Quote:We shud have let Elian stay (if he wanted to)
and given Castro Janet Reno.
BillRM wrote:A five or six years old desire to stay!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes; that is very important,
if the victim is making the
RIGHT choice
and his mom or dad is horribly rong, like trying to kill him like Andrea Yates
or Joel Steinberg, or Susan Smith,
or to put him into communist hell forever, like
Comrade Juan.
U failed to recognize my earlier arguments on this point,
thereby making me be redundant in pointing out
that if Mackenzie Phillips had adamantly refused
to accept offers of cocaine etc. from her father,
or if she rejected his sexual advances (regardless of her age),
she 'd be well within her moral rights,
as Elian was at age 6, to reject communist slavery.
Elian had to (and has to) live with the results and he
REJECTED slavery.
Your post implies that his choice was
NOT respectable,
i.e., that it was stupid, because of his age.
REDUNDANTLY, I say again (because u did not acknowledge it the first time)
that if a 6 year old boy runs out of a burning house that contains his family
and if his father yells out from inside that he wants his son
to be forced back into the flames because the kid
belongs to HIM,
the father is unfit. Living in slavery is
worse than that
and being young is worse because that means that
more time suffering the torment is forthcoming.
BillRM wrote:Sorry but no repeat no child at the age of 5 or 6
has the abilities to even understand the issues involved
Let us
ASSUME, for the moment, that thay r
ALL as stupid as u claim.
Thay shud be held in safety
NOT in permanent, irrevocable slavery,
until thay have figured it out.
I guess that u r telling us that it is OK that he be influenced in his decision
(pretending that he has one anymore) by 1OO% pure communist propaganda???
BillRM wrote:so that is why we have parents and legal guardians
and unless a parent can be shown to be unfit that who by default
are the legal guardians not a drunken great uncle and his crazy daughter.
His daughter did not do anything rong. She seems OK; nice person.
Have u become an anti-alcohol fanatic now??
U have drunk; I have drunk. I had my 1st drink at age 3 (did not like it).
All of my relatives drank alcohol, with no bad results.
SO WHAT???????
Will u freak out, if he starts drinking in Cuba???????
U just don't want him in
AMERICA, drunk or sober.
To use an extreme example that I thawt up (
NOT real life):
if Elian 's freedom-loving relatives who rescued him in Miami
had fed him vodka instead of milk and if he became a drunk at an early age,
that woud
STILL be a lot better than
In my opinion, it is better to be a drunk than a slave, Bill.
U might disagree.