Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Wed 30 Nov, 2011 03:43 am
A life sentence for the crime of solely possessing child pornography would seem to be excessive. A life sentence is what we give first-degree murderers, and possession of child pornography is not the equivalent of first-degree murder.
izzythepush wrote:
I disagree, most of us can see a situation in which we might have to kill another human being. None of us, (except for pathetic inadequates like you and the dribbler) could see a situation in which we would abuse a child. If the nonce is locked up it's not abusing kids. Children matter, nonces don't.
What the hell is a "nonce" ?
Can a child be a nonce ?

Who is the dribbler ?

I feel left out, left behind, of this colloquy. I dunno.
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Wed 30 Nov, 2011 03:53 am
firefly wrote:
Still, the arrest of 151 people is a troublingly high number of sexual deviates who are contributing to the abuse of all those children,
in all those images, that these creeps use for masturbation.

Lock them all up!
Shoud we consider enacting federal legislation of severe penalties for masturbation ?
Wed 30 Nov, 2011 04:01 am
izzythepush wrote:

The only people redefining rape are rapist nonces like you. You should be thankful that the law allows a pathetic lowlife nonce like you to spread your sick filth. People who abuse children are low life pieces of ****, and apologists like you are no better, you should all be castrated and branded. You're not a freedom fighter you're a sad little man.

You have I take it given up trying to win your point on merit, and have resorted to the claim that the question of the day is beneath your dignity. Is this evasion motivated by a belief on your part that you dont have an argument that is even worthy enough to try?? Inquiring minds would like to know...

0 Replies
Wed 30 Nov, 2011 04:03 am
the US government makes all new law for sex crimes, law that is nether consistent with the rest of law nor with the Constitution.

Untrue, and that article you posted about the man destroying his hard drive disputes that statement. All of the decisions in that case were made on the basis of existing law--and existing law that had nothing to do with "sex law".

Again, you seem not to understand the material you post.

Meanwhile, I haven't heard you offer a single, well thought out legal strategy for addressing child pornography crimes, including the crime of possession.

Most people do not regard the possession of child pornography as innocuous activity. The images in child pornography are records of crimes commited against children.
According to the Mayo Clinic of the U.S.A., studies and case reports indicate that 30% to 80% of individuals who viewed child pornography and 76% of individuals who were arrested for Internet child pornography had molested a child, however they note that it is difficult to know how many people progress from computerized child pornography to physical acts against children and how many would have progressed to physical acts without the computer being involved.

By the mid-1980's, the trafficking of child pornography within the United States had been almost completely eradicated through a series of successful campaigns waged by law enforcement. Child pornographers had become lonely and hunted individuals. Producing child abuse images was both difficult and expensive, and reproducing images was equally difficult and expensive. Purchasing and trading such images was extremely risky. Anonymous distribution and receipt was not possible and it was difficult for pedophiles to find and interact with each other. Unfortunately, technology has changed the situation.

Producing child abuse images has now become easy and inexpensive. The Internet allows images and digitized movies to be reproduced and disseminated to tens of thousands of individuals at the click of a button. The distribution and receipt of such images can be done almost anonymously. As a result, child pornography is readily available through virtually every Internet technology (web sites, email, instant messaging/ICQ, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), newsgroups/bulletin boards, and peer-to-peer). The technological ease, lack of expense, and anonymity in obtaining and distributing child pornography has resulted in an explosion in the availability, accessibility, and volume of child pornography.

CEOS works with the 93 United States Attorney offices around the country and investigative agencies to vigorously combat this growing problem. By maintaining a coordinated, national-level law enforcement focus, including coordinating nationwide and international investigations and prosecutions, CEOS works to deter the production, distribution and possession of child pornography by aggressively investigating and prosecuting of these crimes. Additionally, CEOS works with law enforcement to identify victims used to produce child pornography with the goal of rescuing the victims and preventing continued abuse of these children.

The passenger on the plane who reported Smith to law enforcement should be commended for his efforts. He saw a crime in progress and he took action.

Smith is just another deviate.

And this thread was just another excuse for Hawkeye to do his usual anti-government rant, and bemoan the fate of those convicted of sex related offenses. Another of his pity parties for sex offenders.

