Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Sat 17 Dec, 2011 04:49 pm
No Bill I am not....

What's black is black and what is white is white.

Off course if you think of sinning you may actually go through with it, just as much as you may not.

But, nothing is saying that it's not a possibility.

You accept that it's okay to view child pornography? And, then to get off, you grab some young chick and ask her to dress up as a kid? And, then have sex with her "thinking" she's a kid? And, if one day, you are alone, somewhere and there is a "child" present, no one around, no one to see you, no one would ever know, the tempation may not be great and be acted upon? It's a possibilty and a probability...

So you don't lock him up for "looking" you monitor his every darn move though, provention.

Says a lot Bill.
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 04:50 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
Me, if I liked kids erotically I would read stories about having sex with kids, would fantasize, would find a young looking woman who wanted to role-play being a child for me, I would not take the chance of running afoul of the law.

In murder cases the guilty party quite often postulates how they would have committed the murder. That may also be the case with viewers of child pornography.

Dave: Thank you for your kind words. I posted the picture of Herbert the pervert because like Bill he too is a raddled whithered old man. They are both extremely well versed on how to get hold of child pornography. Herbert lusts after an adolescent boy, Bill goes down the park with kittens to entice children. I love Family Guy, it makes me laugh and I've got a mucky sense of humour.

As for discussing things cordially, firstly this is a very emotive subject, and secondly both Bill and Hawkeye want to change the law on child pornography to satisfy their own warped desires. That means that it's impossible to have a dispassionate argument about the merits of various aspects of jurisprudence. One is always mindful of the sort of people one is conversing with, and their motivation.

Found Soul: My late wife never had a problem with me using the c word. In fact she always found it really funny when Peter Cook used it. Germaine Greer was on a BBC programme about language, and she was wanting to reclaim it, it's a good old Anglo Saxon word after all. Vagina just means sheath, meaning it's got no purpose on it's own, only when coupled with the penis. Over here we only ever call men the c word, never women, it normally means a really nasty bastard, and works particularly well with the phrase 'right thick.' I only ever use it when it's justified.
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 05:02 pm
That's only through fear of getting caught...

You may say you "wouldn't" but presented with the opportunity, believing you would never be caught,
doesn't not mean that you would not consider.

What thoughts are in the mind, can easily become reality, eventually.

The State should determine "prevention" ...
I agree with some of what u say,
but I 'm not sure whether u r advocating that:
"the end justifies the means" insofar as exceeding jurisdiction?

As a libertarian, I am always very concerned with constricting,
curtailing, and strangling the jurisdiction of government,
knowing that personal freedom and government jurisdiction are INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL.

Sat 17 Dec, 2011 05:16 pm
No, I just think kids should always feel safe and we have a job to protect them, as human beings, in law, and as parents as "authoritarians.

I'll answer more later, David, it's a working Sunday for me.

Sat 17 Dec, 2011 05:25 pm
. . . And, if one day, you are alone, somewhere and there is a "child" present, no one around,
no one to see you, no one would ever know, the tempation may not be great and be acted upon? It's a possibilty and a probability...
When I was 8, I was a child and I felt a little uneasy
in regard to self defense and to the defense of my home
when I was alone, which was a lot. I felt a lot more serene,
when I acquired a .38 caliber Smith & Wesson revolver.
I had a sense of being able to defend myself, if necessary,
not thinking as much about sexual depredation as of robbery.

As it turned out, I did not need defensive firepower until several
more decades and 1,OOOs of miles away, but the tranquility felt good.
By the time that I actually needed it, I 'd upgraded to a .44 revolver
for better stopping power.

0 Replies
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 05:28 pm
I am very glad my wife does not had that mind set and view my porn collection as a threat to me remaining faithful to her.

0 Replies
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 05:33 pm
No, I just think kids should always feel safe and we have a job to protect them, as human beings,
in law, and as parents as "authoritarians.

