

You are right, just because a lot of other people are in the area is no guarantee of a child's safety--if anything, a parent needs to be even more vigilant in such situations.

BillRM is trying to deny that there are people around who do seek to harm children, and that includes those who are strangers to the child.

When I was about 9, and walking by myself in the street, a man carrying some packages approached me and asked if I could help him carry a bag--another classic lure used by pedophiles. Being a helpful kid, I took one of the bags and walked a short distance with him--he was very friendly and nice Rolling Eyes. Then he began asking me if I liked dogs and he started telling me about his new puppy, how cute it was, and he said he'd like me to have a chance to play with it in his house.
Now, I don't remember my mother or father ever warning me about the kitten/puppy lure, or about people asking for help, although they had warned me not to go with strangers, but I foolishly felt safe just talking to this man on the street, and I felt like I was doing a good deed by carrying a bag for him. But, when he said something about going to his house to play with a puppy, I just knew something wrong was going on--instantly. I handed him back his bag, told him I had to go home, and I ran back to my house. Did I tell my parents about this? No. Nothing had actually happened, and I was afraid I would get in trouble for talking to a stranger. So, incidents like that happen to kids, and they may or may not mention them to anyone, so they never get reported. But that is how some pedophiles operate, and they are around. And sometimes they can successful lure a child. I fell for the initial overture, but then realized something was wrong and I ran away from the man. Other children aren't always so fortunate.

And almost every female I know, or have known, can recount some type of incident from her childhood where a strange adult approached her, or followed her, or even may have tried to touch her, in a way that made her feel frightened, but she ran away from the person. It's not uncommon at all.
Sat 3 Mar, 2012 04:52 pm
continuing from the above post that was cut short due to my netbook running out of battery power.

I would never had given a kitten to a child alone and wish for and needed for the adults to be involved.

I could had pointed out the posters concerning the kittens that I had already had put up in the park that had my name and phone numbers on them and hell if they still have any questions I would had cheerfully provided my Id.

After all I was in that park not to as a child molster but as a person looking for homes for kittens and a short conversation would likely be all that was needed to show that fact.

So there was no excuse not just to walk over to me for anyone that had any concerns.

Sat 3 Mar, 2012 04:58 pm
After all I was in that park not to as a child molster but as a person looking for homes for kittens and a short conversation would likely be all that was needed to show that fact.

So there was no excuse not just to walk over to me for anyone that had any concerns.

Blah, blah, blah, blah...

You're so dumb you'd probably do the same thing all over again.

Those people acted appropriately and responsibly--you are too thick to understand that, or to ever admit you are wrong.

And, as I said to Izzy about you, "The lady doth protest too much".
Sat 3 Mar, 2012 05:00 pm
That's what happened to Adam Walsh, John Walsh's son. He suddenly vanished from a department store in a mall. All they ever found of the child was his head. Walsh has since devoted his life to fighting this sort of crime.

Three hundred millions people plus and we can about name every child that had gone missing in malls over a period of twenty years or so.

No risk is zero and it is awful when someone get the losing hand even at very very very long odds still such rare happening is no justification to do things like banning childless people from some public areas.
Sat 3 Mar, 2012 05:04 pm
Three hundred millions people plus and we can about name every child that had gone missing in malls over a period of twenty years or so.

Is that supposed to comfort John Walsh?
still such rare happening is no justification to do things like banning childless people from some public areas

What's the matter, you can't find other places to sit--you need to be near children, close to them?

Go check out your child pornography collection.

You really are a creep.
Sat 3 Mar, 2012 05:10 pm
You're so dumb you'd probably do the same thing all over again.

Those people acted appropriately and responsibly--you are too thick to understand that, or to ever admit you are wrong.

Sorry I was not wrong the people with concerns that did not just walk over to me was the ones in the wrong but no I would not do the same again I would take my wife along as everyone know women never harm children or some such myth and or I will send her by herself as she owe me for suggesting that I should walk over to the park the first time around.

Hopefully no cat will show up at my doorsteps in a bad way with kittens in the future however as I needed to move heaven and earth and spend $$$$ to take care of them and find them good homes the first time.
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Sat 3 Mar, 2012 05:19 pm
Sorry I see no justification at all to lose our rights to public areas that our taxes pay for in order to make fearful people feel better because banning people without children from an area of parks is very unlikely to save one child from harm but it does set the wrong idea that random strangers are a significant danger to children.
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Sat 3 Mar, 2012 06:39 pm
You know Firefly if you wish at all costs repeat at all costs to reduce the risks to children to as small as possible I would suggest instead of worrying about random strangers in parks we ban any adult males from living in any home with children including the fathers.

When a male child turn 13 or so he would be also be ban from any home containing younger children.

That should cut down on child sexual abuse very nicely and as you stated no matter how small the risk to the little ones we should removed it.

