BillRM wrote:Sorry David but off hand I can not think
of a more fundamental right than to raise your own children
OK, here it
the right of the kid
HIMSELF to veto parental abuse.
No drunk nor drug addict is lower than a commie or nazi slaver.
I wish that the 7 year old Noah had grabbed up a weapon
and killed his mother, Andrea Yates, b4 she drowned the whole family in the bathtub,
or Susan Smith's children had successfully defeated their mother b4 she drowned
but presumably u will support the
"FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT" to kill their children.
That is kinder than subjecting them to decades of communist slavery.
The kid belongs to
HIMSELF; he is not his father 's property.
What we did to Elian was sadistic perversity,
and we took pictures of him, too, being degraded,
raped out of his rightful freedom by American troops.
I guess that
Firefly is mad about that.
Elian is being
re-victimized, each time that anyone looks at that picture.
BillRM wrote:and anyone who wish to take that right away from any group due to political outlooks and believes of that group is dead wrong.
Once you try to go down that path there is no end to it until the human race has destroyed itself in wars
or only one narrow and I mean narrow outlook on life remains.
That already happened. We
WON the Third World War on Christmas of 1991.
BillRM wrote:You are kind of reminding me of programs to take away the children of native Americans and raise them far away from their tribes into a more European cultural outlook and this craziness was going on in Canada as late as the 1960s!!!!!
What thay do in Canadia is none of my business.
BillRM wrote:Being an atheist it would be nice for myself if any group that religiously indoctrinated their children
before the age of reason is reach should not be able to raised their children either.
Now also how can a "good" Christian allow any other groups to raised their children not to believe in Jesus
The rules of Christianity do not require interfering with children.
BillRM wrote:or how can any good Muslim allow any group to raise their children
not to believe in Mohammed as the prophet of God and so on?
Chances r that u r right
about the Moslems. I 'm no expert on that.