Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Fri 15 Jun, 2012 03:03 pm
DAVID wrote:
As I remember it from the time,
Janet Reno had discretion under the law to grant Elian refugee status.
Legally, the choice was hers.
She coud accept him or reject him.
BillRM wrote:
Sorry it not that simple as the father would still had been free
to demand of the US courts custody of his child
He is an unfit parent,
because he is a communist slaver,
which is much worse than a drunk or a dope addict.

BillRM wrote:
and under no repeat no theory of law [How do u KNOW about all the theories of law??]
can that custody had been denial him in favor of distant relations with all kind of problems.
As I remember, the litigated question was the legal discretion of the Attorney General
and it was judicially determined that the A.G. DID have competent jd to decide this,
so Janet's will prevailed and Elian returned to slavery, where he remains now.
U must be very happy, as a liberal, for Elian's degradation in slavery forever, Bill.

The pictures of his degradation in slavery (he was weeping, in terror)
must be deemed pornografic, by definition,
so re-viewing them must be a violation of his privacy each time we look, right, Firefly ?

BillRM wrote:
So [that 's a non-sequitur] refugee statue or not
Elian would have been getting on a flight to Cuba the only thing
that the Fed government could had done would be to delay that day by a few months.
Your post is very, very presumptuous.
If I had been that judge,
there is NO chance that I 'd have forced a lifetime of slavery on an innocent person,
as if he had been convicted of murders. If the commie father sued,
I 'd simply dismiss his petition. That 's ez.

A decent judge woud simply have ruled in favor of Elian 's freedom,
not in favor of his commie father. As I already pointed out, and u ignored,
there was another case of a 12 year old boy whose father
flew back to a place in the communist empire
and his son refused to go. His commie father looked upon him as property
and tried to get judicial coercion, effectively to kidnap him into communist slavery.

The court simply kept adjourning the case until he reached age 18,
but he lived his life in FREEDOM.
Elian was not that lucky.
BillRM's liberal filosofy raped Elian out of his rightful, natural freedom, forever.
American murderers r treated better every week.
Fri 15 Jun, 2012 03:19 pm
He is an unfit parent,
because he is a communist slaver,
which is much worse than a drunk or a dope addict.

LOL that may be your opinion but I question if any court in the US would share your opinion in that regard!!!!!

Please give me one case in the last thirty years where a parent being a communist impact his or her custody of his or her children in the US.

In the 1950s maybe you could get have gotten a court to rule that way but not now.
0 Replies
Fri 15 Jun, 2012 03:23 pm
If I had been that judge,
there is NO chance that I 'd have forced a lifetime of slavery on an innocent person,
as if he had been convicted of murders. If the commie father sued,
I 'd simply dismiss his petition. That 's ez.

No question if you had been the judge in this case that would had been your ruling however you would have also been overrule by higher courts all most at once.

We no longer live in the 1950s even if you do.

Fri 15 Jun, 2012 03:30 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OK, here it IS:
the right of the kid HIMSELF to veto parental abuse.
No drunk nor drug addict is lower than a commie or nazi slaver.
parados wrote:
Your statement clearly shows you have that problem David.
I 'm just guessing that, in your mind,
this is a joke, by SOME reasoning, and that U think this is comprehensible.
0 Replies
Fri 15 Jun, 2012 03:44 pm
DAVID wrote:
If I had been that judge,
there is NO chance that I 'd have forced a lifetime of slavery on an innocent person,
as if he had been convicted of murders. If the commie father sued,
I 'd simply dismiss his petition. That 's ez.
BillRM wrote:
No question if you had been the judge in this case
that would had been your ruling however
you would have also been overrule by higher courts all most at once.
Lemme say something that I have said to people of A2K
who are in bad mental health, but that I have never said to u b4,
because I have learned from your posts that u r neither crazy nor stupid:
I accept that this is the opinion that u hold in your mind,
but that is the limit of it.

Justice was overwhelmed, defeated,
so that poor Elian was sent into the hell of communist slavery forever,
for the offense of being YOUNG.
Other anti-communist refugees from that SAME liferaft
live in freedom because thay r older.

Elian was SACRIFICED on the altar
of the concept that children are property. Its unAmerican. Its a disgrace.

Fri 15 Jun, 2012 03:58 pm
Justice was overwhelmed, defeated,
so that poor Elian was sent into the hell of communist slavery forever,
for the offense of being YOUNG.
Other anti-communist refugees from that SAME liferaft
live in freedom because thay r older.

From the follow ups by foreigns reporters he seems be be growing up as a happy and well adjusted young man and it is my opinion that would not had likely been the case if the clowns in Miami had gotten to raised him.

