Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Thu 1 Mar, 2012 05:01 am
think I might had seem a Traci Lords video somewhere over the years but as not all of her videos was of her under age
I had no clue if the one I might had seem was legal or not.

firefly wrote:
Nor would it have bothered you to learn she was only 15.
What DIFFERENCE woud it make ??????
If she were 15 days or 15 minutes old??????

Woud any person be even slightly worse off for it?????

Y shud anyone CARE?????????

Once, on TV I saw a new technique of an ob/gyn who 'd inserted
a small TV camera into the womb, showing fetal development,
with no ill effects therefrom. What is the problem?????

I take it as being some weird, mindless superstition
that is attended by long-term incarceration. Its irrational.

It is DANGEROUS to have governments acting in ways that are IRRATIONAL.

Who knows what 's coming next when reason is abandoned???

0 Replies
Thu 1 Mar, 2012 05:14 am
Well that will help the "cops" viewing this thread and wondering about him

Lord I might now need to read one of izzy postings after your message to find out what I need to "worry" about concerning cops and how they might be help....... Cool

What a silly society we are living in..............

If the Fireflies of the world would get their way anyone who dare to express any problems with any of the current "moral" laws would be a subject of investigation similar to the what happen in the 1950s during the Red scare period in the US.

Openly disagreeing with any part of the DUI laws you must be a drunken driver and worst disagreeing with some of the more crazy parts of the current handling of the CP issue you must be at best a CP collector and at worst a child abuser.

Thu 1 Mar, 2012 05:35 am
You added to this post Smile

The law reads anything to do with pedofiles and takes it from there... Not sure reading any of Izzy's posts has anything to do with it, rather you have written and when googled, it is noted.

What you have to be careful of is what you write, apparently it's against Firefly, being sarcastic, yet more than her has said, "slip of the tounge, reality" so you know...

This is not about law, or is it...Judges... CP.... You...

Thu 1 Mar, 2012 05:37 am
It sounds like someone's starting to panic. Time to start drilling holes in yet another hard drive.
Thu 1 Mar, 2012 05:44 am
This is the ongoing silliness we are needing to put up with and once more what need is there to hold people at gun point and drag them down stairs or break down their doors to serve a search warrant for CP?


March 17, 2011, 8:19 PM

An innocent West Side businessman whose home was invaded before dawn last week by federal agents with their guns drawn received an apology Thursday from U.S. Attorney William J. Hochul Jr. and Lev J. Kubiak, special agent in charge of the Buffalo Office of Homeland Security Investigations.

Barry N. Covert, an attorney for the businessman, said that he spoke with Hochul after a front-page article about the March 7 raid appeared in Thursday's Buffalo News and that "he expressed genuine remorse and regret for what had transpired."

Covert added that Hochul also offered to meet with his client and apologize personally.

Hochul additionally promised to "review the procedures used in this case and make sure that nothing like this would ever occur again to an innocent person in the Western District of New York," according to Covert.

Agents from Immigration & Customs Enforcement, having obtained a search warrant in a child pornography case, broke open the businessman's back door as he and his wife were sleeping before 7 a.m. March 7, pointed automatic weapons at him and seized his computer equipment.

The computer gear was returned three days later, after investigators arrested a neighbor and accused him of using the businessman's unprotected wireless Internet service — alleged "Wi-Fi theft" — to download child pornography to a computer in a nearby apartment.

John E. Luchetti, 25, of Orton Place, was arrested Wednesday and has pleaded not guilty to child pornography charges in U.S. District Court.

Covert said that ICE agents also apologized and offered to replace the damaged door.

In a statement released late Thursday afternoon, Hochul and Kubiak said, "The United States Attorney's Office and HSI are sorry that the owner of the wireless system used in this case, who had nothing to do with the crime, was swept up into this investigation."

They added, "This case serves as a warning to all users of wireless Internet service. Ensure your system is password-protected — there are those who may breach your privacy and use your service for criminal purposes. Such usage may, in turn, cause well-intentioned law enforcement officers to follow the trail of evidence of that crime right into your home."

