Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Sat 3 Mar, 2012 09:20 pm
You know Firefly I had come up with the perfect idea of how we can stop all sexual abused of all children within at the most 18 years and teach those pedophiles a thing or two also by just sterilized all the females in the country.

No more child abuse, no more drive to turn the country into a police state for the good of the children, no more yelling and running children in the fast food places and on and on and on................

Hell most of the pedophiles will likely leave the country for Mexico many likely joining the priesthood down there.

At my age there will also still be plenty of people around to keep the society going for the rest of my lifetime.

Oh and you will still be able to complain about date rape due to lack of consent because of alcohol use in dating situations but even that should slow down as the average age of the population climb sharply.

We surely can do China one better then one child per couple to zero child per couple as after all it for the good of the children.

Sat 3 Mar, 2012 09:40 pm
Firefly with the zero child per family program we will be able to wind down the expensive education system and move all that funding to the prison system and therefore will be able to have the proper length of sentences for such crimes as overdue library books.

Then the Republicans will also no longer need to worry about employers needing to paid for birth control of their female workers.

True all that one time sterilizations will cost a few billions dollars but the cost should well be worth it and should be cover by savings in a few years at most.
0 Replies
Sat 3 Mar, 2012 10:06 pm
Yes Firefly you and Rush are cut out of the same cloth with Rush calling the woman below a slut and you calling me a drunk who also happen to be a pedophile and a CP trader.

You must be all so proud to be in such lock step with such a great American as Rush.

March 2nd, 2012
05:32 PM ET

Fluke on Limbaugh comment: 'I'm not going to be silenced'

CNN Senior Congressional Correspondent Dana Bash
(CNN) - The Georgetown law student targeted by Rush Limbaugh for her position on contraceptives said Friday she was "upset and outraged" when she first heard the radio talk show host had called her a "slut."

"I felt probably the way many women do when they are called those types of names," Sandra Fluke told CNN. "Initially hurt and then very quickly upset and outraged because somebody is trying to silence you."

Sat 3 Mar, 2012 10:31 pm
The fact that you are trying to turn legitimate public concern over pedophilia into some sort of joke is very telling. That says volumes about you.

Your posts are now bordering on the bizarre.
Sat 3 Mar, 2012 10:50 pm
firefly wrote:

The fact that you are trying to turn legitimate public concern over pedophilia into some sort of joke is very telling. That says volumes about you.

Your posts are now bordering on the bizarre.

we should be able to joke about everything if we are healthy, so the telling of the joke is not an indicator of a problem. A problem would be telling the pedophilia joke in the wrong place and/or at the wrong time. Would you care to make the argument that Bill has does this??
Sat 3 Mar, 2012 10:54 pm
Good for the state of Vermont!
Child porn crackdown unveiled
Mar. 2, 2012

A statewide law enforcement initiative targeting child pornography was announced Friday by U.S. Attorney Tristram Coffin, who said nine individuals have been arrested in the last week and that undercover investigations are continuing.

Speaking at a news conference in Burlington, Coffin was flanked by representatives of state police, local police departments, and Homeland Security Investigations, a federal agency that has helped coordinate the effort, dubbed Operation Greenwave. Attorney General William Sorrell also attended and promised more arrests.

Coffin’s message for child pornography traffickers in Vermont: “Their days are numbered.”

“These are serious offenses,” he said. “We’re going to be using our resources to go after them in a serious way.” He called the scale of the enforcement action, and the nine initial arrests, “unprecedented” in child-pornography prosecution in Vermont.

Child pornography “is not a victimless crime,” said Matthew Etre, deputy special agent in charge at Homeland Security Investigations’ Boston office, who said the collaborative statewide effort is among the first in New England. “We will use every tool at our disposal” to track down child predators, he said.

“I want Vermonters to understand that this is quite simply the tip of the iceberg,” Sorrell said of the investigation’s first phase. “I’m not exaggerating when I say that.”

