Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Fri 2 Mar, 2012 02:21 pm
I know the bit about Federal judges was your cackhanded idea of a joke, but the use of 'my' shows that subconsciously you feel a need to confess.

I left out the bit about Federal Judges because it was irrelevant to the point I was making, but you know that, don't you?
Fri 2 Mar, 2012 03:00 pm
but the use of 'my' shows that subconsciously you feel a need to confess.

Lord what an idiot you happen to be along with Firefly who is also claiming beside having a CP collection that I am driving around drunk most of the time.

Oh I guess that if you can not debate the issues on their worth turning to Argumentum Ad Hominem is the only recourse remaining to you.

Fri 2 Mar, 2012 03:14 pm
That wasn't an insult, if anything I've done you a favour, you'll be more careful what you say, it won't change what's already out there though.
Fri 2 Mar, 2012 03:16 pm
But you shouldn't be listening to me, you should be listening to your subconscious. You need to confess.
Fri 2 Mar, 2012 03:16 pm
Tut tut, how old are you? Name calling went out in school.

I know you like big boobs too Smile See, what you type is out there...................
Fri 2 Mar, 2012 04:48 pm
But you shouldn't be listening to me, you should be listening to your subconscious. You need to confess.

Probably why he also told us about the incident in the park, when people became concerned because he was hanging out with children and engaging/enticing them with kittens.

He not only needs to confess, he also needs to tell us that others have been concerned by the way he has acted with children.
Fri 2 Mar, 2012 06:26 pm
More personal attacks Firefly?

You can not do better then that Firefly and the visit to the park in fact with the kittens make me sad as when I was a young man we did not view old men who enjoyed watching children at play as a threat not even with Kittens in tow to find homes for.

On top of that if it had been my wife alone or even with me along in that park no one would had have a worry in the world as it is men not women that the society had now declare are likely dangers to children.

Hell in the county north of mine adults without children can not sit on public park benches in the children play areas.

Once more I am fairly sure that rule will only be enforce again men.

We might had gain some security for our children by distrusting all adults males but we had lost something that is likely to had been of equal worth by so doing. Also given the facts the danger to children come overwhelmingly from family members and family friends not evil old men in the park.

In any case no current movie would show an old man peacefully sitting on a park bench interacting with children as was shown in movies as recently as the 60s or even the 70s.

It sad that as men we had to keep trying to reminding ourselves that we are now view as a danger to children as a class and act accordingly.

Hell not even my wife who was a deputy director of a county child welfare department during her career remember how all men are now view in this regard when she suggested that I visit the park to try to find homes for the kittens.
Fri 2 Mar, 2012 06:59 pm
Tut tut, how old are you? Name calling went out in school.

Sorry dear heart but anyone that are so short on intellect that the only way they had of dealing with persons who disagree with them in the public square is to libel them as in my case as a drunk who drive drunk and is a CP collector deserve to be label for what they are fools and idiots.

One remark by Firefly that I remember to a comment I had make about having my wife computers protected by encryption "oh is your wife also a CP collector".

Libeling me is one thing but libeling my wife who had taken no part in this website is another matter.

So anything I am willing to call Firefly is a compliment compare to my true feelings toward the lady.
0 Replies
Fri 2 Mar, 2012 07:01 pm
Men suck according to the dogma...we are first before anything else potential rapists and abusers. We should remind those who push this message that we humans tend to see what we want to see, thus labling an entire class of humans negatively tends to be self fullfilling, but that would be a lost cause. Far too many advocates of victim culture have minds which are perminently closed and sealed...
Fri 2 Mar, 2012 07:09 pm
More personal attacks Firefly?

You post this information about yourself, then you seem surprised that people read it and react to to. That's not a personal attack--it's a reaction to what you choose to reveal about yourself.

And that includes, "I get my CP by trading...". Izzy is right about your choosing to say, "my".
Hell in the county north of mine adults without children can not sit on public park benches in the children play areas.

These soughts of precautions are nothing new. When I was a kid, the movie theaters had matrons, they were dressed in white, during the kiddy matinees, and their main job was to make sure no adults sat in the chidren's section.
Once more I am fairly sure that rule will only be enforce again men.