Of course then we had the problem of women killing their children or abusing them now we could.....................................
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Sat 3 Mar, 2012 06:45 pm
All he cares about is himself, he seems to be incapable of empathy. He is a creep.
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Sat 3 Mar, 2012 06:56 pm
Go check out your child pornography collection.

You really are a creep.

I myself would define a real creep as someone who would post the above comment.

Come to think about it such comments place you in the same class as Rush Limbaugh so you must be very proud to share that with such a fine American as Rush.
Sat 3 Mar, 2012 07:14 pm
Better watch the stuff you post, BillRM. If you chack out the pro-pedophile Web sites, they sound just like you--they deny the threat to children, talk about their civil rights, etc. And there are people tracking those who make statements like that.
Exposing Pedophiles, Website Goes Where FBI Can't

They help catch dangerous pedophiles even before the police do. But are websites like Evil-Unveiled.com legal?

KETV NewsWatch 7 first reported about the site and the volunteers who run it last week. Volunteers gather postings from pedophiliac websites in hopes of identifying dangerous people. It's proven successful in identifying and tracking Kevin Morrissey and Jonathan Johnson, for example.

Morrissey, of Oakland, Iowa, is charged with possessing child pornography in Washington state. Johnson was convicted of sexually assaulting three children in 2008.

FBI officials said Evil-Unveiled.com is perfectly legal and protected by free speech. But so are pedophiliac websites. As a result of those freedoms, the FBI can't necessarily do what EvilUnveiled.com does.

A woman who lives in Middle Tennessee wouldn't be able to shed light on some of the darkest corners of the digital world if it weren’t for freedoms that allow those dark corners to exist.

"There are not many people who can do this. There are not many people who can read through this stuff," said the woman, who runs Evil-Unveiled.com.

KETV NewsWatch 7 is concealing her identity and referring to her as "Veronica." She said her life has been threatened before.

Veronica's mission is to track people on pro-pedophile websites and forums.

Because pedophile activism is protected by the First Amendment, not even the FBI does what Veronica and her volunteers do.

Weysan Dun, special agent in charge of Omaha's division of the FBI, said the FBI would only investigate pro-pedophile websites if they were to field a specific allegation.

Dun sees Evil-Unveiled.com as a help to authorities at times.

"Anytime efforts are undertaken, which helps to illuminate the existence of criminal activity, certainly that can potentially benefit public safety. It can potentially benefit law enforcement," Dun said.

Law enforcement officers know the dangers of pedophilia. At the La Vista Police Department, for example, detectives such as Ben Iversen were successful in nabbing more than a dozen sexual predators online in the past four years.

"We basically create profiles of children that are underage and get online and get into chat rooms," Iversen said.

La Vista detectives do what the people of PervertedJustice.com do -- entice pedophiles in an attempt to catch them.

"It is pretty quick. It doesn't take very long," Iversen said.

The goal is to go after people who act on impulse, which differs from the people profiled on Evil-Unveiled.com. Those people are carefully cross-referenced and identified through public records, both on and offline.

"We never, ever want to ruin someone's life who's an innocent person," Veronica said.

Instead of just wishing he could live his pedophiliac fantasies, Jonathan Johnson actually acted out on them.

"We knew that we had to act now," Veronica said.

Johnson was exposed by Evil-Unveiled.com to police and the public in 2007. He was arrested and convicted in 2008 for sexually assaulting three children.

"It was a victory for us. We don't get paid. That's our paycheck," Veronica said.

Johnson endorses Evil-Unveiled.com and their efforts to catch dangerous pedophiles. In a nearly 40-minute long interview with KETV NewsWatch 7, Johnson talked about why other pedophiles need to get help before they end up like he did.

Hear from Johnson on Monday night at 10.
Sat 3 Mar, 2012 07:16 pm

Child Predator Thankful Website ID'd Him
Jonathan Johnson Sentenced 20-40 Years
February 27, 2012

TECUMSEH, Neb. -- A man convicted of sexually assaulting three children said he's glad he was caught.

An Omaha police detective said had it not been for "web watchers," Johnson would never have been investigated. Johnson was exposed to the public and police in 2007 by a group of volunteers who now run a website called evil-unveiled.com.

Johnson spoke with KETV NewsWatch 7's Ryan Luby and photojournalist Dave Hynek last Tuesday at the Tecumseh State Correctional Institution. Johnson was sentenced to prison for 20 to 40 years in 2008.

Johnson's story is the third part of an exclusive I-Team investigation.

"From the time I was about five years old, I just had this innate curiosity for sexuality," Johnson said.

He said he was abused at that age. The abuse, he said, fueled his sexual curiosity for young children -- a curiosity that persisted as a teen and as an adult.

He said he tried to hide his feelings as much as possible.

"You spend half of your energy in your life trying to cover your tracks, and trying to make sure nobody ever suspects anything," Johnson said.

In 2003, when Johnson said he was married with his own kids, he went online to look for help. He wanted to know how he could stop or at least control his sexual feelings.