I'll answer more later, David, it's a working Sunday for me.
OK, Soul!
I wish u a very happy and successful working Sunday.
It is Saturday nite in NY.

Its a tricky business with applying authoritarianism to children.
Some of them LIKE it. When I was 13, the lad next door
of the same age vocally DEFENDED his father's "right" to spank him.
I was somewhat taken aback. ( It was a little bit perverted in that he invited me to watch next time. I was not a lawyer, yet.)

We 've also read of kids who have homicidally avenged themselves for that.

0 Replies
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 05:43 pm
In murder cases the guilty party quite often postulates how they would have committed the murder. That may also be the case with viewers of child pornography.

I can not wait for homeland security to break down my door as I used to enjoy taking part in bull sessions on how best to shut down the society with co-workers.

In other word taking an engineering approach to being a terrorist.

The conclusion we had reach is it a damn good thing that the middle east terrorists are very weak in their engineering membership.

I wish I could share some of the ideas we came up with but this is the internet and no I am not going to do that.

Foornote there is a new book out detailing the means for cyber attack written by a computer/network security expert and of course we had the story where a Japanese pilot who flew a passenger jet into congress long before 911.

A lot of people would need to be rounded up if thinking about doing misdeeds and the means of doing so was a crime.

0 Replies
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 06:02 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
Me, if I liked kids erotically I would read stories about having sex with kids, would fantasize, would find a young looking woman
who wanted to role-play being a child for me, I would not take the chance of running afoul of the law.
izzythepush wrote:
In murder cases the guilty party quite often postulates how they would have committed the murder.
That may also be the case with viewers of child pornography.

Dave: Thank you for your kind words. I posted the picture of Herbert the pervert because like Bill he too is a raddled whithered old man. They are both extremely well versed on how to get hold of child pornography. Herbert lusts after an adolescent boy, Bill goes down the park with kittens to entice children.
Really??? I must say THAT is surprizing.
Did he indicate what he did with the responsive children??

izzythepush wrote:
I love Family Guy, it makes me laugh and I've got a mucky sense of humour.
I don 't know that show.
Y was the fat fellow's face concealed?
What was his role in the cartoon??

izzythepush wrote:
As for discussing things cordially, firstly this is a very emotive subject,
It is indeed. U know that someone
took a picture of my hind end when I was in the hospital in 2005??
Please accept my assurances that it is a very ugly sight.
I once saw it in a hotel mirror; grossed myself out.

izzythepush wrote:
and secondly both Bill and Hawkeye want to change the law on child pornography to satisfy their own warped desires. That means that it's impossible to have a dispassionate argument about the merits of various aspects of jurisprudence. One is always mindful of the sort of people one is conversing with, and their motivation.
Well, imagine that we were all elected members
of a legislature that was considering passage of such a bill.
Woud it accrue to our advantage to be civil n dispassionate
in debating the matter, as distinct from rioting in the legislative chamber?
I think that we can all agree
that no one wants anyone to get raped for ANY reason.

izzythepush wrote:
Found Soul: My late wife never had a problem with me using the c word. In fact she always found it really funny when Peter Cook used it. Germaine Greer was on a BBC programme about language, and she was wanting to reclaim it, it's a good old Anglo Saxon word after all. Vagina just means sheath, meaning it's got no purpose on it's own, only when coupled with the penis.
The intention of this use perplexes me.
Note that I have never been opposed to female sexual organs.
Actually, I have regarded them with some favor.

izzythepush wrote:
Over here we only ever call men the c word, never women, it normally means a really nasty bastard, and works particularly well with the phrase 'right thick.' I only ever use it when it's justified.
It does not apply to thin or slender ones?
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 06:18 pm
Really??? I must say THAT is surprizing.
Did he indicate what he did with the responsive children??

You did not hear the kittens story David?
Mother cat showed up with four lovely all black kittens and I was trying to find homes for them.

Try the local animals rescue groups and placing posters with picture all around and craglist and on and on.

