Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Sat 16 Jun, 2012 04:45 pm
I 'd consider myself to be morally derelict
to bring a human life into the world to endure the same torment.

I would love for you to describe the torment endured by humans in Cuba.

My god, the slavery of getting paid for work and then having to buy food. No country other than a communist one would subject workers to that kind of slavery.
Sat 16 Jun, 2012 05:43 pm
Well, I respect your freedom of choice
to subject yourself to totalitarianism if u wanna. I don't recommend it.
Do u prefer Cuba or North Korea ?

Very sadly, (AFTER he had successfully escaped therefrom),
that 's more freedom than Elian the slave had then or has now,
but don 't let me interfere with your autonomy,
if wanna relinquish all of your Individual rights.

Will u let us know what happens
if u impugn the intelligence of the Commissar ?
Sat 16 Jun, 2012 05:59 pm
I see you can't tell us specifics of why it's slavery. But then I knew you wouldn't be able to.

The simple fact of the matter is that humans have always existed under a lot of different conditions. None of those conditions has been a reason to not raise children. Your argument flies in the face of history and human rights. But then I didn't expect you to understand it because you are so childlike in your fears that you can't see anything but the bogyman you have created.
Sat 16 Jun, 2012 06:27 pm
parados wrote:
I see you can't tell us specifics of why it's slavery.
But then I knew you wouldn't be able to.
U "see" that, huh??
What is the source of your information on what I can DO ?

parados wrote:
The simple fact of the matter is that humans have always existed
under a lot of different conditions. None of those conditions
has been a reason to not raise children.
SADISTS might very well like it, right Comrade ?

parados wrote:
Your argument flies in the face of history and human rights.
I did not dispute their right to breed, Parados.
I merely observed that it was an unkind thing to DO,
if the victim of the breeding is gonna be subjected to
however many decades of communist torment.

parados wrote:
But then I didn't expect you to understand it
because you are so childlike in your fears
I have no fear of deportation to Cuba!

Multiple be the chuckles.

0 Replies
Sun 17 Jun, 2012 10:37 am
DAVID wrote:
I 'd consider myself to be morally derelict
to bring a human life into the world to endure the same torment.
parados wrote:
I would love for you to describe the torment endured by humans in Cuba.
The commies repress & oppress their slaves,
violating all of their natural rights,
including (at will) all of those set forth in our Bill of Rights.

Those slaves r victims of political rape, economic rape, mental & emotional rape & sodomy.

Thay also know that thay r only cabable of giving birth to MORE prisoners for the rapists, Parados.

Elian lived in freedom, for a few months; thay even took him to Disney World.
After that, Janet Reno sent him back to be raped for the rest of his life.
Sun 17 Jun, 2012 05:29 pm
violating all of their natural rights,
including (at will) all of those set forth in our Bill of Rights.

You do know that only the US have our bill of rights and such evil countries such as the UK does not honor our ideals in that area?

So should we seize the children of the Queen subjects due to that fact?

An the UK is the mother country to us so it is as near as it get as far as rights are concern so we should be seizing almost all the children outside our borders by your logic.
Sun 17 Jun, 2012 11:24 pm
DAVID wrote:
violating all of their natural rights,
including (at will) all of those set forth in our Bill of Rights.
BillRM wrote:
You do know that only the US have our bill of rights
and such evil countries such as the UK does not honor our ideals in that area?
I am not an expert on English law in this Century.
I am aware that there is some degree of merit
in what u said.

BillRM wrote:
So should we seize the children of the Queen subjects due to that fact?

An the UK is the mother country to us so it is as near as it get as far
as rights are concern so we should be seizing almost all the children outside our borders by your logic.
Bill, please, I implore u to take cognizance that my position has always been
that we shud have taken a laissez faire filosofy qua Elian, the same as we did
for the older members of his liferaft refugee party.
That simply means that we do NOTHING with Elian
and simply respect his personal choices to stay or to go ANYWHERE,
at any time that HE decides to leave.
( That applies to anyone else, too [other than incarcerated convicts].)

Bill, please look carefully at your post; u will see
that it refers to us taking aggressive action, applying dramatic COERCION,
in contrast to my exhortation of personal liberty by doing nothing.

I suggested now and then,
that we simply LEAVE ELIAN ALONE, uninterfered with in Miami,
the same as the older members of his refugee party; no problem.
Elian was happy; he did not apply for any help from any government.
Let him go to Walt Disney World (not to hell, where Janet sent him).

Sun 17 Jun, 2012 11:43 pm
and simply respect his personal choices to stay or to go ANYWHERE,
at any time that HE decides to leave.

A five or six years olds does not have personal choices in such matters anymore then it was his choice in the first place to leave Cuba with his mother and her boyfriend instead of his mother decision alone to take him.

