Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Wed 13 Jun, 2012 04:39 pm
Next the don't do the crime nonsense if you do not wish to do the time is not an excuse to have irrational punishments
in our legal system.
firefly wrote:
It's reason enough for me not to feel particularly sympathetic toward those who are convicted and have to serve those sentences.
The citizens of America 'd be better off
if the holders of public office who conspired to violate our rights
of free communication and thought control to conform to the wishes of government
were in prison, instead of the publishers.

Actual rapists shud be criminally prosecuted for rape, not for photography.
Abraham Zapruder does not belong in prison.

0 Replies
Wed 13 Jun, 2012 04:50 pm
It's reason enough for me not to feel particularly sympathetic toward those who are convicted and have to serve those sentences.

Dear you are the type, in my opinion, who love to see people lives ruin for any possible reason or excuse.

Once more however ruining someone life that up to that point had been a contributing member of society not only harm him or her but the society as a whole and therefore should not be done lightly for that reason alone.

Second keeping more blacks men in prisons at any one time then there was living under slavery in 1850 for example is not a good thing even if you write if you do not wish to do the time do not do the crime a million times.

Too bad people like you would not need to carry the burden of such a record setting prison population yourselves and the rest of us could keep more of our money in our own pockets.

Oh and paid a sir tax for the secondary affects of removing taxpayers off the taxs paying rolls.

Wed 13 Jun, 2012 04:58 pm
Y not censor pictures of ALL crimes??
What is the reason for singling out people of any particular age group??

If you have to ask that question then you clearly know nothing about children.
Wed 13 Jun, 2012 05:21 pm
Oh, spare me your phony bleeding heart routine.

These people knowingly violated laws and committed crimes--they are responsible for their criminal actions, and they knew in advance what the penalties might be.

My sympathies are with the children these criminals sexually exploit for their masturbatory needs. Let them rely on their own fantasies if they want to jerk off. If they choose to possess illegal images of child sexual abuse, they will have to face the possibility of severe legal penalties. That's reality.
Wed 13 Jun, 2012 05:51 pm
My my Firefly you are far more of a sadist then Hawkeye ever dream of being.

An a racist, as I can not see you thinking there is anything wrong with for example sentencing blacks for must longer sentences for dealing in crack then whites for dealing in cocaine of the same amounts.

Here is an example of why we have ten times the percent of our population lock up then the UK does..

Under federal law, a judge must sentence a person convicted of possession of a kilogram of heroin to at least 10 years. The same offender in Britain would receive a maximum sentence of 6 months.18


C r u e l a n d U n u s ua l
U.S. Sentencing Practices in a Glob al Context

Executive Summar y

“Our resources are misspent, our punishments too severe, our
sentences too long.”
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy1

In the United States, people who are found in possession of drugs, a non-violent offense, can be sentenced to die behind bars.2 A person can get a 25 year to life sentence for stealing golf clubs if he has committed two previous offenses,3 or a life sentence if he has stolen small sums of money three times.4 A person can get a series of consecutive sentences for each of the component parts of his conduct, such as counting each child pornography file as a separate offense, resulting in a 150 year sentence, much longer than if that person had actually molested a child.5 A person who sells a handful of drugs can face a andatory sentence of 15 years.6 In many states, a child can be prosecuted at any age, tried as an adult, and sentenced to life without parole.7 U.S. law allows the same defendant to face prosecution twice, by both the federal and state government.

And even if legislators decide to enact laws that lighten sentences, the new law does not automatically apply to prisoners already serving their sentences.9

All of these sentencing practices—life without the possibility of parole, “three strikes” laws, consecutive sentences, mandatory minimums, juvenile justice laws, dual sovereignty, and non-retroactive application of ameliorative law—are used frequently in the United States in ways they are not in the rest of the world.

These American practices, focused on goals of deterrence and retribution, neglect the possibility of rehabilitation

Meanwhile, international human rights law places social rehabilitation and reformation as the aims of any penitentiary system. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, a human rights treaty that the United States has signed and ratified, says, “The penitentiary system shall comprise treatment of prisoners the essential aim of which shall be their reformation and social rehabilitation.”10 By ratifying this document, the United States has agreed that it will uphold this basic human right.Despite this obligation, the United States is an outlier among countries in its sentencing practices. The U.S. is among the minority of countries (20%) known to researchers as having life without parole (LWOP) sentences. The vast majority of countries that do allow for LWOP sentences have high restrictions on when they can be issued, such as only for murder or for two or more convictions of life sentence-eligible crimes. The number of prisoners serving LWOP sentences is more than
41,000 in the United States.11 In contrast, there are 59 serving such sentences in Australia,12 41 in England,13 and 37 in the Netherlands.14 The size of the U.S.’s LWOP population dwarfs other countries’ on a per capita basis as well; it is 51 times Australia’s, 173 times England’s, and 59 times the Netherlands’.15Recidivism statutes in the United States allow a person with multiple convictions to be given lengthy sentences. While many countries take past criminal history into account for sentencing, very few of them apply a blanket punishment that is as harsh as those used in the United States, where 3,700 people who have never committed a violent crime are serving 25
years to life in California alone.16A systemic problem in the United States is that courts have not considered consecutive sentencing, or punishing one wrong as if it were two or more, as a major problem.17 As a result, they have not offered comprehensive remedies or established clear lines on when sentences should be consecutive or concurrent. Only 21% of countries around the world, including the United States, allow uncapped consecutive sentences for multiple crimes arising out of the same act.