Same old, same old.
Wed 30 Nov, 2011 04:04 am
Shoud we consider enacting federal legislation of severe penalties for masturbation
As soon as we can test if that masturbatory action took place in conjunction with a fantasy of a girl at least one day younger than 18 YO, you betcha.
0 Replies
Wed 30 Nov, 2011 04:13 am
Meanwhile, I haven't heard you offer a single, well thought out legal strategy for addressing child pornography crimes, including the crime of possession

That is because the vast majority of what is now considered a crime I dont care to see considered a crime. Only producers and mass distributors should be criminals.

Most people do not regard the possession of child pornography as innocuous activity.
I do what I do, if others go the other way then they need to explain themselves but it is their right.

The images in child pornography are records of crimes commited against children.
That is fabulous, but in our system criminal activity is a crime against the state. Do you have any justification for making this activity subject to jurisdiction of the criminal system??
Wed 30 Nov, 2011 04:20 am
That is fabulous, but in our system criminal activity is a crime against the state.

Criminal activity is a violation of the laws of the state--that's what makes it a crime against the state.
Activity involving child pornography falls into that category.

This thread is nothing more than your usual pity party for sex offenders.

I have no pity for Professor Smith.

See ya.
Wed 30 Nov, 2011 04:30 am
See ya.

No doubt I will after you take a breather and attempt to come up with a better argument for your position..."IT'S THE LAW!" is your stock answer when you dont have anything else, and against me that is never going to work. I am impervious to manipulation and bullying, as I long ago learned how to handle scum like you.
Wed 30 Nov, 2011 05:21 am
hawkeye10 wrote:

No doubt I will after you take a breather and attempt to come up with a better argument for your position..."IT'S THE LAW!" is your stock answer when you dont have anything else, and against me that is never going to work. I am impervious to manipulation and bullying, as I long ago learned how to handle scum like you.

You're the bullying piece of scum. You hide behind the law when it suits you. If you want to live in the land of do as you please you need to know that cuts both ways, I want to castrate nonce pieces of **** like you, and I'm not alone in that. I've had more than my fair share of sexual encounters and I've never once been accused of rape, and neither have any of my mates. It's only pathetic little creeps like you, who need to subject women and children to sexual violence in order to feel like a man, who need to worry about that.

You're not a free thinker, or a freedom fighter, you're just a pathetic sexual inadequate who's too stupid to see what an insignificant dull little fuckwit you really are.

So stop boo-hooing about the big bad law, and be grateful that real man aren't allowed to dish out the justice you really deserve.
Wed 30 Nov, 2011 05:42 am
izzythepush wrote:

You're the bullying piece of scum. You hide behind the law when it suits you. If you want to live in the land of do as you please you need to know that cuts both ways, I want to castrate nonce pieces of **** like you, and I'm not alone in that. I've had more than my fair share of sexual encounters and I've never once been accused of rape, and neither have any of my mates. It's only pathetic little creeps like you, who need to subject women and children to sexual violence in order to feel like a man, who need to worry about that.

You're not a free thinker, or a freedom fighter, you're just a pathetic sexual inadequate who's too stupid to see what an insignificant dull little fuckwit you really are.

So stop boo-hooing about the big bad law, and be grateful that real man aren't allowed to dish out the justice you really deserve.

IdiotBill wrote:
It is also quite laughable that the demented piece of **** would run his mouth about being a "real man", while cowering behind a phony avatar and nickname no one in the real world would ever call him. "Short Eyes" is more like it, and what we'd call him around here, and he'd do well to run the other way each and every time he encountered a "real man", who recognized him for what he is. Clearly, that is precisely what he's afraid of and the reason he spews his demented would-be bully bullshit while cowering in anonymity. Hawkeye pontificating about what it means to be a real man is like Jeffrey Dahmer pontificating about what it means to be a humanitarian. Anyone considering taking his advice should also consider he is seemingly universally despised by every woman on A2K.