So all you are saying is we should have allow the clowns in Miami the right to decide to keep him away from his father and all four of his grandparents as any adult guardians can get any child they have control over to say anything they care for him or her to say at that age.

Once he was reunited with his father in the US he was more then happy to return to Cuba with his father and had always afterward expressed his pleasant that he had been return to his country and doing so long after he had reached an age where he can have independent judgments in such matters.

Mon 18 Jun, 2012 01:21 am
BillRM wrote:
An the UK is the mother country to us so it is as near as it get as far as rights are concern so we should be seizing almost all the children outside our borders by your logic.

Don't bring us into this. The UK is not your mother country, you have nothing to do with the UK. We don't want you, so **** off.
0 Replies
Mon 18 Jun, 2012 01:25 am
DAVID wrote:
and simply respect his personal choices to stay or to go ANYWHERE,
at any time that HE decides to leave.
BillRM wrote:
A five [5????] or six year old does not have personal choices
He DOES and he woud have,
IF Janet had simply left it up to HIM, as I woud have done, if I'd been in her position.
Janet simply screwed Elian out of his natural freedom,
for the rest of his life, as if he were convicted of murder.
She need only have treated him THE SAME
as all of the other refugees from that liferaft, with no discrimination.
That 's not asking too much.

BillRM wrote:
in such matters anymore then it was his choice
in the first place to leave Cuba with his mother and her boyfriend
instead of his mother decision alone to take him.
He 'd be free now, if his mom had not drowned.

BillRM wrote:
So all you are saying is we should have allow the clowns in Miami
There is nothing rong with Elian's relatives in Miami.
( There is something ineffably foul about his relatives in Cuba. )
There is NO shame in drinking alcohol; almost everyone does it.
It is perfectly honorable. Their generosity was admirable.
Thay coud have been worse and REJECTED Elian, but thay took him in.
Thay even got him lawyers.

BillRM wrote:
the right to decide to keep him away from his father
NO; it was simply to recognize Elian 's natural right to VETO
his communist father 's interference, his effort to destroy Elian 's freedom.
We shud have supported Elian, like defending a helpless dog
whose owner is beating him in the street, or defending a woman
from a wife beater.

BillRM wrote:
and all four of his grandparents
What about the grandmother who told of opening Elian 's pants
and going in there after Elian 's penis??
I have brought this up several times, with no response.
Child molestation.

BillRM wrote:
as any adult guardians can get any child they have control over
to say anything they care for him or her to say at that age.
Were U that kind of a child, Bill??
I did and SAID whatever I deemed appropriate, all the time.

BillRM wrote:
Once he was reunited with his father in the US he was more then happy to return to Cuba
Did someone ASK him if he wanted to live out his life as a communist slave?????

BillRM wrote:
with his father and had always afterward expressed his pleasant that he had been return to his country and doing so long after he had reached an age where he can have independent judgments in such matters.
Bill, he does NOT live like U do,
speaking freely BECAUSE HE IS A COMMUNIST SLAVE because of Janet and Clinton.

Mon 18 Jun, 2012 01:43 am
He 'd be free now, if his mom had not drowned

That is an interesting question as does one parent have the rights to take children over international borders away from the other parent?

I know of more then one case where the US government did not agree that one parent have that right and had done it best to get US children back when one parent had taken children out of the country against the wishes of the other parent.

She would likely had gotten away with doing what she did because of our poor relationship with Cuba however that did not make her actions correct to say the least under international laws.

Mon 18 Jun, 2012 02:26 am
DAVID wrote:
He 'd be free now, if his mom had not drowned.
BillRM wrote:
That is an interesting question
Thank u.

BillRM wrote:
as does one parent have the rights to take children
over international borders away from the other parent?
U keep ignoring and omitting the fact of communist totalitarian slavery, as if it did not matter.
Cuba is a prison, a hell hole filled with slaves, including Elian.
When a parent saves a child from communist slavery
it is the same as saving him from a burning building.

Additionally, the mother, by nature,
is the natural guardian of her child; her female rights
shud exceed those of a mere father. Obviously, the final decision
shud rest with the child himself, if or when he is able to speak.

BillRM wrote:
I know of more then one case where the US government did not agree that one parent have that right and had done it best to get US children back when one parent had taken children out of the country against the wishes of the other parent.
Yes; in the other direction.

BillRM wrote:
She would likely had gotten away with doing what she did
because of our poor relationship with Cuba .
Its not just "our poor relationship with Cuba";
it is a rescue from communist slavery. That is the whole point.
If Elian were an illegal alien from Mexico: deport him!

BillRM wrote:
however that did not make her actions correct
to say the least under international laws
WHICH international laws were those, Bill ?