He said Gov. Peter Shumlin’s budget proposal includes an extra $200,000 to fight the problem.

“We’re concerned about the correlation between the possession and sharing of child pornography and the very real possibility of hands-on abuse,” Sorrell said. He said he hoped news coverage of Operation Greenwave would raise public awareness.

Etre said data-gathering investigations had involved collaboration of about 30 law enforcement agencies. Among those attending the news conference were South Burlington police chief Trevor Whipple and Lt. Kris Carlson of the Burlington Police Department, a specialist in internet crime.

Several of the nine arrests have already been reported. Coffin said the arrestees come from all walks of life and include a lawyer, a photographer and a voice coach. He declined to discuss details of the cases...

"[Child pornography is] the most gross debasement and the vilest violation imaginable," said Tris Coffin, the United States Attorney for the District of Vermont...

Police and prosecutors would not say much about how they tracked the suspects or what their evidence is, but they suggested investigators found images depicting pre-pubescent children.

Operation Greenwave is being called an unprecedented sting in Vermont, and one of the first of its kind in New England. "This investigation should be a wake-up call to would-be child predators who think they can trade in child pornography and commit acts against innocent children while hiding behind pseudonyms and other technological tricks," said Matthew Etre, the agent in charge of the case from the ICE Homeland Security Investigations division.

Officials expect more arrests to come from the ongoing investigation. They noted that cyber-crime units are always getting more and more technologically advanced. Their message was clear: if you victimize children, you will get caught.

Investigators say these men were charged with the possession and distribution of pornographic material of prepubescent children. Although authorities would not say if any of the victims are Vermont kids, court papers show an investigator recognized one female child as a Vermonter. Authorities warn that there is a very real correlation between looking at kiddie porn and the possibility of hands-on abuse.

"This week we stopped the predators in their tracks and the security of Vermont's children is better off for it," Etre said.

"I want Vermonters to understand that this is quite simply the tip of the iceberg," said Bill Sorrell, D-Vt. Attorney General.

Authorities say the internet and file sharing has made it easier for sexual predators to exploit children. And although they called the problem "prevalent" in Vermont, they would not say how many more cases may be out there. They're also aware that publicizing this issue may force some of the predators into hiding. It's a risk they're willing to take.

"If it causes some people to get rid of what they have available for sharing than that's a good day at the office," Sorrell said.

Sat 3 Mar, 2012 11:00 pm
A problem would be telling the pedophilia joke in the wrong place and/or at the wrong time.

That you think there is a right time to joke about the issue says volumes about you.

This is an example of what BillRM was trying to make light of.
Cartagena had bound and gagged one of the victims, the 6-year-old son of a friend, before raping him.

You and BillRM are the reason this thread is tagged "perverts" and "creeps". Your reputations are well deserved.
Sat 3 Mar, 2012 11:07 pm

That you think there is a right time to joke about the issue says volumes about you.

I think that if Bruce, Carlin, Pryor, Hicks, and Kinison were alive today Pedophilia jokes would be in all of their acts.....
Sat 3 Mar, 2012 11:10 pm
Cartagena had bound and gagged one of the victims, the 6-year-old son of a friend, before raping him.

You find that funny?
I repeat...
You and BillRM are the reason this thread is tagged "perverts" and "creeps". Your reputations are well deserved.

Sat 3 Mar, 2012 11:16 pm
I repeat...
You and BillRM are the reason this thread is tagged "perverts" and "creeps". Your reputations are well deserved.

It has been a long day, so thanks for the laugh (remembering that you just reamed Bill for repetition). Consistency is certainly not your strong suit.
0 Replies
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 03:47 am
firefly wrote:
This man both downloaded child pornography, made some of his own, and sexually abused children as young as 2.
Contrary to what BillRM is saying, about strangers being a minimal threat to children, he found 2 of his victims in a toy store.
March 1, 2012 12:00 pm
Flushing pedophile receives 30 years
by Paula Neudorf, Associate Editor
Queens Chronicle

Flushing resident Felix Cartagena, 27, was sentenced on Saturday to 30 years in prison after being convicted of producing child pornography, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York announced the same day.

