Quote:Hawkeye are you as amaze as I am as the lack of respect that some posters here view women as a class.
Refers to me, yet I am a woman, only he thought I was a he, as he never bothered reading half my posts.
Quote:Just do not fit into my world view that women by their very nature are less able to used good judgments when they are in emotional relationships then men are.
I said "teenagers" not Women.... Big difference. And, referenced that in my previous post.
Quote:Strange as I was raised around strong women and had have dealings with many strong women all of my life including my wife and I can not picture women as a class as victims in waiting.
So your survey is based on a handful of women in your life, off course you can not picture women as a class as victims in waiting, you need to stop viewing 17 year olds and start researching Dear Aunt Agony and Women's Forums, 20,000 posts later to women, my survey is conclusive, having said that again I am not talking about WOMEN, I am talking about children that haven't explored the Adult World yet.
On that note, and yes I have also viewed Men's Forums, I am yet to read a thread that states "She gave me herpes" from a "young man" I have read countless from "young girls", in the opposite. No concern for her what so over, his so-called "new girlfriend", his thought? "Oh well some girl gave it to me".... A girl matures 4 years faster than a boy... Boys don't care much, as I said they are just out there having fun in their youth, off course they have emotions I've stated that, off course girls break their hearts, the "strong ones" but girls abusing, exploiting boys? You'll find the majority is the other way around...
Quote:The idea that women as a class can be talk into going against their best interests by men more then men as a class can be and therefore need all kinds and manners of special protections seems complete nonsense to me.
They most definately do need your manners it's called respect... But you don't seem to respect women, or want to protect them, nor children, rather advocate that picture texts are okay without knowing if they were co-orced or felt they had to, or whether it was mutual... To you it's broad, full stop.
Quote:In fact it is hurtful nonsense as you can not put into place special protections for women without at the same time reducing their rights to act in what they consider their best interest.
This is nonsense. A woman makes her own decision, can lie in her own bed, she has intuition if she chooses to go with the wrong person and doesn't like the outcome, there was often a red flag. Men prey on the vulnerable, the dating sites are a good place for that, the Divorced or Widowed, just read their profile and you'll gage if they can get sucked in or not, searching for love.
A woman is an individual, she has a right to be herself, not still Fathered or protected, but you can bet there would be a "good" male friend that will try to guide her out of a bad relationship, because he cares as a human being.
As a woman you are accountable. If you have low self-esteme suck it up sunshine learn from your mistake, and be assertive, have morals, love yourself.
As a child, you are not accountable and you do need protection, from an Adult until such time as you are one and can make your own management decisions.
For the record, I met my Fiance at a Restaurant, just in case you want to suggest that I am one of those vulnerable types, far from it...