Quote:Hawkeye she love you more them me my heart is broken.
Still it might all be for the best as unlike you I am not in an open marriage so you are far more free to take her virginity
FOUND SOUL wrote:Your rants remind me of a 17 year old boy, so childish, using, and if you can't get it, then your mate can, score, slap hands together.
Case closed on my take of childish men.
Alas with a name like Firefly? Fire is pretty hot, doubt she's some old virgin, ..
You acted like such an immature child over the last few posts, "hey man we're winning" Hawkeye has his follower,
he's in control you fool.
You're being used... Even if you want to be like Hawkeye. The classic case of sucking up,follow thy leader, I'm in aren't I Hawkeye?
I've stood by you.
By the way, David I'm not at all being rude and there are no swear words.
Interesting Hawkeye tells Bill, that the link he sent him, Bill took in-correctly.
Your teacher is still teaching you ....
Thank u for the "no swear words."
As for not being rude, I am under the impression that the purpose of politeness
is to protect one another's feelings from being hurt; to convivially, reciprocally,
diplomatically support one another's emotions.
This does
not undermine the plausibility of anyone 's argument,
which must stand or fall on
its own merit.
May I say that b4 I retired, I was a trial attorney in NY.
When trying to successfully present my clients' cases to juries,
I made an effort to assume a reasonably suave, ingratiating demeanor.
Sometimes I pointed out inconsistencies in witnesses' testimony
in an effort to discredit adverse witnesses, but I tried to keep it
non-personal as possible. The consensus among trial attorneys
was that this was more palatable to the jury
so that thay were more likely to accept it.
If a party to argument on this thread
were to actually hit a sore nerve
such that opponent in argument's feelings are genuinely hurt,
resulting in an insincere agreement ( "OK, OK, whatever u say; that's enuf" )
how much is that
worth, on the merits of the issue??
I think its worth more, if u genuinely convince someone,
on the actual merits of the disputed issue by dispassionate,
objective analysis of the facts and the principles at hand.