Instead, he said he found pro-pedophile websites, the ones that cater to pedophile activists -- people who say pedophilia is OK.

"It's like its own little community that operates in itself, and ya know makes everybody feel accepted," Johnson said.

Johnson said he felt safe on those websites. Over time, he said started to share his own fantasies and beliefs, and then started to share stories about the "young friends" in his life. He used an anonymous screen name.

That's when evil-unveiled.com revealed that he was the person behind that screen name.

"It was like everything in the darkness got pushed right into the light," Johnson said.

The leader of evil-unveiled.com said the volunteers who run the site tracked Johnson for about nine months.

"We (also) started talking to law enforcement from the beginning because it was very obvious to us that he was actively molesting, that he had access to a lot of children, that a lot of parents trusted him," Veronica said.

Veronica is the alias KETV NewsWatch 7 gave to the website's leader to protect her identity. She spoke with the I-Team at her Nashville, Tenn. home.

She said her website's volunteers collected more than enough information on Johnson so police would arrest him. Police did in June 2008.

"It was a victory for us, we don't get paid, that's our paycheck," Veronica said.

She also said it served as a way to prevent sexual abuse of other children.

"I'm a survivor (of sexual abuse)," Veronica said of her own childhood decades ago. "It's been kind of a therapy for me to know that people like Jonathan Johnson are off the street. How many victims did he have? Just that one case is therapy for me. That's healing for me."

Johnson is not eligible for parole for at least another 10 years. Before then, he said he hopes the Nebraska Department of Corrections can find him the mental therapy he needs.

Even though Johnson said he would never re-offend, he said it'll take a lot of work to overcome his thoughts and feelings.

"Will I always struggle with those thoughts? I have to accept the reality that I always probably will," Johnson said.

He said he hopes other pedophiles get help before they actually act on their fantasies.

"If you're having a problem with it, no matter what, no matter if it's going to tear your marriage apart, no matter if it possibly could ruin this or that, nothing's more important than you getting help so you don't destroy somebody else's life," Johnson said.

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Sat 3 Mar, 2012 07:25 pm
This man both downloaded child pornography, made some of his own, and sexually abused children as young as 2.
Contrary to what BillRM is saying, about strangers being a minimal threat to children, he found 2 of his victims in a toy store.
March 1, 2012 12:00 pm
Flushing pedophile receives 30 years
by Paula Neudorf, Associate Editor
Queens Chronicle

Flushing resident Felix Cartagena, 27, was sentenced on Saturday to 30 years in prison after being convicted of producing child pornography, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York announced the same day.

Cartagena pleaded guilty to one count of sexual exploitation of a child — sodomizing a 2-year-old boy — for the purpose of producing child pornography, and one count of distribution of child pornography, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

In addition to the 2-year-old, Cartagena abused at least seven other boys between the ages of 2 and 12, according to published reports and Robert Nardoza, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office. Of the eight children, two were his nephews, according to a letter from U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch to the trial’s judge, dated Dec. 9, 2011.

Cartagena was arrested on Sept. 2, 2010 by Federal Bureau of Investigation agents, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said. At the time, he admitted to downloading child pornography and to producing his own porn by “photographing and recording his own sexual assaults of children,” Lynch wrote in the letter.

Cartagena’s 30-year sentence is 20 years less than Lynch requested. “The defendant’s history supports the need for a maximum sentence of 50 years,” she wrote.

“He stands before this court having pleaded guilty to one count of child exploitation and one count of distribution of child pornography, but as discussed above, he also committed additional acts of sexual abuse against other victims,” she continued.

Lynch concluded the letter noting that “the likelihood that Cartagena will continue to sexually and physically abuse children should he ever be released from prison is not only possible but probable.”

In detailed descriptions of Cartagena’s crimes, Lynch said Cartagena had bound and gagged one of the victims, the 6-year-old son of a friend, before raping him. He met two of his other victims at a toy store.

Cartagena is being held in Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Detention Center. Nardoza declined to comment on why Cartagena had only been convicted of producing child pornography, despite his guilty plea in one instance of sexual exploitation, and the other crimes outlined by the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
Sat 3 Mar, 2012 09:00 pm
just like you--they deny the threat to children, talk about their civil rights, etc. And there are people tracking those who make statements like that.

You mean pro pedophile websites like the DOJ where anyone can get the statistics concerning the ratio of strangers sexual abuse of children compare to non-strangers such as family members.

Is that the kind of website you are labeling as being a pedophile site?

Oh or are you talking about such evil sites as the ACLU and the EFF who are kind of fighting allowing such people as you to turn the country into a police state for the good of the children?
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Sat 3 Mar, 2012 09:04 pm
the 6-year-old son of a friend, before raping him. He met two of his other victims at a toy store.

Let see the one is a child of a family friend and the toy store story is interesting but it give no details so who know.

One thing we surely should shut down all toy stores for the good of the children.
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