Mon 18 Jun, 2012 07:51 am
U keep ignoring and omitting the fact of communist totalitarian slavery, as if it did not matter.
Cuba is a prison, a hell hole filled with slaves, including Elian.
When a parent saves a child from communist slavery
it is the same as saving him from a burning building

You been to Cuba yourself?

I know many Miami Cubans who go back to visit relations a few times a year and even them who had fled the island do not describe the island or life on the island in the terms you seems to love to do.

You seems to be in a time wrap and back in the 1950s as it would not be a country where I would care to live in and I might end up in prison for opening my mouth too must however a hellhole is a bit must.

Mon 18 Jun, 2012 11:19 am
DAVID wrote:
U keep ignoring and omitting the fact of communist totalitarian slavery, as if it did not matter.
Cuba is a prison, a hell hole filled with slaves, including Elian.
When a parent saves a child from communist slavery
it is the same as saving him from a burning building
BillRM wrote:
You been to Cuba yourself?
NO! I am honoring Ike 's boycott.
I am not going over there to leave American money behind
supporting communism.

BillRM wrote:
I know many Miami Cubans who go back to visit relations a few times a year
I know a woman whose son is in prison for murder.
I guess she goes to visit him 1ce in a while; SO WHAT??

BillRM wrote:
and even them who had fled the island do not describe the island
or life on the island in the terms you seems to love to do.

You seems to be in a time wrap and back in the 1950s as it would not be a country
where I would care to live in and I might end up in prison
for opening my mouth too must however a hellhole is a bit must.
We know what it IS.
That is not in controversy.

I disagree with the notion that u implied
that it is not good enuf for u (or me, either) but it is OK for Elian.
I have more respect for him than that.

I have no respect at all for his father.
I have no good will at all for his father.

I notice that despite my repeatedly bringing up the subject
of Elian 's child molestation, by his grandmothers, that no response has been forthcoming.

U keep insulting Elian 's noble, generous relatives in Miami,
but no comment about the confessed child molestation by his grandmothers.

I 'm pretty sure that if Elian 's freedom-loving relatives in Miami
had done the same thing, then the anti-freedom advocates woud be screaming more insults at them.

U have not been even-handed, nor fair,
in your comments about Elian 's relatives.
U complain about drinking too much,
but u say NOTHING about the admitted & confessed sexual molestation,
and that is not just U, but that applies to ALL opponent's of Elian 's freedom.

Janet 's commie-loving decision really stunk.
We shud have left Elian alone, undisturbed,
the same as the older members of his refugee party.
Janet 's decision was: LIFE IN PRISON for being young.

Mon 18 Jun, 2012 11:57 am
Strange is it not that China with the same kind of government, as Cuba we can visit and spend all the funds that we care to do so and my wife did in fact do a tour of China not that long ago but a little tiny island off our shore we are not allow to visit for some reason?

Citizens of this free "country" can not visit Cuba and see it themselves and all to make some right wing Cubans in Miami happy where they can and do visit the island all they wish to themselves.

Now tell me how we are so free when our rights to travel is limited in such a manner.

Hell maybe someday we will had the freedom to visit Elian ourselves and ask him how he is doing a right we do not currently have not due to the Cuban government but due to ours!!!!!!!!!!!
Mon 18 Jun, 2012 12:16 pm
BillRM wrote:
Strange is it not that China with the same kind of government, as Cuba we can visit and spend all the funds that we care to do so and my wife did in fact do a tour of China not that long ago but a little tiny island off our shore we are not allow to visit for some reason?
I think that the strategy was to addict the Chinese to American money.
Thay r natural capitalists; communism was an aberration for them.
It is restoring them to their nature, winning the 3rd World War peacefully.
Personally, I 've only gone to NATIONALIST CHINA
and to Hong Kong, b4 the English gave it to the Chinese Reds.

BillRM wrote:
Citizens of this free "country" can not visit Cuba and see it themselves
I am honoring Ike's boycott.
He shud have invaded and overthrown communism,
or maybe upheld Batista against Castro.
This is in furtherance of the War Power.

BillRM wrote:
and all to make some right wing Cubans in Miami happy
That is a very fine goal, worthy of much admiration!!!

BillRM wrote:
where they can and do visit the island all they wish to themselves.
Thay have relatives back there,
their moms, still held in slavery.

BillRM wrote:
Now tell me how we are so free when our rights to travel is limited in such a manner.
It is the WAR POWER.
Article I Section 8; I support it.

BillRM wrote:
Hell maybe someday we will had the freedom
to visit Elian ourselves and ask him how he is doing a right we do
not currently have not due to the Cuban government but due to ours!!!!!!!!!!!
He is a slave; no rights of free speech.
Undoubtedly, he has been brainwashed to Castro 's content, unobstructed.
Castro was free to sodomize Elian 's brain all he wanted 24/7/365.
Mon 18 Jun, 2012 12:52 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Personally, I 've only gone to NATIONALIST CHINA
and to Hong Kong, b4 the English gave it to the Chinese Reds.