In any case as I was talking to my wife about the problem of finding a home for the little ones and she suggested I just walk across the street to a park/playing field where they were holding a little league football game at the time.

The funny part is that my wife was at one time a deputy director of a state child welfare department dealing with a major city and it did not occur to her or me how a old guy with kittens would look in a park.

Got kicked out with dirty looks on the excuse that they did not allow animals in the park.

Dear I said that was a great idea but did it occur to you how an old guy by himself with kittens would look?

Oh **** and I am sorry was what came out of her mouth.

Funny that if it had occur to either of us all we would had needed to do is to had her came along as everyone know that unlike men women are harmless to children.

Footnote one of the reason my wife suggested the park is she had have her daughters find homes for puppies in that manner and once more it did not dawn on either of us that a old male and two teenage girls would not be view the same in that kind of a situtration.

Sat 17 Dec, 2011 06:23 pm
DAVID wrote:
Really??? I must say THAT is surprizing.
Did he indicate what he did with the responsive children??
BillRM wrote:
You did not hear the kittens story David?
Mother cat showed up with four lovely all black kittens and I was trying to find homes for them.

Try the local animals rescue groups and placing posters with picture all around and craglist and on and on.

In any case as I was talking to my wife about the problem of finding a home for the little ones and she suggested I just walk across the street to a park/playing field where they were holding a little league football game at the time.

The funny part is that my wife was at one time a deputy director of a state child welfare department dealing with a major city and it did not occur to her or me how a old guy with kittens would look in a park.

Got kicked out with dirty looks on the excuse that they did not allow animals in the park.

Dear I said that was a great idea but did it occur to you how an old guy by himself with kittens would look?

Oh **** and I am sorry was what came out of her mouth.

Funny that if it had occur to either of us all we would had needed to do is to had her came along as everyone know that unlike men women are harmless to children.
How old were the kittens?
What became of them??

Sat 17 Dec, 2011 06:46 pm
I found homes for three of them two by way of the posters and one by way of an animal rescue group and I kept one and the mother,

David I had them checked for all cat diseases and they was never out but somehow I just lost smokey at age of 2 1/2 years from cat luekema with little warning a month after I lost another of my cats blue eyes from dabetic.

Had all my remaining cats check and Smokey mother Midnight is the only one that check positive so I do not know how long I will have her.

Not happy as I needed to hand feed her for a time as a kitten and we bonded very tightly.

She demanded to be near me at all times even sitting on the toilet lid and watching me shave every morning.

She was the only one of my cats who I travel with often and she would jump into the carrier and just go asleep.

I now wonder how her brother and two sisters are doing and it they have cat luekema also.
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 08:10 pm
Bill and I both took schooling for technical degrees, our ability to use language well was at the time considered not part of the skillset required to be an excellent engineer, thus no time was spent on it.

What a crock. The ability to communicate coherently in written English is rather basic, and is a major part of what is required before one even gets out of high school, and, consequently, a great deal of time is spent helping children to develop that rather essential ability. And you're not lacking in that ability, but BillRM sure as hell is.

It wouldn't be problematic for BillRM if he stayed away from situations, such as these forums, where the only method of communication is written text. He doesn't even seem to avail himself of aids, such as a spell-checker, or bother to take the time to carefully re-read his posts before he hits the "reply" button. He doesn't even bother to edit when he cuts and pastes something, so those posts are generally cluttered with a great deal of extraneous garbage that has nothing to do with the article--sometimes to such an extent that it's hard to find the article.

So your rather lame defense of BillRM doesn't hold water. He comes across as semi-literate, often rather incoherent, and rather slovenly. When coupled with his tendencies to distort and misinterpret, both what others are saying, as well as the material he himself posts--and those tendencies you do both share, the impression is definitely of someone struggling with intellectual challenges, and possibly mental health issues as well, since distortions often occur as the result of psychopathology as well as cognitive deficits.