Covert noted that investigators in child pornography cases do not usually break down doors and have their guns drawn when they act on search warrants. He said they ordinarily show the warrant to whoever answers the door, sweep quickly through the premises to secure the evidence and do not point their firearms.

"It's a real riddle why they made an exception in this case," Covert said.

Nonsense as there been any number of others cases being reported of doors being broken door in the middle of the night and gun pointed at home owners

The businessman told The News that after "at least seven" agents broke into the home and awakened him and his wife, "they yelled at me to get down, but I was about seven steps from the bottom [of the stairs], and I didn't know what to do."

Some of the agents "grabbed me and dragged me down the stairs," the businessman said. "I fell against the table and landed on the floor. I was lying there with all these guns pointed at me."

The businessman said that "for 90 minutes, they treated me like there was absolutely no question or doubt that I was guilty."

Guilty or innocent there is no excuse for law enforcement to act in such a manner when serving a search warrant.

Covert said his client does not intend to sue or file a damage claim in the incident.

"He's looking to put an end to this and put it behind him," Covert said. "He's always been very supportive of law enforcement, and he's always had very good relations with law enforcement officers. He knows they have a tough job to do."

[email protected]

0 Replies
Thu 1 Mar, 2012 05:44 am
Yes, well to add to a post before I answer and to use Firefly yet again, I have to agree, sorry Bill.

Innocent has no need to state what you just did, let alone try to cover.

I suggest that you even leave this Forum but I am guessing you will rebuck, rebel and do what Izzy just suggested instead, as you are "innocent" of anything.
Thu 1 Mar, 2012 05:58 am
I suggest that you even leave this Forum but I am guessing you will rebuck, rebel and do what Izzy just suggested instead, as you are "innocent" of anything.

No as an American citizen I am not going to allow would be Nazis to take away the freedom to publicly disagree with the government over it laws or it actions.

And it would be highly amusing to have the government spending hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to break my computers secrurity in looking for something that does not exist on them in the first place.

Well worth having one of my doors broken down in the middle of the night.

Thu 1 Mar, 2012 06:12 am
Oh this whole silliness just remind me I should donate a few more dollars once more to the ACLU and the EFF.

Thu 1 Mar, 2012 02:26 pm
It's not silly Smile It's an Adult conversation that doesn't have to keep repeating itself, you know, of the thousands of dollars the Govn spends on these things you've said that before.

By the way, ACLU and EFF ? Please explain .
Thu 1 Mar, 2012 03:04 pm

I suggest that you even leave this Forum but I am guessing you will rebuck, rebel and do what Izzy just suggested instead, as you are "innocent" of anything.
BillRM wrote:
No as an American citizen I am not going to allow would be Nazis to take away the freedom to publicly disagree with the government over it laws or it actions.

And it would be highly amusing to have the government spending hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to break my computers secrurity in looking for something that does not exist on them in the first place.

Well worth having one of my doors broken down in the middle of the night.
I guess innocent Americans need stronger doors!

Thu 1 Mar, 2012 03:11 pm
It's an Adult conversation that doesn't have to keep repeating itself, you know

But BillRM has to keep repeating himself--he has very little to say, and a compulsive need to keep posting.

He's not in an adult conversation--a conversation involves listening, and understanding, and actually thinking about what the others are saying. He doesn't do any of that. He just grabs onto something in a post that gives him a reason to reply by repeating the one or two things that he's fixated on. There is no evident thought process going on with him, he just regurgitates the same few things over and over and over....

In hundreds and hundreds of posts, it's the same thing--the laws are"crazy"--be these rape laws, drunk driving laws, child pornography laws, etc. it's all the same--and the punishments for the "crazy laws" are too harsh. And, that's all he really has to say. So, he says it over, and over, and over.

He never actually reads any laws, he doesn't apparently communicate his views to his elected representatives who write and pass the laws, he doesn't get involved with lobbying groups who work for or against legislation, he doesn't even seem to read a newspaper to keep up with legislative issues. He's not interested in reality, or being involved with it. He has no real interest in any of these issues.