Mandatory minimum sentences in the United States have also increased sentence lengths, particularly for drug crimes.

Under federal law, a judge must sentence a person convicted of possession of a kilogram of heroin to at least 10 years. The same offender in Britain would receive a maximum sentence of 6 months.18

There is no minimum age of criminal liability in many U.S. jurisdictions (in 32 out of 50 states) and in the 18 states that do have them, the age is less than 10.19 International legal standards however suggest the minimum age of criminal liability to be 12.20 The United States is only one of 16% of countries in the world that allow for juveniles to be tried and sentenced as adults. The United States is the only country in the world that in practice sentences juveniles to life without parole.21 Its maximum sentence for juveniles, life without parole, is much more severe than those found in the majority of the world (65%), which either limit sentences to 20 years or less or reduce the degree of the crime for juveniles. The United States, Somalia, and South Sudan are the only three countries in the world that are not state parties to the Convention on the Rights of the Child.22

The United States, Canada, and Micronesia are the only countries known to researchers that allow successive prosecution of the same defendant by both the federal and state government for the same crime.23

International law and practice indicate that when a change of law will benefit an offender it should apply retroactively. The majority of countries in the world (67%) provide for this type of retroactive application of ameliorative law. In contrast, the U.S. federal government and state legislatures frequently refuse to apply the lighter penalty to those already sentenced.24

The sentencing practices in the United States persist at the same time that the United States has the largest prison population in the world and the highest incarceration rate in the world.25 Never before have so many people been locked up for so long and for so little as in the United States.
0 Replies
Wed 13 Jun, 2012 06:01 pm
My sympathies are with the children these criminals sexually exploit for their masturbatory needs. Let them rely on their own fantasies if they want to jerk off. If they choose to possess illegal images of child sexual abuse, they will have to face the possibility of severe legal penalties. That's reality.

Interesting however you had already stated in this long thread that you would not care if the CP was real or CG you would still wish holders of even unreal CP sentences to long terms in prison.

Had you change you mind that as long as the CP contain no real children those evil pedophiles can jerk off in peace?
0 Replies
Wed 13 Jun, 2012 07:23 pm
DAVID wrote:
Y not censor pictures of ALL crimes??
What is the reason for singling out people of any particular age group??
parados wrote:
If you have to ask that question then you clearly know nothing about children.
I have always disapproved of limiting kids or segregating kids from adults,
ESPECIALLY when I was a kid. Admittedly I did not have much problem, myself,
but the concept was offensive, as applied generally.

I just saw on TV, AMERICAN GUNS, a 13 year old Colorado fellow
who has been shooting competitively since he was 5.
He beat me by 3 years.
He is buying a custom made Winchester 1873 rifle for competition for $18,OOO (negotiated).

He is number 3 among adults nationally in competitive shooting.

He has drawn two .45 caliber revolvers simultaneously (shown in video)
and hit 1O targets within 3 seconds. HE IS AN AMERICAN!!!

I have respect for youth.

Wed 13 Jun, 2012 07:58 pm

Dillon, the 13 year old gentleman,
just used a .38 caliber lever action rifle
to beat some guy with a MAC-1O Submachinegun, set on fully automatic.

Mr. Dillon hit 9 targets with 9 rounds-- perfect -- and faster
than a submachinegun!!!

Wed 13 Jun, 2012 08:01 pm
We lead the world in our prison population not because of the numbers of firearms floating around but the harsh punishments and long long sentences that we love to hand out compare to the rest of the world.

We lead the world because of a prison-industrial complex bound up with unions, the demoKKKrat party which always travels with unions, private companies operating prisons, corrupt judges who those companies pay to send them as many people as possible, and an "adversarial" system of justice in which prosecutors have money/career incentives to simply send people to prison and infinite operational budgets to use against public defenders.
Wed 13 Jun, 2012 08:07 pm
My sympathies are with the children these criminals sexually exploit for their masturbatory needs....

If we actually lived in a fairytale world where I could trust you and your ilk to stop at that point, I might not totally agree with it but I could live with it, again I have no use whatsoever for perverts.

But we all know that we don't live in a world like that. We all know that in the real world which we DO live in, the next thing people will go to jail for will be pictures of knives and guns, pictures of the atom bomb over Hiroshima, pictures of dogs killing cats, pictures of cats killing mice, nostalgic pictures of a hydroelectric dam which had to be dynamited for the sake of salmon or lizards, and on and on and on.

I'd just as soon stop this **** at whatever it's on TODAY.
Wed 13 Jun, 2012 08:12 pm
He has drawn two .45 caliber revolvers simultaneously (shown in video)
and hit 1O targets within 3 seconds. HE IS AN AMERICAN!!!

