Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Tue 13 Dec, 2011 12:01 pm
So, why did you want to tell us that you were suspected of being a pedophile when you were in the park?

Did the police question you?

Aren't you glad that people are on the alert for possible child abusers?
Tue 13 Dec, 2011 12:10 pm
By the way when I was a boy having an old man sitting on a park bench and watching and talking to the children was not uncommon at all.

No one at once raises any red flags over it but now in the county just north of mine adults who are not with children can not sit in the play areas of the public repeat public parks.

There was a case of a old couple being turn away when they wish to do a tour of a child museum a few months ago also for the same type of reasoning.

Hell when I was a young boy I was allow to run free on the same boardwalk that is now being shown on the sick TV show the Jersey Shores.

We had turn into a very distrustful society with special note of males of any age and somehow I do not think that the statistics would bear the risk being greater then in the past.

It a shame....................
0 Replies
Tue 13 Dec, 2011 12:26 pm
Late teens are not minors.

Sixteen and seventeen years olds are late teens and in many states holding the right to consent to sex and even to get married. So what is your next bullshit Firefly?

So, you see the deliberate posing of a naked child in an erotic manner, and

Creating those pictures are not the same crime as looking at those pictures and anyone who created such pictures should be punish far more harshly then a viewer of those pictures..........SO next bullshit.

As the UK Sentencing Panel observed: ‘Possession of child pornography is not (as some have argued) a victimless offence’

An that have something to do with punishing the crime more then the crime of manslaughter for example? Next Bullshit............

So, in Australia, the images do not have to be of explicit sexual activity to be considered child pornography--they can be 'in a sexual context'.

That is true in the UK with it levels and most other nations also and once more what does it have to do with the level of punishment? Next Bullshit..............

their judges have argued that the maximum sentences which can be imposed are too low and the sentences imposed in the Commonwealth courts have trended higher--indicating harsher sentences for child pornography offenses.

Surprise I tend to agree with them that their sentences tend to be too low in some cases however that does not justify our insane repeat insane level of punishment under our federal law.

Tue 13 Dec, 2011 12:32 pm
So, why did you want to tell us that you were suspected of being a pedophile when you were in the park?

Did the police question you?
LOL a park employee gave me a dirty look and found the excuse that pets was not allowed in the park to get me to leave.

Sorry no police and no drama of any kind.

Aren't you glad that people are on the alert for possible child abusers?

See my posting that this fear of males was not always existing and one of the joys of old age was to sit on a bench and watch children at play and talking to them.

Of course at that time I was one of the children at play.
Tue 13 Dec, 2011 12:41 pm
You really didn't answer the questions I raised.

You really don't seem capable of thinking issues through--in fact, you are dismissing the points made in the article you linked to as being "bullshit". Why did you link to an article you are now dismissing as "bullshit"? Or, was this just another example of you posting articles you haven't carefully read or really understand? You have a bad habit of doing that.

What is your burning interest in the child pornography laws of New South Wales?
Tue 13 Dec, 2011 12:53 pm
The more you find out about Bill, the more disturbing it is. Who sits in the park giving away kittens? Don't they have a small ads, couldn't he put a card in a shop window? What about being a responsible pet owner and having your cats neutered?

What Bill's complaining about, is that he used to be able to get away with that sort of behaviour. People are more aware of sexual deviants today. Where's the nightstick wielding, brutal Southern sheriff when you want him? The most unsettling aspect of this behaviour is that his wife has access to vulnerable children. The park officials should have called the police at the very least.
Tue 13 Dec, 2011 12:58 pm
LOL a park employee gave me a dirty look and found the excuse that pets was not allowed in the park to get me to leave.

Perhaps you just look like a dirty old man. Laughing And I'm sure the park had a "No Pets" sign that you chose to ignore.
See my posting that this fear of males was not always existing and one of the joys of old age was to sit on a bench and watch children at play and talking to them.

We are simply made more aware of the pedophile problem now, because it is reported in the news more often, sadly all too often.
The fear of unaccompanied males, in particular, interacting with children has been around as long as I can remember. I used to go to the movies alone for a Saturday matinée when I was only 9 or 10. The theater had a matron, I think she was even dressed in white, to make sure that no adults ever sat in the children's section. They were trying to protect children from pedophiles.
And my mother sure did warn me about talking to strangers, as everyone's mother did, and, although the expressed fear was of kidnapping, the other fear was of child molestation.

There really is nothing new about these concerns. Parents have never wanted their children to talk to strange old men, with kittens, in the park.

Tue 13 Dec, 2011 01:03 pm
The more you find out about Bill, the more disturbing it is.

How true.

And it becomes clearer why he and Hawkeye have such an affinity for each other.
Robert Gentel
Tue 13 Dec, 2011 05:52 pm
My take is that they are just irrationally masculist. I think most of the insinuations that they are something more sinister only serve to reinforce their persecution complex and make them even more irrationally biased.
Tue 13 Dec, 2011 06:17 pm
@Robert Gentel,
Robert Gentel wrote:

My take is that they are just irrationally masculist. I think most of the insinuations that they are something more sinister only serve to reinforce their persecution complex and make them even more irrationally biased.

So being masculine to you equates to being irrational?? That is a very odd opinion, as conventional wisdom is that the feminine is much more irrational.
Robert Gentel
Tue 13 Dec, 2011 09:19 pm
I didn't say anything about you being masculine. You need to avail yourself of a dictionary.