Fri 15 Jun, 2012 04:02 pm
He did get lucky in one way i.e. Janet Reno just turned him over to Castro; she has a history of testing out new kinds of napalm on kids like Elian.

Fri 15 Jun, 2012 05:52 pm
DAVID wrote:
Justice was overwhelmed, defeated,
so that poor Elian was sent into the hell of communist slavery forever,
for the offense of being YOUNG.
Other anti-communist refugees from that SAME liferaft
live in freedom because thay r older.
BillRM wrote:
From the follow ups by foreigns reporters he seems be be growing up as a happy and well adjusted young man and it is my opinion that would not had likely been the case if the clowns in Miami had gotten to raised him.
This only tells us that as a true liberal,
u r a commie-lover.

There is nothing rong with those people in Florida,
tho of course, no one is 1OO% perfect.
Thay were kind enuf to take Elian in.
Thay coud have told him to go to hell, which is where he WENT.
Fri 15 Jun, 2012 05:56 pm
NO. The kids in Waco do not have to put up with
a life full of communist slavery; after a few moments of pain, it was over;
not so lucky for poor Elian.

No one in this website (except me) has any sympathy for poor Elian, the slave.
0 Replies
Fri 15 Jun, 2012 06:48 pm
Sorry but there is all the evidences in the world that those happy campers burned their own building down by placing gasoline all around and therefore kill their own children.

Frankly given that they had killed one hell of a lot of federal agents the Federal government used a lot more restraint then I would had employed.

0 Replies
Fri 15 Jun, 2012 06:56 pm
There is nothing rong with those people in Florida,
tho of course, no one is 1OO% perfect.
Thay were kind enuf to take Elian in.
Thay coud have told him to go to hell, which is where he WENT

Sorry but the "uncle" was a drunk living off his wife and daughter and with Elian in his hands was given a "job" that he did not need to, in fact did not, show up for and have other money pour into his hands.

If memory serve me correctly the "uncle" was at the start renting a home and at the end had a home purchase for him.

Elian was a gold mine for these clowns.
Sat 16 Jun, 2012 12:49 am
DAVID wrote:
There is nothing rong with those people in Florida,
tho of course, no one is 1OO% perfect.
Thay were kind enuf to take Elian in.
Thay coud have told him to go to hell, which is where he WENT
BillRM wrote:
Sorry but the "uncle" was a drunk living off his wife and daughter
That 's over a million times better
than being a nazi or a commie that is going to hold Elian in slavery!!!
Bill, if u had the choice of spending the rest of your life as a slave,
sharing the company of a drunk at home, what woud u choose?????
Slavery for U ??????

BillRM wrote:
and with Elian in his hands was given a "job"
that he did not need to, in fact did not, show up for
and have other money pour into his hands.
That sounds OK.

BillRM wrote:
If memory serve me correctly the "uncle"
was at the start renting a home and at the end had a home purchase for him.
That 's wonderful!
That gave him MORE reason to keep Elian smiling.
Thay coud take Elian to DisneyWorld many, many times frequently!

BillRM wrote:
Elian was a gold mine for these clowns.
That 's really good for everyone.
The pro-freedom Cuban community helped out.

We shud have let Elian stay (if he wanted to)
and given Castro Janet Reno.

More important than the uncle was the GRANDMOTHER
from Cuba, who publicly confessed to opening Elian 's pants
and going in there in quest of Elian 's penis.

I thought that 'd put an end to it,
that he 'd be allowed to stay here to keep him safe from child molesters,
but even that did not work out.

The liberals were bound and determined
to get Elian back into eternal slavery, NO MATTER WHAT!
Sat 16 Jun, 2012 07:52 am
We shud have let Elian stay (if he wanted to)
and given Castro Janet Reno.

A five or six years old desire to stay!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry but no repeat no child at the age of 5 or 6 have the abilities to even understand the issues involved so that is why we have parents and legal guardians and unless a parent can be shown to be unfit that who by default are the legal guardians not a drunken great uncle and his crazy daughter.

Now no matter how many times you say if David believing in any one political system even one you happen to dislike is not a factor in whether parents are or are not fit guardians.

Sat 16 Jun, 2012 08:10 am

There is nothing rong with those people in Florida,
tho of course, no one is 1OO% perfect.

Unless you happen to live in a communist country.. then you are 100% Not worthy of having children.

You continue to show you are an idiot David. People that live under different governments don't lose parental rights just because of where they were born.
Sat 16 Jun, 2012 08:14 am
That 's over a million times better
than being a nazi or a commie that is going to hold Elian in slavery!!!
Bill, if u had the choice of spending the rest of your life as a slave,
sharing the company of a drunk at home, what woud u choose?????
Slavery for U ??????

