Quote:Bill and I both took schooling for technical degrees, our ability to use language well was at the time considered not part of the skillset required to be an excellent engineer, thus no time was spent on it.
What a crock. The ability to communicate coherently in written English is rather basic, and is a major part of what is required before one even gets out of high school, and, consequently, a great deal of time is spent helping children to develop that rather essential ability. And you're not lacking in that ability, but BillRM sure as hell is.
It wouldn't be problematic for BillRM if he stayed away from situations, such as these forums, where the only method of communication is written text. He doesn't even seem to avail himself of aids, such as a spell-checker, or bother to take the time to carefully re-read his posts before he hits the "reply" button. He doesn't even bother to edit when he cuts and pastes something, so those posts are generally cluttered with a great deal of extraneous garbage that has nothing to do with the article--sometimes to such an extent that it's hard to find the article.
So your rather lame defense of BillRM doesn't hold water. He comes across as semi-literate, often rather incoherent, and rather slovenly. When coupled with his tendencies to distort and misinterpret, both what others are saying, as well as the material he himself posts--and those tendencies you do both share, the impression is definitely of someone struggling with intellectual challenges, and possibly mental health issues as well, since distortions often occur as the result of psychopathology as well as cognitive deficits.
It's really why the two of you never get taken really seriously, in terms of the views you express, and the focus often shifts to your various personal short-comings. Sort of like what goes on with JGoldman10, and the kinds of responses he tends to elicit. He's on a "mission" too, and, like you, Hawkeye, he also feels very self-righteous about his views. And, like BillRM, he repeats himself incessantly. There isn't all that much difference among the three of you...