Quote:The same is said of Spendius
People may say that about spendius simply because he is always talking about going to the pub.
I wouldn't compare BillRM to spendius--at all. There is just no comparison to be made between the two. Spendius can be quite eloquent.
BillRM's illiteracy goes beyond just not following "routine language patterns". And, whatever his problem is, with basic written English, he's had over half a century to figure out ways of dealing with it. And, for all we know, his oral expressions may be just as garbled, we just get to see his text.
BillRM has denied drinking--but alcohol abusers often do that. But there are times when his posts are much clearer than others, suggesting that

might be a factor at other times. He may have language problems that

makes worse.
Quote:maybe this is what is routinely said of those who both say uncomfortable things...
The "uncomfortable things" that BillRM, and you, say, have little to do with provocative remarks that have the ring of truth, or things that make people re-examine long-held cherished beliefs, because I don't think either of you achieve that, or come anywhere near that, but rather because your irrational bias, and knee jerk support, in favor of criminal sexual offenders, and your automatic opposition to laws designed to curb sexual assaults and sexual abuse, makes people feel uncomfortable about the two of you
personally, to regard you both as creepy, because you both appear to over-identify with the sex offenders you support, who get caught under the laws you attack. And that has been true in this thread, as well as others, because you both seem blind to the harm caused by such people, including the consumers of child pornography we have been discussing in this thread--harm that seems obvious to most of the people in the world, but not to the two of you.
Warped thinking and compelling arguments are not at all the same--and you and BillRM both score considerably higher on the former than the latter, you just express that warped thinking considerably more clearly than BillRM does.
There's a reason this thread is tagged "perverts" and "creeps"...in fact, two reasons--you and BillRM.