Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Sat 17 Dec, 2011 12:58 pm
firefly wrote:

To the same degree you and Firefly do.

No, other than you and Hawkeye, no one has discussed the actual content of child porn, or issues relating to how it is obtained.

An for that you should be a ashamed of yourself....you are not shy about calling for the state to put away in the slammer guys accused of "kiddie porn" or "rape" , but you refuse to talk about just what it is that you think these guys have done wrong.
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 01:03 pm
actual content of child porn, or issues relating to how it is obtained.

Sorry as I never seen CP I am not in a position to discuss it actual content any more then you are.

Even if it was a 100 percent legal I would not be interest in it any more then gay sex or Hawkeye BDSM videos.

I am aware of what is on p2p networks as I used them to get everything from audio books and at one time music and legal porn for that matter.

Sat 17 Dec, 2011 01:03 pm
An for that you should be a ashamed of yourself....you are not shy about calling for the state to put away in the slammer guys accused of "kiddie porn" or "rape" , but you refuse to talk about just what it is that you think these guys have done wrong.

I don't have to talk about the sickening gruesome details of a brutal murder to know that I want the murderer punished either.

You and BillRM, on the other hand, seem to enjoy discussing such details and descriptions regarding child pornography.
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 01:07 pm
Sorry as I never seen CP I am not in a position to discuss it actual content any more then you are.

I am not much to talk about detail either, as the only child porn that I ever saw was hotlinked into Bianca's Smut Shack, and when I clicked I had no idea that I was going to see kiddie porn. Over the last couple of years before the government shut them down I did see a wide variety of what I would call real child porn.
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 01:11 pm
I don't have to talk about the sickening gruesome details of a brutal murder to know that I want the murderer punished either.

You dont talk about it because you want everyone to have in their mind when they hear that a guy has kiddie porn that he was looking at pics of a 10 yo sucking on the dick of a 45 yo......when actually what you might be talking about is a 14 yo in a bathing suit with her legs spread wider than the state wants to see.

Ditto for "rape", which is one of the biggest reasons why you refuse to define it.
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 01:12 pm
such details and descriptions regarding child pornography

As in what details are you talking about?

Descriptions as in the files name found in a p2p search?

Your statement is not at all clear concerning either details or descriptions.

0 Replies
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 01:15 pm
Over the last couple of years before the government shut them down I did see a wide variety of what I would call real child porn.

What you would call "real child porn"? Self-admitted sexual deviates really aren't the ones who should be making the definitions--their frame of reference is likely to be very skewed from the norm.
Which is also why you don't get to define "rape"--the state defines it in their sexual assault laws.

And both you and BillRM have discussed actual content. As you just did...
You dont talk about it because you want everyone to have in their mind when they hear that a guy has kiddie porn that he was looking at pics of a 10 yo sucking on the dick of a 45 yo......

Did it excite you typing that?
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 01:18 pm
Firefly is complaining that we do not think that all files label CP is equally bad or call for the same punishment and had discussion that a picture of a infant being abused and a 17 years old prosing for her boyfriend is not the same thing?

Her complain is kind of confusing at least to me.
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 01:21 pm
Her complain is kind of confusing at least to me

As is true of anyone with limited intellectual capacity, you are easily confused.
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 01:31 pm
BillRM wrote:

Firefly is complaining that we do not think that all files label CP is equally bad or call for the same punishment and had discussion that a picture of a infant being abused and a 17 years old prosing for her boyfriend is not the same thing?

Her complain is kind of confusing at least to me.

When you are trying to make happen the state coming after the citizens on sex charges like the old days of rousting citizens from their beds and jailing them for "treason" (IE an all purpose go get them when you want to get them card) talking about what each individual allegedly did wrong is counter productive. So long as the citizens allow the state to get away with this BS the state will keep passing it. Firefly is all in favor, being the authoritarian police state advocate that she is.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 01:31 pm
Self-admitted sexual deviates really aren't the ones who should be making the definitions

LOL Hawkeye not that long ago she would have been calling gays sexual deviates but at least she is still of the opinion that calling people into the BDSM scene deviates is acceptable in society.

Hate to break your heart Firefly but a lot of people now consider such as normal as any other sexual activity as long as it is willing adults taking part.

As far as I know the DSMH does not listed it as an illness but I will need to check on that to know for sure.