I have respect for youth.

You know the story of Annie Oaklie I assume... As a girl she mastered the art of shooting waterfowl with rifles instead of shotguns and was selling them to restaurants which paid premiums for ducks and geese with no lead shot left in them (the bullets went through) for customers to break teeth on.
0 Replies
Wed 13 Jun, 2012 08:18 pm
Have you given any thought as to how you'd choose between dealing with Jerry Sandusky and dealing with Janet Reno, hailed by libtards as the most major protector of children since Christ and St. George?

I mean, you're ten or eleven years old, and Jerry's standing there with a paddle, two or three bottles of mazola oil and a few bottles of whipped cream and some Marichino cherries and Janet's standing there with five cannisters of napalm and the judge tells you you have to leave with one of them, which way does it go?

Wed 13 Jun, 2012 08:21 pm

Yet another child (Elian Gonzales) being rescued by one of Janet Reno's henchmen.
Wed 13 Jun, 2012 08:33 pm

I was THINKing that, Gunga,
but I dunno where to find the picture, nor how to post it.

Thank u for posting it.
Elian will live his life in communist slavery
because of the decision of Janet Reno.

If someone commits murder in America,
he will probably get out of prison faster than Elian, who remains innocent.

Poor, Elian. The henchman with the MP5 wud probably be crying too,
if HE were being deported into a life of slavery.

0 Replies
Wed 13 Jun, 2012 08:47 pm
If we actually lived in a fairytale world where I could trust you and your ilk to stop at that point, I might not totally agree with it but I could live with it, again I have no use whatsoever for perverts.

But we all know that we don't live in a world like that. We all know that in the real world which we DO live in, the next thing people will go to jail for will be pictures of knives and guns, pictures of the atom bomb over Hiroshima, pictures of dogs killing cats, pictures of cats killing mice, nostalgic pictures of a hydroelectric dam which had to be dynamited for the sake of salmon or lizards, and on and on and on.

Not far off ,as congress had been trying to get laws pass that the courts will allow that outlaw unreal child porn IE CG where the excuse that it poor children victims who are being re-victimized by the porn does not apply as there was never any children.

You know first you go after groups that no one care for such as pedophiles, or not that long ago homosexuals and Jews and take away their rights and freedoms and then you go for the second line of dislike and hated groups.

I would love to live in a society where we could ban such distasteful things such as child porn and not wake up tomorrow to find that had open the door for more and more control by the government.

In England where they tend to be more sane then the US but not having the constitution bill of rights to slow them down are going after the S&M community by way of outlawing their porn.
0 Replies
Wed 13 Jun, 2012 08:52 pm
Yes a true rescue where the kid was taken away from his drunken non-working uncle and the man crazy daughter and return to his father against the wishes of a lawless mob that surrounded the home.

For once the feds did the right thing.

A man had the right to raise his own son no matter what we think of the government he live under and support.
Wed 13 Jun, 2012 09:01 pm
gungasnake wrote:
Have you given any thought as to how you'd choose between dealing with Jerry Sandusky and dealing with Janet Reno, hailed by libtards as the most major protector of children since Christ and St. George?

I mean, you're ten or eleven years old, and Jerry's standing there with a paddle, two or three bottles of mazola oil and a few bottles of whipped cream and some Marichino cherries and Janet's standing there with five cannisters of napalm and the judge tells you you have to leave with one of them, which way does it go?
Well, as foul, repugnant, horrible & depraved as what he is alleged to have done was,
at least he has not been accused of killing anyone.
His alleged victims all survived without being burned to death.

It surprizes me A LOT,
that any of the putative victims (let alone ALL of them)
were willing to consort with him if he were sodomizing them,
at either end of their respective alimentary canals.

I woud imagine that the pain involved probably woud be INTOLERABLE,
and not an acceptable cost of attending sporting events, but then,
I must admit that I never saw any value in competitive athletic ballgames. Thay did.

Wed 13 Jun, 2012 09:06 pm
Been keeping up with the Zimmerman case?


0 Replies
Wed 13 Jun, 2012 09:31 pm
The kid's mother died getting him out of that hellhole...

Aside from that, again in the real world, there is zero possibility of somebody like Janet Reno ever doing anything for a decent purpose. She could be feeding the poor or sheltering the homeless and there would be some evil motive for it, which would turn up if you dug deep enough, and the government kidnapping of Elian Gonzales had nothing to do with trying to help the kid's father or anything like that and everything to do with appeasing Castro.
Wed 13 Jun, 2012 09:48 pm
The kid's mother died getting him out of that hellhole...

The mother die trying to go with her boyfriend to the US and risking her son life by taking him along.

In any case if the situation had been reverse and the mother had taken the child on a dangerous trip to Cuba from the US without the knowledge or permission of the father and having died doing so and the Cuban government would had then even dream of placing the child in a home of a worthless drunk and refused to give the child back you would had been yelling for blood.

Every parent had the right to raise his or her child where they care to do so period and the surviving parent along with both sets of grandparents in this case wish him return to Cuba.

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