Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Wed 14 Dec, 2011 02:32 am
@Robert Gentel,
From my short account I also note, the "need" for attention, how many people reply to your threads Hawkeye verses more so, how many people have "clicked" to view...

There is a "proudness" in your "voice" as you tell us how delighted you are that people are "lurking"...

I don't care what you are into, excluding "children" in any way, shape and form...

You always have to be right, you will prove your point, your own children know this, they have no chance of ever, knowing the word compromise with you, it's your way or the highway.

Bill hates women, he thinks they are "GoldDiggers" but yet, he reads threads that have a "poor" tale to it... I won't comment therefore at this point on Bill only that he wants to be your friend, defend you, agree with you... Until I have been here longer, it's not fair to comment yet.

Hi Firefly:) Thanks for your in-depth reply to me.
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 02:45 am
hawkeye10 wrote:

The man hating bitches need to be brought down a peg or two so that people (me for instance) can have some sort of a shot at living their own lives as opposed to having imposed upon them the life that the feminists want them to lead, and I intend to do what I can to bring this about.

And you do that by showing yourself to be a moron. Why don't you try saying something witty for once? Basic sentence construction might help, and an understanding of the most rudimentary forms of discourse wouldn't go amiss either.
0 Replies
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 04:37 am
I think RG is missing an important component in the "Hawkeye" pathology. That is his not simply that he has an unrealistic view of himself as regards issues between men and women, but that he has a truly fantastical view of himself in general as regards his relationship to society. In his fantasy world, he is some kind of hero, some kind of warrior. I believe the exact term he used not long ago was "freedom fighter." This leads to some all too familiar stances he takes. He's just shown here recently one of his pathologies, saying in effect that he won't lie down under abuse by faminists, and implying that he cannot live his life as he would like because of them. Does he really see himself as struggling against the feminist wolf at the door? Another of his consistent pathologies is to allege that his freedom of speech is infringed. I've never understood how someone can come online, start ranting, and then allege that their freedom of speech has been infringed. If that were so, he'd have no venue for his rant.

The "freedom fighter" BS really left me almost speechless. I couldn't believe that he would expect to be taken seriously after making such a remark. I suggested that he should provide us links to news stories about some of his more public struggles for freedom, but he slunk away from the thread not long after.

There is a broad spectrum of self-delusion here. Sure, all of us have our blind spots about ourselves, but in the case of this joker, the breadth and depth of his delusion is breath-taking.
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 04:40 am
There is a broad spectrum of self-delusion here. Sure, all of us have our blind spots about ourselves, but in the case of this joker, the breadth and depth of his delusion is breath-taking.

And at times laugh out loud funny. That's just one of the similarities between him and Jason.
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 05:14 am
I don't think JG casts himself in the same heroic mold, though. One thing is certain--you can't beat this place for free entertainment.
0 Replies
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 05:19 am
In my world? And he never answered


Both attention seekers

Many faces on other "Forums"

One against Gay and Porn

Prob one for
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 06:34 am
Bill hates women, he thinks they are "GoldDiggers" but yet, he reads threads that have a "poor" tale to it... I won't comment therefore at this point on Bill only that he wants to be your friend, defend you, agree with you... Until I have been here longer, it's not fair to comment yet.

LOL my wife is going to be very surprise over the fact that I hate women however I do unlike Firefly and her supporters views women as adults not defenseless victims of men.
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 07:01 am
Bill hates women, he thinks they are "GoldDiggers

Since both myself and Hawkeye are married and had shared a great deal of information on our personal lives, I suggest for amusements and a few laughs you might ask Firefly who and what she is sharing her life with.

It must be interesting as unlike almost anyone else here she had refused to give one little bit of personal information to date however that had not stop or even slow her down in using the informations others had share as a means of attacks on us.

My guess given her fear of men is that she is a very very very old virgin but that is just a guess.

Perhaps you could get her to open up to you as you had joined her band.
0 Replies
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 07:11 am
The more you find out about Bill, the more disturbing it is. Who sits in the park giving away kittens? Don't they have a small ads, couldn't he put a card in a shop window? What about being a responsible pet owner and having your cats neutered?

Fool did you not read my posts??????

I covered the areas with posters with pictures showing them including the park in question and talk to two and got a pay membership in one of the local animal rescue groups.