Masculist is the opposite of feminist, not the opposite of feminine. You are a masculist but just like there are some irrational and extreme feminists you are the irrational male counterpart and don't have thoughtful positions and arguments but reflexive instinct and overwhelming bias.
Tue 13 Dec, 2011 09:32 pm
@Robert Gentel,
Well.... that and a rather creepy interest in rape and inappropriate sexual interactions with minors.
Robert Gentel
Tue 13 Dec, 2011 09:39 pm
I think his interest is primarily driven by his reflexive Masculism, not by a paraphilia. You may also notice a similarly elevated interest in rape among the more strident feminists.
Tue 13 Dec, 2011 10:07 pm
@Robert Gentel,
Robert Gentel wrote:

I think his interest is primarily driven by his reflexive Masculism, not by a paraphilia. You may also notice a similarly elevated interest in rape among the more strident feminists.

If you bothered to venture over to the thread on the criminalization of cell phone use while driving, or the at least a hundred other threads where I have taken a like sort of libertarian view, you might be less sure of your conclusion. My interest in the basic human right to be free from oppression spreads far beyond sexual and gender politics. I oppose the feminists because they need to be opposed if justice and mortality are to prevail, not because I am irrational. I pay attention to how alleged sexual deviants are treated because it is through this prism of how the hated are treated that we see just how free or not free we are....it is here that we see best the extremes that America is willing to go towards creating a police state.
Robert Gentel
Tue 13 Dec, 2011 10:19 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
If you bothered to venture over to the thread on the criminalization of cell phone use while driving, or the at least a hundred other threads where I have taken a like sort of libertarian view, you might be less sure of your conclusion.

I've never seen you fail to take the opportunity to adopt a reflexive masculist position on any gender-related (even marginally) issue. Your libertarian streak is not nearly as reflexive. You are clearly more obsessed with gender than libertarianism. Your positions on gender are convulsive knee-jerks in comparison to your forays into libertarianism.

I appose the feminists because they need to be opposed if justice and mortality are to prevail, not because I am irrational.

Mayhap. But that is what any irrationally biased person might say. You only need to change one word to make that the motto of an irrational feminist.
Tue 13 Dec, 2011 10:26 pm
@Robert Gentel,
. But that is what any irrationally biased person might say. You only need to change one word to make that the motto of an irrational feminist.

You seem to labor under the misconception that being irrational is somehow a defect, it is not. It is also not the cause of my opposition to the feminists. The man hating bitches need to be brought down a peg or two so that people (me for instance) can have some sort of a shot at living their own lives as opposed to having imposed upon them the life that the feminists want them to lead, and I intend to do what I can to bring this about.
Tue 13 Dec, 2011 10:53 pm
@Robert Gentel,
My take is that they are just irrationally masculist. I think most of the insinuations that they are something more sinister only serve to reinforce their persecution complex and make them even more irrationally biased.

I agree that they are both irrationally masculist. Knee jerk masculist.

But, in the case of Hawkeye, he describes himself as being a sexual deviate, and he's not joking about that. And many of his views regarding sexual assault laws clearly stem from his own sexual preferences regarding BDSM, and his fears that aspects of his particular sexual lifestyle might be eventually regarded as criminal--and he has said such things rather directly. On the topic of child pornography, he does not feel that possession should be a crime, or that many of the images that are considered, by the government, or by general consensus, to be pornographic, reach that level for him. In this realm, his standard does deviate significantly from the norm, and he doesn't deny that.
So I'm not sure that much insinuation is going on that Hawkeye either doesn't validate, in his comments about himself, or that he isn't actively encouraging. He sees all "sex laws" as an attempt to persecute him, or to deprive him, personally, of his particular sexual preferences, preferences which do appear to be at odds with existing law. These things are more reflective of Hawkeye's egocentrism than they are of a masculist orientation.

In not just this thread, but in other threads on child pornography as well, BillRM has been fast to offer helpful tips on how to encrypt your computer so such material cannot be detected, even by the government. Why someone would want to assist anyone in concealing child pornography is open to speculation, but it is also speculation that BillRM seems to invite by specifically offering his encryption advice in threads on this particular topic.

I think the two of them need very little encouragement, in the way of perceived persecution, to become irrationally biased, or more irrationally biased. And, in the case of both, the masculist attitude is considerably colored by their particular personal biases in other regards, and by glimmers, from both of them, of something more sinister beneath the surface.

Personally, I find the discussion more interesting when it focuses on the topic rather than on either of them.

0 Replies
Robert Gentel
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 12:45 am
hawkeye10 wrote:
The man hating bitches need to be brought down a peg or two so that people (me for instance) can have some sort of a shot at living their own lives as opposed to having imposed upon them the life that the feminists want them to lead, and I intend to do what I can to bring this about.

That's one way to put it. Another way is that you are an obsessed, irrational masculist. I can see why you prefer your way of putting it.
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 01:09 am
@Robert Gentel,
Another way is that you are an obsessed, irrational masculist

Can you say that with a straight face given the broad stretch of my interests here on A2K? Maybe you should look up the definition of "obsessed". Or maybe you spend too much time with people whos give a **** is broken, I cant say for sure.
Robert Gentel
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 01:28 am
Of course I can say that with a straight face. I could not maintain said face when surprised by your incredulity (I honestly thought you'd be one of the first to admit that you are positively obsessed with this issue and the diametric opposite of a raging feminist).

So would an overwhelming majority of the people who know you on this site. It's patently obvious to all but yourself. If there's a thread about, say, rape you can bet your ass that the bulk of the posts will come from a handful of members that you will almost invariably be one of.

I find it hard to believe that your self-image is that discordant from reality that you really don't think that this is one of your "things", so to speak.
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