Cartagena pleaded guilty to one count of sexual exploitation of a child — sodomizing a 2-year-old boy — for the purpose of producing child pornography, and one count of distribution of child pornography, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

In addition to the 2-year-old, Cartagena abused at least seven other boys between the ages of 2 and 12, according to published reports and Robert Nardoza, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office. Of the eight children, two were his nephews, according to a letter from U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch to the trial’s judge, dated Dec. 9, 2011.

Cartagena was arrested on Sept. 2, 2010 by Federal Bureau of Investigation agents, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said. At the time, he admitted to downloading child pornography and to producing his own porn by “photographing and recording his own sexual assaults of children,” Lynch wrote in the letter.

Cartagena’s 30-year sentence is 20 years less than Lynch requested. “The defendant’s history supports the need for a maximum sentence of 50 years,” she wrote.

“He stands before this court having pleaded guilty to one count of child exploitation and one count of distribution of child pornography, but as discussed above, he also committed additional acts of sexual abuse against other victims,” she continued.

Lynch concluded the letter noting that “the likelihood that Cartagena will continue to sexually and physically abuse children should he ever be released from prison is not only possible but probable.”

In detailed descriptions of Cartagena’s crimes, Lynch said Cartagena had bound and gagged one of the victims, the 6-year-old son of a friend, before raping him. He met two of his other victims at a toy store.

Cartagena is being held in Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Detention Center. Nardoza declined to comment on why Cartagena had only been convicted of producing child pornography, despite his guilty plea in one instance of sexual exploitation, and the other crimes outlined by the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
Morally and logically in my opinion, the death penalty is properly in order
for so egregious an offense as forcible sodomy,
but the element of fotografy is of no moral significance.
It is only a distraction from the REAL offense.
If John Dillenger had hired a fotografer to record
his bank robberies, that 'd be of no moral significance.

The way I look at it, the offender shud be KILLED for forcible sodomy,
but his fotografy shud be ignored.

Sexual crimes existed long before photography did.
If he hired a perverted poet to witness the horror
and then to write a poem about it, is that subject to legislation?

We shud not get distracted.

Sun 4 Mar, 2012 04:08 am
BillRM wrote:
Yes Firefly you and Rush are cut out of the same cloth with Rush calling the woman below a slut and you calling me a drunk who also happen to be a pedophile and a CP trader.

You must be all so proud to be in such lock step with such a great American as Rush.
He is in error in describing sexual activity in pejorative terms,
but most of the time he is OK as an American.

The word "slut" has never been in my vocabulary
because there is no corresponding person
who is properly described thereby.
(He also used the word "prostitute",
which means something different.)

He shud know that sex is an ordinary human function
like eating or sneezing; it is not something shameful.

0 Replies
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 04:41 am
These two bounce off each other, they are both contemptuous of anything thast doesn't affect them. All Hawkeye cares about is the potency of his own orgasm. They're both truly disgusting individuals, don't let these low life pieces of crap get to you.
0 Replies
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 04:47 am
Photographing an act of abuse continues that abuse, the abuser knows images of themselves are being accessed by perverts. There is also the profit motive, images of abuse can be traded quite lucratively.

As for Dillinger, people aren't going to get off on pictures of bank robbers, and demand more and more images of bank robberies.

A photograph details actual events, writing can be fictional.
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 04:48 am
The way I look at it, the offender shud be KILLED for forcible sodomy,
but his fotografy shud be ignored.

Sorry DAVID but not under the SC who had already rule that the death penalty can not be used for sexual crimes.
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 04:53 am
You and BillRM are the reason this thread is tagged "perverts" and "cree

Given that you are the one who love to used such words directed at anyone who disagree with you it is not all that surprising that this thread had gotten such tags.
0 Replies
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 05:18 am
He said Gov. Peter Shumlin’s budget proposal includes an extra $200,000 to fight the problem.

