Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Sat 17 Dec, 2011 07:04 am
By the way izzythepush since I am in favor of plenty must just cutting and pasting the UK law concerning child porn in the place of the now US child porn laws and being attacked by you for wishing to do so are you of the opinion that your laws on the subject should be change to a US model?

As I never once stated that all child porn laws should just be taken off the books it seem somewhat odds that my just thinking we should move toward your country handling of the matter means that I must be a pedophile in your eyes.

Does not seem to be a great deal of logic on your part but that is not a new thing in your postings.

0 Replies
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 07:09 am
Your festering senility is plain to see. You only concern yourself with the tiny inconsistencies in the laws, in order to further your own perverse logic. In your supposed case of two teenagers sending each other naughty pictures, only an idiot would consider locking either of them up, which is why you make it the centrepiece of your argument. At the very least they should be made aware of the imporudence of such acts, and the creepy old man at the centre of all of this, which there undoubtedly is, should be locked up. Have you been coercing teens into sending naked pictures of each other?

You don't need to answer, it's a rhetorical question, because everyone knows the answer. When you start calling others braindead, (one word) it would further your cause if you were capable of constructing a basic sentence.
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 07:33 am
only an idiot would consider locking either of them up,

Sorry we already had a case I know of where an idiot DA threating to do so and somewhere on this thread is the details of that occurring.

Laws should be written so idiots can not misused them as with thousands hell likely tens of thousands of people with the power to bring charges you can not count and you should not count on commonsense always being apply in all cases.

State laws are already being rewritten in order to protect from this happening however there is yet no sign of it being done on the Federal level.

Have you been coercing teens into sending naked pictures of each other?

Thar sentence and logic does not even make any sense as had a been forcing teenagers to send pictures to each others?

Not to me but to each other, why would anyone do so?
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 07:35 am
BillRM wrote:
Thar sentence and logic does not even make any sense as had a been forcing teenagers to send pictures to each others?

It makes perfect sense, unlike yours. Do you think you're a pirate now?
0 Replies
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 07:39 am
Oh you had yet to tell us if you are for going toward the US model concerning the child porn laws and away from the UK one or not?

Seems odds that you are constantly attacking me for wishing to move in the direction of the UK laws unless you are very unhappy with your country own laws on the subject.
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 08:21 am
I often ignore most of the stuff you say, it gives me a headache trying to think down to your level. I've never suggested we adopt any of your laws, I much prefer our system of jurisprudence. What we should do is ensure that the extradition treaty is completely rewritten. There is no way that Gary McKinnon should be extradited. I've been consistent, you're the one who keeps shifting position, the fact you don't realise it, is further evidence of your creeping senility, if your prose wasn't enough.

Isn't it about time you gave yourself a new avatar? This one would be ideal.
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 08:27 am
BillRM wrote:
Seems odds that you are constantly attacking me for wishing to move in the direction of the UK laws unless you are very unhappy with your country own laws on the subject.

If you get the person who looks after you to read my posts, they will tell you that I've attacked you for your hypocrisy and duplicity, not for your supposed desire to adopt our system of jurisprudence. You then might want to ask them to explain all those long words.
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 08:37 am
Sorry I been very clear that my problems with the US law is how harsh it happen to be and that there is no levels so a picture of a 17 and 364 days old female call for the same minimum punishment as a picture of a infant being rape of five years.

The fact that children can be charge under this and states laws is also a concern of mine.

In fact for the most part the changes I wish to see would bring our laws into line with the UK laws.

If you had no problem with the UK law that you are living under I can not see how you can have any repeat any problem with my positions.

Oh here is part of the reasons I had concerns that young people can be charge for taking pictures of themselves.


This interesting complaint confirmed my sense that there are an array of fascinating legal and social issues surrounding the phenomenon of "sexting." And the Newark Star-Ledger had this effective article, headlined "A debate swirls over teens' lurid pictures: Should self-portraits draw harsh penalties?," highlighting that these issues are arising in many places in many different ways:

In Indiana, a middle-school boy faces obscenity charges for transmitting naked photos of himself to female classmates. And last week in Passaic County, authorities accused a 14-year-old Clifton girl of distributing child pornography, saying she posted nude portraits of herself on MySpace.