Sat 17 Dec, 2011 01:38 pm
As is true of anyone with limited intellectual capacity, you are easily confused.

Oh you test out so high that you can consider an IQ of 128 of limited intellectual capacity?

Never hear or had a reason to assume you are a Mensa member how interesting!!!!!!!
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 01:38 pm
LOL Hawkeye not that long ago she would have been calling gays sexual deviates but at least she is still of the opinion that calling people into the BDSM scene deviates is acceptable in society.

Hate to break your heart Firefly but a lot of people now consider such as normal as any other sexual activity as long as it is willing adults taking part.

Hate to break your heart, BillRM, but it's Hawkeye who refers to himself as a sexual deviate.
You are easily confused. I said that Hawkeye is a self-admitted sexual deviate.
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 01:42 pm
I'm confused Izzy accused you of drooling over me and you are calling me a he..I find that laughable. Means you haven't really read anything I've said in this thread.

Again, you as well take "part" of my sentences and twist them to suit you. It's pretty clear that I stated that there are alot of promiscuous women and Gold Diggers , but we aren't talking Women, we are talking Child.

Off course men have emotions it doesn't matter how old they are, as do women, there we are equal. But you can not deny that a boy of 15 is not looking for marriage, settling down whilst a girl 15 views her first boyfriend as "my future husband" 90% of the time.

So off course it stands to reason that "most" young girls would not be the ones to firstly send a photo of themselves naked, without any prompting.

Are you trying to say, that you don't know what boys are like? Maybe you were one of the quiet shy types that never had a girlfriend until in his 20's. You know what boys are like, don't twist my words.

Just as we are trying to protect the children of this world, Man tried to protect the women from the same thing, preditors, or else there would have been no guardians in that era now would there.

You are concentrating immensely on teenagers in a relationship sending pictures of themselves willingly, assumably and that it's wrong to lock either of those teenagers up for 5 years for doing so.

It depends on the story behind it don't you think? I am sure if both were willing and 17 and he got locked up, there would be an outraw from her, if she was 17 and to them that was "private" and they mentally feel mature and it would be all over the news, which usually is one way to change a law.

Link me one.

0 Replies
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 01:44 pm
You've already told us that, when you were in school, your teacher told you, "You're not as smart as you think you are". That was true then, that was true now.

Never hear or had a reason to assume you are a Mensa member how interesting!!!!!!!

Laughing Really smart people don't have to join Mensa to prove they are smart. They know they are smart, and so does everyone else who interacts with them.

Trust me, from where I sit, you are of quite limited intellectual capacity.

Let me know when you finally master the basics of written expression in English.
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 01:47 pm
izzythepush wrote:

I often ignore most of the stuff you say, it gives me a headache trying to think down to your level. I've never suggested we adopt any of your laws, I much prefer our system of jurisprudence. What we should do is ensure that the extradition treaty is completely rewritten. There is no way that Gary McKinnon should be extradited. I've been consistent, you're the one who keeps shifting position, the fact you don't realise it, is further evidence of your creeping senility, if your prose wasn't enough.

Isn't it about time you gave yourself a new avatar? This one would be ideal.
What is sought to be shown in that picture?
I can discern and old man at a window
and a fat guy whose face is obstructed on the other side.
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 01:52 pm
Trust me, from where I sit, you are of quite limited intellectual capacity.

Let me know when you finally master the basics of written expression in English.

I would bet a large large sum of money that you have not a clue on how to go about solving a second order second degree differential equation and even if your very life depend on you doing so you could not learn how.

We all had our strength and weakness and your strength seems to be blowing smoke up other people rear ends in arguments.

Sat 17 Dec, 2011 01:58 pm
You are easily confused. I said that Hawkeye is a self-admitted sexual deviate.

I doubt that we mean the same thing when we use the word though...for me when used in regards to myself it means something along the lines of "erotic adventurer" in a positive sense. We really dont have a word or phrase for that being a puritanical people who dont know a lot about the erotic and who traditionally have not liked sex very much.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 01:59 pm
...Huge child porn ring busted; Europol arrest 112 so far, graphic video seized
Freya Petersen
December 16, 2011

Huge child porn ring busted; Europol arrest 112 so far, graphic video seized
Police across Europe arrested 112 people for sharing online videos of children being sexually abused and raped, policing agency Europol said Friday.

Police across Europe arrested 112 people for sharing online videos of children being sexually abused and raped, policing agency Europol said Friday.