There are too many cats for it to be a short and easy task to find homes for a litter of them even if they was very cute indeed.

I am very proud that I did in the end after hundreds of hours of work found what seems to had been good homes for the kittens.

0 Replies
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 07:18 am
We are simply made more aware of the pedophile problem now, because it is reported in the news more often, sadly all too often.
The fear of unaccompanied males, in particular, interacting with children has been around as long as I can remember. I used to go to the movies alone for a Saturday matinée when I was only 9 or 10. The theater had a matron, I think she was even dressed in white, to make sure that no adults ever sat in the children's section. They were trying to protect children from pedophiles.

Sorry dear but the vast majority of men even those who enjoy talking to children are not pedophiles and the vast numbers of attacks on children of a sexual nature or otherwise is done inside the family behind closed doors not in a public park.

It just another example of attacking men for the crime of being men.
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 07:31 am
Oh as an interesting footnote in my now 63 years of life I had met a numbers of people who had took me over the years that they was sexuality abused in childhood and not one of them were abused by a stranger who they met in or out of a park.

That is not the normal way that children end up being abused to say the least.
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 10:19 am
Jason is more amusing, and less of a danger to society.
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 10:50 am
Jason is more amusing, and less of a danger to society.

You have a point as the damn society even trust me to carry firearms around...............and I happens to do so often.

Not the same as if the police find you carrying a screwdriver around as you then better be able to point to a loose screw that need tightening and one not holding your silly brit head on your shoulder either.

Wed 14 Dec, 2011 10:53 am
Oh as an interesting footnote in my now 63 years of life I had met a numbers of people who had took me over the years that they was sexuality abused in childhood and not one of them were abused by a stranger who they met in or out of a park.

That is not the normal way that children end up being abused to say the least.

You think there is a "normal way" for children to be abused? Rolling Eyes

Again, you apply your limited personal life experience to draw inappropriate generalizations--because you have never met anyone sexually abused as a child, by a stranger, hardly means that such things do not occur. While it may be more common for children to be sexually abused by someone known to them, abuse by strangers certainly does occur, as you well know. And many people I've known report that, as children, they were approached by strangers who tried to lure them, or engage them, or who actually began making physical overtures to them, even though these attempts were never completed because the child ran away. You just don't know a wide range of people.

For you to say that the attempt to protect children from pedophiles, be they relatives/acquaintances or strangers, is some sort of negative attack on men, proves Robert's point about your irrational masculism.

Most, but certainly not all, pedophiles are male. That's simply a fact, and to be aware of that fact, is not discriminatory in any way. Nor does it suggest that all men are suspect of pedophilia, which would be absurd.

Unaccompanied children in public places, like parks, movie theaters, children's museums, schoolyards, etc. should not be approached, or lured, or engaged, by strangers--and the children themselves are taught to know this--and most normal adults do not interact with children unknown to them under such circumstances.

If you don't want to be regarded with suspicion, don't act in a suspicious manner.

Wed 14 Dec, 2011 10:53 am
When all else fails resort to racism. Now you don't like our laws, you hypocritical, slobbering troglodyte. We prosecute perverts who hang round parks with kittens so they can abuse children, as well you know.
0 Replies
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 10:57 am

LOL my wife is going to be very surprise over the fact that I hate women however I do unlike Firefly and her supporters views women as adults not defenseless victims of men.

You've already told us that your wife sleeps with a gun.

She's making sure she won't be your defenseless victim.
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 10:57 am
You're quite right FF, Sarah Payne is a case in point. From Wikipedia.
Sarah Evelyn Isobel Payne (13 October 1991 – c. 1 July 2000) was an eight-year old girl murdered by child killer Roy Whiting in West Sussex, England in July 2000. The subsequent investigation became a high profile murder case in the United Kingdom. Following his conviction, Whiting was imprisoned for life and is currently being held in the maximum security Wakefield prison, West Yorkshire.

I imagine Roy Whiting is just one of the sick fucks that Bill hero worships.
Robert Gentel
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 11:03 am
Setanta wrote:
I think RG is missing an important component in the "Hawkeye" pathology. That is his not simply that he has an unrealistic view of himself as regards issues between men and women, but that he has a truly fantastical view of himself in general as regards his relationship to society.