So, I wouldn't hold out any hope of having an adult conversation with him. He doesn't even take the time to read his own posts to make sure they communicate what he is trying to say, so he's not going to take the time to think about what anyone else has to say. No matter what, he'll just keep saying the same few things, over and over and over. It's pointless, of course, but it keeps him occupied.

Thu 1 Mar, 2012 03:19 pm
That's silly Smile

Couldn't help myself , it is why I posted what I did, repeated throughout 3 posts or so....
0 Replies
Thu 1 Mar, 2012 03:26 pm
It's an Adult conversation that doesn't have to keep repeating itself, you know
firefly wrote:
But BillRM has to keep repeating himself--he has very little to say, and a compulsive need to keep posting.

He's not in an adult conversation--a conversation involves listening, and understanding, and actually thinking about what the others are saying. He doesn't do any of that. He just grabs onto something in a post that gives him a reason to reply by repeating the one or two things that he's fixated on. There is no evident thought process going on with him,

he just regurgitates the same few things over and over and over....
I see myself reflected in those allegations, to some extent,
in that I have been very redundant in asserting jurisdictional challenges
to USURPATIONS of power.

To MY mind, that is so important
that it is not reasonable simply to declare the objection
and then to forget about it. Rather, I have used all available fora
to complain about it and try to stir resistance to ultra vires usurpations of power by governments.

In my opinion, that is good patriotism and good effort at self defense.

0 Replies
Thu 1 Mar, 2012 06:04 pm
By the way, ACLU and EFF ? Please explain .

Both are US organizations of mainly lawyers who fight the government in court when needed to defense US Constitution rights of US citizens.

The ACLU name stand for the American Civil Liberties Union and been around forever (1919 or so) fighting the government in courts over such issues as civil rights in the 1950s and the relocation of Japanese-American citizens during WW2 and so on. They also come to the defense of anyone that they think are having their Constitutions rights violated.

The EFF stand for the Electronic Freedom Foundation and is far newer and it charter is mainly maintaining US citizens rights on the internet and other related matters such as dealing with searches of computers at our borders or courts orders to decrypted computers in criminal cases.
0 Replies
Thu 1 Mar, 2012 06:18 pm
I guess innocent Americans need stronger doors!

Such software as truecrypt had created a "door" for our computers files that not all the force of the Federal government can break down and an attempt to force a gentleman to decrypted his computer hard drive by the DOJ that is being protected by truecrypt using a court order had just been found to be unconstitutional for 5 amendment reasons by the fifth circuit.

A woman however with an encrypted drive in the tenth circuit is not faring as well and it look like the SC is going to need to address the issue in the future
Thu 1 Mar, 2012 06:37 pm

I guess innocent Americans need stronger doors!
BillRM wrote:
Such software as truecrypt had created a "door" for our computers files that not all the force of the Federal government can break down and an attempt to force a gentleman to decrypted his computer hard drive by the DOJ that is being protected by truecrypt using a court order had just been found to be unconstitutional for 5 amendment reasons by the fifth circuit.

A woman however with an encrypted drive in the tenth circuit is not faring as well and it look like the SC is going to need to address the issue in the future
I know very little about computer software.
Thu 1 Mar, 2012 06:57 pm
I know very little about computer software.

Well the price is right for software that can protect your privacy even from the Federal government IE free and the first thing I do with any new computer is to encrypted the whole hard drive using truecrypt.


TrueCrypt From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Truecrypt)
Jump to: navigation, search TrueCrypt

TrueCrypt on Windows
Developer(s) TrueCrypt Foundation
Stable release 7.1a / February 7, 2012; 21 days ago (2012-02-07)
Written in C, C++, Assembly
Operating system Cross-platform - Windows, Mac OS, Linux, DragonFly BSD [1] using the tcplay implementation
Available in 30 languages
(although most are incomplete translations)
Type Disk encryption software
License freeware / Source available[2]
Website www.truecrypt.org

TrueCrypt is a free software application used for on-the-fly encryption (OTFE). It can create a virtual encrypted disk within a file or encrypt a partition or (under Microsoft Windows except Windows 2000) the entire storage device (pre-boot authentication).