Never any shortages of funds to have more cops sitting in front of computer screens looking for CP traders but as far as funds for teachers in the classroooms...................

On the chopping block: The Vermont Department of Education is aiming to slash 2 percent from its overall budget—about $23 million. A $19 million influx from the federal government could help stave off some, though not all, teacher layoffs. “There are not really many more places to cut without gutting programs,” said superintendent Ron Stahley. “We have to balance these targeted reductions with maintaining viable programs."

0 Replies
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 10:26 am
izzythepush wrote:
Photographing an act of abuse continues that abuse,
I challenge your logic on that point, Izzy.
Returning to my example of the instance of my having been in
the hospital for abdominal surgery in 2005, when I was in my
assigned bedroom with a nurse I saw a brite flash of light
from behind me. Turning, I saw some guy wearing a white lab coat
with a camera, who had apparently taken a picture of my rear end,
exposed thru the back of my hospital gown. I deemed it foolish & stupid
to DO that, but I was not moven to anger nor to resentment.
From my knowledge of the subject matter, I know that he got a very
ugly picture; really gross. I was so weak from being on I.V. with no food
(lost 50 pounds) that I coud hardly walk, but I was not moven
to strike him with my fist, if I had the strength. I did not complain.
I let it go. I have no emotions of getting "abused".
I felt much more "abused" concerning the hospital food
than over that fotografic misadventure. I can chuckle
over the odd foibles of the human mind.
I woud not wanna shake his hand, but I bear him no ill will.
If he had shown the picture to his friends, I don't care.
That act woud only show the state of ill health
into which his mind had fallen,
but it woud leave me 1OO% un-affected.

If u believe that I WAS affected by that fotografy, Izzy,
then I will be very interested in reading your explanaion of HOW.

izzythepush wrote:
the abuser knows images of themselves are being accessed by perverts.
This, to me, has absolute O interest.
I coud not possibly care less than I do
about whether this is happening or not.
I 'm pretty sure that Jackie Onassis
knew that nude pictures of her on a Greek island
were in "Screw Magazine" maybe elsewhere.
She did not say much about it, so far as I know.
Maybe she did not have great, emotional superstitions
about the human body and the imperative need of secrecy.
I don 't. Do u ?

izzythepush wrote:
There is also the profit motive,
images of abuse can be traded quite lucratively.
Your reasoning is that I 'm not getting my fair share of the revenue?
Truely, the only time that I have thawt about the incident
is in discussions of censorship of criminal censorship by USURPATION
of forbidden political power. Regarding finances, there may be
the possibility of civil redress.

izzythepush wrote:
As for Dillinger, people aren't going to get off on pictures of bank robbers,
His robberies were exciting,
with his submachineguns and Babyface Nelson's sweet (cut down) B.A.R.
U accuse him of having boreing, tedious, humdrum bank robberies????
Shame on U, for defaming the dead!

izzythepush wrote:
and demand more and more images of bank robberies.
I don't believe that anyone
has ever demanded pictures of rapes nor of sodomies.

izzythepush wrote:
A photograph details actual events, writing can be fictional.
Freedom of expression is Constitionally protected.
Violent felony is not. It shud be penalized as such.
In some jurisdictions, the death penalty was applied for rape.
In my opinion, that 's OK.

Sun 4 Mar, 2012 10:35 am
You were not a child being abused when your photo was taken. Perhaps you should listen to some testimony from adults who were abused as kids, whose abuse was photographed and is now being traded. What happened to you is not the same thing at all.
Sun 4 Mar, 2012 10:38 am
DAVID wrote:
The way I look at it, the offender shud be KILLED for forcible sodomy,
but his fotografy shud be ignored.
BillRM wrote:
Sorry DAVID but not under the SC who had already rule
that the death penalty can not be used for sexual crimes.
Did u notice that I said: "The way I look at it" ???
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