It's really why the two of you never get taken really seriously, in terms of the views you express, and the focus often shifts to your various personal short-comings. Sort of like what goes on with JGoldman10, and the kinds of responses he tends to elicit. He's on a "mission" too, and, like you, Hawkeye, he also feels very self-righteous about his views. And, like BillRM, he repeats himself incessantly. There isn't all that much difference among the three of you...

Sat 17 Dec, 2011 08:25 pm
I see that u r a very attentive, conscientious cat person, Bill.

Their lives will go on after their feline bodies have worn out (at least 8 more of them).
0 Replies
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 08:25 pm
What a crock. The ability to communicate coherently in written English is rather basic, and is a major part of what is required before one even gets out of high school, and, consequently, a great deal of time is spent helping children to develop that rather essential ability. And you're not lacking in that ability, but BillRM sure as hell is.

I did my first two years at a community college where I did take english and did have to write essays in a few classes, but the classes were not rigorous. Once I transferred to Michigan State for my last two years of Electrical Engineering I had exactly one class where I had to write. Writing ability during the mid 80's was not much of a requirement in my field for a degree. My impression is that this has changed somewhat.

I dont know where Bill took his degree from but I have no trouble taking him at his word that ability to write the english language well was not a requirement for his degree, base upon how little this ability mattered at my school.
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 08:34 pm

What a crock. The ability to communicate coherently in written English is rather basic, and is a major part of what is required before one even gets out of high school, and, consequently, a great deal of time is spent helping children to develop that rather essential ability. And you're not lacking in that ability, but BillRM sure as hell is.
hawkeye10 wrote:

I did my first two years at a community college where I did take english and did have to write essays in a few classes, but the classes were not rigorous. Once I transferred to Michigan State for my last two years of Electrical Engineering I had exactly one class where I had to write. Writing ability during the mid 80's was not much of a requirement in my field for a degree. My impression is that this has changed somewhat.
U did not know how to write when u were in high school??

Sat 17 Dec, 2011 08:36 pm
I did my first two years at a community college where I did take english and did have to write essays in a few classes...

I had to write in elementary school, junior high school, and high school--teaching the basic written skills of your native language starts long before college.

I'm not questioning your ability to communicate. BillRM is in a whole different class, and in a class by himself, when compared to everyone else who posts on these boards. He's often barely intelligible.
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 08:39 pm
U did not know how to write when u were in high school??

Not much....I came up during tracking and I was in the non-college bound track. I did very little essay writing in High School, my testing tended to be by multiple choice. My ability to write and to think came much later, and not in school, but on my own.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 08:48 pm
He's often barely intelligible.

You might have seen me just a few months ago still wondering if english is his first language, because I have wondered about his word choices. I can follow him just fine, but I still wonder. Thing is I remember how engineering school was when we both went through it, and I know how many guys who were there were great at math and logic but where poor in language ability, so Bill's story seems credible to me. ....I also have seen nothing to indicate that bill is not intelligent, but clearly he is not a language person. I am not either, I spent 6 years in Germany and barely learned any German, only in part because my wife is a language guru (she speaks 5 fairly well).
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 09:11 pm
Thing is I remember how engineering school was when we both went through it, and I know how many guys who were there were great at math and logic but where poor in language ability, so Bill's story seems credible to me

Oh please, it's hard to believe he got through high school and managed to graduate. The way he writes would not be acceptable in grammar school. We are talking about basic literacy. And he insists that English is his native language.
I also have seen nothing to indicate that bill is not intelligent

Oh, I've seen indications that suggest otherwise. His logic is often faulty, sometimes very faulty, his thinking is quite concrete, and he often distorts and misinterprets what he's read. And, when you can't figure out you may need a spell-checker, or need to re-read your posts, because people are continuously complaining about your abysmal written communication skills, you're not the sharpest tool in the drawer.

Of course, there is also the possibility that he rarely posts when sober. Drunk

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