I have repeatedly told him that he thinks he's a lone voice crying in the wilderness. He clearly does see himself as a man apart and sees himself as the sole voice of reason in his head and these concepts are not mutually exclusive. He can be a wannabe prophet and be a man obsessed with gender politics and his self-image of being a "revolutionary" just doesn't preclude an irrational obsession with gender.

What I wanted to point out to him here is that his fixation on gender makes him irrational, just like the extreme brand of feminism he decries.
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 11:09 am
@Robert Gentel,
I agree about his obsession with gender--i was just pointing out that that's not all that's going on with him. His pathology is much more complex, and sad.
Wed 14 Dec, 2011 11:25 am
Just check out today's news...
CrimeRussian internet watchdog busts major international pedophile ring

MOSCOW, December 14 (RIA Novosti)
The League of Internet Security, a Russian public organization, said on Wednesday it had broken an international ring of 130 alleged pedophiles, in cooperation with police.

Two organizers of the ring, described by the League’s president, Konstantin Malofeyev, as the “largest in the history of Russian internet,” have been arrested.

“What is happening in the Russian internet now is an orgy,” he said during a news conference in Moscow.

The two men, the owner and administrator of a website that brought together the alleged pedophiles, face up to 15 years in prison on charges of child abuse, Denis Davydov, the League’s executive director, said.

One of its ring’s organizers headed a boys’ choir at a children’s arts school, the League said in a press release.

Most of the members of the ring were Russian nationals, Davydov said. There were also German, French and Israeli citizens involved, as well as nationals of several former Soviet republics.

The criminal ring has operated for several years before being caught, Davydov said.

In October, the Russian parliament’s lower house, the State Duma, approved a bill stipulating chemical castration for pedophiles. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who first suggested the amendments in May, said punishment for pedophiles should be "as harsh as possible."

The bill also stipulates that pedophiles should be stripped of the right to plea for a suspended sentence and re-offenders for sex crimes against minors will face life sentences.

The voluntary chemical castration procedure involves regular injections leading to a fall in the level of the male hormone testosterone, which suppresses sexual drive. Its effect, however, is not irreversible.

And this pedophile even yelled, "Bullshit" in court regarding his charges, just as BillRM tries to dismiss rational discussion of this topic as "bullshit".
Pedophile jailed despite not being court and having no defence after he abuses judge and is sent to cells
by: Mark Oberhardt From: The Courier-Mail
December 14, 2011

A PEDOPHILE has been convicted of child sex offences after he behaved so badly his trial went ahead without him or a defence lawyer.
In an extremely rare case it was even left to the prosecutor and judge to find some mitigating factors when Craig Anthony Ellis was sentenced today.

Ellis abused the judge, prosecutor and police at the start of his trial in the District Court in Brisbane on Monday.

He refused to enter a plea when arraigned and yelled abuse throughout the process.

Judge Hugh Botting used his powers under Queensland law to enter a not guilty plea and have Ellis taken to the cells under the court building.

As Ellis had no legal representation the trial went ahead with only the prosecution case.

After two days of evidence the jury took four hours to find Ellis guilty on three counts of indecent treament. It also found him not guilty of rape but guilty of an alternate charge of indecent treatment.

Ellis was brought back to court to hear the verdicts but after yelling "This is bullshit" was taken to the cells and was sentenced in his absence.

The trial heard Ellis was visiting a house where people were babysitting a toddler, aged 10 to 13 months at the time.

Ellis went into the room where the toddler was sleeping, indecently touched her and took photographs.

Judge Botting said because of Ellis's behaviour it was almost impossible to run a trial for him in the convential way.

But Judge Botting said it was a credit to the legal system the jury had taken some time to consider its verdicts and found Ellis not guilty of the major offence of rape.

The court heard it was the second time Ellis had been before the District Court in Brisbane on child sex charges.

Last month he was jailed for an effective eight years for breaking into a Brisbane family's home, stripping naked, molesting a three-year-old girl and taking indecent photographs of the toddler.

Ellis also abused the judge, prosecutor, police and the victim's family during that court hearing and on several occasions was sent to the cells.

At today's hearing, prosecutor David Nardone said it was while investigating the offences against the three year old girl Ellis had made admissions to police about the toddler.

