So why is Firefly the bad person in all of this?
Because I support the child pornography laws.
Because I think it is wrong to abuse child by using them as sex toys, abusing and exploiting them to produce images and videos for the sexual arousal and masturbatory needs of adult pedophiles.
And, because I am generally the only female who consistently hangs in there, and tries to counter the crap that both Hawkeye and BillRM spew forth in any thread relating to sexual assault crimes, they construct rather ludicrous fantasies about the sort of person, and woman, that I am--I am anti-sex, a man-hater, etc..
Among other things, Hawkeye and BillRM have rather inaccurate and distorted views of the actual sexual assault laws, and one thing I have tried to do, in several threads, is to post more accurate information on the laws themselves by citing the laws verbatim. So, my interest in the topic is partly educational, I'd like people to understand exactly what the laws do and do not say. Neither Hawkeye nor BillRM seem to realize that the exact wording of a law is essential to both the application and interpretation of that law, and neither of them ever bothers to cite the specific laws they are allegedly talking about. They attack laws they haven't even bothered to read.
And, since you are a newby to this discussion, let me fill you in a little bit. Hawkeye is a self-admitted and self-described sexual deviate who opposes all laws dealing with sexual assaults. He denies that there are victims of sexual assaults and sees only the perpetrators of such crimes as the "real victims" because they are punished by the government under such laws. BillRM agrees with him on that which is why BillRM exclusively, and incessantly, harps on the harsh punishments given under child pornography laws--even though those sentenced have knowingly violated such laws, and the sentencing varies widely. Neither of them has evidenced the slightest concern for the children who are horribly abused and exploited in the production of children pornography, and whose privacy is violated anew each time someone views their images. As you can tell, BillRM's concern is only for the privacy of his computer, and not what is being done to those children in terms of violations of their privacy.
Hawkeye and BillRM use threads such as this one as anti-government rants--that's the reason Hawkeye started this thread. He anticipated that he could attack the government for trying to prosecute another "innocent man". Except, as it turned out, the man arrested did have sexually explicit images of young children, some of which involved sexual activity with adults, something that BillRM was still trying to deny as recently as the last few pages of this thread.
This is not the first thread in which we have discussed child pornography. In each of them, BillRM has given other readers handy tips on how to encrypt their computers so downloaded images and files cannot be detected by law enforcement. Now why would he do that on each discussion of this topic? And then he wonders why people think he is hiding something?
Hawkeye tends to argue that the images really aren't child pornography--by
his definition of child pornography--and Hawkeye's definitions often significantly depart from the norm. As I said, he is a self-described sexual deviate.
So, I hope that brings you up to speed on the players involved. And you will no doubt draw your own conclusions about all of them, including me.
Hope you enjoy the discussion, Found Soul.