In a growing number of states, law enforcement agencies are cracking down on teens who use cell phones and social networking sites to share lurid photographs. Prosecutors say they are trying to stamp out a dangerous trend. But their use of stringent child-pornography and sex-offender laws has ignited a debate. "Do we really want to tag this 14-year-old girl as a sex offender for the next 30 years?" asked Bill Albert, spokesman for the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. "Communities nationwide are scratching their heads about what role, if any, law enforcement should play in these cases."

A key hurdle for prosecutors is that technology has outpaced the legal system. Most states don't have laws specifically addressing teens who transmit explicit images, a practice sometimes referred to as "sexting."

The only New Jersey laws applicable to the Clifton case are those designed for sexual predators and child pornography traffickers, said Parry Aftab, executive director of the nonprofit group WiredSafety.org. Authorities suspect the 14-year-old, arrested Tuesday, took and posted nearly 30 explicit images of herself for her boyfriend to see. If true, it makes for an unusual criminal case: The victim is also the perpetrator.

Any new or aspiring law professor might do well to start a sexting law and policy blog. The combination of issues here — involving juvenile sexuality and criminality, severe child porn laws, new technologies, legal uncertainty and prosecutorial discretion, and constitutional law — all but ensures that sexting topics will draw lots of legal and social attention for quite some time. Anyone who tracks major sexting cases and debates — and thus becomes an academic expert on these matters — likely will have their phone constantly ringing and an always full e-mail in-box.

March 30, 2009 at 09:47 AM | Permalink

Sat 17 Dec, 2011 08:44 am
If you get the person who looks after you to read my posts, they will tell you that I've attacked you for your hypocrisy and duplicity, not for your supposed desire to adopt our system of jurisprudence. You then might want to ask them to explain all those long words.

Sorry the only theory I can come up with is that you did not care for my telling you the truth that the US save your rear ends in WW2 so you have been looking for reasons to attack me on all threads ever since.

Given that my positions are in large part share with a great many others concerning the problems that exist in the current US CP law including most Federal judges there seems no other reason for your attacks.

Sat 17 Dec, 2011 08:47 am
You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on the arse. We saved your arses every bit as much as you saved ours. The fact that you can't see that shows you for the moron you are. If you'd got involved in 1940, you'd have a point, you waited until you were bombed by Japan. Just man up and grow a pair.

Sat 17 Dec, 2011 08:49 am
BillRM wrote:
there seems no other reason for your attacks.

I like neither bullys nor nonces. And I'm contemptuous of slobbering proto-hominids who can't construct a basic sentence.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 08:50 am
BillRM wrote:
Sorry the only theory I can come up with

That's just further evidence of your encroaching senility.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 09:07 am
If you'd got involved in 1940

If you and France had stop Hitler in his track when he move into the Rhineland no one would likely had needed to fight WW2 or if your leaderships had not insist of imposing such harsh peace terms after WW1.....

All in all you would loss the once if game hand down.
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 09:14 am
OH I forgot if your country and the French had listen to where Churchill had predicted Germany would invade France and set your defenses with that in mind it is also very very likely we would not had needed to drag your rear ends to safety.

You and the French got yourself into the situation and we was force to get you out.
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 09:38 am
If I had not make my position clear yet if was your and the French leadership that got you into one hell of a completely unneeded mess that could had been deal with even in the late 1930s with minimum efforts and cost.

The US had no hand in setting up or causing this dangerous situation to develop yet we needed to pay part of the cost in lives and treasure to once more save your rear ends.