That's because pedophiles tend to be overwhelmingly male.
Also given the facts the danger to children come overwhelmingly from family members and family friends not evil old men in the park

Just because most children are sexually assauted by someone known to them, doesn't mean that a certain percentage aren't sexually assaulted/molested by strangers.--they are.

They were right to be concerned about you enticing children in the park with kittens. That's a classic pedophile ploy.

Fri 2 Mar, 2012 07:17 pm
Men suck according to the dogma...we are first before anything else potential rapists and abusers...thus labling an entire class of humans negatively tends to be self fullfilling

You've labeled yourself a "rapist". In fact, you compared your disregard for sexual assault laws to Martin Luther King's acts of civil disobedience. You've said that even in your BDSM circles, you really don't want to bother with consent.

So, now you're blaming others for turning you into a self-admitted rapist and sexual abuser?

It's people like you, who advocate disregard of sexual assault laws, who cause men to be viewed as threats.
Fri 2 Mar, 2012 07:20 pm
Men suck according to the dogma...we are first before anything else potential rapists and abusers

Yes men as a class are rapists or would be rapists and child abusers and it is sad that we have to try to keep that in mind at all time.

I remember walking back home and saying to my wife that her idea for finding homes for the kittens had some problems in it as an old man with kittens in a park interacting with children is the now standard profile in the public mind of a pedophile.

Her comment to me oh I am sorry I did not even think of that aspect as I and my daughters aways just went to such places as the parks to find homes for puppies and kittens.

I had to laugh as here she is a former deputy director of a large county child welfare department and even she did not think of how my as a male going over to the park alone would look when she suggested I do so.

At least I hope she did not think of it and were not exercising some strange sense of humor at my expense. Rolling Eyes

0 Replies
Fri 2 Mar, 2012 07:23 pm
And that includes, "I get my CP by trading...". Izzy is right about your choosing to say, "my".

trading with federal judges something you keep cutting out of the comment that was a reply to your question do I get my CP from p2p networks.

You are a sad failure not being able to deal with me or Hawkeye without personal attackes.
Fri 2 Mar, 2012 07:27 pm
Trade your CP with whoever you want, including federal judges...

But you did said, "my CP".
Fri 2 Mar, 2012 07:30 pm
That's because pedophiles tend to be overwhelmingly male.

Not proven as females are far less likely to be found out if they was pedophiles and even it true there is something very wrong indeed at labeling half the human race as likely pedophiles when such are a tiny fraction of all males.
0 Replies
Fri 2 Mar, 2012 07:31 pm
BillRM wrote:
You are a sad failure not being able to deal with me or Hawkeye without personal attackes.

You've both made public rather distasteful facts about yourselves, it's not really a personal attack, it's a recap.
0 Replies
Fri 2 Mar, 2012 07:39 pm
My CP......... so what?

You can not take out two words out of content and try to claim that a sarcastic reply to your outrageous question is in some manner your dream come true a confession that I am a CP collector.

Sorry anyone who once ask me if my wife was a CP collector also when I stated I had encrypted her computers can do such however that does not give it any credibility.
Fri 2 Mar, 2012 07:41 pm
firefly wrote:

Men suck according to the dogma...we are first before anything else potential rapists and abusers...thus labling an entire class of humans negatively tends to be self fullfilling

You've labeled yourself a "rapist". In fact, you compared your disregard for sexual assault laws to Martin Luther King's acts of civil disobedience. You've said that even in your BDSM circles, you really don't want to bother with consent.

So, now you're blaming others for turning you into a self-admitted rapist and sexual abuser?

It's people like you, who advocate disregard of sexual assault laws, who cause men to be viewed as threats.

And in the next breath you will argue that my position that sex law is whack and abusive towards men is rediculous as proven by the claimed fact that no one agrees with me....what ever arguement works right Firefly? There is no need to be consistant.
Fri 2 Mar, 2012 07:41 pm
What the **** are you saying?
Fri 2 Mar, 2012 07:51 pm
And in the next breath you will argue that my position that sex law is whack and abusive towards men is rediculous as proven by the claimed fact that no one agrees with me

Someone who claims to be a rapist, and advocates disregard of the sexual asault laws, winds up with the negative reputation he deserves--and which you have. You have no "position", you are simply trying to promote your own deviant interests.
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