Contents [hide]
1 Operating systems
2 Cryptographic algorithms
2.1 Modes of operation
3 Performance
4 Security concerns
4.1 Plausible deniability
4.2 Identifying TrueCrypt volumes
4.3 Passwords stored in memory
4.4 Physical security
4.5 Malware
4.6 The "Stoned" bootkit
5 Operation Satyagraha
6 Licensing
7 Trademarks
8 Planned features
9 TrueCrypt and the Trusted Platform Module
10 Version history
11 See also
12 References and notes
13 External links

[edit] Operating systemsTrueCrypt supports Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, and Linux operating systems[3] (using FUSE). Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of these operating systems are supported, except for Windows IA-64 (not supported) and Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard (runs as a 32-bit process).[3] The version for Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP can encrypt the boot partition or entire boot drive.[4] There is an independent, compatible[citation needed] implementation, tcplay, for DragonFly BSD [1] and Linux [5] [6].

[edit] Cryptographic algorithmsIndividual algorithms supported by TrueCrypt are AES, Serpent, and Twofish. Additionally, five different combinations of cascaded algorithms are available: AES-Twofish, AES-Twofish-Serpent, Serpent-AES, Serpent-Twofish-AES and Twofish-Serpent. The cryptographic hash functions used by TrueCrypt are RIPEMD-160, SHA-512, and Whirlpool.

[edit] Modes of operationTrueCrypt currently uses the XTS mode of operation. Prior to this, TrueCrypt used LRW mode in versions 4.1 through 4.3a, and CBC mode in versions 4.0 and earlier.[7] XTS mode is thought to be more secure than LRW mode, which in turn is more secure than CBC mode.[8]

Although new volumes can only be created in XTS mode, TrueCrypt is backward compatible with older volumes using LRW mode and CBC mode.[7] Later versions produce a security warning when mounting CBC mode volumes and recommend that they be replaced with new volumes in XTS mode.

[edit] PerformanceTrueCrypt supports parallelized[9] encryption for multi-core systems and, under Microsoft Windows, pipelined read/write operations (a form of asynchronous processing)[10] to reduce the performance hit of encryption and decryption. On some Intel processors, TrueCrypt supports hardware-accelerated AES to further improve performance.[11] The performance impact of disk encryption is especially noticeable on operations which would normally use Direct Memory Access (DMA), as all data must pass through the CPU for decryption, rather than being copied directly from disk to RAM.

In a test carried out by Tom's Hardware, although TrueCrypt is slower compared to an unencrypted disk, the overhead of real-time encryption was found to be similar regardless of whether mid-range or state-of-the-art hardware is in use, and this impact was "quite acceptable".[12] In another article the performance cost was found to be unnoticeable when working with "popular desktop applications in a reasonable manner", but it was noted that "power users will complain".[13]

[edit] Security concerns
0 Replies
Fri 2 Mar, 2012 01:33 pm
firefly wrote:

Don't try to weasel out of this.

You said, "I get my CP by trading..." and I don't think you meant to say that, it was an unconscious slip that you didn't realize, but it certainly confirms what I, and others, have thought and said about your interest and involvement with child porn.

Words are not Bill's friend, they trip him up. What is so telling is the use of the word 'my.' If he had said 'I get CP by trading...' he may be able to pass it off as a joke, albeit a lousy joke. However, the use of 'my' suggests he already is in possession of such material, the only thing he's joking about is the source. Subconsciously it would appear he has a need to confess his criminal activity.
Fri 2 Mar, 2012 02:12 pm
Odd you all are happily quoting only the first part of the statement cutting out the part by trading with Federal judges.

Why do you guys not used the complete statement is it because you all know that if you do so it is on it face a sarcastic comment?

What a dishonest group of people we had on this website.

True not a bright group of dishonest persons to try to used a clearly sarcastic statement in such a manner.

Fri 2 Mar, 2012 02:21 pm
"I get my CP by trading with Federal Judges..." and in return I pay them money?

Is that better ? Smile
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