Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Thu 15 Dec, 2011 02:34 am
Except the man turned out to be guilty

What day did we have the trial...cause I missed that.
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 02:38 am
I am crying with laughter.

I beg your pardon? See how polite I am I prefer what Osso said but that's what you want me to do, isn't it....

You don't deserve "my attention" hawkeye and I certainly don't want yours... I'm not one of your conquests.

As for educated, smart, how old are you? And, it is only now that you are "trying" to formulate a chain of Restaurants that you don't want people to know about, cause they may come and shoot you in the eyes for who you are...

Babe, I'm on my third business, it's successful, everything I did succeeded, I'm just not rich because I'm a giver, you my love are a taker, in it's truest form, you take from your wife, and control her. Did you take photos of your children too?

Thu 15 Dec, 2011 02:40 am
Let's start a thousand threads, wind people up, cause I like to win, it's all about winning for me....

You don't have to be on this Forum for long to work out your "type" Hawkeye..You keep dobbing yourself in, left right and centre.

0 Replies
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 02:48 am
What day did we have the trial...cause I missed that.

We both know that it is unlikely that there will ever be a trial--over 90% of those arrested for child porn plead guilty.
If Smith had those images on his computer, he's guilty. And lots of law enforcement people, from various agencies, have viewed those images and confirmed their nature.

Your purpose in starting this thread flopped, and it made you look like a jerk.

There is no debate here. Your pity for pedophiles lacks any intellectual substance, it is pure emotion. You are nothing more than a bleeding heart for pedophiles.
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 02:50 am
Yeah you an attention seeker,

You started a thread on Goldman , cause he is getting more attention than you.

Case closed
0 Replies
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 02:50 am
Babe, I'm on my third business, it's successful, everything I did succeeded

Congrats, I have been likewise blessed with success. However, as a socialist I feel that a great many people have had a hand in the success of my life so I tend not to brag about it.
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 02:59 am
Congrats, I have been likewise blessed with success.

However, as a socialist...

You're a socialist, a libertarian, a Catholic, Zen...whatever label is convenient for you at the moment. Laughing

The thing you are most successful at is pumping yourself up with hot air.Laughing

That's all your alleged "arguments" in this thread amount to--hot air. No substance at all.
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 03:01 am
Oh I was waiting for that, it's called bait.

I wanted to see if you "had to win" and you did Wink You only think you can beat everyone Hawkeye but you can't.

I fished, you took the bait.


Oh by the way? Goldman won't answer questions either. Wink

claps 1 down.

Now, here's another bait....

"Who thinks that a child, is not an Adult, as such, can not make Adult decisions, as such, can not approve pornographic photographs of themselves and consequently any photos of children taken by an Adult therefore, he should see jaol and anyone Adult that views it, understands that he/she too is committing a lesser crime but a crime nevertheless, in view of the above"

Now you have who will win Mr Hawkeye...

This is your thread, you wanted to see who wins.

Let's see
0 Replies
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 04:24 am
I've added plenty, and i'll add plenty more. It will be on the subject of your pathetic poses, and your delusional fantasies--such as that you are able to deal with the criticisms which come your way. The next few pages are hilarious examples of how far out of your depth you are, Mr. Socialist. Damn, you crack me up.
0 Replies
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 05:46 am
That no man, nor woman of a sane mind, accepts "men" or women for that matter, perving at photos of "children" who aren't Adults, aren't able to make up their own mind whether or not they "should" have their picture taken naked, that are innocent and nieve....

You do know that children porn can be a child of 17 years and 364 days and she or he can even be a married person?

Hell the government in theory under the federal laws can prosecute a husband for having a naked sexual picture of his wife if she is one day younger then 18 years?

Under Federal law pictures of infants being rape and a picture that a minor who is legally old enough to consent to sex who had send to her sexual partner call for the same minimum punishment of five years.

Oh girls had indeed been threaten with being so charge along with their boyfriends for taking and sending such pictures between lovers.

The law is so badly written that it can be used as a weapon to harm the very people that if writers had claim it is design to protect!!!!!!!!
0 Replies
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 05:57 am
We both know that it is unlikely that there will ever be a trial--over 90% of those arrested for child porn plead guilty.

Of course guilt or innocent the state had one hell of a hammer to get people to take a plea bargain.