At least get the facts right Dave. It was the British government, don't forget about the Scots and Welsh. We didn't give anything away, we were honouring a treaty.

Also, militarily there was no way we could defend Hong Kong, so America would have had to get involved. This would have put both of us on the wrong side of international law, and could have led to something a lot worse.

Try thinking things through, before you start making simplistic comments that serve no purpose other than promoting your own blinkered ideology.

Btw, what you've been saying about communists making bad parents is totally ******* ridiculous. But you knew I'd say that.
Mon 18 Jun, 2012 12:54 pm
So who the slave master here that we should had used our military forces to imposes the form of government we would be happy with on the Cuban people?

A government that would surely had placed our interests over the interests of the Cuban people if they knew what were best for them.

It is amusing that I would had been for that solution in the light of and during the cold war years however I would not have been talking about freedoms for the Cuban people but our national interests instead.

In any case chains are fine for the Cuban people as long as it our chains it would seems as far as you are concern David.
0 Replies
Mon 18 Jun, 2012 12:55 pm
So who the slave master here that we should had used our military forces to imposes the form of government we would be happy with on the Cuban people?

A government that would surely had placed our interests over the interests of the Cuban people if they knew what were best for them.

It is amusing that I would had been for that solution in the light of and during the cold war years however I would not have been talking about freedoms for the Cuban people but our national interests instead.

In any case chains are fine for the Cuban people as long as it our chains it would seems at least as far as you are concern David.
Tue 19 Jun, 2012 04:55 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Personally, I 've only gone to NATIONALIST CHINA
and to Hong Kong, b4 the English gave it to the Chinese Reds.
izzythepush wrote:
At least get the facts right Dave.
OK, Izzy.

izzythepush wrote:
It was the British government,
don't forget about the Scots and Welsh.
Well, there is not much honor in giving away English territory,
that thay shud object to being left out of mention for the deed.

izzythepush wrote:
We didn't give anything away, we were honouring a treaty.
No; that 's inaccurate, Izzy.
I remember. I lived thru it.
I was in Hong Kong for part of that time.
Thay were not happy about impending doom.
Fortunately, Hong Kong is such a cash cow
that the Red Chinese said thay 'll keep it intact for 5O years.
It is also fortunate for Hong Kong that because of the great success
of capitalism, China has tacitly, de facto abandoned communism,
tho it remains a military dictatorship. (Irony: is it the OPPOSITE of a R.I.N.O.?)
Also, except for the fact that u were recognizing the expiration
of your lease (by its own terms) on the New Territories,
u were NOT honoring any treaty in giving Hong Kong
to the Red Chinese (the pink Chinese??). Hong Kong was English forever
(kinda like Liverpool, but not as close). That was the deal.

izzythepush wrote:
Also, militarily there was no way we could defend Hong Kong,
so America would have had to get involved.
I don 't remember the Red Chinese threatening violence toward Hong Kong,
nor demanding its surrender. Did I miss something????????

izzythepush wrote:
This would have put both of us on the wrong side of international law,
and could have led to something a lot worse.
WHICH "international law" is that, Izzy?????
Please enlighten me, prithee.

izzythepush wrote:
Try thinking things through,
before you start making simplistic comments that serve no purpose
other than promoting your own blinkered ideology.
O, really??
Thinking things thru, huh ????
Do u wish to say anything else of that nature, on re-consideration ????

izzythepush wrote:
Btw, what you've been saying about communists making bad parents
is totally ******* ridiculous. But you knew I'd say that.
U can advocate slavery,
if such be your choice, Izzy. Its not mine.

Without exaggeration, if it had been me in Elian 's position,
I 'd have been 1OOO times better off rooming with Jerry Sandusky
(assuming that he is guilty) than in living in slavery, even for a minute,
let alone life in slavery, like a convicted murderer.

I 'm carrying the flag for the notion
that IF a 6 year old child is CORRECT in his choice
to reject the wishes of his father or mother
(e.g., if Mackensie Phillips rejects cocaine offered by John, her dad,
or if she rejects his sexual advances) THEN, his choice of remaining clean,
or innocent, or free shud be RESPECTED.
Elian 's choice to stay in Miami, rejecting communist slavery shud have been respected.

We had a case not long ago, wherein a mom was trying to murder
her children. Thay fled for refuge to a nabor's house, unsuccessfully
attempting to get in. Their mom commanded them to come back inside their house.
Thay complied, whereupon, she completed the murdering process upon them.
(I wonder what the penalty for insubordination woud have been.)
Thay needed to fight back; their lives depended on it.
Elian needed to fight back; his FREEDOM depended on it.


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