Quote:Tracking this individual was our highest priority because the next level of offense is physically abusing a child and we can’t let that happen,” Sheriff Benny N. Napoleon said in a news release. “Thanks to the expansive network of web investigators we’re putting these individuals on notice—you can’t hide behind technology.”
Not proven at all that the great expense of going after people with child porn is going to reduce child abused, it does sound nice however.
As far as you can not hid behind technology for the most part they are going for the low hanging fruit.
Oh all those very costly campaigns tying up all kind of resources had not seem to slow down child porn trading one little bit.
Boot any p2p software program and put the key search words young and sex and see what **** come up.
Anyone with a computer that know enough to be able to download p2p software can full their computers up with that **** within days if they care to.
If the police are bored and need a headline all they need to do is boot their own computers to get an arrest or two.
Kind of similar to a pride of lions taking out a few members of a large herd.
What they are doing is not working as far as slowing the trading is concern.
Off hand I am not sure how you could get a handle on such trading.