If you do not plea to the state charges the Feds will also charge you under their 5 years minimum sentence law is one old tool in the tool box.

You do know that we got a guilty verdict with nothing but two thumbnails of pictures on one man computer and he is sitting is Federal prison for a decade or so?

Now be a good boy and take a plea and you will be out in a few years under the state law charges.
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 05:59 am
If you are going back to cut and pasting pictures could you not find some news ones as that one had been used by you any numbers of times over the years Firefly.
0 Replies
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 09:05 am
We both know that it is unlikely that there will ever be a trial--over 90% of those arrested for child porn plead guilty.

Second comment 90 percents plus of everyone who is charge with a crime with special note of a Federal crime for anything end up with a plea deal.

Unless you are very very wealthy indeed mounting any meaningful defense is far too costly.

With many hundreds of thousands dollars being just the starting point for a federal criminal defense.
0 Replies
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 09:52 am
The law is so badly written that it can be used as a weapon to harm the very people that if writers had claim it is design to protect!!!!!!!!

You have the nerve to criticize anything for being badly written? ROFL

Who are you kidding? You've never even read the laws. Exactly which child pornography law are you referring to? The state of Florida? Federal law? Don't refer to "the law" unless you cite the specific law you are talking about, because otherwise your comments are meaningless. Beside the federal law, there are 50 separate state laws.
You do know that we got a guilty verdict with nothing but two thumbnails of pictures on one man computer and he is sitting is Federal prison for a decade or so?

No, I do not know that because that statement is completely untrue. You do not cite case law either because you are ignorant of it. You read part of an appeal decision and stupidly misinterpreted both the total evidence presented at the original trial as well as the sentence. People are not receiving 10 year sentences, on a first conviction, for 2 thumbnails of porn. You have been distorting facts so long, you probably believe your own distortions by now.
Of course guilt or innocent the state had one hell of a hammer to get people to take a plea bargain

What do you mean, "guilt or innocent"? Child pornography cases are one area where the objective, observable, physical evidence speaks for itself--either the defendant was in possession of the pornographic material or they weren't. Guilt is rather clear-cut and the defendant would likely lose at trial--and that is the main "hammer" the state has in obtaining plea deals.
Plea deals which occur in over 90% of child pornography cases, save the tax payers money and help to keep court calenders from becoming clogged up. Particularly with crimes where violations of the law are so clear and supported by physical evidence, it would make no sense not to try to resolve as many of these cases as possible with plea deals. Where is your case law evidence that the "innocent" are being imprisoned for child pornography?

If you do not plea to the state charges the Feds will also charge you under their 5 years minimum sentence law is one old tool in the tool box.

No moron, if you do not take a plea deal to state charges, you go to trial for the state charges. Whether you are also charged under federal law would depend on the specific aspects of a case that warrented such charges.

And, I am rather tired of hearing you constantly repeat the "five year minimum sentence" mantra regarding federal law, with the untrue implication that most people actually receive those 5 year sentences. If you bothered to educate yourself on the subject, so you had some awareness of the typical sentences imposed on first time offenders under federal law, you would find sentences which are significantly shorter than 5 years, and these cases are not at all difficult to find--except you don't bother with reality because it conflicts with your bogus arguments.

This case, from just three days ago, is an excellent example of a federal sentence that is significantly less than 5 years--in fact, the man was sentenced to only 7 months, and, he received time served, so he walked out of the courtroom.

Former Waterloo Man Sentenced on Child Pornography Charge

A man who possessed child pornography was sentenced December 12, 2011, to seven months in federal prison.

Martin Weeks, age 43, formerly of Waterloo, Iowa, and now of New York, received the sentence after a July 7, 2011, guilty plea to one count of possessing child pornography. At the guilty plea, Weeks admitted that, between November 2007 and February 2008, he knowingly possessed child pornography.

Weeks was sentenced in Cedar Rapids by United States District Court Chief Judge Linda R Reade. Weeks was sentenced to seven months’ imprisonment. A special assessment of $100 was imposed, and Weeks must also serve a five-year term of supervised release.

He must comply with all sex offender registration and public notification requirements.

Weeks was released with credit for time served.