David, it's statements like that which make you look like a 3 year old. The spelling is atrocious and the thought process is even worse.
Sat 16 Jun, 2012 08:41 am
Unless you happen to live in a communist country.. then you are 100% Not worthy of having children.

You continue to show you are an idiot David. People that live under different governments don't lose parental rights just because of where they were born.

To be fair to David the father is a member of the communist party however to me that in no way bar anyone from being a fit parent and second all four of the grandparents also wished Elian returned to Cuba and they would be the default guardians if you did removed the father rights and I highly doubt that all four of them are members of the communist party.
0 Replies
Sat 16 Jun, 2012 11:26 am
DAVID wrote:
That 's over a million times better
than being a nazi or a commie that is going to hold Elian in slavery!!!
Bill, if u had the choice of spending the rest of your life as a slave,
sharing the company of a drunk at home, what woud u choose?????
Slavery for U ??????
parados wrote:
David, it's statements like that which make you look like a 3 year old.
The spelling is atrocious and the thought process is even worse.
Mr. Parados, if making a GOOD IMPRESSION on u were important to me,
then I guess that I 'd CARE about the opinion that u posted.

0 Replies
Sat 16 Jun, 2012 03:37 pm
We shud have let Elian stay (if he wanted to)
and given Castro Janet Reno.
BillRM wrote:
A five or six years old desire to stay!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes; that is very important,
if the victim is making the RIGHT choice
and his mom or dad is horribly rong, like trying to kill him like Andrea Yates
or Joel Steinberg, or Susan Smith,
or to put him into communist hell forever, like Comrade Juan.

U failed to recognize my earlier arguments on this point,
thereby making me be redundant in pointing out
that if Mackenzie Phillips had adamantly refused
to accept offers of cocaine etc. from her father,
or if she rejected his sexual advances (regardless of her age),
she 'd be well within her moral rights, as Elian was at age 6, to reject communist slavery.
Elian had to (and has to) live with the results and he REJECTED slavery.
Your post implies that his choice was NOT respectable,
i.e., that it was stupid, because of his age.

REDUNDANTLY, I say again (because u did not acknowledge it the first time)
that if a 6 year old boy runs out of a burning house that contains his family
and if his father yells out from inside that he wants his son
to be forced back into the flames because the kid belongs to HIM,
the father is unfit. Living in slavery is worse than that
and being young is worse because that means that
more time suffering the torment is forthcoming.

BillRM wrote:
Sorry but no repeat no child at the age of 5 or 6
has the abilities to even understand the issues involved
Let us ASSUME, for the moment, that thay r ALL as stupid as u claim.
Thay shud be held in safety NOT in permanent, irrevocable slavery,
until thay have figured it out.

I guess that u r telling us that it is OK that he be influenced in his decision
(pretending that he has one anymore) by 1OO% pure communist propaganda???

BillRM wrote:
so that is why we have parents and legal guardians
and unless a parent can be shown to be unfit that who by default
are the legal guardians not a drunken great uncle and his crazy daughter.
His daughter did not do anything rong. She seems OK; nice person.
Have u become an anti-alcohol fanatic now??
U have drunk; I have drunk. I had my 1st drink at age 3 (did not like it).
All of my relatives drank alcohol, with no bad results. SO WHAT???????
Will u freak out, if he starts drinking in Cuba???????
U just don't want him in AMERICA, drunk or sober.

To use an extreme example that I thawt up (NOT real life):
if Elian 's freedom-loving relatives who rescued him in Miami
had fed him vodka instead of milk and if he became a drunk at an early age,
that woud STILL be a lot better than LIVING HIS LIFE IN SLAVERY.

In my opinion, it is better to be a drunk than a slave, Bill.
U might disagree.

0 Replies
Sat 16 Jun, 2012 03:57 pm
DAVID wrote:
There is nothing rong with those people in Florida,
tho of course, no one is 1OO% perfect.
parados wrote:
Unless you happen to live in a communist country.. then you are 100% Not worthy of having children.
Candor moves me to say:
if I were so unfortunate as to live in slavery
(born under communism or nazism or other slavery),
I 'd consider myself to be morally derelict
to bring a human life into the world to endure the same torment.

Is that sadistic ??????

parados wrote:
You continue to show you are an idiot David.
Idiots cannot read or write.
I might have expected u to KNOW that already.

Sat 16 Jun, 2012 04:43 pm
My mistake David. You're a moron, not an idiot.
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