While it's certainly true that the 25th guy who tells the "hot girl" she's pretty today has done nothing to separate himself from the previous 24, and that sometimes the cocky aggressiveness of a Neanderthal will be instinctually interpreted as an attractive strength, the idea that it has to be one or the other is absurd. At best, the caveman mentality suggested by Short Eyes could fool the least perceptive of women for a very short while, but only until she realized that his phony projection of strength was the false bravado of a demented coward.

The "real man", the one worth being or having is the gentle man who stands up only when necessary and never feels compelled to demonstrate his strength on a weaker being. Roughly the exact opposite of the rape-advocating coward running his mouth here.

The answer to the title question is absolutely. Any woman (or man for that matter) worth having will demand no less, and there is nothing inherently weak in being respectful or gentle.

Ps. On a lighter note: I'd pay a hundred dollars to watch CJ crack Short Eyes with a frying pan, each and every time until I ran out of money!


You Pushy are going to have to up your game if you want me to take your insults seriously....IdiotBill was far better than you but still that was not good enough, he dont come around here no more after his whining did not work to get him his way and so he left in a huff.

Seriously, if you want to impress me the best way to do it is to make a better argument than me. You have a lot of work in front of you buddy boy.
Wed 30 Nov, 2011 05:51 am
Why would I want to impress a sad pathetic, and let's not forget incredibly stupid, loser like you? I'm just letting you know how your sentiments go down in the real world. I'm not interested in impressing you in the same way that I'm not interested in impressing a cockroach.
Wed 30 Nov, 2011 05:59 am
izzythepush wrote:

Why would I want to impress a sad pathetic, and let's not forget incredibly stupid, loser like you? I'm just letting you know how your sentiments go down in the real world. I'm not interested in impressing you in the same way that I'm not interested in impressing a cockroach.
I spend a lot of time in the real world, and normally have been very successful there....pissing in my ear and telling me it is raining is not going to work for you either.

Come on now, show me something interesting. You are boring me here.... not only do you refuse to discuss the subject but all of your diversion tactics have been done far better by others around here already and have failed to work.

Am I seeing your best shot? Is that all you've got?
Wed 30 Nov, 2011 06:11 am
I'm not surprised you're bored, we all know the sort of **** that interests you. And that's because you're way too stupid to be motivated by anything other than your primitive impulses. The only person you've impressed is Bill, whose subhuman credentials are demonstrated every time he tries to construct one of his slobbering, drooling, ham-fisted sentences.
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Wed 30 Nov, 2011 08:25 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

communists[/color], during the Third World War??????
This is the spirit of antagonism that we shoud ALL have applied against THEM (housing, etc.), but I never saw much of that.


Because we have this little thing called the US Constitution that protects political beliefs even if you disagree with them.
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Wed 30 Nov, 2011 08:53 am
I love the idea that Firefly does not consider a law that would place a 17 years old girl and her 19 years old boyfriend in prison for four years or more as nutty for taking picture of herself and sharing it with her sexual partner.

Or who punish at the same insane level for having pictures of older teens and child infant rape.

One wonder how crazy a law need to be for Firefly to consider it nutty.
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Wed 30 Nov, 2011 08:57 am
It looks like Bills advise to use technology to keep hard drives private are dashed to hell

Sorry but I keep all the family computers protected and would have zero need to place such protection on them after becoming aware of an investigation.

It not the same thing under the law Hawkeye.
0 Replies
Wed 30 Nov, 2011 08:59 am
It a good thing that you do not write the laws in you country as they unlike you are far saner then US laws in this matter.
Wed 30 Nov, 2011 09:07 am
The only people redefining rape are rapist nonces like you

Sorry but when a man can be charge and try for rape when a grown woman jump into his bed when he is asleep and begin having sex with him that is redefining the meaning of rape big time.

Oh so far your courts systems (UK) are agreeing with the old meaning of rape more then the new one.

If you agree with the US crazy sex laws maybe you should move to the states.

Wed 30 Nov, 2011 09:14 am
Unusual. Some spelling mistakes at tough times cost his all revenue and reputations. May be the dark times are over. Change is what he need. Smile
0 Replies
Wed 30 Nov, 2011 09:19 am

Sorry but when a man can be charge and try for rape when a grown woman jump into his bed when he is asleep and begin having sex with him that is redefining the meaning of rape big time.

When has that occurred?
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