This case was prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Mark Tremmel and was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

This case was brought as part of Project Safe Childhood, a nationwide initiative launched in May 2006 by the Department of Justice to combat the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse. Led by United States Attorneys’ Offices and the Criminal Division’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (CEOS), Project Safe Childhood marshals federal, state, and local resources to better locate, apprehend, and prosecute individuals who exploit children via the Internet, as well as to identify and rescue victims. For more information about Project Safe Childhood, please visit www.projectsafechildhood.gov.

Court file information is available at https://ecf.iand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/login.pl. The case file number is CR 10-2053.


So stop with your hysterical, and inaccurate, and perseverative, carrying on about this issue. You resort to distortions, and downright lies, and do not back up your assertions with reference to either specific, actual laws, or to specific case law examples, with citations.

As is the case with Hawkeye, there is no real substance to your assertions. The two of you are good examples of empty barrels making the most noise.

Thu 15 Dec, 2011 10:14 am
The state of Florida? Federal law? Don't refer to "the law" unless you cite the specific law you are talking about, because otherwise your comments are meaningless. Beside the federal law, there are 50 separa

Federal law federal law over and over and over again in postings after postings after postings after postings so why are you trying to be that dishonest!!!????!!!

With a footnote that states and the feds work together and often decided together if the person will be charge under federal law or state law in any given case.

Oh any repeat any sentence given for a child porn conviction less then five years at the Federal level mean that the judge had gone against the federal minimal sentencing guide lines and the prosecutor is free to appeal the sentence to the higher courts.

It take balls on the part of a judge to do so and it is still fairly rare even those the vast majority of federal judges degree with the law minimum sentencing guide lines.
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 10:18 am
Please stop trying to confuse Bill with facts.
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 10:30 am
With a footnote that states and the feds work together and often decided together if the person will be charge under federal law or state law in any given case.

That is true, and even you now seem to realize that cases are generally tried under either federal law or state law, and not both, unless there is specific reason to bring charges under both.
Federal law federal law over and over and over again in postings after postings...

But, you haven't posted the applicable federal law you are referring to-verbatim--so how is anyone supposed to know exactly what you are talking about? Rolling Eyes

Some of us deal in reality, BillRM. Laughing If you are talking about "the law", cite the specific law--exactly as it is worded. You can't just make up your own laws. Laughing
Oh any repeat any sentence given for a child porn conviction less then five years at the Federal level mean that the judge had gone against the federal minimal sentencing guide lines and the prosecutor is free to appeal the sentence to the higher courts.

You really are too stupid to be commenting on the law, and there is no kind way I can say that because your comprehension abilities are so lacking.

No, BillRM, the judge did not "go against" anything--the laws are just not being interpreted and applied the way you fantasize that they are. Trust me, a federal judge understands the law better than you do. And the prosecutor would have no reason to appeal a plea deal he offered to the defendant--the man who received the 7 month sentence pled guilty--he accepted the deal the prosecutor offered. Don't you think at all? Rolling Eyes

You are making a complete fool of yourself.

Thu 15 Dec, 2011 10:32 am
Please stop trying to confuse Bill with facts.

What facts am a confused about that the federal guide lines set the minimum sentence at five years is anyone disagreeing with that as a fact?

That few judges are willing to give a lessor sentence then those guide lines call for even when they disagree with them?

That most Federal judges had call for the guide lines to be change in regard to child porn laws and minimum sentencing?

So what facts am I confuse about CoastalRat?
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 10:40 am
Game playing Firefly once more as I had already posted from legal websites what the laws happen to be and what the minimum sentencing guide lines happen to be.

I had even posted statements from Federal judges concerning those guide lines and a poll of federal judges concerning their disagreements with those guide lines.

So if you care to prove the legal websites are wrong that I had already posted links to or the statements of Federal judges are wrong that I had also posted links to then please feel free to do so.
Thu 15 Dec, 2011 10:52 am
Game playing Firefly once more as I had already posted from legal websites what the laws happen to be

No, you never posted the exact law you were referring to--verbatim. That's why you continuously referred to "four year minimum sentences" until Tico corrected you and told you that the minimum sentence was now 5 years--you didn't even know how the current law read. Laughing
I had even posted statements from Federal judges concerning those guide lines and a poll of federal judges concerning their disagreements with those guide lines.
What you posted had nothing to do with first time offenders for possession of child pornography. It is in the case of repeat offenders, with multiple charges, that the sentences can be quite lengthy, and that issue is being addressed by the judiciary.

You are an empty barrel making a lot of noise.

You are making a fool of yourself.

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