Hell your only political leader in this time period worth anything at all were called by some England men a half breed due to his mother being an American.
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 09:56 am
Play another ******* record. Maybe you should be showing a bit of contrition, we declared war as a matter of principle, you waited until you were attacked. America's splendid isolationism was as much to blame for Hitler's rise as appeasement. Nazi Germany was not just a threat to the UK, it was a threat to America as well. I see you've now moved the argument back the causes of WW2. Would you like to speculate on the role America's Great Depression played in the rise of Hitler?
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 10:59 am
Maybe you should be showing a bit of contrition, we declared war as a matter of principle

Principle my ass as if you had not move by that time that would had been the end of anyone taking your nation seriously and the world had seen a fine example of your principles when you sold out Czechoslovakia.

Oh the US had zero obligations to come to your aid so there was no principle involved on our part.

We never committed by treaty or otherwise to pull your rear ends out of any fires that you had jump into.

Footnote your postings indicated that once more you wish to move into a EU relationship to a greater degree and depend on France and Germany not the US.

How did your alliance with France work out for you in the 1930s?

Yes, just as Churchill begin crying to Roosevelt for aid within days of him assuming leadership if you do get into any problems in the future if will be the US you will come crying to not the EU.

Sat 17 Dec, 2011 11:01 am
The fact that children can be charge under this and states laws is also a concern of mine.

Can you cite a single case where a minor was charged and prosecuted for child pornography violations under both state and federal laws?
Is this the sort of thing you fantasize about, when you wonder about the age of the girls in the porn you watch? Do you get more excited thinking they are underage?

The feds are getting better, every day, at finding the pedophiles who try to hide behind technology. Better take note, BillRM...
Man called top U.S. child porn peddler arrested in Plymouth Township
Dec. 16, 2011
By Detroit Free Press Staff

A 24-year-old man accused of illegally sharing child pornography online — considered by authorities to be the largest and most active trader in the country using peer-to-peer software — was arrested in Plymouth Township, the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office announced today.

Tavis Greene of Monroe was arraigned Sunday on 12 felony counts related to possession and distribution of child pornography. He was arrested Dec. 9 at a friend’s Plymouth Township home where he was staying.

According to a news release, investigators found evidence of child pornographic materials — some children in those materials appear as young as 10 — on a computer belonging to Greene.

Greene’s case was forwarded to the Michigan Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force in April from the Colorado Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. At training on peer-to-peer software in May, officers began comparing notes with other investigators throughout the country on someone from Michigan who appeared to be engaging in illegal file sharing activities. A detective on the Colorado ICAC Task Force was able to gain access to the password-protected folder that contained child pornography and determined it belonged to Greene.

Michigan ICAC officers obtained search warrants for the Plymouth Township home and arrested Greene.

“Tracking this individual was our highest priority because the next level of offense is physically abusing a child and we can’t let that happen,” Sheriff Benny N. Napoleon said in a news release. “Thanks to the expansive network of web investigators we’re putting these individuals on notice—you can’t hide behind technology.”

Authorities said Greene’s computer appears to contain thousands of images. Greene posted a $100,000 cash bond and is expected to be back in court Dec. 19.

Sat 17 Dec, 2011 11:10 am
Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel, you talk about your nation's accomplishments to take the focus away from your liking of child pornography, and propensity to hang round in parks with kittens.

I know you can't stand the fact that I don't accept your fairytale view of History, where America rides like the white night to save those poor old limeys. This was a global political situation, and as you're unable to see things in terms other than black and white there's no point continuing. You're not even any fun to argue with, and as you're so gormless, it's a pointless exercise. With other posters I can agree to differ civilly, but you're just an obnoxious bully who's way too stupid to hear anything other than his own crackpot theories.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Dec, 2011 11:22 am
Oh once you and France declared war the two militaries did almost nothing during the phony war period and even allowed Germany to secure their supply route for iron ore that you could had blocked at little cost if you had move a little faster then a turtle.

In fact if France had been aggressive and attacked across the border there was little forces there to stop them for any numbers of months.

All in all the idea that you declare war then sit on your rear ends dinking tea until your enemy is ready to attack in force seems to be a calling card of the England military at the time.

We had to get involved only because you were so damn incompetent during that period of time.

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