Mr Nardone said to be fair the charges would not have been brought but for Ellis making admissions and even though it had gone to trial Ellis had to be given credit for that.

He said Ellis also should be given credit for the fact no violence was used.

Judge Botting noted a psychiatrist's report which reported Ellis had no mental illness but was a sexual deviant attracted to young girls.

He sentenced Ellis to two years jail cumulative on the eight years and set a new parole eligibility date of January 21, 2014.


Tuesday, 12.13.11
Congress weighs in on child sexual abuse, promises tougher laws
McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON -- He never thought anyone would believe him, said Sheldon Kennedy, a former NHL player and child sexual abuse victim.

The hockey star - he played for the Detroit Red Wings, the Boston Bruins and the Calgary Flames - told a Senate panel Tuesday that the sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of his coach as a junior player took 10 years for him to report.

"Why didn't I say anything?" Kennedy said. "This is the question that I asked myself again, and again, and again. It's the question I know everyone else was asking. And it's the question that plagues the millions of sexual abuse victims around the world."

There often are adults who have gut feelings that something is wrong, Kennedy said, but they do nothing because they're worried about getting involved or because they assume the authorities will take care of it.

In his case, his abuser was someone who in Canada had nearly God-like status, Kennedy said. It is not much different than the status of Jerry Sandusky, a former Penn State assistant football coach, who is accused of multiple counts of abuse.

"And that's what pedophiles and predators are counting on," said Kennedy, who called on Congress to find a way to empower adults to do more. "They are counting on the public's ignorance or - worse yet - their indifference. That's what keeps abusers in business. And that, senators, is what you have to address."

Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., who asked for the hearing, called sexual abuse the "ultimate betrayal" of a child's trust. It happens when adults fail, Casey told the committee, and he has proposed legislation that holds adults more accountable for reporting sex crimes against children.

Although prompted by the Penn State scandal, Tuesday's hearing focused instead on ways to protect, intervene and deter abuse, said Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., a former child neglect social worker in Baltimore and the chairwoman of the Children and Families subcommittee of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.

Mikulski said there were too many examples where children had been double victims - first at the time of the abuse, and then when abuse is overlooked, ignored or covered up, particularly in cases where there's an effort to protect institutions considered beyond reproach or "too big to fail."

"We want to break that code of silence," she said. "No institution should ever be too big to report, or too famous to report, and no adult should ever feel they are protected because of the brand they represent.

"Every adult has a responsibility to a child," she said. "If you see something, and you know something, then report it. Do something."

Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., urged wider use of criminal background checks, but he warned that offenders who are unknown are the greatest threat. "It is adults with whom the greatest responsibility of breaking the silence rests," he said.

The committee met the same day as Sandusky appeared in court and waived a preliminary hearing. Sandusky, who in 1977 founded The Second Mile charity for at-risk youth, faces 52 charges that he sexually abused 10 boys between 1994 and 2009.

So many people asked to testify at the Senate hearing that the committee had to turn down some high-profile advocates, including Lauren Book, a Florida woman and victim of sexual abuse whose prevention curriculum is being implemented in all Florida kindergarten classes in January.

Book, who submitted a written statement to the committee, called for legislation that would use federal funding to universities as a hammer to compel child abuse reporting. She also suggested administrative, civil and criminal penalties for failing to report, or for preventing another person from reporting. Also, since campus sexual assaults in general may not get proper investigation and prosecution because of overly close relationships between universities and campus police departments, she called for the ability of federal prosecutors to investigate such crimes.

"The Penn State and Syracuse tragedies are either a national wakeup call and teaching moment or a lost opportunity," Book said. "How we respond as a society, as a government and as individuals will demonstrate whether we truly value children or are willing to let them continue to be a commodity to be exploited."

"Every adult has a responsibility to a child," she said. "If you see something, and you know something, then report it. Do something.". Well, Hawkeye regards that as being a "snitch", and both BillRM and Hawkeye perversely see that as somehow unfair to men.
But that's just what the other passenger on the plane did when he saw Grant Smith viewing child pornography on his laptop--the crime that provoked this thread. Most normal people, concerned for the welfare of children, applaud that passenger's actions in notifying law enforcement, Hawkeye and BillRM have both argued against it. They'd like to see the world made a little safer for pedophiles.
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