"So far in 22 countries we have identified 269 suspects with 112 arrests", Europol's director Rob Wainwright said at a press conference at Europol's headquarters in The Hague, according to Agence France-Presse.

"The operation targeted those sharing the most extreme forms of video material, which included babies and toddlers being sexually abused and raped," he said, adding: "I have no doubt that the number of suspects will increase in time."

The yearlong "Operation Icarus" busted previously unknown networks of child sex offenders who were sharing the child pornography via a "peer-to-peer" system, a Europol spokesman reportedly said.

So much material was seized it will take months or even years to analyze, the Irish Times reported, adding that the material had been described as the "worst of the worst."

Danish police lead the probe because of their expertise in illegal videos through a file-sharing system, AFP cited a Europol press release as saying.
Europol said it had identified 269 suspects in total. "I have no doubt that the number of suspects will increase in time," Wainwright said.

While calling the operation a success, Wainwright noted in a statement that the bust showed "how the Internet is helping offenders to develop better techniques for sharing images on a global basis and for protecting their identity."

"The problems involved are becoming harder to police," he said, according to The Associated Press.

In March, Europol reportedly announced the bust of an even larger online pedophile ring — thought to number nearly 70,000 members worldwide — arresting 184 of 670 suspects in 30 countries, and rescuing 230 children.

EU Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said the operation showed the "importance of cooperation between law enforcement authorities at European and international level to tackle criminal activities that know no borders."

"These children are victims of multiple crimes. First, when the actual abuse takes place, she said, AFP reported. "Then, when it is filmed. And, thereafter, every time the images are posted, circulated or viewed."

According to the AP, the nations involved in the investigation were Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Croatia, Norway and Switzerland.
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 01:59 pm
Hawkeye are you as amaze as I am as the lack of respect that some posters here view women as a class.
Refers to me, yet I am a woman, only he thought I was a he, as he never bothered reading half my posts.

Just do not fit into my world view that women by their very nature are less able to used good judgments when they are in emotional relationships then men are.
I said "teenagers" not Women.... Big difference. And, referenced that in my previous post.

Strange as I was raised around strong women and had have dealings with many strong women all of my life including my wife and I can not picture women as a class as victims in waiting.

So your survey is based on a handful of women in your life, off course you can not picture women as a class as victims in waiting, you need to stop viewing 17 year olds and start researching Dear Aunt Agony and Women's Forums, 20,000 posts later to women, my survey is conclusive, having said that again I am not talking about WOMEN, I am talking about children that haven't explored the Adult World yet.

On that note, and yes I have also viewed Men's Forums, I am yet to read a thread that states "She gave me herpes" from a "young man" I have read countless from "young girls", in the opposite. No concern for her what so over, his so-called "new girlfriend", his thought? "Oh well some girl gave it to me".... A girl matures 4 years faster than a boy... Boys don't care much, as I said they are just out there having fun in their youth, off course they have emotions I've stated that, off course girls break their hearts, the "strong ones" but girls abusing, exploiting boys? You'll find the majority is the other way around...

The idea that women as a class can be talk into going against their best interests by men more then men as a class can be and therefore need all kinds and manners of special protections seems complete nonsense to me.

They most definately do need your manners it's called respect... But you don't seem to respect women, or want to protect them, nor children, rather advocate that picture texts are okay without knowing if they were co-orced or felt they had to, or whether it was mutual... To you it's broad, full stop.

In fact it is hurtful nonsense as you can not put into place special protections for women without at the same time reducing their rights to act in what they consider their best interest.

This is nonsense. A woman makes her own decision, can lie in her own bed, she has intuition if she chooses to go with the wrong person and doesn't like the outcome, there was often a red flag. Men prey on the vulnerable, the dating sites are a good place for that, the Divorced or Widowed, just read their profile and you'll gage if they can get sucked in or not, searching for love.

A woman is an individual, she has a right to be herself, not still Fathered or protected, but you can bet there would be a "good" male friend that will try to guide her out of a bad relationship, because he cares as a human being.

As a woman you are accountable. If you have low self-esteme suck it up sunshine learn from your mistake, and be assertive, have morals, love yourself.

As a child, you are not accountable and you do need protection, from an Adult until such time as you are one and can make your own management decisions.

For the record, I met my Fiance at a Restaurant, just in case you want to suggest that I am one of those vulnerable types, far from it...
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